55 research outputs found

    Ageing as a Risk Factor for Disease

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    Age is the main risk factor for the prevalent diseases of developed countries: cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegeneration. The ageing process is deleterious for fitness, but can nonetheless evolve as a consequence of the declining force of natural selection at later ages, attributable to extrinsic hazards to survival: ageing can then occur as a side-effect of accumulation of mutations that lower fitness at later ages, or of natural selection in favour of mutations that increase fitness of the young but at the cost of a higher subsequent rate of ageing. Once thought of as an inexorable, complex and lineage-specific process of accumulation of damage, ageing has turned out to be influenced by mechanisms that show strong evolutionary conservation. Lowered activity of the nutrient-sensing insulin/insulin-like growth factor/Target of Rapamycin signalling network can extend healthy lifespan in yeast, multicellular invertebrates, mice and, possibly, humans. Mitochondrial activity can also promote ageing, while genome maintenance and autophagy can protect against it. We discuss the relationship between evolutionarily conserved mechanisms of ageing and disease, and the associated scientific challenges and opportunities

    Frontotemporal Dementia and Glucose Metabolism

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), hallmarked by antero-temporal degeneration in the human brain, is the second most common early onset dementia. FTD is a diverse disease with three main clinical presentations, four different identified proteinopathies and many disease-associated genes. The exact pathophysiology of FTD remains to be elucidated. One common characteristic all forms of FTD share is the dysregulation of glucose metabolism in patients’ brains. The brain consumes around 20% of the body’s energy supply and predominantly utilizes glucose as a fuel. Glucose metabolism dysregulation could therefore be extremely detrimental for neuronal health. Research into the association between glucose metabolism and dementias has recently gained interest in Alzheimer’s disease. FTD also presents with glucose metabolism dysregulation, however, this remains largely an unexplored area. A better understanding of the link between FTD and glucose metabolism may yield further insight into FTD pathophysiology and aid the development of novel therapeutics. Here we review our current understanding of FTD and glucose metabolism in the brain and discuss the evidence of impaired glucose metabolism in FTD. Lastly, we review research potentially suggesting a causal relationship between FTD proteinopathies and impaired glucose metabolism in FTD

    Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma: Predictive value of interim 18F-FDG PET/CT in therapy response assessment

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    We investigated the prognostic value of interim 18F-FDG PET/CT (PET-2) in pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma (pHL), evaluating both visual and semiquantitative analysis. Thirty pHL patients (age ⠤16) underwent serial 18F-FDG PET/CT: At baseline (PET-0), after 2 cycles of chemotherapy (PET-2) and at the end of first-line chemotherapy (PET-T). PET response assessment was carried out visually according to the Deauville Score (DS), as well as semiquantitatively by using the semiquantitative parameters reduction from PET-0 to PET-2 (ΠΣSUVmax0-2, ΠΣSUVmean0-2). Final clinical response assessment (outcome) at the end of first-line chemotherapy was the criterion standard, considering patients as responders (R) or nonresponders (NR). Disease status was followed identifying patients with absence or relapsed/progression disease (mean follow-up: 24 months, range 3-78). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of visual and semiquantitative assessment were calculated; furthermore, Fisher exact test was performed to evaluate the association between both visual and semiquantitative assessment and outcome at the end of the first-line chemotherapy. The prognostic capability of PET-2 semiquantitative parameters was calculated by ROC analysis and expressed as area under curve (AUC). Finally, progression-free survival (PFS) was analyzed according to PET-2 results based on the 5-point scale and semiquantitative criteria, using the Kaplan-Meier method. Based on the outcome at the end of first-line chemotherapy, 5 of 30 patients were NR, the remnant 25 of 30 were R. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of visual analysis were 60%,72%,30%,90%,70%; conversely, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of semiquantitative assessment were 80%, 92%, 66.7%, 95.8%, 90%. The highest AUC resulted for ΠΣSUVmax0-2 (0.836; cut-off <12.5; sensitivity 80%; specificity 91%). The association between ΠΣSUVmax0-2 and outcome at the end of first-line chemotherapy resulted to have a strong statistical significance (P=0.0026). Both methods demonstrated to influence PFS, even if the semiquantitative assessment allowed a more accurate identification of patients with a high risk of treatment failure (P=0.005). Our preliminary results showed that PET-2 visual assessment, by using Deauville criteria, can be improved by using the semiquantitative analysis. The SUV max reduction (ΠΣSUVmax0-2) evaluation might provide a support for the interpretation of intermediate scores, predicting with good confidence those patients who will have a poor outcome and require alternative therapies

