2,388 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Metropolitan Public Health Department

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    Routine intimate partner violence (IPV) screening has been recommended for all health care settings to prevent subsequent short and long term health consequences of survivors. However, provider adherence remains low. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to evaluate current screening practices, identify the needs of, and provide resources to three family planning clinics within a metropolitan public health department. The project utilized Donabedian’s Structure, Process, and Outcomes Model to map current protocols within three family planning clinics to identify current practices. A chart review including 105 patient charts was done to identify documentation of IPV screening/discussion as well as referrals following a positive victim response. A focus group composed of three clinic managers and seven individual interviews with clinical staff members were conducted to identify key themes and any barriers to screening. The mapping of practices revealed the overall clinic flow, resources within the clinics, and questions regarding IPV asked. The chart review revealed 47% patients were not asked about IPV and no information regarding subsequent referrals was provided. Five key themes were identified for both the focus group and the individual interviews. The focus group revealed only patient disclosure barriers, while the individual interviews revealed institutional and personal provider barriers, in addition to patient disclosure barriers. Following the individual interviews and focus group an educational session was conducted, resources were provided, and a post-intervention survey was distributed to assess readiness to screen. The post-intervention survey from the managers revealed more psychiatric support resources could be provided to enhance readiness. The clinical staff members had sufficient scores to consider them ready to screen. Overall the study found that additional interventions are needed to ensure providers are prepared to screen and appropriately refer survivors. Evaluation of Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Metropolitan Public Health Department. Approximately 23 million women and 1.7 million men will experience intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). To address this alarming incidence of IPV, the Department of Health and Human Services has responded by guaranteeing access to preventive services, including IPV screening, under the Affordable Care Act (Ramachandran et al., 2013). Routine screening for IPV is now recommended by the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, the CDC, and many more (DeBoer et al., 2013;Sormanti & Smith, 2009; Thackeray, Stelzner, Downs, & Miller, 2007). Despite national recommendations for routine intimate partner violence screening, provider adherence remains low. Studies assessing emergency departments reported that only 13% of patients were asked about IPV (Waalen et al., 2000). Additionally, studies found that only 10 to 39% of patients were screened for IPV at women’s health visits (Renker, 2008). Consequently, intimate partner violence is often underreported, unidentified, and improperly managed by health care providers

    Thermodynamic Properties of the 2N-Piece Relativistic String

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    The thermodynamic free energy F(\beta) is calculated for a gas consisting of the transverse oscillations of a piecewise uniform bosonic string. The string consists of 2N parts of equal length, of alternating type I and type II material, and is relativistic in the sense that the velocity of sound everywhere equals the velocity of light. The present paper is a continuation of two earlier papers, one dealing with the Casimir energy of a 2N--piece string [I. Brevik and R. Sollie (1997)], and another dealing with the thermodynamic properties of a string divided into two (unequal) parts [I. Brevik, A. A. Bytsenko and H. B. Nielsen (1998)]. Making use of the Meinardus theorem we calculate the asymptotics of the level state density, and show that the critical temperatures in the individual parts are equal, for arbitrary spacetime dimension D. If D=26, we find \beta= (2/N)\sqrt{2\pi /T_{II}}, T_{II} being the tension in part II. Thermodynamic interactions of parts related to high genus g is also considered.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures. Discussion in section 8 expande


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    Wabah Covid-19 yang telah menyebar hampir ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia memaksa kita untuk melakukan segala akitivitas dari rumah termasuk kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah atau kampus. Pemerintah telah menetapkan bahwa proses belajar mengajar harus dilakukan dari rumah (daring) selama masa pandemi covid-19. Selama proses pembelajaran daring dilaksanakan, banyak kendala yang dihadapi baik dari pihak dosen maupun mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kendala sistem belajar daring yang mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran matematika pada mahasiswa. Kendala yang dilihat meliputi kendala kuota internet, kendala keluarga, kendala jaringan, kendala fasilitas Hp/Lattop dan kendala materi pembelajaran.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer berupa kuesioner. Pemecahan masalah menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh model regresinya . Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kendala kuota internet (x2)  mempeunyai hubungan sebesar 24%  dengan pembelajaran matematika, selanjutnya keluarga (x3) memiliki hubungan 23%, jaringan internet (x1) sebesar 19%, fasilitas Hp/Lattop (x5)  14% dan meteri pembelajaran (x4) sebesar 8%

