226 research outputs found

    Smoking, health related quality of life and economic evaluation

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    Background and aims The economic evaluation of tobacco control policies requires the adoption of assumptions about the impact of changes in smoking status on health related quality of life (HRQOL). Estimates for such impacts are necessary for different populations. This paper aims to test whether smoking status has an independent effect on HRQOL over and above the effect derived from the increased likelihood of suffering a tobacco related disease and to calculate utility values for the Spanish population. Methods Using data from the Spanish Encuesta Nacional de Salud of 2011-12, we estimate statistical models for HRQOL as measured by the EQ5D5L instrument as a function of smoking status. We include a comprehensive set of controls for biological clinical, lifestyle and socioeconomic characteristics. Results Smoking status has an independent, statistically significant effect on HRQOL. However, the size of the effect is small. The typical smoking related disease, such as lung cancer, is associated to a reduction in HRQOL about 5 times larger than the difference between current smokers and never smokers. Conclusion A realistic representation of the effects of smoking on HRQOL in economic evaluation should shy away from attributing large independent changes to quitting smoking or avoiding starting to smoke, since such changes are small once clinical conditions are controlled for. On the other hand, it is necessary to expand the set of classical smoking related diseases used in economic evaluation with other diseases for which new evidence showing a causal link to smoking exists.The authors are very grateful to Dr. Toni Mora for his invaluable help and support to finish this paper. This work was partially funded by the European Union’s FP7 program (The EQUIPT Project; grant agreement 602270) and partially by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the programme "Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016”. Grant ECO2013- 48217-C2-1 (http://invesfeps.ulpgc.es/en). The funders had no influence in the conduction of this study or the drafting of this manuscript

    Intervención con tic en educación física: el vídeo interactivo en la unidad didáctica de béisbol

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    La presente innovación educativa incorpora el vídeo interactivo como recurso didáctico en el 3o curso de la E.S.O., en la unidad didáctica de béisbol. El objetivo principal de la experiencia ha sido mejorar el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje, mediante la utilización del video interactivo, para que los alumnos obtuviesen un mayor aprendizaje de los aspectos tácticos del juego. El procedimiento metodológico tiene dos fases: una primera fase en la que el docente hace un trabajo de producción para elaborar el video interactivo; y una segunda fase, en la que los alumnos, en clase, ven el vídeo y resuelven los problemas y preguntas planteados en el mismo. Tras la aplicación de la experiencia los alumnos han mejorado los conocimientos tácticos del juego y han mostrado un gran interés al trabajar con el vídeo interactivo. The present educative innovation project incorporates the interactive video as a teaching resource in the in the didactic unit of baseball taught in the third course of the E.S.O. The aim of this experience was to improve the teaching-learning process by using the interactive video letting the students obtain a greater learning of the tactical aspects of the game. The methodological procedure has two phases: a first phase in which the teacher carries out a production work to elaborate the interactive video; and a second phase, in which the students see the video and solve the problems and questions that could be raised in class. After the application of the experience, students have improved the tactical knowledge and have shown a great interest in interactive video working

    Inhibitors of lipogenic enzymes as a potential therapy against cancer

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    Cancer cells rely on several metabolic pathways such as lipid metabolism to meet the increase in energy demand, cell division, and growth and successfully adapt to challenging environments. Fatty acid synthesis is therefore commonly enhanced in many cancer cell lines. Thus, relevant efforts are being made by the scientific community to inhibit the enzymes involved in lipid metabolism to disrupt cancer cell proliferation. We review the rapidly expanding body of inhibitors that target lipid metabolism, their side effects, and current status in clinical trials as potential therapeutic approaches against cancer. We focus on their molecular, biochemical and structural properties, selectivity and effectiveness and discuss their potential role as antitumor drugs. Keywords: cancer drugs; lipid metabolism; lipogenic enzyme inhibitors

    Actitud del consumidor frente a los alimentos genéticamente modificados

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    Uno de los grandes retos en materia de seguridad alimentaria con los que se enfrenta la sociedad del siglo XXI es la aparición de una gran variedad de nuevos alimentos entre los que se encuentran los alimentos genéticamente modificados. Sin embargo, el futuro de estos alimentos va a depender de cómo sean percibidos por los consumidores y de la aceptación de los mismos. En este trabajo se analiza el grado de conocimiento que el consumidor de la Región de Murcia tiene sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados y el nivel de aceptación de los mismos. Los resultados muestran que el consumidor de la Región de Murcia carece de conocimientos suficientes sobre este tipo de alimentos, lo que lo lleva a considerarlos poco seguros. Pero a pesar de ello, manifiesta una actitud positiva frente a su consumo. Lo que hemos podido concluir en este estudio es que el nivel de conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados es bajo y que a mayor conocimiento, mayor aceptación de los mismos.One of the challenges in food security in this century is the growth of new food as food genetically modified. However, the future of these products will be link to Consumer acceptation. The main aim of this article was to analyze the knowledge and acceptation of these products in Murcia. Results showed that these consumers don�t know very well this kind of products and in consequence, GMO are perceived as not very safe even though they show a positive behavior to eat them. Despite of the low knowledge level showed by these consumers, a positive correlation between knowledge level and acceptation has been found: The higher knowledge, the higher acceptability

    Population structure and habitat assessment for two commercial clam species exploited in small-scale fisheries

