15 research outputs found

    Оптимизация конструкции захвата для детали «Барабан»

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    Грузозахватные приспособления обычно применяются при производстве работ по подъему и перемещению грузов с применением грузоподъемных машин. Использование приспособлений позволяет реализовать максимальное удобство и безопасность производственного процесса. Грузозахватные приспособления конструируются для определенного этапа технологического процесса, для конкретного изделия. При проектировании таких приспособлений необходимо учитывать основные показатели оптимальности конструкции: прочность, надежность, простота, удобство и безопасность при эксплуатации, эргономичность. Кроме того, нужно стремиться к наименьшей массе и, соответственно, металлоемкости захвата. Конструкция грузозахватного приспособления, в основном, будет зависеть от назначенных технологом поверхностей, за которые можно крепиться и от максимальной высоты подъема крюка крана. В статье описана задача по конструированию захвата для детали «Барабан¬ в новом технологическом процессе. Рассмотрена конструкция существующего захвата, взятого за прототип. Приведен анализ различных вариантов конструктивных решений, созданных в процессе проектирования. Выбран вариант конструкции захвата, который в наибольшей степени соответствует требованиям технического задания. Конструкция этого модернизированного приспособления представляет собой захват с тремя лапами, удерживающими деталь, и подвес в виде траверсы. Разработанная конструкторская документация утверждена производством и отделом промышленной безопасности

    Între percepții și precepte în dialogul despre pădurile României [ Between perceptions and precepts in the dialogue on Romanian forests]

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    It is largely acknowledged that reality is a social construction, the understandings of a specific phenomenon being based on the shared assumptions about the reality. Media and social networks present a puzzling and bleak image of the Romanian forestry field, which results in the fact that the general public has formed a distorted image about the precepts of forest management and their practical application. Romanian forestry system has faced important challenges after the change of the political system in 1989, reflected in the chaotic approach to forest restitution and in major governance failures to support responsible forest management. As a reaction, there is an increasing trend in presenting only sensational data (e.g. the controversial famous slogan of 3 hectares of forest disappearing each hour in Romania) and a danger that exaggerated media declarations could lead to overstated public reactions. In this context, we analyse some of the data provided in different reports and public declaration on the extent of forest area, the impact of deforestation and the annual harvesting rate compared to other European countries. The paper is intended to be a factual statement which presents and explains data and accessible information, many of them ignored by the general public. The messages sent by the environmental NGOs of protecting forest are obviously positive and we all agree that alarm signals not only increase interest on, but also responsibility towards the forest. Nevertheless, the messages must be founded on factual and accurate information. Forestry certainly means more than illegal logging, personal interests and lack of credibility. The forest is a renewable resource and its exploitation should not be exaggeratedly limited, but sustainably harvested. At the moment, in Romania the annual allowable cut (including legal and illegal estimations) is less than half of the forest annual growth. Efforts to assure natural and artificial forest regeneration are done in most of the areas. The efforts of foresters to implement responsible silvicultural measures are not properly communicated and reflected in the public dialogue on forestry. There is a need to provide clear and transparent messages and all stakeholders should be more opened to dialogu

    Utilizarea metodei evaluării condiționate în amenajarea pădurilor urbane: o aplicație pentru Parcul Dendrologic Șipote [Using the contingent valuation method in the planning of urban forests: an application for the Dendrologic Park Șipote]

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    The importance of green spaces in urban areas is a concept more and more discussed and included in the political agenda. Investments in green infrastructure can change the perception of residents, visitors or future investors about the attractiveness of a city. However, such investments are not easy to be achieved. Besides the human and financial capital necessary for the physical realization of the investments, an essential aspect is the perception of the inhabitants or visitors about the possible alternatives to combine the recreation facilities with the forest-specific natural landscapes. The object of this study is represented by the forest surrounding the Suceava citadel, named Șipote Dendrological Park. The area is a public owned forest and currently has recreational and soil protection functions assigned. In this context, the main purpose of the research is to identify the perception of the local community regarding alternatives of transforming this urban forest into a forest park. The specific objective of the research are: 1) the identification of community’s preferences for alternative strategies involving cutting of different sizes of forest to create recreational facilities; 2) the identification of preferences regarding the recreational facilities desired in an urban forest; 3) the identification of the willingness to pay for the investments nedeed to create a forest park. To assess the value of ecosystem services that are preferred by the local community we have used the contingent valuation method that helps identify consumers’ preferences over a range of alternatives. The method was based on the creation of three credible scenarios to test the alternatives for setting up different recreational facilities in the urban forest. The scenarios are identified based on a list of recreational facilities which imply interventions in cutting the forest as: S1-no forest cuts, S2-a cut of less than 30% of the forest area and S3-a cut of more than 30% of the forest area. In total, 305 questionnaires have been applied to identify citizens’ preferences which assures a confidence interval of 5.6%. The results show that the local community wants to retain the recreational function offered by the presence of the forest and desires in addition investments involving the creation of facilities for outdoor activities. Most of the surveyed participants are in favour of the second scenario and will like to have investments in cycling trails, kids’ playgrounds, fountains and an artificial lake. Nevertheless, the majority of the respondents are not willing to pay an entrance fee to compensate the value of additional facilities

