2,473 research outputs found

    Relationally Aggressive Media Exposure and Children’s Normative Beliefs: Does Parental Mediation Matter?

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    Research indicates that relationally aggressive media exposure is positively associated with relational aggression in children. Theories of media effects suggest that these associations may be mediated by aggressive cognitions. Although parental mediation can attenuate the effects of violent media, it is unknown whether there are similar benefits of parental mediation of relationally aggressive media. The current study examined concurrent and longitudinal associations between relationally aggressive television and movie exposure and normative beliefs about relational aggression, and whether parental mediation moderates these associations. Participants were 103 children (50% female) in grades 3-6 and their parents. The following year, 48 children (52% female) were again assessed. Relationally aggressive media exposure predicted concurrent relational aggression norms, even after controlling for physically aggressive media exposure and physical aggression norms. Relationally aggressive television and movie exposure predicted greater subsequent approval of relational aggression only among children whose parents engaged in low levels of active mediation

    Some Current Issues in the Statistical Analysis of Spillovers

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    Spillover phenomena are usually statistically estimated on the basis of regional and temporal panel data. In this paper we review and investigate exploratory and confirmatory statistical panel data techniques. We illustrate the methods by calculations in the stetting of the well known Research and Development Spillover study by Coe and Helpman (1995). It will be demonstrated that alternative estimation techniques that are well compatible with the data can lead to opposite conclusions.Panel data; fixed effects; random coefficients; DOLS; R&D spillover

    The jar of light and gold

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    My thesis is a work of creative non-fiction and fiction written for a young adult (10 to 13 and older) audience. There are two parallel narratives. The non-fiction narrative recounts my childhood growing up in Wills Point, Texas. Based around a number of images and conversations that are clear in my memory, these stories have a surreal quality to them, though they are factual. Within this storyline, the child narrator begins to filter her world through words. Telling other children stories and writing them in her journal, the narrator reflects on her surroundings and comes to terms with them through a created world. These sections, in italics are based on actual events, but are not the specific stories that were told or written in my youth. The fictional narrative is a retelling of Norwegian history as a troll mythology. As my child narrator grows older, the Norwegian nation also begins to grow. At the end, the two narratives are bound together

    Assessment of biomarker production by osteoarthritic osteochondral tissues and correlation to the biomechanical, biochemical, and histological properties

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis and is a significant cause of pain and disability worldwide. Treatment options available are only capable of controlling symptoms until progression to end-stage OA and qualifications for total knee replacement are met. To this regard, there is a strong need for the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic interventions targeting earlier stages before irreversible damage occurs. It is generally accepted that changes in the structural orientation, biochemical parameters, and biomechanical properties together with inflammation are the main contributors to the development and progression of OA. Early stages of OA are characterized by alterations in the microscopic structure and microenvironment of the cartilage progressing to irreversible macroscopic tissue damage. Paralleling and in response to these changes, chondrocytes become activated, increasing the production of proteins involved in the degradation and synthesis of extracellular matrix (ECM) components and those involved in inflammation, which could serve as relevant biomarkers

    Das GrĂĽndungsverhalten Ă„lterer: Eine empirische Analyse mit den Daten des GrĂĽnderpanels des IfM Bonn

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    Die Bevölkerung in Deutschland wird, wie in nahezu allen anderen Industrienationen, in den nächsten Jahrzehnten erheblich altern und zahlenmäßig schrumpfen. Diese als demografischer Wandel bezeichnete Entwicklung wird auch Auswirkungen auf das zukünftige Gründungsgeschehen haben. Denn die gründungsschwache Altersgruppe der über 45-Jährigen nimmt immer weiter zu, bei gleichzeitiger Abnahme der gegenwärtig gründungsstarken jüngeren Altersklassen. Mehrere Studien schätzen, dass der demografisch bedingte Rückgang der Gründungszahlen bis zum Jahr 2050 bis zu knapp 30 % betragen könnte. Ob dieser Rückgang tatsächlich eintreten wird, hängt allerdings entscheidend davon ab, wie sich das altersspezifische Gründungsverhalten in den kommenden Dekaden entwickeln wird. Um diese Fragen beantworten zu können, ist zunächst jedoch mehr Wissen über die aktuellen altersspezifischen Gründungsdeterminanten notwendig. Mit der Analyse solcher altersspezifischen Gründungsdeterminanten hat sich die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass sich jüngere und ältere Gründer stark unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse liefern allerdings auch erste Hinweise, wie das Gründungsverhalten der Älteren beeinflusst werden kann. --

