96 research outputs found

    Complementary Activities of Host Defence Peptides and Antibiotics in Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

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    Due to their ability to eliminate antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria and to modulate the immune response, host defence peptides (HDPs) hold great promise for the clinical treatment of bacterial infections. Whereas monotherapy with HDPs is not likely to become an effective first-line treatment, combinations of such peptides with antibiotics can potentially provide a path to future therapies for AMR infections. Therefore, we critically reviewed the recent literature regarding the antibacterial activity of combinations of HDPs and antibiotics against AMR bacteria and the approaches taken in these studies. Of the 86 studies compiled, 56 featured a formal assessment of synergy between agents. Of the combinations assessed, synergistic and additive interactions between HDPs and antibiotics amounted to 84.9% of the records, while indifferent and antagonistic interactions accounted for 15.1%. Penicillin, aminoglycoside, fluoro/quinolone, and glycopeptide antibiotic classes were the most frequently documented as interacting with HDPs, and Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus faecium were the most reported bacterial species. Few studies formally evaluated the effects of combinations of HDPs and antibiotics on bacteria, and even fewer assessed such combinations against bacteria within biofilms, in animal models, or in advanced tissue infection models. Despite the biases of the current literature, the studies suggest that effective combinations of HDPs and antibiotics hold promise for the future treatment of infections caused by AMR bacteria

    Maggot Secretions Skew Monocyte-Macrophage Differentiation Away from a Pro-Inflammatory to a Pro-Angiogenic Type

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    Background: Maggots of the blowfly Lucilia sericata are used for the treatment of chronic wounds. Earlier we reported maggot secretions to inhibit pro-inflammatory responses of human monocytes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of maggot secretions on the differentiation of monocytes into pro-inflammatory (MØ-1) and anti-inflammatory/proangiogenic macrophages (MØ-2) as these cells play a central role in wound healing. Methodology/Principal Findings: Freshly isolated monocytes were incubated with secretions and GM-CSF or M-CSF for 6 days and then stimulated with LPS or LTA for 18 h. The expression of cell surface molecules and the levels of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors in supernatants were measured. Our results showed secretions to affect monocytemacrophage differentiation leading to MØ-1 with a partial MØ-2-like morphology but lacking CD163, which is characteristic for MØ-2. In response to LPS or LTA, secretions-differentiated MØ-1 produced less pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-12p40 and MIF) than control cells. Similar results were observed for MØ-2 when stimulated with low concentrations of LPS. Furthermore, secretions dose-dependently led to MØ-1 and MØ-2 characterized by an altered chemokine production. Secretions led to MØ-2, but not MØ-1, producing enhanced levels of the growth factors bFGF and VEGF, as compared to control cells. The expression of cell-surface receptors involved in LPS/LTA was enhanced by secretions, that of CD86 and HLA-DR down-regulated, while receptors involved in phagocytosis remained largely unaffected

    Differences in Acinetobacter baumannii Strains and Host Innate Immune Response Determine Morbidity and Mortality in Experimental Pneumonia

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    Despite many reports documenting its epidemicity, little is known on the interaction of Acinetobacter baumannii with its host. To deepen our insight into this relationship, we studied persistence of and host response to different A. baumannii strains including representatives of the European (EU) clones I–III in a mouse pneumonia model. Neutropenic mice were inoculated intratracheally with five A. baumannii strains and an A. junii strain and at several days morbidity, mortality, bacterial counts, airway inflammation, and chemo- and cytokine production in lungs and blood were determined. A. baumannii RUH875 and RUH134 (EU clone I and II, respectively) and sporadic strain LUH8326 resulted in high morbidity/mortality, whereas A. baumannii LUH5875 (EU clone III, which is less widespread than clone I and II) caused less symptoms. A. baumannii type strain RUH3023T and A. junii LUH5851 did not cause disease. All strains, except A. baumannii RUH3023T and A. junii LUH5851, survived and multiplied in the lungs for several days. Morbidity and mortality were associated with the severity of lung pathology and a specific immune response characterized by low levels of anti-inflammatory (IL-10) and specific pro-inflammatory (IL-12p40 and IL-23) cytokines at the first day of infection. Altogether, a striking difference in behaviour among the A. baumannii strains was observed with the clone I and II strains being most virulent, whereas the A. baumannii type strain, which is frequently used in virulence studies appeared harmless

