29 research outputs found

    Predicting Happiness - Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques Performance on a Multiclass Classification Problem

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    In the modern world, especially in contemporary economies and politics, a population\u27s subjective well-being is a frequent subject of the public debate. As comparisons of happiness levels in different countries are published, different circumstances and their effect on the value of the subjective well-being reported by people are also analysed. However, a significant amount of the research related to subjective well-being and its determinants is still based upon survey answers and employing conventional statistical methods providing details regarding correlations and causality between different factors and subjective well-being. Application of Supervised Machine Learning techniques for prediction of subjective well-being may provide new ways of understanding how individual factors contribute to the concept value and allow for addressing any issues, which may potentially affect mental and physical health. The focus of this research is to use the survey data and make predictions regarding subjective well-being (a multiclass target) using Supervised Machine Learning models. In particular, the study is aimed at comparing the performance of two techniques: Decision Tree and Neural Networks. The „C4.5 algorithm‟ used by the Decision Trees is considered as the benchmark algorithm, to which other supervised learning algorithms should be compared. At the same time, Neural Networks were previously proven to have high predictive power, even with multiclass categorisation problems. Two experiments are conducted as part of this research, one using original highly imbalanced data; the other using the dataset balanced using SMOTE. The experimental results gathered show that for the first experiment there is no statistically significant difference (

    Analysis of the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency in different age groups - a review of the literature

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    Introduction and purpose  Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the process of erythropoiesis and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Its source for humans is food, in particular meat, eggs and shellfish. Cobalamin deficiency is a common problem among both geriatric and younger patients. The aim of this review is to analyze the causes of the deficit, to compare its incidence in different age groups and to try to explain potential differences between the groups. A brief description of the state knowledge Cobalamin deficiency can result from many different reasons, such as Addison-Biermer disease, damage to the ileum, use of metformin or proton pump inhibitors, insufficient supply in the diet, and less often genetic disorders. The deficiency phenomenon is more common in the elderly compared to other age groups, especially male patients with multiple comorbidities or in long-term care facilities. On the other hand, among younger people, a higher incidence is observed in the case of high body weight or height. Summary Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common clinical problem, especially among geriatric patients. Most often, cobalamin deficiency may result from reasons related to its improper absorption or deficiency in the diet, while the factors contributing to the deficiency vary depending on the age group. Elderly patients, especially those with additional risk factors, should be carefully monitored for vitamin B12 deficiency

    Tibolone among drugs in the therapy of postmenopausal women

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    The ageing of society is undoubtedly a success, but also a challenge of modern medicine. Postmenopausal women struggle with many health problems, and their treatment recommended so far is often associated with many side effects such as the increased risk of hormone-dependent tumours or thromboembolism. The purpose of this article is to discuss the effects of a relatively new drug called tibolone against the currently recommended treatment. The unique mechanism of estrogenic, progestogenic, and androgenic action of tibolone is due to the breakdown of the parent compound into 3 active metabolites, each selectively acting on different tissues differently. Tibolone is approved for the relief of menopausal symptoms and its effectiveness is similar to that of hormone replacement therapy and the prevention of osteoporosis. The article will also discuss the results of various studies on the risk of cancer during treatment with tibolone, especially in comparison to hormone replacement therapy. Tibolone affects also the cardiovascular system, including reducing the level of lipoprotein a, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL. Tibolone also has a neuroprotective effect and improves mood and libido. Like all medicines, tibolone is not free from side effects such as weight gain, vaginal bleeding, hirsutism, and inflammation of the reproductive organs, so the benefits and risks of therapy should always be considered. There are still no clear conclusions regarding many aspects of the influence of tibolone on the patient’s body, therefore large studies are needed to assess the effectiveness and safety of tibolone