    Evoluția arboretelor retrocedate în baza Legii 18/1991 și estimarea rentei economice asociate, în condiții alternative de gestionare [ Evolution of restituted stands under the Law 18/1991 and estimation of associated economic rent, in different management approaches]

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    Using an inter-disciplinary methodology, the paper aims to assess structural changes of the private forests restituted to their owners in early ‘90 in Romania (under the Law 18/1991), and to further estimate the economic rent resulted due to alternative management activities. The study area consists of restituted, private forests (799 ha) in Forest District Vama (North of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians). The forest structure dynamics was assessed by comparing initial forest structural characteristics at restitution (1990), according to the forest management plan, with the structural characteristics derived from aerial images recorded in 2004. The harvested volume (of period 1990-2004), at compartment level, was considered the percentage of clear cut/overharvested stands (estimated by photointerpretation) applied to the standing volume of 1990. The economic rent was calculated by comparing the economic value of the harvested timber under five management hypothesis: (i) respecting the provisions in the management plan of 1990, (ii) extracting a volume corresponding to the annual increment, (iii-v) extracting the entire volume in 1994, 2004 or 2014, respectively. The provisions of the initial forest management plan (1990) were not economically viable for owners under a harvesting rate of 1.4 m3 year-1 ha-1, the used alternative being a minimum of 23 m3 year-1 ha-1 harvested between 1990 and 2004. In Romania, between 1994 and 2014, the timber price significantly increased in comparison with the capitalization rate. Under these circumstances, the harvesting of forests immediately after restitution conducted to a total economic loss of about 9 million USD (present value - 2014), compared with the alternative - maintaining the forest resources 20 years further. It is concluded that in Romania, the mismanagement of private forests restituted in ‘90s (Law 18/1991) resulted in direct economic losses for forest owners, of similar importance as the ecological consequences

    Formation continue, conseil et transfert de connaissances en forêt privée : Un aperçu de la diversité et des évolutions en Europe

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    International audienceChange in forest management is facilitated through communication between stakeholders who encourage, advise, inform, warn, guide, exhort, and educate each other. Traditionally in many countries government extension officers have advised and instructed forest owners. ‘Advice’ in these cases is the link between policy (government and others’ desired outcomes) and (land managers’) practice. While there are some parallels with agricultural extension, the situation with forestry is more diverse and complex, partly because a majority of forest owners have no formal background or education in forestry. We propose that the term ‘forest advisory system’ can be applied to a concept which takes a systemic approach to analysing the stakeholders and their interactions, in forestry advice. The ‘forest advisory system’ (FAS) is more than the conventional extension model, and involves a range of private, public and NGO stakeholders who may or may not be collaborating with each other. Our paper is descriptive and analytical, based on a development of three organising ideas: (1) knowledge and information as a system; (2) the distinction between knowledge transfer and knowledge exchange; (3) choice of instruments in environmental policy (Böcher, 2012). The paper addresses three questions: How FAS are evolving and what affects that? Will FAS be more similar in future between regions and if so why? Will the need for type of advice change in future

    How private are Europe\u2019s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis

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    Private forests are widespread in Europe providing a range of ecosystem services of significant value to society, and there are calls for novel policies to enhance their provision and to face the challenges of environmental changes. Such policies need to acknowledge the importance of private forests, and importantly they need to be based on a deep understanding of how property rights held by private forest owners vary across Europe. We collected and analysed data on the content of property rights based on formal legal requirements existing in 31 European jurisdictions. To allow a comparison across jurisdictions, we constructed an original Property Rights Index for Forestry encompassing five rights domains (access, withdrawal, management, exclusion and alienation). We documented substantial variation of the private forest owners\u2019 rights, and notably to i) make decisions in operational management and the formulation of management goals, ii) withdraw timber resources from their forest, and iii) exclude others from the use of forest resources. We identified broad relations between the scope for decision making of private forest owners and jurisdictions\u2019 former socio-political background and geographical distribution. The variation in the content of property rights has implications for the implementation of international environmental policies, and stresses the need for tailored policy instruments, when addressing European society\u2019s rural development, the bioeconomy, climate change mitigation measures and nature protection strategies