42 research outputs found

    Efecto de los láseres de arseniuro de Galio-alumínio (655 y 830 NM) a baja potencia sobre neuro transmisión en la unión neuromuscular.

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    INTRODUCCIÓ: La teràpia amb làser a baixa potència (LLLT) a una longitud d'ona i fluència específica manté l'activitat electrofisiològica de nervis perifèrics lesionats en animals d'experimentació, preveu els canvis degeneratius i la formació de cicatrius en neurones motores lesionades de la medul·la espinal, així com accelera la regeneració dels nervis lesionats. El tractament de pacients amb diode làser d'infraroig proper redueix l'espasme muscular i al mateix temps s'ha descrit un augment de la mobilitat muscular.OBJECTIU: Estudiar l'efecte de la LLLT, 655 nm (vermell) i 830 nm (infraroig proper) en l'alliberació de neurotransmissor en la unió neuromuscular del diafragma de rata.MATERIAL i MÈTODE: Es van realitzar dos tipus d'estudi:1) In vitro en 60 músculs diafragmàtics amb els seus respectius nervis frènics2) In vivo en 20 músculs elevator longus de l'orella de ratolí. Els làsers eren diodes de Gallium-Aluminium-Arsenide (GaAlAs):a) 655 nm (vermell) a una densitat d'energia d'1 a 12 Jouls per centímetre quadrat b) 830 nm (infraroig proper) a una densitat d'energia de 4 a 12 J/cm2. 1) Control de la temperatura en el medi de manteniment de la mostra a les dosis màximes utilitzades, comprovant que no es produís cap tipus de modificació que pogués interferir en el registre dels potencials. 2) L'alliberació de neurotransmissor es va estudiar seguint la tècnica convencional de registre intracel·lular de potencial de membrana, en un medi amb concentracions altes de magnesi (bloqueig presinàptic) o curaritzat (bloqueig postsinàptic). Es va mesurar el contingut quàntic, l'amplitud, la latència i el temps mitjà dels potencials de placa terminal (EPPs). També es va analitzar la freqüència i l'amplitud dels potencials espontanis en miniatura, al voltant de la placa terminal (MEPPs). La facilitació de l'alliberació de neurotransmissor es va avaluar després de l'estímul d'un parell de polsos.3) Es va mesurar indirectament la transmissió de la pell de ratolí i la humana, així com la de la musculatura del ratolí per poder fer l'aproximació de quanta energia es necessita a la superfície per poder arribar fins a les sinapsi neuromuscular dels paquets musculars subcutanis.4) Amb la tècnica de neurografia es van avaluar els potencials d'acció compostos (PAMCs) amb dosis superficials d'entre 92,9 - 416,5 J/cm2. RESULTATS: La irradiació de la placa motora amb làser de 655 nm en les condicions dosimètriques testades en aquest estudi no va produir cap efecte estadísticament significatiu en cap dels paràmetres estudiats. El làser de 830 nm a 12 J/cm2 produeix un canvi estadísticament significatiu en la reducció del contingut quàntic (P=0.01) i en l'amplitud (P=0.04) dels EPPs. No s'observaren altres canvis significatius en la resta de paràmetres estudiats. Així com tampoc s'han observat canvis in vivo en els PAMCs ni amb 655 nm ni amb 830 nm als paràmetres estudiats.CONCLUSIÓ: El làser de 655 nm a les dosis testades no afecta, en condicions properes a la normalitat, el funcionament fisiològic de la sinapsi neuromuscular. Per això podem afirmar que la irradiació clínica de la pell o d'altres teixits, a aquesta longitud d'ona, no interfereix col·lateralment en la fisiologia de la sinapsi neuromuscular. El làser de 830 nm a les dosis testades afecta, en condicions properes a la normalitat, el funcionament fisiològic de la sinapsi neuromuscular en un mecanisme independent del calci. Per tant, podem afirmar que, sigui o no l'objectiu de tractament, la irradiació clínica, a aquesta longitud d'ona pot provocar un efecte de relaxació del múscul irradiat.BACKGROUND: Several recent papers report the efficacy of low energy laser radiation in the red and near-infra-red part of the spectrum in the stimulation and regeneration of tissue under normal and stressful conditions. Gallium-aluminum-arsenic (GaAlAs) lasers, which emit radiation in this region of the spectrum, can reduce spasms and increase neuromuscular activity. The molecular mechanisms of this process, however, are not well understood.OBJETIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of red (655 nm) and near infrared (830 nm) laser radiation on neurotransmission in the neuromuscular junctions of mice.METHODS: Experiments were undertaken on sixty diaphragm muscles and twenty elevating muscles of mouse ears. GaAlAs laser radiation (655 nm and 830 nm) with an energy density between 4 and 12 J/cm2 was employed. The liberation of neurotransmitters was studied through the conventional technique of intracellular measurement in muscles treated with curare or in a medium with a high magnesium concentration. Neurotransmission was evaluated as: 1) The quantum content, amplitude, latency of evoked end-plate potentials (EPPs).2) The frequency and amplitude of the spontaneous end-plate potentials (MEPPs).3) Short-term plasticity of the neurotransmitter release (fast facilitation). The objective of this study was to determine the effect of red (655 nm) and near infrared (830 nm) laser radiation on neurotransmission in the neuromuscular junctions of mice. Was also evaluated by paired pulse stimulation. 4) The compound muscular action potential (CMPA) was evaluated using the neurographic technique. RESULTS: The liberation of neurotransmitter from the motor end-plate in mice, did not present detectable modifications after GaAlAs laser irradiation at 655 nm. The 830 nm laser radiation at 12 J/cm2 promoted a significant reduction in the quantum content (P=0.01) and amplitude of the EPPs (P=0.04), but the latency, the spontaneous liberation of neurotransmitter (MEPPs) and the facilitation for paired pulse was unaltered. No alteration was observed in neuromuscular junctions irradiated with 4 and 12 J/cm2 and alterations were also not detected in CMPA (92.9-416.5 J/cm2).CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, irradiation with a diode laser emitting at 830 nm and an energy density of 12 J/cm2, can affect the liberation of neurotransmitter evoked in the motive terminal plate of mice in some situations. KEY- WORDS: Laser, GaAlAs, Neurophysiology, Neurography, MEPP, EP