    Online Synchronous Language Learning: SLMS over the Internet

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    Learning a second language at a distance poses a tremendous challenge to learners. Physical distance from teachers and peers coupled with possible isolation from the relevant language community makes language learning extremely difficult. However, live interaction supported by synchronous learning management systems (SLMS) over the Internet holds great potential to address various difficulties facing distance language learners. By allowing students and instructors to negotiate linguistic issues together in real-time virtual settings, the interactive functions of such systems—online chat, whiteboards, and videoconferencing technology—can help foster vital learning communities in second language instruction. The study in this article offers an illustration that may contribute to further research and innovation in the use of SLMS to support language instruction in distance learning environments. This article will first discuss the needs of distance language learners and the importance of online synchronous interaction in distance-based language learning. It will then proceed to discuss the capabilities of an advanced SLMS over the Internet and to report the initial results from a pilot study involving learners' evaluation of this SLMS. The implications of these findings for future research will then be explored. The Needs of Distance Language Learners Along with its many advantages, including flexibility and low costs, traditional distance education often has disadvantages—such as a lack of communication, a sense of disconnectedness, and a lack of confidence commonly felt by learners. Distance language learners face even greater difficulties. Despite their wish to improve their proficiency in a given language, distance language learners find little opportunity to communicate in the language itself within this particular learning environment, and these same learners become very frustrated when they cannot converse spontaneously in face-to-face situations. This proble

    Caractérisation physico-chimique de la gomme Sterculia de trois localités de la région de Tambacounda au Sénégal

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    La gomme sterculia est produite par Sterculia setigera Del. en Afrique. Ses propriétés physicochimiques changent suivant divers facteurs dont l’influence sur sa qualité a été peu étudiée. C’est dans cette perspective que l’humidité, le pH, le pouvoir gonflant et la viscosité de cette gomme ont été évalués au Sénégal (Daoudi, Malem niani et Bala). Les résultats ont montré que son humidité varie en fonction du phénotype (écorce claire ou foncée). Elle a été plus élevée sur la gomme de la période sèche-chaude à Daoudi mais elle n’a pas changé suivant le site après un an de conservation. Son pH a varié en fonction de l’interaction période de saignée- couleur de l’écorce à Malem Niani alors qu’à Daoudi il a varié suivant la période de saignée seulement. A Malem, son gonflement a aussi varié suivant l’interaction période de saignée-couleur de l’écorce. Après un an de conservation (température ambiante), son pouvoir gonflant a diminué dans tous les sites. Sa viscosité a été 3,5 fois plus élevée à Bala qu’à Daoudi et Malem Niani. Ces résultats ont permis d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances et d’identifier Bala comme ayant la meilleure qualité de gomme par rapport aux deux autres sites.Mots clés: Acidité, Humidité, pouvoir de gonflement, Sterculia setigera Del., Tambacounda, viscosit&#233

    Sterculia setigera Del.: influence de quelques facteurs sur la production de gomme

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    La gomme sterculia est produite par Sterculia setigera en Afrique. Elle est largement consommée par les populations. Cependant, les pratiques traditionnelles d’exploitation de cette gomme (appelée localement gomme mbepp) par les populations locales constituent la cause principale de la dégradation des peuplements de Sterculia setigera au Sénégal et dans les pays où pousse l’espèce (Mali, Gambie, Niger…). Par ailleurs, peu d’études ont été effectuées dans la région Sahélienne sur les facteurs pouvant influer directement sur la production de cette gomme. Ainsi, la présente recherche qui avait pour objet d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur l’espèce, a étudié, dans une série d’essais à un ou plusieurs facteurs, l’influence de quatre facteurs : la période de saignée (avec quatre  niveaux), le site de récolte, la profondeur des entailles et le diamètre du tronc à 1,30 m (avec deux niveaux pour chacun des trois derniers facteurs)sur la production de gomme mbepp brute, la quantité de gomme nettoyée et le pourcentage de gomme. Les dispositifs expérimentaux ont été  installés dans deux sites situés en forêt naturelle dans la région de Tambacounda (Malem Niani et Daoudi). Les résultats ont montré que le rendement en gomme brute a significativement varié en fonction du site (Daoudi : 186,17 g/arbre contre 149,6 g/arbre à Malem Niani). A Daoudi, la quantité de gomme brute a été trois fois plus élevée avec une saignée de 5 cm de profondeur (62,61 g) qu’avec une saignée de 3 cm (21,54 g). A Malem Niani, les arbres de gros diamètre ont produit plus de gomme (78,50 %) que les arbres de petit diamètre (34,56%) durant la période chaude. Le pourcentage annuel moyen de gomme par arbre a été plus élevé chez les arbres de gros diamètre (83,24 %) et plus faible (68,76 %) sur les arbres de petit diamètre. Les résultats obtenus à travers les différents essais conduits en milieu réel permettront (1) d’assurer une meilleure exploitation de la gomme ainsi qu’une meilleure préservation de la ressource et (2) d’améliorer les conditions de vie des populations locales.Mots-clés : sterculia setigera, mbepp, karaya, saignée