    Increased Glucose Transport into Neurons Rescues A? Toxicity in Drosophila

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    Glucose hypometabolism is a prominent feature of the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Disease progression is associated with a reduction in glucose transporters in both neurons and endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier. However, whether increasing glucose transport into either of these cell types offers therapeutic potential remains unknown. Using an adult-onset Drosophila model of A? (amyloid beta) toxicity, we show that genetic overexpression of a glucose transporter, specifically in neurons, rescues lifespan, behavioral phenotypes, and neuronal morphology. This amelioration of A? toxicity is associated with a reduction in the protein levels of the unfolded protein response (UPR) negative master regulator Grp78 and an increase in the UPR. We further demonstrate that genetic downregulation of Grp78 activity also protects against A? toxicity, confirming a causal effect of its alteration on AD-related pathology. Metformin, a drug that stimulates glucose uptake in cells, mimicked these effects, with a concomitant reduction in Grp78 levels and rescue of the shortened lifespan and climbing defects of A?-expressing flies. Our findings demonstrate a protective effect of increased neuronal uptake of glucose against A? toxicity and highlight Grp78 as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of AD

    Genetically Determined Measures of Striatal D2 Signaling Predict Prefrontal Activity during Working Memory Performance

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    Background: Variation of the gene coding for D2 receptors (DRD2) has been associated with risk for schizophrenia and with working memory deficits. A functional intronic SNP (rs1076560) predicts relative expression of the two D2 receptors isoforms, D2S (mainly pre-synaptic) and D2L (mainly post-synaptic). However, the effect of functional genetic variation of DRD2 on striatal dopamine D2 signaling and on its correlation with prefrontal activity during working memory in humans is not known. Methods: Thirty-seven healthy subjects were genotyped for rs1076560 (G>T) and underwent SPECT with [123I]IBZM (which binds primarily to post-synaptic D2 receptors) and with [123I]FP-CIT (which binds to pre-synaptic dopamine transporters, whose activity and density is also regulated by pre-synaptic D2 receptors), as well as BOLD fMRI during N-Back working memory. Results: Subjects carrying the T allele (previously associated with reduced D2S expression) had striatal reductions of [ 123I]IBZM and of [123I]FP-CIT binding. DRD2 genotype also differentially predicted the correlation between striatal dopamine D2 signaling (as identified with factor analysis of the two radiotracers) and activity of the prefrontal cortex during working memory as measured with BOLD fMRI, which was positive in GG subjects and negative in GT. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that this functional SNP within DRD2 predicts striatal binding of the two radiotracers to dopamine transporters and D2 receptors as well as the correlation between striatal D2 signaling with prefrontal cortex activity during performance of a working memory task. These data are consistent with the possibility that the balance of excitatory/inhibitory modulation of striatal neurons may also affect striatal outputs in relationship with prefrontal activity during working memory performance within the cortico-striatal-thalamic- cortical pathwa

    Cell type-specific modulation of healthspan by Forkhead family transcription factors in the nervous system

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    Reduced activity of insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) increases healthy lifespan among diverse animal species. Downstream of IIS, multiple evolutionarily conserved transcription factors (TFs) are required; however, distinct TFs are likely responsible for these effects in different tissues. Here we have asked which TFs can extend healthy lifespan within distinct cell types of the adult nervous system in Drosophila. Starting from published single-cell transcriptomic data, we report that forkhead (FKH) is endogenously expressed in neurons, whereas forkhead-box-O (FOXO) is expressed in glial cells. Accordingly, we find that neuronal FKH and glial FOXO exert independent prolongevity effects. We have further explored the role of neuronal FKH in a model of Alzheimer’s disease-associated neuronal dysfunction, where we find that increased neuronal FKH preserves behavioral function and reduces ubiquitinated protein aggregation. Finally, using transcriptomic profiling, we identify Atg17, a member of the Atg1 autophagy initiation family, as one FKH-dependent target whose neuronal overexpression is sufficient to extend healthy lifespan. Taken together, our results underscore the importance of cell type-specific mapping of TF activity to preserve healthy function with age