    A self consistent chemically stratified atmosphere model for the roAp star 10 Aquilae

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    Context: Chemically peculiar A type (Ap) stars are a subgroup of the CP2 stars which exhibit anomalous overabundances of numerous elements, e.g. Fe, Cr, Sr and rare earth elements. The pulsating subgroup of the Ap stars, the roAp stars, present ideal laboratories to observe and model pulsational signatures as well as the interplay of the pulsations with strong magnetic fields and vertical abundance gradients. Aims: Based on high resolution spectroscopic observations and observed stellar energy distributions we construct a self consistent model atmosphere, that accounts for modulations of the temperature-pressure structure caused by vertical abundance gradients, for the roAp star 10 Aquilae (HD 176232). We demonstrate that such an analysis can be used to determine precisely the fundamental atmospheric parameters required for pulsation modelling. Methods: Average abundances were derived for 56 species. For Mg, Si, Ca, Cr, Fe, Co, Sr, Pr, and Nd vertical stratification profiles were empirically derived using the ddafit minimization routine together with the magnetic spectrum synthesis code synthmag. Model atmospheres were computed with the LLModels code which accounts for the individual abundances and stratification of chemical elements. Results: For the final model atmosphere Teff=7550 K and log g=3.8 were adopted. While Mg, Si, Co and Cr exhibit steep abundance gradients Ca, Fe and Sr showed much wider abundance gradients between log tau_5000=-1.5 and 0.5. Elements Mg and Co were found to be the least stratified, while Ca and Sr showed strong depth variations in abundance of up to ~ 6 dex.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figure

    The neuroscience of face processing and identification in eyewitnesses and offenders

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    Werner N-S, KĂĽhnel S, Markowitsch HJ. The neuroscience of face processing and identification in eyewitnesses and offenders. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2013;7: 189.Humans are experts in face perception. We are better able to distinguish between the differences of faces and their components than between any other kind of objects. Several studies investigating the underlying neural networks provided evidence for deviated face processing in criminal individuals, although results are often confounded by accompanying mental or addiction disorders. On the other hand, face processing in non-criminal healthy persons can be of high juridical interest in cases of witnessing a felony and afterward identifying a culprit. Memory and therefore recognition of a person can be affected by many parameters and thus become distorted. But also face processing itself is modulated by different factors like facial characteristics, degree of familiarity, and emotional relation. These factors make the comparison of different cases, as well as the transfer of laboratory results to real live settings very challenging. Several neuroimaging studies have been published in recent years and some progress was made connecting certain brain activation patterns with the correct recognition of an individual. However, there is still a long way to go before brain imaging can make a reliable contribution to court procedures

    Die Opportunitätskosten der sozialen Absicherung für Selbstständige in Deutschland: Simulationsrechnungen für ausgewählte Fallgruppen

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    Das IfM Bonn hat anhand von umfangreichen Simulationsrechnungen die Kosten der sozialen Absicherung geschätzt, die sich hierzulande aus dem Wechsel eines abhängig Beschäftigten in die berufliche Selbstständigkeit ergeben. Dabei wurde die individuelle Perspektive des abhängig Beschäftigten gewählt und das Jahresbruttoeinkommen als Basis für die Simulationsrechnungen verwendet. Arbeitgeberbeiträge zur Sozialversicherung fanden keine Berücksichtigung. Die Schätzungen umfassen verschiedene Einkommensstufen und Gruppen von Arbeitnehmern, die sich in den Merkmalen Geschlecht, Alter und Familienstand unterscheiden. Unter Opportunitätskosten werden dabei solche Kosten verstanden, für die ein potenzieller Selbstständiger zusätzlich aufkommen muss, wenn er das gleiche Niveau an sozialer Absicherung erhalten möchte wie in einem abhängigen Beschäftigungsverhältnis. Die Analysen zeigen, dass in der weit überwiegenden Zahl der untersuchten Fälle die Entscheidung für die Selbstständigkeit mit Opportunitätskosten einhergeht. Für ältere Arbeitnehmer, Familien mit Kindern und solche mit einem geringen Einkommen ist die soziale Absicherung in der Selbstständigkeit in der Regel mit finanziellen Nachteilen verbunden. Jüngere Männer und einkommensstarke Singles können sich grundsätzlich kostengünstiger in der Selbstständigkeit absichern. --
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