313 research outputs found

    Aiming higher : the Plymouth and Peninsula Tri-Level Model (PPM) for school/HE links : putting the university into school and community

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    "This report outlines an innovative, effective model of school/higher education (HE) liaison, the Plymouth & Peninsula Model (PPM). The PPM is of major national and international importance. The defining quality of PPM is that it is a genuine partnership, with parity of esteem between HEIs, schools and local authorities (LAs), supported by other major stakeholders. The PPM is based upon firm research evidence, is highly cost effective and could be rolled out nationally to cover geographically all primary and secondary schools and college grouped in consortia" - page iii

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: The Cosmic Spectrum and Star-Formation History

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    We present a determination of the `Cosmic Optical Spectrum' of the Universe, i.e. the ensemble emission from galaxies, as determined from the red-selected Sloan Digital Sky Survey main galaxy sample and compare with previous results of the blue-selected 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Broadly we find good agreement in both the spectrum and the derived star-formation histories. If we use a power-law star-formation history model where star-formation rate ∝(1+z)ÎČ\propto (1+z)^\beta out to z=1, then we find that ÎČ\beta of 2 to 3 is still the most likely model and there is no evidence for current surveys missing large amounts of star formation at high redshift. In particular `Fossil Cosmology' of the local universe gives measures of star-formation history which are consistent with direct observations at high redshift. Using the photometry of SDSS we are able to derive the cosmic spectrum in absolute units (i.e.WA˚ W \AA^{-1}Mpc Mpc^{-3})at2−−5A˚resolutionandfindgoodagreementwithpublishedbroad−bandluminositydensities.ForaSalpeterIMFthebestfitstellarmass/lightratiois3.7−−7.5) at 2--5\AA resolution and find good agreement with published broad-band luminosity densities. For a Salpeter IMF the best fit stellar mass/light ratio is 3.7--7.5 \Msun/\Lsuninther−band(correspondingto in the r-band (corresponding to \omstars h = 0.0025−−0.0055)andfromboththestellaremissionhistoryandtheH--0.0055) and from both the stellar emission history and the H\alphaluminositydensityindependentlywefindacosmologicalstar−formationrateof0.03−−0.04h luminosity density independently we find a cosmological star-formation rate of 0.03--0.04 h \Msunyr yr^{-1}Mpc Mpc^{-3}$ today.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, ApJ in press (April 10th 2003

    An Empirical Calibration of the Completeness of the SDSS Quasar Survey

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    Spectra of nearly 20000 point-like objects to a Galactic reddening corrected magnitude of i=19.1 have been obtained to test the completeness of the SDSS quasar survey. The spatially-unresolved objects were selected from all regions of color space, sparsely sampled from within a 278 sq. deg. area of sky covered by this study. Only ten quasars were identified that were not targeted as candidates by the SDSS quasar survey (including both color and radio source selection). The inferred density of unresolved quasars on the sky that are missed by the SDSS algorithm is 0.44 per sq. deg, compared to 8.28 per sq. deg. for the selected quasar density, giving a completeness of 94.9(+2.6,-3.8) to the limiting magnitude. Omitting radio selection reduces the color-only selection completeness by about 1%. Of the ten newly identified quasars, three have detected broad absorption line systems, six are significantly redder than other quasars at the same redshift, and four have redshifts between 2.7 and 3.0 (the redshift range where the SDSS colors of quasars intersect the stellar locus). The fraction of quasars missed due to image defects and blends is approximately 4%, but this number varies by a few percent with magnitude. Quasars with extended images comprise about 6% of the SDSS sample, and the completeness of the selection algorithm for extended quasars is approximately 81%, based on the SDSS galaxy survey. The combined end-to-end completeness for the SDSS quasar survey is approximately 89%. The total corrected density of quasars on the sky to i=19.1 is estimated to be 10.2 per sq. deg.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A

    First Measurement of the Clustering Evolution of Photometrically-Classified Quasars

