614 research outputs found

    The Effects of Affective Arousal on Color Perception and Memory

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    The link between affective arousal, color perception, and color memory was explored by inducing fear, sadness, or embarrassment in 158 participants who them completed a color perception and memory task. It was predicted that participants experiencing fear or embarrassment would more often correctly identify and remember red and green than a neutral condition whereas experiencing sadness would lead to less correct identification and memory for blue and yellow than neutral. There was only a marginally significant effect of fear on color memory for red. In the low arousal condition, there was an effect of fear on color memory for green and a marginally significant effect for red. Color perception and color memory scores were correlated for all colors except green. No direct effect of arousal level on color perception was found, however there may be an effect mediated by other factors. Red color memory may be modulated by fear

    An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Data Quality and its Antecedents on Data Warehousing

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    Data warehousing is a topic of great interest in the business community, due to increasing business intelligence demands, coupled with increased data availability and processing capability. Despite large financial backing of data warehousing implementations, many fail. Little research has been conducted pertaining to data warehousing success. Traditional system success models (DeLone and McLean, 1992; Seddon, 1997) may be extensible to data warehousing, provided both infrastructure and business application aspects of the implementation are carefully considered, and provided increased attention is paid to the antecedents of data and system quality. Wixom and Watson (2001) conducted an empirical study examining the antecedents to data and system quality to data warehousing success, but found no statistically significant support for the data quality antecedents proposed. This paper reviews system success and data quality literature and proposes a new model for data warehousing success. The new model extends traditional system success models to data warehousing, but proposes a new set of data quality antecedents, which can be empirically examined

    Examination of Organizational Information Security Strategy: A Pilot Study

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    The prevailing approach to cyber security continues to be the implementation of controls—technical, formal, and informal. We have seen little departure from a fundamentally preventive strategy. The criminal justice field has called for an increased emphasis on deterrence strategies, specifically Situational Crime Prevention (SCP). This paper presents the results of an exploratory (pilot) study based on interviews of CISOs (or approximate equivalents). We found that while the balance of controls does appear to be improving, technical controls are still the priority— particularly in small organizations. We found that IS security strategies are still predominantly preventive; organizations do not view offender deterrence as a strategy. The respondents definitely see room for strategic improvement. By and large, the information security professionals interviewed believe that cyber offenders are rational decision makers, that reducing anticipated benefit would be the most lucrative influence, followed by perceived effort required and perceived risk of being caught, in that order

    Insights into the origin of metazoan filopodia and microvilli.

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    Filopodia are fine actin-based cellular projections used for both environmental sensing and cell motility, and they are essential organelles for metazoan cells. In this study, we reconstruct the origin of metazoan filopodia and microvilli. We first report on the evolutionary assembly of the filopodial molecular toolkit and show that homologs of many metazoan filopodial components, including fascin and myosin X, were already present in the unicellular or colonial progenitors of metazoans. Furthermore, we find that the actin crosslinking protein fascin localizes to filopodia-like structures and microvilli in the choanoflagellate Salpingoeca rosetta. In addition, homologs of filopodial genes in the holozoan Capsaspora owczarzaki are upregulated in filopodia-bearing cells relative to those that lack them. Therefore, our findings suggest that proteins essential for metazoan filopodia and microvilli are functionally conserved in unicellular and colonial holozoans and that the last common ancestor of metazoans bore a complex and specific filopodial machinery

    José E. Igartua — Arvida au Saguenay. Naissance d'une ville industrielle

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    Frameup: An Incriminatory Attack on Storj: A Peer to Peer Blockchain Enabled Distributed Storage System

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    In this work we present a primary account of frameup, an incriminatory attack made possible because of existing implementations in distributed peer to peer storage. The frameup attack shows that an adversary has the ability to store unencrypted data on the hard drives of people renting out their hard drive space. This is important to forensic examiners as it opens the door for possibly framing an innocent victim. Our work employs Storj as an example technology, due to its popularity and market size. Storj is a blockchain enabled system that allows people to rent out their hard drive space to other users around the world by employing a cryptocurrency token that is used to pay for the services rendered. It uses blockchain features like a transaction ledger, public/private key encryption, and cryptographic hash functions – but this work is not centered around blockchain. Our work discusses two frameup attacks, a preliminary and an optimized attack, both of which take advantage of Storj\u27s implementation. Results illustrate that Storj allows a potential adversary to store incriminating unencrypted files, or parts of files that are viewable on people\u27s systems when renting out their unused hard drive space. We offer potential solutions to mitigate our discovered attacks, a developed tool to review if a person has been a victim of a frameup attack, and a mechanism for showing that the files were stored on a hard drive without the renter\u27s knowledge. Our hope is that this work will inspire future security and forensics research directions in the exploration of distributed peer to peer storage systems that embrace blockchain and cryptocurrency tokens
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