    Time response of increases in muscle performance after Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in weight training practitioners

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    Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle performance. Nonetheless, ideal application parameters are not known yet. The interval from the laser application moment until the time of the exercise is amongst them. In addition, the literature does not offer adequate studies that analyse different interval times in the same test in humans. Thus, the present study proposes the examination of the two distinct intervals, from the irradiation moment to the instant of the exercise performance. Forty male volunteers were recruited and randomly divided into four groups - control, placebo, immediate laser and 10 min after laser – to participate in this study. The therapy was performed with laser at 830 nm, with a power of 30 mW, energy of 3 J, during a time of 100 seconds per point irradiation, in the belly of the biceps brachii muscle. The comparison of the groups consisted in the Max force analysis, muscular power and muscle fatigue tests executed in the isokinetic dynamometer, and the recruitment of fibers by electromyography surface (EMG) and blood lactate levels in the brachial biceps muscle of weight training practitioners. A significant level of 5% (p <0.05) was considered for data analysis. The parameters adopted in the application of LLT significantly increased muscle activity (RMS) in all protocols (peak force, power and muscular endurance). In addition, LLLT was also effective in maintaining muscle performance. It was concluded that the interval time from the moment of application of the LLLT until the performance of the exercise can influence in a different way the physical capacities tested.Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle performance. Nonetheless, ideal application parameters are not known yet. The interval from the laser application moment until the time of the exercise is amongst them. In addition, the literature does not offer adequate studies that analyse different interval times in the same test in humans. Thus, the present study proposes the examination of the two distinct intervals, from the irradiation moment to the instant of the exercise performance. Forty male volunteers were recruited and randomly divided into four groups - control, placebo, immediate laser and 10 min after laser – to participate in this study. The therapy was performed with laser at 830 nm, with a power of 30 mW, energy of 3 J, during a time of 100 seconds per point irradiation, in the belly of the biceps brachii muscle. The comparison of the groups consisted in the Max force analysis, muscular power and muscle fatigue tests executed in the isokinetic dynamometer, and the recruitment of fibers by electromyography surface (EMG) and blood lactate levels in the brachial biceps muscle of weight training practitioners. A significant level of 5% (p <0.05) was considered for data analysis. The parameters adopted in the application of LLT significantly increased muscle activity (RMS) in all protocols (peak force, power and muscular endurance). In addition, LLLT was also effective in maintaining muscle performance. It was concluded that the interval time from the moment of application of the LLLT until the performance of the exercise can influence in a different way the physical capacities tested