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    We present new measurements of the quasar autocorrelation from a sample of \~80,000 photometrically-classified quasars taken from SDSS DR1. We find a best-fit model of ω(Ξ)=(0.066±0.0240.026)ξ−(0.98±0.15)\omega(\theta) = (0.066\pm^{0.026}_{0.024})\theta^{-(0.98\pm0.15)} for the angular autocorrelation, consistent with estimates from spectroscopic quasar surveys. We show that only models with little or no evolution in the clustering of quasars in comoving coordinates since z~1.4 can recover a scale-length consistent with local galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). A model with little evolution of quasar clustering in comoving coordinates is best explained in the current cosmological paradigm by rapid evolution in quasar bias. We show that quasar biasing must have changed from b_Q~3 at a (photometric) redshift of z=2.2 to b_Q~1.2-1.3 by z=0.75. Such a rapid increase with redshift in biasing implies that quasars at z~2 cannot be the progenitors of modern L* objects, rather they must now reside in dense environments, such as clusters. Similarly, the duration of the UVX quasar phase must be short enough to explain why local UVX quasars reside in essentially unbiased structures. Our estimates of b_Q are in good agreement with recent spectroscopic results, which demonstrate the implied evolution in b_Q is consistent with quasars inhabiting halos of similar mass at every redshift. Treating quasar clustering as a function of both redshift and luminosity, we find no evidence for luminosity dependence in quasar clustering, and that redshift evolution thus affects quasar clustering more than changes in quasars' luminosity. We provide a new method for quantifying stellar contamination in photometrically-classified quasar catalogs via the correlation function.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Accepted to ApJ after: (i) Minor textual changes; (ii) extra points added to Fig.

    Galaxy Star Formation as a Function of Environment in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present in this paper a detailed analysis of the effect of environment on the star formation activity of galaxies within the Early Data Release (EDR) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We have used the Halpha emission line to derive the star formation rate (SFR) for each galaxy within a volume-limited sample of 8598 galaxies with 0.05 less than or equal to z less than or equal to 0.095 and M (r*) less than or equal to 20.45. We find that the SFR of galaxies is strongly correlated with the local ( projected) galaxy density, and thus we present here a density-SFR relation that is analogous to the density-morphology relation. The effect of density on the SFR of galaxies is seen in three ways. First, the overall distribution of SFRs is shifted to lower values in dense environments compared with the field population. Second, the effect is most noticeable for the strongly star-forming galaxies (Halpha EW > 5 Angstrom) in the 75th percentile of the SFR distribution. Third, there is a break ( or characteristic density) in the density-SFR relation at a local galaxy density of similar to1 h(75)(-2) Mpc(-2). To understand this break further, we have studied the SFR of galaxies as a function of clustercentric radius from 17 clusters and groups objectively selected from the SDSS EDR data. The distribution of SFRs of cluster galaxies begins to change, compared with the field population, at a clustercentric radius of 3-4 virial radii (at the >1sigma statistical significance), which is consistent with the characteristic break in density that we observe in the density-SFR relation. This effect with clustercentric radius is again most noticeable for the most strongly star-forming galaxies. Our tests suggest that the density-morphology relation alone is unlikely to explain the density-SFR relation we observe. For example, we have used the ( inverse) concentration index of SDSS galaxies to classify late-type galaxies and show that the distribution of the star-forming (EW Halpha > 5Angstrom) late-type galaxies is different in dense regions ( within 2 virial radii) compared with similar galaxies in the field. However, at present, we are unable to make definitive statements about the independence of the density-morphology and density-SFR relation. We have tested our work against potential systematic uncertainties including stellar absorption, reddening, SDSS survey strategy, SDSS analysis pipelines, and aperture bias. Our observations are in qualitative agreement with recent simulations of hierarchical galaxy formation that predict a decrease in the SFR of galaxies within the virial radius. Our results are in agreement with recent 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey results as well as consistent with previous observations of a decrease in the SFR of galaxies in the cores of distant clusters. Taken together, these works demonstrate that the decrease in SFR of galaxies in dense environments is a universal phenomenon over a wide range in density (from 0.08 to 10 h(75)(-2) Mpc(-2)) and redshift (out to z similar or equal to 0.5)

