896 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi Teknologi Artificial Intelligence oleh Mahasiswa Akuntansi di Kota Batam

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    Artificial Intelligence advancements are revolutionizing business, particularly in accounting, offering transformative potential in data management and decision-making. As the demand for accounting skills in business evolves, adopting AI becomes vital for maintaining professional relevance in the digital age. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of technology readiness, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on the adoption of artificial technology by accounting students. This study uses quantitative methods using a questionnaire with 30 items. The data of this study was collected through a questionnaire filled by 152 active accounting students in Batam City, Indonesia, who had completed computerized accounting courses during the academic year of 2023-2024. This study conducted the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach to analyze the collected data. The findings show that perceived ease of use significantly impacts perceived usefulness and the adoption of artificial intelligence technology. Additionally, technology readiness has been shown to influence both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, it was found that neither technology readiness nor perceived usefulness affects the adoption of artificial intelligence technology. The result of the study suggests

    Use of Online Tools in Teaching C++ Programming to Freshmen in All Engineering Majors

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    As computer software becomes increasingly used in analysis and design in all engineering disciplines, more engineering programs have started including computer programming in their common core for all engineering majors. C++ is a popular programming language that’s been chosen for teaching engineering students programming. At California Baptist University, EGR 121 Introduction to Computer Programming in C++ is a required course for all engineering students. Most of our engineering students take this course in their first year. This course was taught using traditional means of lecture, text book reading and exercises along with labs and programming projects. Since the fall of 2012 we incorporated two online resources, an online interactive content resource and an online exercise tool to replace the previous textbook problems as homework. We discuss our experience in the classroom along with survey feedback from our students. Although no statistically significant difference in final grades was detected, we did find anecdotal indication that students benefited from these tools particularly the online homework problems

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Fisik Latihan Jalan Kaki Terhadap Tekanan Darah Bagi Lansia Hipertensi

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    Pendahuluan: Hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan umum yang dialami oleh lansia akibat dari proses penuaan. Hipertensi pada lansia dapat mengakibatkan penyakit tidak menular lainnya seperti infark miokard, gagal jantung, stroke, dan kematian. Perlu adanya upaya untuk menurunkan tekanan darah bagi lansia dengan hipertensi, salah satunya dengan aktivitas fisik latihan jalan kaki. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh aktivitas fisik latihan jalan kaki terhadap tekanan darah bagi lansia hipertensi.  Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimental dengan besar sampel sebanyak 26 lansia. Intervensi dilakukan selama satu minggu dengan dua kali latihan, waktu latihan 15 menit, dan jeda istirahat 10 menit. Sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi lansia akan diukur tekanan darah. Hasil: Hasil dalam penelitian ini terjadi penurunan tekanan darah sistolik pre dan post intervensi sebesar 2,205, sedangkan rata-rata penurunan tekanan darah diastolik pre dan post intervensi sebesar 2,182. Pembahasan: Latihan jalan kaki dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi dan efektif pada individu dengan gaya hidup sedentari atau inaktivitas fisik. Latihan jalan kaki juga meningkatkan fungsi jantung dan peredaran darah dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kesimpulan: Latihan jalan kaki dapat membantu menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi dan mengurangi dampak atau komplikasi hipertensi

    Pengukuran Komponen Zat Besi pada Laki-Laki Pendonor Darah Rutin di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Tahun 2013