    The problem of anemia in elderly patients

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    Introduction and purpose:  As healthcare develops, life expectancy increases. This makes anemia of the elderly an increasingly common problem. The appearance of this disease is influenced by many factors related to the aging process of the organism. The purpose of this study is to review information about the different mechanisms of anemia development in the elderly and to present the associated difficulties in medical practice. Description of the state of knowledge: Many different factors can affect the process of anemia. The causes of this disorder include chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer and nutritional deficiencies. Endocrine status is also important. The chronic inflammatory process may induce haemolysis and lead to the increased synthesis of hepcidin, which by blocking the activity of ferroportin leads to a decrease in the level of iron ions in the blood. Deficiency anemia often results from reduced appetite, inadequate quality of meals, chronic inflammation or taking medications without consulting a doctor. The consequence is a reduced level of iron and vitamin B12 and folic acid, which play a role in erythropoiesis. The hormones that play a significant role in the process of making red blood cells include erythropoietin, testosterone and thyroid hormones. Summary:  Anemia is a common problem among geriatric patients and one of the factors contributing to the increase in mortality in this age group. In medical care it is difficult to distinguish which symptoms are pathological and which are related to the natural aging process, overlapping symptoms of many diseases and related diagnostic problems. Diagnostics is a particular challenge due to the multi-morbidity, which is associated with taking many drugs with different mechanisms of action and side effects.  Keywords: anemia; aging; comorbidity; nutrient-deficiency anemia; inflammatio

    Care for an elderly person after lower limb amputation

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    Introduction: Although currently less major amputation is performed, due to more effective revascularization and endovascular treatment, limbs amputations are still necessary and commonly used as a therapeutic method. Amputation of the lower limb is associated with long-term hospitalization, treatment, rehabilitation and a high level of mortality among older people. For the elderly, additionally suffer from number of chronic diseases, who for various reasons amputation of the limb is the only possible treatment option, recommendations regarding further care after such surgery are important. Results: Causes of lower limb amputation include ia. non-traumatic reasons like diabetes or infection and traumatic ones. Frequency of removal of the lower limb, regardless of its reason is estimated about 5.6 to 600 per 100,000 people and the percentage is about 20 times higher in diabetes-suffering people than in non-diabetic. In the case of this disease, amputations mainly concern men over 60 years of age, as well as people who have been subject to hospital treatment many times. Care for a patient who is prepared to amputation procedure include pre- and post-operative rehabilitation, prosthesis of amputated limb, psychological care, patient education and also pharmacotherapy. It is important to give to patient enoxaparin to reduce thromboembolic risk. To increase quality of life after amputation it is important to provide adequate nursing care. Discussion: Other overlooked diseases, which can lead to lower limb amputation are ia. Charcot disease. Proper diagnosis, differentiation and treatment process is extremely important cause can allow patient to avoid the amputation. Conclusion: Gathered recommendations for correct, high-quality, multi-faceted medical care for patients after amputation of the lower limb will improve the quality of medical services for this group of patients

    Laboratory tests in geriatric patients - an overview of the latest reports

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    Laboratory tests are extremely important in patient’s monitoring and/or diagnosing. We described those that are particularly significant for elderly patients, namely: peripheral blood morphology, arterial blood gasometry, cancer markers. The aim of this article is to summarize current knowledge about laboratory tests important in geriatrics, as well as draw attention to the diverse use of laboratory tests in clinical practise