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    Ms.Excel merupakan sebuah aplikasi lembar kerja yang menyediakan menu pengolahan data. Aplikasi pengolahan data pada Ms.Excel dapat diaktifkan secara gratis di menu Toolbar yaitu menu Analysis ToolPak. Berdasarkan menu analisis tersebut hampir seluruh data statitik dapat diselesaikan sama dengan menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi statistik yang berbayar saat ini. Jika mahasiswa mampu menggunakan Ms.Excel secara  optimal pastinya sangat memudahkan dalan hal pengolahan data pada penelitian tugas akhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan analisis data menggunakan Ms.Excel pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di Universitas Teuku Umar (UTU). Data kemampuan diperoleh melalui soal pengolahan data yang dikerjakan pada lembar kerja Ms.Excel. Soal meliputi materi statistik deskriptif, penyajian data, uji instrumen dan uji hipotesis. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh fakta bahwa mahasiswa mampu menghitung statistik deskriptif sebesar 34%, penyajian data 43%, 13% pada uji instrumen dan terakhir 10% pada uji hipotesis. Secara kumulatif, kemampuan pengolahan berbasis Ms.Excel pada mahasiswa akhir Universitas Teuku Umar berada pada kategori sedang

    Implementasi Enkripsi Dengan Vigenere Cipher Dan Reverse Cipher Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Python

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    Arus komunikasi pada zaman ini begitu kencang, kelancaran arus komunikasi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah faktor diantaranya kemajuan teknologi di bidang informasi serta mudahnya untuk mendapatkan perangkat untuk berkomunikasi tersebut. Dibalik semua kemudahan tersebut terdapat sejumlah ancaman yang ada. Diantaranya peretasan yang dilakukan oleh entitas yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Beberapa aspek yang harus dipenuhi berupa keamanan, keaslian dan otentifikasi dan beberapa aspek lainnya yang harus dipenuhi untuk memenuhi keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam berkomunikasi. Kriptografi hadir sebagai salah satu solusi untuk menjamin keamanan pada data seperti teks, gambar, audio, dan video yang dikirimkan sebagai objek komunikasi. Kriptografi bekerja dengan mengubah objek atau data yang awalnya dapat dipahami menjadi sebuah objek atau data yang tidak dapat dipahami. Salah satu bagian dari kriptografi adalah Vigenere Cipher yang telah digunakan sejak lama. Dalam perjalanannya Vigenere Cipher sudah dapat dipecahkan, hal ini tentu menjadi sebuah tantangan tentang bagaimana cara memperkuat cipher tersebut, untuk itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan eknkripsi ganda dengan menggunakan Vigenere Cipher dan Reverse Cipher yang diharapkan dapat memperkuat Vigenere Cipher tersebut

    concept study for a 80% scaled Derivative LCA

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    The LCA. i s expected to incorporate advanced aerodynamic and flight control features, with high AoA capabilities and high agility . Due to our limited design data bank and lack of experience in FBW technology, several uncertainties may not be resolved even at the prototype first flight stage . Hence a study was conducted to explore the feasibility of fabricating and flight-testing a 80;6 scaled derivative aircraft to provide flight mechanics and flight control data for the LCA. This aircraft would be made from rigid-foam-FRP composite materials, using techniques developed at MAL . It would have an gross weight of 2500 kg and the Viper 22/8 engine is suggested as the powerplant because of availability. Preliminary design has been started and basic parameters are mentioned. It is felt that this experimental program will be crucial for the success of the LCA . The time element is the most challenging aspect in this situation. A 21z year time frame seems to be possible if financial and manpower support are available It is expected that this study will initiate a dialogue between is HAL and MBB to formulate a joint program for the fabrication and flight-testing of the experimental LCA.