18 research outputs found

    Seguridad humana en Soacha desde la percepción local. Análisis del impacto de los proyectos de la FAO y el PNUD

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    The research wants to focus on the concept of human security through a qualitative analysis of the impact of some prjects developed by the Food and Agricolture Organization and United Nations Developemnt Pogramme in Soacha. The place represents an interesting case study for its particular situation. Indeed, this commune on the one hand still lives histirical issues such as extreme poverty, inequality, accumulation of land and displacement, and on the other hand represents a paradoxical union between precarious and developed realities. The study uses a qualitative technique divided in two sections. The first one is built on semistructured individual intervews with the project’s coordinators that examine the main issues with their implementation, while the other one is based on surveys with the local community that analyze the perception of the population of Soacha on human security. Regarding this part, the survey, composed by a preamble and eight questions, has been completed by 120 people. The results evidence that the population consider that there has been a slight increase in the human security during the last five years. However, the outcomes reveal also the persistence of structural issues, which perpuate the human insecurityEl artículo parte de la concepción de la seguridad humana, que resume, y analiza proyectos desarrollados en Soacha por dos organismos especializados de NNUU, FAO y PNUD. El caso de Soacha ha sido elegido por representar un contexto único. La Comuna de Soacha vive una paradoja por la cual reúne en un mismo lugar los problemas históricos y emergentes de Colombia. La precariedad asociada a las zonas rurales del país (desigualdad, concentración de la tierra, extrema pobreza, desplazamientos forzados) se junta en Soacha con la mirada puesta en el futuro que representa la colindante Bogotá. El estudio usa un enfoque cualitativo que se articula en dos partes. Por un lado, se llevan a cabo entrevistas personales semiestructuradas con los coordinadores de los proyectos, para averiguar cuáles son los obstáculos que los proyectos enfrentan en su implementación, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Por otro lado, se realizan encuestas a 120 personas, consistentes en un preámbulo y ocho preguntas, en las cuales se recopila información sobre la percepción de la población sobre el estado de la seguridad humana en su territorio. Los resultados muestran que la población considera que se ha producido una ligera mejora en la seguridad humana en los últimos cinco años. Sin embargo, los resultados también evidencian la persistencia de muchos de los problemas estructurales que perpetúan la inseguridad human

    Confocal fluorescence microscopy and confocal raman microspectroscopy of X-ray irradiated LIF crystals

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    Radiation-induced color centers locally produced in lithium fluoride (LiF) are successfully used for radiation detectors. LiF detectors for extreme ultraviolet radiation, soft and hard X-rays, based on photoluminescence from aggregate electronic defects, are currently under development for imaging applications with laboratory radiation sources, as well as large-scale facilities. Among the peculiarities of LiF-based detectors, noteworthy ones are their very high intrinsic spatial resolution across a large field of view, wide dynamic range, and versatility. LiF crystals irradiated with a monochromatic 8 keV X-ray beam at KIT synchrotron light source (Karlsruhe, Germany) and with the broadband white beam spectrum of the synchrotron bending magnet have been investigated by optical spectroscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy in fluorescence mode, and confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy. The 3D reconstruction of the distributions of the color centers induced by the X-rays has been performed with both confocal techniques. The combination of the LiF crystal capability to register volumetric X-ray mapping with the optical sectioning operations of the confocal techniques has allowed performing 3D reconstructions of the X-ray colored volumes and it could provide advanced tools for 3D X-ray detection

    Seguridad humana en Soacha desde la percepción local. Análisis del impacto de los proyectos de la FAO y el PNUD

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    The research wants to focus on the concept of human security through a qualitative analysis of the impact of some prjects developed by the Food and Agricolture Organization and United Nations Developemnt Pogramme in Soacha. The place represents an interesting case study for its particular situation. Indeed, this commune on the one hand still lives histirical issues such as extreme poverty, inequality, accumulation of land and displacement, and on the other hand represents a paradoxical union between precarious and developed realities. The study uses a qualitative technique divided in two sections. The first one is built on semistructured individual intervews with the project’s coordinators that examine the main issues with their implementation, while the other one is based on surveys with the local community that analyze the perception of the population of Soacha on human security. Regarding this part, the survey, composed by a preamble and eight questions, has been completed by 120 people. The results evidence that the population consider that there has been a slight increase in the human security during the last five years. However, the outcomes reveal also the persistence of structural issues, which perpuate the human insecurityEl artículo parte de la concepción de la seguridad humana, que resume, y analiza proyectos desarrollados en Soacha por dos organismos especializados de NNUU, FAO y PNUD. El caso de Soacha ha sido elegido por representar un contexto único. La Comuna de Soacha vive una paradoja por la cual reúne en un mismo lugar los problemas históricos y emergentes de Colombia. La precariedad asociada a las zonas rurales del país (desigualdad, concentración de la tierra, extrema pobreza, desplazamientos forzados) se junta en Soacha con la mirada puesta en el futuro que representa la colindante Bogotá. El estudio usa un enfoque cualitativo que se articula en dos partes. Por un lado, se llevan a cabo entrevistas personales semiestructuradas con los coordinadores de los proyectos, para averiguar cuáles son los obstáculos que los proyectos enfrentan en su implementación, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Por otro lado, se realizan encuestas a 120 personas, consistentes en un preámbulo y ocho preguntas, en las cuales se recopila información sobre la percepción de la población sobre el estado de la seguridad humana en su territorio. Los resultados muestran que la población considera que se ha producido una ligera mejora en la seguridad humana en los últimos cinco años. Sin embargo, los resultados también evidencian la persistencia de muchos de los problemas estructurales que perpetúan la inseguridad human

    The parabolic analytic functions and the derivative of real functions

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    Riflettanza e trasmittanza di un film inomogeneo con interfacce rugose non parallele

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    The mitigating role of tax and benefit rescue packages for poverty and inequality in Africa amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This paper analyses the distributional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and related tax-benefit measures in 2020 in a cross-country comparative perspective for five African countries: Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. We first estimate the impact of the crisis on disposable incomes, how effects vary across the income distribution, and in how far tax-benefit policies stabilized earnings losses. We then evaluate the impact on income-based poverty and inequality and the contribution of discretionary tax-benefit policies in alleviating the shock. Our analysis shows modest increases in headcount poverty rates and inequality, and somewhat larger effects on the poverty gap due to lower relative earnings losses of the poor population at the early stage of the pandemic analysed here. We find very limited stabilizing power of tax-benefit policies overall and automatic stabilizers in particular. This illustrates gaps in coverage for the large informal sector and a general lack of income-related means-tested benefits. Except for the Emergency Social Cash Transfer in Zambia, discretionary tax-benefit policies adopted in response to COVID-19 have had limited impact. Pausing a large school feeding programme in Ghana during lockdown has in turn put additional pressure on households with school-age children