    Ustawa o zniewagach z 28 grudnia 1831 r. Wielkiego Księstwa Badenii

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    Act on Insults of 28 December 1831 of the Grand Duchy of BadenThe subject of the article is the Act on Insults of 1831 of the Grand Duchy of Baden. The discussion of the Act’s content was preceded by an analysis of the legal status in this field since 1803 until the introduction of the Act and the presentation of its genesis. Baden became the first German- -language country which regulated the issue of protection of honour in a separate act. Moreover, Baden introduced a qualified form of violation in this area, committed against or by persons connected with the bureaucratic apparatus. Libertarian tendencies and provisions of the Act that were their manifestation contributed to the increase in the number of court proceedings in this regard.Das Gesetz des Großfürstentums Baden vom 28. Dezember 1831 über die EhrenkränkungenGegenstand des Artikels ist das Badener Gesetz von 1831 über die Ehrenkränkungen. Der Besprechung des Inhalts des Gesetzes gingen voran: die Analyse der Rechtslage in diesem Bereich ab dem Jahr 1803 bis zur Einführung dieses Gesetzes und die Darstellung seiner Genese. Baden war das erste deutschsprachige Land, das die Fragen des Ehrenschutzes in einer gesonderten Rechtsakte geregelt hat. Darüber hinaus hat es eine qualifi zierte Form der Verletzung in diesem Bereich eingeführt, im Bezug auf Personen, entweder als Betroffene oder Verursacher, die mit dem Beamtentum verbunden waren. Die Freiheitstendenzen, die in den Vorschriften des Gesetzes zum Ausdruck kamen, führten dazu, dass die Zahl der diesbezüglichen Gerichtsverfahren stieg.Act on Insults of 28 December 1831 of the Grand Duchy of BadenThe subject of the article is the Act on Insults of 1831 of the Grand Duchy of Baden. The discussion of the Act’s content was preceded by an analysis of the legal status in this field since 1803 until the introduction of the Act and the presentation of its genesis. Baden became the first German- -language country which regulated the issue of protection of honour in a separate act. Moreover, Baden introduced a qualified form of violation in this area, committed against or by persons connected with the bureaucratic apparatus. Libertarian tendencies and provisions of the Act that were their manifestation contributed to the increase in the number of court proceedings in this regard.Das Gesetz des Großfürstentums Baden vom 28. Dezember 1831 über die EhrenkränkungenGegenstand des Artikels ist das Badener Gesetz von 1831 über die Ehrenkränkungen. Der Besprechung des Inhalts des Gesetzes gingen voran: die Analyse der Rechtslage in diesem Bereich ab dem Jahr 1803 bis zur Einführung dieses Gesetzes und die Darstellung seiner Genese. Baden war das erste deutschsprachige Land, das die Fragen des Ehrenschutzes in einer gesonderten Rechtsakte geregelt hat. Darüber hinaus hat es eine qualifi zierte Form der Verletzung in diesem Bereich eingeführt, im Bezug auf Personen, entweder als Betroffene oder Verursacher, die mit dem Beamtentum verbunden waren. Die Freiheitstendenzen, die in den Vorschriften des Gesetzes zum Ausdruck kamen, führten dazu, dass die Zahl der diesbezüglichen Gerichtsverfahren stieg

    Towards assisted rationality switching in negotiations

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    The text attempts to provide a comprehensive outlook on negotiation processes and support procedures, by deriving a mathematical description based on psychological and managerial context. The authors merge psychological and formal descriptions of the principles underlying the perception of rationality in negotiation problems. The framework allows for explaining the violation of perceived rationality as a result of the deprivation of human needs. The argument, supported by pilot experiments, allows for recommending a procedural approach to negotiation, focused on monitoring perceptions of rationality of proposal submission. The paper is concluded with an attempt to foresight further developments of theoretical investigations and expansion of application fields

    Kilka uwag o problematyce komunikatywności tekstów prawnych

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    Some remarks on the issue of law’s articulatenessLegal language is a specific code that is used by the legislator to regulate social relations. This specific code helps law come to life. While it should reach to all of us, in practice it is understood by minority of our society. The code, whose users employ three times fewer words than the national language users do and build sentences about four times longer. Characteristics of the legal language create the need of the legislator to pay more attention to his creative work than the users of any other language. Correct legal writing means striking a balance between two different values. Legal texts need to be plain and understandable for as many people as possible but on the other hand the reality should be described precisely to the maximum. Awareness of those characteristics enables to pass a law that is clear, precise, comprehensible and flexible for the future. If the legislator follows not only the rules of correct legislation, but also the rules of the language correctness, his communication with people under his jurisdiction becomes fast and trouble-free. At the same time, it ensures a stability of law and gives citizens a feeling of legal safety. The present situation, where legal acts become clear and understandable after their interpretation by jurisprudence and doctrine, leaves much to be desired.First of all, a solution to the problem of linguistic correctness of legislation in Poland should include raising linguistic competence of persons involved in the legislative process. It is necessary to create a unit which will be responsible for the linguistic sphere of law. The legislator should engage in the legislation process a widest possible group of people who could pay attention to any ambiguities and contradictions in the legal texts. Studying legal language should also be a compulsory element of law studies in our country. The legislator should understand that it is worth spending a little more time to create a correct, understandable legal texts because the brightness and clarity of the law is a fundamental condition to state about its compliance with the rule of democratic right’s state.Some remarks on the issue of law’s articulatenessLegal language is a specific code that is used by the legislator to regulate social relations. This specific code helps law come to life. While it should reach to all of us, in practice it is understood by minority of our society. The code, whose users employ three times fewer words than the national language users do and build sentences about four times longer. Characteristics of the legal language create the need of the legislator to pay more attention to his creative work than the users of any other language. Correct legal writing means striking a balance between two different values. Legal texts need to be plain and understandable for as many people as possible but on the other hand the reality should be described precisely to the maximum. Awareness of those characteristics enables to pass a law that is clear, precise, comprehensible and flexible for the future. If the legislator follows not only the rules of correct legislation, but also the rules of the language correctness, his communication with people under his jurisdiction becomes fast and trouble-free. At the same time, it ensures a stability of law and gives citizens a feeling of legal safety. The present situation, where legal acts become clear and understandable after their interpretation by jurisprudence and doctrine, leaves much to be desired.First of all, a solution to the problem of linguistic correctness of legislation in Poland should include raising linguistic competence of persons involved in the legislative process. It is necessary to create a unit which will be responsible for the linguistic sphere of law. The legislator should engage in the legislation process a widest possible group of people who could pay attention to any ambiguities and contradictions in the legal texts. Studying legal language should also be a compulsory element of law studies in our country. The legislator should understand that it is worth spending a little more time to create a correct, understandable legal texts because the brightness and clarity of the law is a fundamental condition to state about its compliance with the rule of democratic right’s state