    PolyGR and polyPR knock-in mice reveal a conserved neuroprotective extracellular matrix signature in C9orf72 ALS/FTD neurons

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    Dipeptide repeat proteins are a major pathogenic feature of C9orf72 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (C9ALS)/frontotemporal dementia (FTD) pathology, but their physiological impact has yet to be fully determined. Here we generated C9orf72 dipeptide repeat knock-in mouse models characterized by expression of 400 codon-optimized polyGR or polyPR repeats, and heterozygous C9orf72 reduction. (GR)400 and (PR)400 knock-in mice recapitulate key features of C9ALS/FTD, including cortical neuronal hyperexcitability, age-dependent spinal motor neuron loss and progressive motor dysfunction. Quantitative proteomics revealed an increase in extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in (GR)400 and (PR)400 spinal cord, with the collagen COL6A1 the most increased protein. TGF-β1 was one of the top predicted regulators of this ECM signature and polyGR expression in human induced pluripotent stem cell neurons was sufficient to induce TGF-β1 followed by COL6A1. Knockdown of TGF-β1 or COL6A1 orthologues in polyGR model Drosophila exacerbated neurodegeneration, while expression of TGF-β1 or COL6A1 in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived motor neurons of patients with C9ALS/FTD protected against glutamate-induced cell death. Altogether, our findings reveal a neuroprotective and conserved ECM signature in C9ALS/FTD.</p

    Regulation of microtubular dynamics in response to pheromone in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

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    Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells have two polarised growth modes: an intrinsic vegetative growth mode, determined by an internal positioning mechanism and an extrinsic shmooing growth mode, activated by external pheromone. I have analysed the role of the cell end marker Tea1p, the CLIP170 like protein Tip1p, the kinesin like protein Tea2p and the Dyrk like kinase Pom1p, during the switch between the two growth patterns, with the intention of studying the switch away from the vegetative growth mode. In vegetative growth these morphological factors are concentrated at cell ends, whereas during shmooing growth they are delocalised from the cell ends. In the absence of Tea1p, Tip1p and Tea2p, vegetative cells display microtubule and cell polarisation defects, but shmooing cells are indistinguishable from wild type and shmoo more readily. These results suggest that Tea1p, Tip1p and Tea2p are not required for polarised growth during shmooing, but form part of the intrinsic vegetative growth mode which needs to be dismantled before cells can generate an extrinsic growth pattern. In contrast, Pom1p appears to have a role in the initial stages of the switch to the shmooing growth mode. I then went on to analyse factors which do play a role during growth in response to pheromone. During shmooing the nucleus oscillates back and forth in a characteristic horsetail movement. This movement is driven by microtubules. I analysed the role of Dhc1p, dynein heavy chain and Ssm4p, a dynactin homologue, in the regulation of this oscillatory movement. These two factors are specifically induced in response to pheromone and they interact with each other. Together with Tip1p they co-ordinate the dynamics of microtubules at opposite ends of the cell to generate the oscillations which drive the nuclear movement

    Mitochondria dysfunction in frontotemporal dementia/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: lessons from drosophila models

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by declining motor and cognitive functions. Even though these diseases present with distinct sets of symptoms, FTD and ALS are two extremes of the same disease spectrum, as they show considerable overlap in genetic, clinical and neuropathological features. Among these overlapping features, mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with both FTD and ALS. Recent studies have shown that cells derived from patients’ induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)s display mitochondrial abnormalities, and similar abnormalities have been observed in a number of animal disease models. Drosophila models have been widely used to study FTD and ALS because of their rapid generation time and extensive set of genetic tools. A wide array of fly models have been developed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of toxicity for mutations associated with FTD/ALS. Fly models have been often instrumental in understanding the role of disease associated mutations in mitochondria biology. In this review, we discuss how mutations associated with FTD/ALS disrupt mitochondrial function, and we review how the use of Drosophila models has been pivotal to our current knowledge in this field
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