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    Small-scale fisheries play a crucial role in providing food and jobs in local communities worldwide. Nonetheless, their environmental impact remains poorly understood. To assess the effect of different levels of harvesting pressure on clam population dynamics, we selected three areas for study within each of three intertidal shellfish beds (in NW Spain) on the basis of historical harvesting pressure. The abundance (up to 149 ind m −2 ) of the introduced clam Ruditapes philippinarum of marketable size was much greater than that of the native R. decussatus (up to 20 ind m −2 ) in all three beds, which is consistent with the low level of recruitment of the native species. Our results suggest that the harvesting pressure did not significantly affect reproduction, which was asynchronous across beds, and that the reproductive period was longer in R. philippinarum than in R. decussatus . Nonetheless, the intertidal system was strongly affected by harvesting, as bare sediment was typical in frequently harvested areas, while sparse or dense patches of the seagrass Zostera noltei occurred in areas where harvesting pressure was scarce or null. The abundance and diversity of non-commercial infaunal species were greatest in unharvested areas. However, commercial clams were not abundant in these areas, possibly due to natural habitat preferences or artificial seeding and movement of clams along the beds. Management plans based on local knowledge of ecosystems are needed to maintain sustainable stocks of R. decussatus and also to limit the effects of harvesting on the systems.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. RTI2018-095583-B-I00CRUE-CSICXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/199Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/42NASA | Ref. 80NSSC20K007

    Herramienta de retorno de la inversión en control del tabaquismo: ¿qué opinan aquellos que toman decisiones?

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl Proyecto Europeo EQUIPT pretende adaptar una herramienta de retorno de la inversión en tabaco para varios países, con el fin de proporcionar información sobre el retorno de invertir en estrategias y justificar la toma de decisiones. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las necesidades de los usuarios en España para documentar la transferibilidad de la herramienta.MétodosEntrevistas telefónicas con actores relevantes sobre la implementación de la Herramienta EQUIPT, intención de uso y estrategias de control del tabaco.ResultadosLa herramienta puede añadir valor a la información utilizada al tomar decisiones y abogar por políticas coste-efectivas. Como inconvenientes, conocer cómo funcionará la herramienta, así como la formación y el tiempo que requerirá la consistencia y los cálculos internos.ConclusiónSe recogen conocimientos e ideas de los potenciales usuarios para ayudar a adaptar la Herramienta EQUIPT, de modo que proporcione ayuda en la toma de decisiones eficientes.AbstractIntroductionThe European EQUIPT study will co-create a return on investment tool in several countries, aiming to provide decision makers with information and justification on the returns that can be generated by investing in tobacco control. This study aimed to identify the needs of potential users in Spain in order to provide information on the transferability of the tool.MethodsTelephone interviews with stakeholders were conducted including questions about the implementation of the tool, intended use and tobacco control interventions.ResultsImplementing the tool could provide added value to the information used in decision-making to advocate for cost-effective policies. The main drawback would be the training and time needed to learn how the tool works and for internal calculations.ConclusionKnowledge and ideas from potential users collected in this study could inform the EQUIPT Tool adaptation. Thus, stakeholders could have an instrument that assists them on making healthcare decisions

    Etiquetado e información sobre alimentos modificados genéticamente: estudio transversal en una población de Murcia (España)

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    Introduction: The acceptance of the Genetically Modified Foods comes determined by the knowledge that the consumer has of them. The aim of this study is to know if consumers of the Region of Murcia read the labels of the food, if they know the legislation on the transgenic, and if they believe that this food necessarily takes identification label.Material and Methods: Quantitative, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study with data collected prospectively designed.The variables were described by frequencies and percentages. For comparison of two independent samples, we used U Mann-Whitney. For the comparison of more than two independent samples Kruskal Wallis test was used. For hypothesis testing, between two qualitative variables, we used the Pearson χ2.Results: Descriptive and bivariate data analyses obtained by surveying to sample of 567 subjects were performed. The results showed that a high percentage of the population check the label before buying a food and over 80% believe necessary to label transgenic foods. Although many of these consumers did not know what the law says about them (97.5%).Conclusions: The consumer of the Region of Murcia requires information on Genetically ModifiedFoods but makes little use of it is offered. It knows no law.Introducción: La aceptación de los Alimentos Modificados Genéticamente viene condicionada por el conocimiento que el consumidor tiene de ellos. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer si el consumidor de la Región de Murcia lee las etiquetas de los alimentos, si conoce la legislación sobre los transgénicos y si cree necesario que estos alimentos lleven etiqueta identificativa.Material y Métodos: La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa, se diseñó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y con recogida de datos de forma prospectiva. Las variables se describieron mediante frecuencias y porcentajes. Para la comparación de dos muestras independientes, se utilizó la U de Mann-Whitney. Para la comparación de más de dos muestras independientes se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal Wallis. Para el contraste de hipótesis, entre dos variables cualitativas, se utilizó la χ2 de Pearson.Resultados: Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y bivariables de los datos obtenidos mediante la realización de encuestas a una muestra de 567 sujetos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que un porcentaje elevado de la población mira la etiqueta antes de comprar un alimento y que más de un 80% cree necesario etiquetar los alimentos transgénicos. Aunque muchos de estos consumidores afirmaron no conocer la legislación sobre los mismos (97,5%).Conclusiones: El consumidor de la Región de Murcia exige información sobre los Alimentos ModificadosGenéticamente aunque hace poco uso de la que se le ofrece. No conoce la legislación