    Fizykochemiczne badanie oddziaływania wybranych związków interkalujących DNA z modelowymi układami błon biologicznych

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    Antybiotyki przeciwnowotworowe, w tym antracykliny są obecnie najskuteczniejszym i najczęściej wybieranym rodzajem terapii w onkologii. Mechanizm ich oddziaływania na poszczególne organelle i procesy w komórkach nowotworowych jest bardzo skomplikowany. Jednak wprowadzony do organizmu terapeutyk, zanim dotrze do wnętrza komórek musi w pierwszej kolejności pokonać barierę błony biologicznej, która chroni komórki oraz tkanki i narządy. Sposób przenikania leku do wnętrza komórek zależy od wielu czynników, w tym nie tylko od właściwości fizykochemicznych terapeutyku, ale w dużym stopniu na proces ten ma wpływ struktura i własności błony biologicznej. W przedstawionej rozprawie omówione zostały badania zmierzające do poznania sposobu transportu dwóch wybranych leków przeciwnowotworowych: doksorubicyny i mitoksantronu przez membrany biomimetyczne. Omawiane w pracy leki należą do najczęściej aplikowanych farmaceutyków w leczeniu nowotworów systemowych jednak wydaje się, że penetracja terapeutyku może prowadzić do zaburzeń struktury dwuwarstwy lipidowej skutkując trwałym uszkodzeniem błon komórkowych, szczególnie kardiomiocytów. Stąd też bardzo istotne jest zbadanie mechanizmu penetracji antracyklin do wnętrza komórki. Zastosowanie w opisanych badaniach szeregu membran modelujących naturalne błony biologiczne umożliwiło całościowy opis problematyki i szczegółowe poznanie procesu wnikania leków do komórki. W pierwszym, najobszerniejszym fragmencie pracy omówiłam sposób interakcji leku doksorubicyny z membranami biomimetycznymi tworzonymi metodą samoorganizacji, techniką Langmuira-Blodgett/Langmuira-Shaeffera oraz metodą fuzji liposomów. Druga część badań dotyczy odziaływania leku mitoksantron z układami wykazującymi analogię do błon komórkowych. W tym fragmencie pracy zrezygnowałam z wykorzystania techniki samoorganizacji oraz związków alkanotiolowych na korzyść techniki Langmuira oraz Langmuira-Blodgett. Różnorodność metod oraz związków stosowanych do otrzymywania błon biomimetycznych pozwoliła na wytworzenie struktur posiadających odmienne właściwości oraz zróżnicowany stopień podobieństwa do naturalnych błon biologicznych. Do otrzymywania membran metodą samoorganizacji wykorzystane zostały dwa związki posiadające różne grupy funkcyjne tj. merkaptoundekanol i dodekanotiol. Umożliwiło to otrzymanie na powierzchni złota dwóch układów wykazujących odmienne właściwości hydrofilowo-hydrofobowe oraz zbadanie wpływu tych właściwości na adsorpcję doksorubicyny i przenikanie do wnętrza struktur. W każdym przypadku modyfikacja elektrody alkanotiolem powoduje wytworzenie wysokiej bariery energetycznej dla leku. Eksperymenty elektrochemiczne połączone z pomiarami grawimetrycznymi oraz techniką SPR pokazują, iż doksorubicyna bardzo łatwo adsorbuje się na powierzchniach hydrofilowych, utrudniając dalszą penetrację leku do monowarstwy. Interakcja antracykliny z monowarstwami hydrofobowymi polega głównie na wnikaniu cząsteczek leku między łańcuchy węglowodorowe membrany. Przedstawione