    The Intermediate-Scale Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies

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    We report the intermediate-scale (0.3 to 40 Mpc/h) clustering of 35,000 luminous early-type galaxies at redshifts 0.16 to 0.44 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We present the redshift-space two-point correlation function \xi(s), the projected correlation function w_p(r_p), and the deprojected real-space correlation function \xi(r), for approximately volume-limited samples. As expected, the galaxies are highly clustered, with the correlation length varying from 9.8 +/- 0.2 Mpc/h to 11.2 +/- 0.2 Mpc/h, dependent on the specific luminosity range. For the -23.2 < Mg < -21.2 sample, the inferred bias relative to that of L* galaxies is 1.84 +/- 0.11 for 1 Mpc/h < r_p < 10 Mpc/h, with yet stronger clustering on smaller scales. We detect luminosity-dependent bias within the sample but see no evidence for redshift evolution between z=0.2 and z=0.4. We find a clear indication for deviations from a power-law in the real-space correlation function, with a dip at ~ 2 Mpc/h scales and an upturn on smaller scales. The precision measurements of these clustering trends offer new avenues for the study of the formation and evolution of these massive galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Diurnal and Seasonal Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthesis in a Boreal Scots Pine Canopy

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    Solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence has been shown to be increasingly an useful proxy for the estimation of gross primary productivity (GPP), at a range of spatial scales. Here, we explore the seasonality in a continuous time series of canopy solar induced fluorescence (hereafter SiF) and its relation to canopy gross primary production (GPP), canopy light use efficiency (LUE), and direct estimates of leaf level photochemical efficiency in an evergreen canopy. SiF was calculated using infilling in two bands from the incoming and reflected radiance using a pair of Ocean Optics USB2000+ spectrometers operated in a dual field of view mode, sampling at a 30 min time step using custom written automated software, from early spring through until autumn in 2011. The optical system was mounted on a tower of 18 m height adjacent to an eddy covariance system, to observe a boreal forest ecosystem dominated by Scots pine. (Pinus sylvestris) A Walz MONITORING-PAM, multi fluorimeter system, was simultaneously mounted within the canopy adjacent to the footprint sampled by the optical system. Following correction of the SiF data for O2 and structural effects, SiF, SiF yield, LUE, the photochemicsl reflectance index (PRI), and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) exhibited a seasonal pattern that followed GPP sampled by the eddy covariance system. Due to the complexities of solar azimuth and zenith angle (SZA) over the season on the SiF signal, correlations between SiF, SiF yield, GPP, and LUE were assessed on SZ

    Hdelta-Selected Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I: The Catalog

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    [Abridged] We present here a new and homogeneous sample of 3340 galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) based solely on the observed strength of their Hdelta absorption line. These galaxies are commonly known as ``post-starburst'' or ``E+A'' galaxies, and the study of these galaxies has been severely hampered by the lack of a large, statistical sample of such galaxies. In this paper, we rectify this problem by selecting a sample of galaxies which possess an absorption Hdelta equivalent width of EW(Hdelta_max) - Delta EW(Hdelta_max) > 4A from 106682 galaxies in the SDSS. We have performed extensive tests on our catalog including comparing different methodologies of measuring the Hdelta absorption and studying the effects of stellar absorption, dust extinction, emission-filling and measurement error. The measured abundance of our Hdelta-selected (HDS) galaxies is 2.6 +/- 0.1% of all galaxies within a volume-limited sample of 0.05<z<0.1 and M(r*)<-20.5, which is consistent with previous studies of such galaxies in the literature. We find that only 25 of our HDS galaxies in this volume-limited sample (3.5+/-0.7%) show no evidence for OII and Halpha emission, thus indicating that true E+A (or k+a) galaxies are extremely rare objects at low redshift, i.e., only 0.09+/-0.02% of all galaxies in this volume-limited sample are true E+A galaxies. In contrast, 89+/-5% of our HDS galaxies in the volume-limited sample have significant detections of the OII and Halpha emission lines. We find 27 galaxies in our volume-limited HDS sample that possess no detectable OII emission, but do however possess detectable Halpha emission. These galaxies may be dusty star-forming galaxies. We provide the community with this new catalog of Hdelta-selected galaxies to aid in the understanding of these galaxies.Comment: Submitted to PASJ. Catalog of galaxies available at http://astrophysics.phys.cmu.edu/~tomo/ea