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    A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é a condição mais frequente de dor orofacial crônica. A DTM é caracterizada pela a presença de sinais e sintomas na região orofacial. A acupuntura e Terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI) vêm sendo empregadas no tratamento da DTM. A acupuntura consiste na inserção de agulhas em acupontos específicos do corpo para promover efeitos terapêuticos. A TLBI é uma modalidade de tratamento não invasiva, que vem sendo utilizada com frequência na prática clínica para o tratamento das DTM. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão de literatura, acerca da eficácia clinica do laser acupuntural em pacientes com a DTM. O emprego do laseracupuntural no tratamento das DTM favorece o controle antálgico, miorrelaxante e anti-inflamatório, no entanto, são necessárias novas pesquisas acerca do tema para determinar a eficácia do laser acupuntural em longo prazo para o tratamento de desordens temporomandibulares

    Dermatological diseases of compulsory notification in Brazil

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    A estruturação do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Brasil, em 1975, tornou obrigatória a notificação de algumas doenças transmissíveis com o objetivo de reduzir a carga destes eventos no país. Entretanto, as alterações no perfil epidemiológico destas doenças, associadas a características da sociedade contemporânea, determinam a constante adequação das atividades de vigilância a este cenário. Neste manuscrito, são descritos epidemiologia, tendências e diagnóstico diferencial das seguintes doenças dermatológicas de notificação compulsória no Brasil: aids, dengue, hanseníase, leishmaniose tegumentar americana, sarampo, rubéola e síndrome da rubéola congênita e sífilis. Também são apresentados os principais desafios atuais para o controle e prevenção para cada uma dessas doenças no BrasilThe development of a Brazilian National Surveillance System in 1975 led to a compulsory reporting of selected infectious diseases aiming to reduce the burden of these events in the country. However, shifts in the epidemiology of these diseases associated with modern life style, demand constant revision of surveillance activities. In this manuscript we present the epidemiology, trends and differential diagnosis of the following compulsory notifiable diseases in Brazil: Aids, dengue fever, hanseniasis, American tegumentary leishmaniasis, measles, rubella and congenital rubella syndrome and syphilis. Additionally, the current challenges for control and prevention of each disease are presente

    Treatment of postherpetic neuralgia with low-level laser irradiation: literature review

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    Aims: To perform a literature review on the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia with low-intensity laser irradiation. Methods: The review was conducted in November and December 2015 by searching the terms "herpes zoster", "neuralgia", "low-level laser therapy", and "low-intensity laser therapy" in the LILACS, SciELO, and Medline databases. Full articles published in Portuguese, English, German, or Spanish between 2008 and 2015 were included. Incomplete articles, those that did not directly address the topic of interest, and those appearing in the same or in different databases were excluded. In the latter case, only one article was included. Results: Thirty-two studies were selected using the search terms. After the application of the eligibility criteria, 15 studies were read; two of them were excluded for being available in more than one database and one was eliminated for not adding relevant information. Therefore, 11 studies were included in the review: five of them conducted in the United States, two in Brazil, two in Germany, and two in Italy. There were four clinical trials, two systematic reviews and five case reports. The 11 studies found positive results after laser application, especially reduction of pain, with only one article mentioning little reduction of neuralgia. In the three studies that reported the irradiation parameters, these have not been uniform, with a medium wavelength of 740.6 nm, a medium power of 28 mW and a medium time of irradiation per point of 53.4 seconds. There was great variation in the number of sessions, with an average of about 12 sessions on alternate days. Conclusions: The low-intensity laser therapy provided positive results to patients with postherpetic neuralgia, however there is no consensus about the parameters to be used. In view of the different protocols, it is important to perform new studies in order to standardize the low-intensity laser therapy parameters applied to postherpetic neuralgia

    Transformada wavelet na análise do efeito da terapia LED sobre a atividade do músculo masseter em mulheres com disfunção temporomandibular