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    Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional disorder in the world and this can happen in the routine male blood donors. In people who donate blood on a regular basis are feared to iron deficiency without anemia. Thus a major concern of the donor screening for iron deficiency aiming for blood donors is to stay healthy and continue to donate blood. This study used a cross-sectional design in the male blood donors from Gunung Kidul who donate blood first, fifth and tenth times. Each donation made up of 25 people who were taken blood samples for serum iron (SI), total iron binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation and serum ferritin examination. Results obtained in the first donation, the mean ferritin level was 91.78; the fifth donation increased ferritin levels in the amount of 111.49 and decreased again in the tenth donation donor group 65.28. Results of Kruskal Wallis test showed no significant difference between the mean ferritin levels in the first donation, the fifth and the tenth time (p=0.044). There is a decrease in body iron stores (serum ferritin) in the tenth donation while no changes for SI, TIBC and transferrin saturation. The more often one donate blood can cause first stage of iron deficiency which call as iron depletion. Therefore need to be considered dietary or nutritional status and also supplements provided after donor.Keywords : blood donor, iron status, Gunung KidulAbstrakDefisiensi besi adalah salah satu gangguan gizi yang paling umum dan bisa terjadi pada para pendonor darah laki-laki yang rutin. Pada pendonor darah yang sering mendonorkan darah, pada suatu waktu dikhawatirkan dapat terjadi defisiensi besi tanpa anemia. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan hubungan kekerapan donasi dengan penurunan cadangan besi tubuh (feritin serum) dan saturasi besi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada para pendonor darah laki-laki di Gunung Kidul yang menyumbangkan darahnya pertama, kelima dan kesepuluh kali. Jumlah donor dari kelompok donasi sebanyak 25 orang yang diambil sampel darahnya untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan serum iron (SI), total iron binding capacity (TIBC), saturasi transferin dan feritin serum. Didapatkan hasil pada kelompok pendonor pertama kali, rerata kadar feritin adalah 91,78; pada kelompok pendonor yang menyumbangkan darahnya kelima kali terjadi peningkatan kadar feritin yaitu sebesar 111,49 dan menurun lagi pada kelompok pendonor donasi yang menyumbangkan darahnya kesepuluh kali yakni 65,28. Hasil uji kruskal wallis menunjukkan ada perbedaan rerata yang bermakna antara kadar feritin dari donasi pertama, kelima dan kesepuluh kali (nilai p=0,044). Kadar SI, TIBC dan saturasi transferin tidak mengalami Perubahan sedangkan cadangan besi tubuh (feritin serum) pada donasi kesepuluh mengalami penurunan. Semakin sering seseorang menyumbangkan darah dapat terjadi defisiensi besi tahap pertama yang disebut juga iron depletion.Kata kunci : donor darah, status zat besi, Gunung Kidu

    Dinamika Jender terhadap Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal Sembilan Etnis di Indonesia

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    This is a review of maternal mortality risk due to preference of non skilled health worker delivery assistance among 9 ethnics applying gender analysis. Data obtained from 9 ethnograpic studies reports conducted by Pusat Humaniora. Estimation of maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is between 305 (Supas) – 359 (Susenas) per 100.000 live birth. There is no single cause of maternal death. The greatest contributors 75% are due to direct cause namely bleeding, infection, hypertension, delivery complication and unsafe abortion. Government intervention prioritizes to prevent direct cause of maternal death through health service delivery improvement. Among them are midwives in village, PONEK, PONED. However MMR is still high. Social factors as Indirect causes such as poverty, distance, information, inadequate service and culture have not yet considered as important. In fact contribution of social factors cannot be neglected. This review explores gender dynamics of preferences on non skilled health worker delivery assistance from 9 ethnic in Sumatra, Jawa and NTT. The results showed each ethinc had different gender dynamics. Among which are gender relation in each culture. Some ethnic shows gender equity, while others believe woman have full responsibility of her pregnancy and delivery without assistance from others. Powerlessness of woman is indicated by preference of traditional birth attendant for delivery due to culture and comfort. Even the pregnant women herself did not aware that delivery is a life risk. However the studies showed there is no sharp inequity with strong preference to boy over girl. Accessibility, education, comfort perceived culture, and economy are important for delivery assisted by health providers

    PUNAH! (Jadilah Pahlawan!) : Mobile Game Berbasis Android untuk Mengenalkan Budaya Menjaga Kebersihan Lingkungan

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    Kebersihan merupakan cerminan seseorang dalam menjaga kesehatan hidupnya mulai dari diri sendiri sampai lingkungan sekitarnya. Suatu tempat atau lingkungan dikatakan bersih ketika tempat tersebut tidak terdapat sampah secara kasat mata. Pembuangan sampah yang tidak diurus degan baik akan mengakibatkan masalah besar, karena penumpukan sampah atau membuang sembarangan ke kawasan terbuka akan mengakibatkan pencemaran tanah yang juga akan berdampak ke saluran air tanah. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa membuang sampah sembarangan merupakan kebiasaan orang Indonesia yang sulit dihilangkan. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah sebuah game berbasis mobile Android yang bermanfaat untuk mengajak masyarakat agar membuang dan membersihkan sampah layaknya di kehidupan nyata dan bagaimana memisahkan sampah organik dan anorganik. Game ini dimaksudkan untuk menyadarkan masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan dan mengetahui akibat yang disebabkan dari membuang sampah secara sembarangan. Game ”Punah! (Jadilah Pahlawan!)” merupakan endless/infinite running game, dimainkan dengan memisahkan sampah organik dan anorganik sesuai jenis sampahnya. Dibangun dengan aplikasi unity menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C# dan didukung dengan facebook APIs sehingga pemain dapat membagikan skor mereka ke media sosial

    Evaluating the behaviour of Chinese stakeholders engaged in large hydropower projects in Asia and Africa

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    Hydropower dams have been back in the spotlight due to shifting preference for low carbon energy generation and possible contributions to mitigating climate change. At the forefront of the renaissance of large hydropower dams are Chinese companies as the world’s largest dam builders at home and abroad, opening up opportunities for low and middle income countries. However, large hydropower dams, despite their possible developmental and carbon reduction contributions, are accompanied by huge economic costs, profound negative environmental changes and social impacts. Using fieldwork data from four hydropower projects in Ghana, Nigeria, Cambodia and Malaysia, this paper evaluates the behavior of Chinese stakeholders engaged in large hydropower projects in Asia and Africa. We do this by first exploring the interests of the different Chinese stakeholders and then investigating the wider implications of these Chinese dams on the local, national and international contexts. The paper concludes that hydropower dams will continue to be prominent in the future to increase energy security and reduce energy poverty world-wide hence the planning, building and mitigation strategies need to be done in a more sustainable way that takes into account national development priorities, the needs of local people and the impacts on natural habitats

    Influence of mild and moderate hepatic impairment on axitinib pharmacokinetics

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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of hepatic impairment on the pharmacokinetics and safety of a single, oral axitinib dose in subjects with mild or moderate hepatic impairment. Methods: In this phase I, open-label, parallel-group study, a total of 24 subjects with either normal hepatic function (n = 8) or with mild (n = 8) or moderate (n = 8) hepatic impairment were administered a single, oral dose of axitinib (5 mg). Blood samples were collected at intervals up to 144 h following dosing, and plasma pharmacokinetics and safety were assessed. Changes in axitinib plasma exposures in subjects with mild or moderate hepatic impairment were predicted using computer simulations and used to guide initial dosing in the clinical study. Results: Axitinib exposure was similar in subjects with normal hepatic function and those with mild hepatic impairment, but approximately twofold higher in subjects with moderate hepatic impairment. Axitinib exposure weakly correlated with measures of hepatic function but was not affected by smoking status. Axitinib protein binding was similar in the three treatment groups. No significant treatment-related adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Compared with subjects with normal hepatic function, moderate hepatic impairment increased axitinib exposure, suggesting that the oral clearance of axitinib is altered in these subjects. In addition, these data indicate a possible need for a dose reduction in subjects who develop moderate or worse hepatic impairment during axitinib treatment. A single 5-mg dose of axitinib was well tolerated in subjects with mild or moderate hepatic impairment

    Knowledge Level of COVID-19 Prevention in Banjar Gambang Communities, Seraya Village, Karangasem, Indonesia

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    Background: Problems to COVID-19 are closely related to the level of knowledge and community prevention. Therefore, to overcome COVID-19, increased knowledge and prevention are needed. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between prevention and knowledge level about COVID-19.Methods: A cross-sectional study using a convenience sampling approach was conducted in Banjar Gambang, Karangasem, Indonesia, in April 2022. The knowledge level and preventive behavior towards COVID-19 were measured using the COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Index (CPBI) and the knowledge, attitudes, and practice toward COVID-19 (KAPCOV-19) questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 26.0.Results: A total of 52 respondents were included, who had excellent level of knowledge (44.2%) and moderate prevention behaviour (48.1%). A strong and significant correlation was found between the preventive index and the knowledge levels of COVID-19 (r = 0.548; p<0.001). The level of knowledge was significantly related to the level of preventive behavior (p= 0.003), as well as the education level (r = 0.323; p = 0.02) and age (r= -0.346; p=0.012).Conclusion: The level of knowledge and the individual prevention behavior toward COVID-19 are directly proportional to each other. Those who have a low level of knowledge, might affect their prevention behavior toward COVID-19, therefore, personalized socialization of COVID-19 prevention is still required