3 research outputs found

    Maternal Influences on the Transmission of Leukocyte Gene Expression Profiles in Population Samples from Brisbane, Australia

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    Two gene expression profiling studies designed to identify maternal influences on development of the neonate immune system and to address the population structure of the leukocyte transcriptome were carried out in Brisbane, Australia. In the first study, a comparison of 19 leukocyte samples obtained from mothers in the last three weeks of pregnancy with 37 umbilical cord blood samples documented differential expression of 7,382 probes at a false discovery rate of 1%, representing approximately half of the expressed transcriptome. An even larger component of the variation involving 8,432 probes, notably enriched for Vitamin E and methotrexate-responsive genes, distinguished two sets of individuals, with perfect transmission of the two profile types between each of 16 mother-child pairs in the study. A minor profile of variation was found to distinguish the gene expression profiles of obese mothers and children of gestational diabetic mothers from those of children born to obese mothers. The second study was of adult leukocyte profiles from a cross-section of Red Cross blood donors sampled throughout Brisbane. The first two axes in this study are related to the third and fourth axes of variation in the first study and also reflect variation in the abundance of CD4 and CD8 transcripts. One of the profiles associated with the third axis is largely excluded from samples from the central portion of the city. Despite enrichment of insulin signaling and aspects of central metabolism among the differentially expressed genes, there was little correlation between leukocyte expression profiles and body mass index overall. Our data is consistent with the notion that maternal health and cytokine milieu directly impact gene expression in fetal tissues, but that there is likely to be a complex interplay between cultural, genetic, and other environmental factors in the programming of gene expression in leukocytes of newborn children

    Cell cycle alterations in biopsied olfactory neuroepithelium in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder using cell culture and gene expression analyses

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    We previously demonstrated that olfactory cultures front individuals with schizophrenia had increased cell proliferation compared to Cultures from healthy controls. The aims of this study were to (a) replicate this observation in a new group Of individuals with schizophrenia, (b) examine the specificity of these findings by including individuals with bipolar I disorder and (c) explore gene expression differences that may underlie cell cycle differences in these diseases. Compared to controls (n = 10), there was significantly more mitosis in schizophrenia patient cultures (it = 8) and significantly more cell death in the bipolar I disorder patient cultures (n=8). Microarray data showed alterations to the cell cycle and phosphatidylinositol signalling pathways in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder, respectively. Whilst caution is required in the interpretation of the array results, the study provides evidence indicating that cell proliferation and cell death in olfactory neuroepithelial cultures is differentially altered in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Stemformatics: visualisation and sharing of stem cell gene expression

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    Genome-scale technologies are increasingly adopted by the stem cell research community, because of the potential to uncover the molecular events most informative about a stem cell state. These technologies also present enormous challenges around the sharing and visualisation of data derived from different laboratories or under different experimental conditions. Stemformatics is an easy to use, publicly accessible portal that hosts a large collection of exemplar stem cell data. It provides fast visualisation of gene expression across a range of mouse and human datasets, with transparent links back to the original studies. One difficulty in the analysis of stem cell signatures is the paucity of public pathways/gene lists relevant to stem cell or developmental biology. Stemformatics provides a simple mechanism to create, share and analyse gene sets, providing a repository of community-annotated stem cell gene lists that are informative about pathways, lineage commitment, and common technical artefacts. Stemformatics can be accessed at stemformatics.org