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    AIMS: To present the wavelet transform as an alternative tool in the evaluation of the masseter muscle electrical activity in women with temporomandibular disorder after therapy with Light Emitting Diode (LED).METHODS: Five volunteers with temporomandibular disorder underwent four sessions of LED therapy. Electromyography of the masseter muscle was performed bilaterally before and after treatment. For analysing the electromyographic signals, the wavelet transform was applied in the Morlet function. RESULTS: In the scalogram, a decrease in the activation of the high-frequency fibers in the rest protocol and its increase in the isometric movement protocol were observed. In the analysis based on the RGB color system, we observed that in the right masseter muscle resting protocol, the moments of maximum energy intensities were reduced by 82% for frequencies of 256-512 Hz and by 42% for frequencies above 512 Hz. In the left masseter muscle the reduction was 42% in the frequency band of 256-512 Hz.CONCLUSIONS: Analysis by the wavelet transform allowed identification of physiological factors related not only to the activation of the masseter muscle, but also to the intensity and time / frequency relationship, as well as the main types of fibers activated during the protocols before and after LED therapy in patients with dysfunction temporomandibular.OBJETIVOS: Apresentar a transformada wavelet como uma ferramenta alternativa para o processamento dos sinais oriundos da eletromiografia quando utilizada na avaliação da atividade elétrica do músculo masseter de mulheres com disfunção temporomandibular. MÉTODOS: Cinco voluntárias com disfunção temporomandibular passaram por quatro sessões de terapia com diodo emissor de luz (LED, light emitting diode). A eletromiografia do músculo masseter foi realizada bilateralmente antes e após o tratamento, empregando um eletromiógrafo de dois canais. Na análise dos sinais eletromiográficos foi empregada a transformada wavelet na função Morlet.RESULTADOS: Nos escalogramas, observou-se a diminuição da ativação das fibras de alta frequência no protocolo de repouso e seu aumento no protocolo de movimento isométrico. Na análise baseada no sistema de cores RGB, foi possível observar que no protocolo de repouso do músculo masseter direito houve redução dos momentos de máxima intensidades de energia em 82% para frequências de 256-512 Hz e em 42% para frequências acima de 512Hz. No músculo masseter esquerdo a redução foi de 42% na banda de frequências de 256-512 Hz.CONCLUSÕES: A análise pela transformada wavelet permitiu identificar fatores fisiológicos relacionados não somente à ativação do músculo masseter, mas também à intensidade e à relação tempo/frequência, assim como os principais tipos de fibras ativadas durante os protocolos antes e após a terapia LED em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular


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    Mastite é o processo inflamatório de um ou mais segmentos da mama, que pode ou não progredir para infecção bacteriana. Suas taxas de ocorrência variam de 4% a 8,5% em todas as lactantes; e, os abscessos mamários em 5% a 11% dos casos, representando incidência de 0,4 a 0,5% de todas as lactantes. O tratamento clínico consiste no combate à infecção e no uso de analgésicos. Dentre as formas terapêuticas utilizadas para alívio da dor está a Terapia a Laser de Baixa Intensidade - TLBI; cuja eficácia na redução dos sintomas álgicos tem sido evidenciada por vários autores em diferentes especialidades; isto porque diversas reações teciduais podem ser obtidas; porém a escolha do comprimento de onda, dosagem e tempo de exposição estão relacionadas com alguns fatores intrínsecos da paciente, como nutrição tecidual e sistêmica, idade, e, sexo; o que justifica as diferentes respostas. O Laser possui propriedades que o diferenciam de outras fontes luminosas: monocromaticidade, coerência e colimação; e, como a resposta celular à fotoestimulação não está associada às suas propriedades específicas, como a coerência, permitiu - se o trabalho com fontes emissoras de luz não coerentes, como os Diodos Emissores de Luz - LEDs - dispositivos mais baratos, de fácil manuseio, e que operam com correntes elétricas relativamente baixas em comparação aos laseres. Poucos trabalhos foram realizados com o LED em reparo tecidual, não se observando o emprego desta ferramenta terapêutica em mastites, sendo, portanto, objeto de estudo desta revisão


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    Herpes simples é uma infecção ulcerativa mucocutânea viral, cujo agente etiológico é o vírus da família Herpesviridae [herpes simples tipo 1 (HSV-1) e tipo 2 (HSV-2)]. A herpes simples tipo 1 se relaciona às doenças orofaciais e a do tipo 2 a doenças genitais. Caracteriza-se pelo aparecimento de múltiplas vesículas, em geral agrupadas na mucosa, geralmente maiores e superficiais, que se rompem rapidamente, formando úlceras que podem coalecer. As úlceras são circunscritas por um halo eritematoso recobertas por uma membrana acinzentada. Considerando o emprego da terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI) em herpes simples e a restrita divulgação no meio clínico, este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar a efetividade desta no tratamento de HSV-1 labial. A partir de um caso clínico, foram discutidas as vantagens da abordagem clínica adotada em comparação com outras condutas terapêuticas relatadas na literatura. A TLBI proporcionou, no caso tratado, uma rápida melhora na reparação tecidual, ação anti-inflamatória e analgésica, além de diminuição do número de recidivas e retardo de novas manifestações