badania potwierdzają hipotezy występujące w literaturze, że cząsteczki doksorubicyny adsorbujące się na polarnych częściach lipidów utrudniają przenikanie leku poprzez membranę. Inną zastosowaną w pracy metodą tworzenia monowarstw biomimetycznych była technika Langmuira-Blodgett. Filmy Langmuira po przeniesieniu na podłoże substratu (warstwy Langmuira – Blodgett) stanowią idealny model błony komórkowej, ponieważ dwuwarstwa lipidowa będąca podstawą błony biologicznej jest złożeniem dwóch warstw monomolekularnych. W tym przypadku monitorowanie interakcji leków z membranami odbywało się na dwa sposoby: na powierzchni subfazy wanny Langmuira (filmy Langmuira) oraz po przeniesieniu warstw na substrat stały jak złoto, srebro czy mika (filmy Langmuira- Blodgett). Dwutorowość przeprowadzonych eksperymentów pozwoliła na określenie sposobu oddziaływania antracykliny z dwoma regionami membrany, jednym o charakterze hydrofilowym (warstwy Langmuira), drugim o charakterze hydrofobowym (monowarstwy L-B). Do tworzenia filmów wykorzystywane były zarówno związki przypominające budową lipidy jak i sam lipid-fosfatydylocholina, co umożliwiło stworzenie warstw o płynnej, luźnej strukturze i stopniu upakowania odzwierciedlającym budowę naturalnych błon biologicznych. Badania z zastosowaniem filmów Langmuira pokazują, że obydwa leki penetrują hydrofilowe głowy monowarstw i pomimo bardzo dobrej rozpuszczalności w wodzie wbudowują się w strukturę membrany na subfazie. Interakcje antybiotyków z monowarstwami po osadzeniu ich na substracie pozwoliły na określenie sposobu interakcji z hydrofobowymi „ogonami” węglowodorowymi w membranie. Okazuje się, że lek wnika w strukturę hydrofobową warstwy i w zależności od stopnia organizacji filmu możliwy jest różny stopień rotacji molekuł leku w membranie. Istnieje różnica w sposobie uwalniania leków z monowarstw L–B. Pomiary metodą woltamperometrii cyklicznej pokazują, że proces płukania powoduje usunięcie większości mitoksantronu z monowarstwy, co nie miało miejsca w przypadku pierwszego z badanych leków - doksorubicyny. Można to tłumaczyć inną budową cząsteczek obu antybiotyków. Występowanie w strukturze doksorubicyny aminocukru – daunozaminy stwarza większą zawadę przestrzenną i powoduje trudniejsze wychodzenie tego leku z membran. W przypadku dwuwarstwy lipidowej zarówno doksorubicyna jak i mitoksantron nie są w stanie całkowicie pokonać podwójnej struktury membrany. Pomiary elektrochemiczne dowodzą, że antybiotyki penetrują jedynie zewnętrzną część błony biomimetycznej. Wewnętrza warstwa lipidowa L-B/L-S, a także utworzona w wyniku fuzji liposomów powoduje odizolowanie leku od powierzchni elektrody, co uniemożliwia transport elektronów między cząsteczką antybiotyku a metalem. Podsumowując, badania przedstawione w mojej rozprawie doktorskiej pozwoliły określić sposób penetracji antybiotyków antracyklinowych do wnętrza biomimetycznych układów mono- i dwuwarstwowych w zależności od ich budowy i właściwości. Wyniki uzyskane podczas realizacji pracy doktorskiej zostały opublikowane w czasopismach międzynarodowych: Langmuir, Bioelectrochemistry oraz Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry