957 research outputs found

    Suicide Risk and School Related Stressors in Veterinary Students

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    Compared to the general population of the United States, veterinarians are at an increasingly higher risk for suicide. This is commonly associated with stressful work environments, long work hours, poor work-life balance, client demands and complaints, and large amounts of euthanasia procedures. While many studies have been performed to confirm the above statements, few to no studies have been done on students currently enrolled in veterinary school to assess their mental health. This study will survey graduate school students in this field and will evaluate their mental health state and risk factors towards suicide. Through comparing the results of this survey to previous studies on the mental health and suicide risk of licensed veterinarians, I am hoping to pinpoint when the increased risk starts. By pinpointing the trend beginning, programs will be able to target help and treatment options better suited for decreasing the rate of suicide among individuals in the field of veterinary medicine

    Location of Decimetric Pulsations in Solar Flares

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    This work investigates the spatial relation between coronal X-ray sources and coherent radio emissions, both generally thought to be signatures of particle acceleration. Two limb events were selected during which the radio emission was well correlated in time with hard X-rays. The radio emissions were of the type of decimetric pulsations as determined from the spectrogram observed by Phoenix-2 of ETH Zurich. The radio positions were measured from observations with the Nançay Radioheliograph between 236 and 432 MHz and compared to the position of the coronal X-ray source imaged with RHESSI. The radio pulsations originated at least 30 - 240Mm above the coronal hard X-ray source. The altitude of the radio emission increases generally with lower frequency. The average positions at different frequencies are on a line pointing approximately to the coronal hard X-ray source. Thus, the pulsations cannot be caused by electrons trapped in the flare loops, but are consistent with emission from a current sheet above the coronal sourc

    Reticulate Evolution and Marine Organisms: The Final Frontier?

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    The role that reticulate evolution (i.e., via lateral transfer, viral recombination and/or introgressive hybridization) has played in the origin and adaptation of individual taxa and even entire clades continues to be tested for all domains of life. Though falsified for some groups, the hypothesis of divergence in the face of gene flow is becoming accepted as a major facilitator of evolutionary change for many microorganisms, plants and animals. Yet, the effect of reticulate evolutionary change in certain assemblages has been doubted, either due to an actual dearth of genetic exchange among the lineages belonging to these clades or because of a lack of appropriate data to test alternative hypotheses. Marine organisms represent such an assemblage. In the past half-century, some evolutionary biologists interested in the origin and trajectory of marine organisms, particularly animals, have posited that horizontal transfer, introgression and hybrid speciation have been rare. In this review, we provide examples of such genetic exchange that have come to light largely as a result of analyses of molecular markers. Comparisons among these markers and between these loci and morphological characters have provided numerous examples of marine microorganisms, plants and animals that possess the signature of mosaic genomes

    Bis(μ-diisopropyl­phosphanido-κ2 P:P)bis­[hydrido(triisopropyl­phosphane-κP)platinum(II)]

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    In the centrosymmetric mol­ecular structure of the title compound [Pt2(C6H14P)2H2(C9H21P)2], each PtII atom is bound on one side to a phosphane ligand (PiPr3) and a hydrido ligand. On the other side, it is bound to two phosphanide ligands (μ-PiPr2), which engage a bridging position between the two PtII atoms, forming a distorted square-planar structure motif. The Pt⋯Pt distance is 3.6755 (2) Å. A comparable mol­ecular structure was observed for bis­(μ-di-tert-butyl­phosphanido)bis­[hydrido(triethyl­phosphane)platinum(II)] [Itazaki et al. (2004 ▶). Organometallics, 23, 1610–1621]

    Untersuchung von Ghrelin in Speichel, Sulkusflüssigkeit und Blut bei Parodontitis und unterschiedlichem Körpergewicht

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    Es wurde das Hormon Ghrelin im Speichel, der Sulkusflüssigkeit und im Blut bei Parodontitis und unterschiedlichem Körpergewicht untersucht. Geklärt werden sollte, ob Ghrelin ein Parodontitismarker sein kann.:I Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV II Tabellenverzeichnis VII III Abbildungsverzeichnis VIII 1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Ghrelin 1 1.1.1 Aufbau und Produktion 1 1.1.2 Funktion 4 1.2 Speichel 8 1.2.1 Aufbau und Produktion 8 1.2.2 Funktion 10 1.2.3 Speichel und Ghrelin 11 1.3 Sulkusflüssigkeit 13 1.3.1 Produktion und Funktion 13 1.3.2 Sulkusflüssigkeit und Ghrelin 14 1.4 Blutserum 15 1.4.1 Aufbau und Funktion 15 1.4.2 Serum und Ghrelin 15 1.5 Parodontitis und Abwehr 16 1.6 Körpergewicht und Entzündung 18 2. Ziele der Studie 20 3. Methoden/ Experiment 21 3.1 Patientenkollektiv 21 3.1.1 Einschlusskriterien 21 3.1.2 Ausschlusskriterien 22 3.1.3 Ethikantrag und Menschenrechtskonvention 22 3.2 Klinische Variablen 23 3.2.1 Bestimmung des Body-Mass-Index 23 3.2.2 Bestimmung des Approximalraum-Plaqueindex 23 3.2.3 Bestimmung des Sulkusblutungsindex 24 3.2.4 Bestimmung des Bluten auf Sondieren 24 3.2.5 Erhebung der Sondierungstiefen und Attachmentlevel 25 3.3 Gewinnung der Proben 26 3.3.1 Gewinnung von Speichel 26 3.3.2 Gewinnung von Sulkusflüssigkeit 26 3.3.3 Gewinnung von Blut 26 3.4 Untersuchung der Proben 27 3.4.1 Quantitative Ghrelinbestimmung durch enzymgekoppelten Immunadsorptionstest (ELISA) 27 3.4.2 Statistische Methoden 28 4. Ergebnisse 30 4.1 Gruppeneinteilung 30 4.2 Demografische und klinische Daten 32 4.3 Gruppenvergleiche 34 4.3.1 Parodontitis vs. parodontal gesund / Gingivitis 34 4.3.2 Parodontitis übergewichtig vs. normalgewichtig 36 4.3.3 Gesund / Gingivitis übergewichtig vs. normalgewichtig 38 4.3.4 Parodontitis übergewichtig vs. gesund / Gingivitis übergewichtig 40 4.3.5 Parodontitis normalgewichtig vs. gesund / Gingivitis normalgewichtig 42   5. Diskussion 44 5.1 Methoden und klinische Durchführung 44 5.2 Bewertung und Beurteilung der Ergebnisse 45 6. Zusammenfassung 56 7. Literaturverzeichnis 60 8. Anhang 75 8.1 Anamnesebogen 76 8.2 Einwilligungserklärung 77 8.3 Formblatt Parodontalstatus 79 8.4 Tabelle Patientendaten und Ergebnisse 80 9. Selbständigkeitserklärung 82 10. Lebenslauf 83 11. Publikationen 84 12. Danksagung 85

    Location of Narrowband Spikes in Solar Flares

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    Narrowband spikes of the decimeter type have been identified in dynamic spectrograms of Phoenix-2 of ETH Zurich and located in position with the Nancay Radioheliograph at the same frequency. The spike positions have been compared with the location of hard X-ray emission and the thermal flare plasma in soft X-rays and EUV lines. The decimetric spikes are found to be single sources located some 20" to 400" away from the flare site in hard or soft X-rays. In most cases there is no bright footpoint nearby. In at least two cases the spikes are near loop tops. These observations do not confirm the widely held view that the spike emission is produced by some loss-cone instability masering near the footpoints of flare loops. On the other hand, the large distance to the flare sites and the fact that these spikes are all observed in the flare decay phase make the analyzed spike sources questionable sites for the main flare electron acceleration. They possibly indicate coronal post-flare acceleration sites.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Compliance von Diabetikern

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    Cytochrome P450-catalyzed insertion of carbenoids into N–H bonds

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    Expanding nature’s catalytic repertoire to include reactions important in synthetic chemistry will open new opportunities for ‘green’ chemistry and biosynthesis. We demonstrate the first enzyme-catalyzed insertion of carbenoids into N–H bonds. This type of bond disconnection, which has no counterpart in nature, can be mediated by variants of the cytochrome P450 from Bacillus megaterium. The N–H insertion reaction takes place in water, provides the desired products in 26–83% yield, forms the single addition product exclusively, and does not require slow addition of the diazo component

    Les femmesdel’Encyclopédie font-elles partie du genre humain ?

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    Appliqué à l’ensemble de l’Encyclopédie numérisée, le logiciel Philologic met d’abord en évidence l’asymétrie, fréquentielle et sémantique, entre les termes les plus généraux qui désignent les deux moitiés du genre humain (homme, femme). L’éventuelle interprétation générique de l’homme est bloquée par la présence du nous énonciateur masculin. On étudie ensuite, avec le logiciel Weblex, un échantillon de l’Encyclopédie, qui concentre les emplois des termes espèce humaine, genre humain, humanité. Le nouveau sens du mot humanité commence à se faire jour. L’unité de l’espèce est affirmée dans les malheurs de son histoire passée ; elle est utilisée comme argument dans le débat sur l’esclavage et l’inégalité des races ; mais elle reste un postulat sans conséquence dans le débat sur l’inégalité des sexes.The Philologic programme applied to the whole of the digital Encyclopédie text, first brings out the frequential and semantic asymmetry between the most general terms designating the two halves of the human race (man, woman). The generic interpretation of man is blocked by the presence of us as a masculine enuncitor ? A second study of a sample of the work concentrating usages of the ternis human species, human race, humanity, was made using the Weblex programme ; we see that a new meaning of the word humanity is starting to appear. The unity of the species is proclaimed in the misfortunes of its history and it is used as an argument in the debate on slavery and racial inquality ; however it remains an unimportant postulate in the debate on the inequality of the sexes