    In vitro pharmacokinetics of anti-psoriatic fumaric acid esters

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that can be successfully treated with a mixture of fumaric acid esters (FAE) formulated as enteric-coated tablets for oral use. These tablets consist of dimethylfumarate (DMF) and salts of monoethylfumarate (MEF) and its main bioactive metabolite is monomethylfumarate (MMF). Little is known about the pharmacokinetics of these FAE. The aim of the present study was to investigate the hydrolysis of DMF to MMF and the stability of MMF, DMF and MEF at in vitro conditions representing different body compartments. Results: DMF is hydrolyzed to MMF in an alkaline environment (pH 8), but not in an acidic environment (pH 1). In these conditions MMF and MEF remained intact during the period of analysis (6 h). Interestingly, DMF was hardly hydrolyzed to MMF in a buffer of pH 7.4, but was rapidly hydrolyzed in human serum having the same pH. Moreover, in whole blood the half-life of DMF was dramatically reduced as compared to serum. The concentrations of MMF and MEF in serum and whole blood decreased with increasing time. These data indicate that the majority of the FAE in the circulation are metabolized by one or more types of blood cells. Additional experiments with purified blood cell fractions resuspended in phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) revealed that at concentrations present in whole blood monocytes/lymphocytes, but not granulocytes and erythrocytes, effectively hydrolyzed DMF to MMF. Furthermore, in agreement with the data obtained with the pure components of the tablet, the enteric-coated tablet remained intact at pH 1, but rapidly dissolved at pH 8. Conclusion: Together, these in vitro data indicate that hydrolysis of DMF to MMF rapidly occurs at pH 8, resembling that within the small intestines, but not at pH 1 resembling the pH in the stomach. At both pHs MMF and MEF remained intact. These data explain the observation that after oral FAE intake MMF and MEF, but not DMF, can be readily detected in the circulation of human healthy volunteers and psoriasis patients

    Do Biofilm Formation and Interactions with Human Cells Explain the Clinical Success of Acinetobacter baumannii?

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    BACKGROUND: The dramatic increase in antibiotic resistance and the recent manifestation in war trauma patients underscore the threat of Acinetobacter baumannii as a nosocomial pathogen. Despite numerous reports documenting its epidemicity, little is known about the pathogenicity of A. baumannii. The aim of this study was to obtain insight into the factors that might explain the clinical success of A. baumannii. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We compared biofilm formation, adherence to and inflammatory cytokine induction by human cells for a large panel of well-described strains of A. baumannii and compared these features to that of other, clinically less relevant Acinetobacter species. Results revealed that biofilm formation and adherence to airway epithelial cells varied widely within the various species, but did not differ among the species. However, airway epithelial cells and cultured human macrophages produced significantly less inflammatory cytokines upon exposure to A. baumannii strains than to strains of A. junii, a species infrequently causing infection. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The induction of a weak inflammatory response may provide a clue to the persistence of A. baumannii in patients

    Medical Device-Associated Biofilm Infections and Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens

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    Medical devices such as venous catheters (VCs) and urinary catheters (UCs) are widely used in the hospital setting. However, the implantation of these devices is often accompanied by complications. About 60 to 70% of nosocomial infections (NIs) are linked to biofilms. The main complication is the ability of microorganisms to adhere to surfaces and form biofilms which protect them and help them to persist in the host. Indeed, by crossing the skin barrier, the insertion of VC inevitably allows skin flora or accidental environmental contaminants to access the underlying tissues and cause fatal complications like bloodstream infections (BSIs). In fact, 80,000 central venous catheters—BSIs (CVC-BSIs)—mainly occur in intensive care units (ICUs) with a death rate of 12 to 25%. Similarly, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CA-UTIs) are the most commonlyhospital-acquired infections (HAIs) worldwide.These infections represent up to 40% of NIs.In this review, we present a summary of biofilm formation steps. We provide an overview of two main and important infections in clinical settings linked to medical devices, namely the catheter-asociated bloodstream infections (CA-BSIs) and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CA-UTIs), and highlight also the most multidrug resistant bacteria implicated in these infections. Furthermore, we draw attention toseveral useful prevention strategies, and advanced antimicrobial and antifouling approaches developed to reduce bacterial colonization on catheter surfaces and the incidence of the catheter-related infections

    Complement activation and inhibition in wound healing

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    Complement activation is needed to restore tissue injury; however, inappropriate activation of complement, as seen in chronic wounds can cause cell death and enhance inflammation, thus contributing to further injury and impaired wound healing. Therefore, attenuation of complement activation by specific inhibitors is considered as an innovative wound care strategy. Currently, the effects of several complement inhibitors, for example, the C3 inhibitor compstatin and several C1 and C5 inhibitors, are under investigation in patients with complement-mediated diseases. Although (pre)clinical research into the effects of these complement inhibitors on wound healing is limited, available data indicate that reduction of complement activation can improve wound healing. Moreover, medicine may take advantage of safe and effective agents that are produced by various microorganisms, symbionts, for example, medicinal maggots, and plants to attenuate complement activation. To conclude, for the development of new wound care strategies, (pre)clinical studies into the roles of complement and the effects of application of complement inhibitors in wound healing are required