169 research outputs found

    Giant Impact Induced Atmospheric Blow-Off

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    Previous calculations indicate that the Earth suffered impacts from objects up to Mars size. Such a giant impact may have produced a temporary ejecta-based ring that accreted to form the Moon. To simulate the surface waves from such events we approximated the cratering source as a buried pressurized sphere. For a 10^27 J impactor we calculated the resulting surface wave using the mode summation method of Sato et al.. For such an impact, the solid Earth free-surface velocity above, and antipodal to, the source achieves 2.6 and 1.9 km/s. Such large ground motions pump the atmosphere and result in upward particle motions which cause the atmosphere to be accelerated to excess of the escape velocity (11.2 km/s) at high altitudes. For a 1.3 × 10^32 J Moon-forming impact we calculate that ~50% of the Earth's atmosphere is accelerated to escape

    Tuning Parameter Selection in Cox Proportional Hazards Model with a Diverging Number of Parameters

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    Regularized variable selection is a powerful tool for identifying the true regression model from a large number of candidates by applying penalties to the objective functions. The penalty functions typically involve a tuning parameter that control the complexity of the selected model. The ability of the regularized variable selection methods to identify the true model critically depends on the correct choice of the tuning parameter. In this study we develop a consistent tuning parameter selection method for regularized Cox\u27s proportional hazards model with a diverging number of parameters. The tuning parameter is selected by minimizing the generalized information criterion. We prove that, for any penalty that possesses the oracle property, the proposed tuning parameter selection method identifies the true model with probability approaching one as sample size increases. Its finite sample performance is evaluated by simulations. Its practical use is demonstrated in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) breast cancer data

    Variable Selection for Case-Cohort Studies with Failure Time Outcome

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    Case-cohort designs are widely used in large cohort studies to reduce the cost associated with covariate measurement. In many such studies the number of covariates is very large, so an efficient variable selection method is necessary. In this paper, we study the properties of variable selection using the smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty in a case-cohort design with a diverging number of parameters. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum penalized pseudo-partial likelihood estimator, and show that the proposed variable selection procedure is consistent and has an asymptotic oracle property. Simulation studies compare the finite sample performance of the procedure with Akaike information criterion- and Bayesian information criterion-based tuning parameter selection methods. We make recommendations for use of the procedures in case-cohort studies, and apply them to the Busselton Health Study

    A cross-sectional study of demographic, environmental and parental barriers to active school travel among children in the United States

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    [Background] Promoting daily routine physical activities, such as active travel to school, may have important health implications. Practitioners and policy makers must understand the variety of factors that influence whether or not a child uses active school travel. Several reviews have identified both inhibitors and promoters of active school travel, but few studies have combined these putative characteristics in one analysis. The purpose of this study is to examine associations between elementary school children’s active school travel and variables hypothesized as correlates (demographics, physical environment, perceived barriers and norms). [Methods] The current project uses the dataset from the National Evaluation of Walk to School (WTS) Project, which includes data from 4th and 5th grade children and their parents from 18 schools across the US. Measures included monthly child report of mode of school travel during the previous week (n = 10,809) and perceived barriers and social norms around active school travel by parents (n = 1,007) and children (n = 1,219). Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) with log-link functions were used to assess bivariate and multivariate associations between hypothesized correlates and frequency of active school travel, assuming random school effect and controlling for the distance to school. [Results] The final model showed that the most relevant significant predictors of active school travel were parent’s perceived barriers, specifically child resistance (Estimate = −0.438, p < 0.0001) and safety and weather (Estimate = −0.0245, p < 0.001), as well as the school’s percentage of Hispanic students (Estimate = 0.0059, p < 0.001), after adjusting for distance and including time within school cluster as a random effect. [Conclusions] Parental concerns may be impacting children’s use of active school travel, and therefore, future interventions to promote active school travel should more actively engage parents and address these concerns. Programs like the Walk to School program, which are organized by the schools and can engage community resources such as public safety officials, could help overcome many of these perceived barriers to active transport.This study was supported by a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Special Interest Project (SIP 09–02). The project was conducted out of the Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, a Prevention Research Center funded through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U48-DP001944)

    Using Mutability Landscapes To Guide Enzyme Thermostabilization

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    Thermostabilizing enzymes while retaining their activity and enantioselectivity for applied biocatalysis is an important topic in protein engineering. Rational and computational design strategies as well as directed evolution have been used successfully to thermostabilize enzymes. Herein, we describe an alternative mutability-landscape approach that identified three single mutations (R11Y, R11I and A33D) within the enzyme 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4-OT), which has potential as a biocatalyst for pharmaceutical synthesis, that gave rise to significant increases in apparent melting temperature Tm (up to 20 °C) and in half-life at 80 °C (up to 111-fold). Introduction of these beneficial mutations in an enantioselective but thermolabile 4-OT variant (M45Y/F50A) afforded improved triple-mutant enzyme variants showing an up to 39 °C increase in Tm value, with no reduction in catalytic activity or enantioselectivity. This study illustrates the power of mutability-landscape-guided protein engineering for thermostabilizing enzymes

    Optimalisasi Pemasaran Digital Kampung Ekowisata Ciwaluh, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Kampung Ciwaluh, terletak di Desa Wates Jaya, Cigombong, Bogor, memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang indah, mulai dari aliran sungai, air terjun, kebun kopi, dan persawahan. Sejak tahun 2001, telah dibentuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) Ciwaluh. Pokdarwis kampung Ciwaluh bertujuan menjadikan Kampung Ciwaluh sebagai kampung ekowisata. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi pokdarwis adalah kesulitan dalam pemasaran dikarenakan terbatasnya sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang memahami pentingnya literasi digital, sehingga metode pemasaran masih menggunakan metode konvensional. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan upaya meningkatkan kemampuan SDM untuk pemasaran secara digital melalui program pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret hingga November 2022.&nbsp; Metode pelaksanaan dimulai dari: 1) Tahap perencanaan dan observasi; 2) Tahap pelaksanaan; a. Pelatihan pemasaran digital dan identifikasi kebutuhan website b. Pendampingan pembuatan logo dan website c) Pelatihan pengelolaan website dan pembuatan paket wisata d) Pendampingan pengiklanan online; 3) Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Target yang telah dicapai dari abdimas ini adalah terciptanya website dengan domain Ciwaluh.com dan logo branding kampung ekowisata Ciwaluh, terealisasinya iklan sebagai promosi digital melalui FB, Instagram, dan Google Ads, juga pelatihan mengenai pengelolaan website serta strategi pemasaran digital. Kedepannya, diharapkan pemasaran melalui media digital ini dapat lebih efektif efisien untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung yang datang ke ekowisata Ciwaluh

    Perbandingan Letak Garis Interkrista Iliaka terhadap Vertebra antara Gravida dan Non Gravida dengan Teknik Pencitraan Ultrasonografi

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    Teknik blokade neuroaksial merupakan teknik anestesi yang sering digunakan untuk memfasilitasi tindakan sectio caesaria. Teknik anestesi ini membutuhkan penanda anatomis yang salah satunya adalah garis interkrista iliaka atau garis Tuffier’s yang didefinisikan sebagai garis bayang horizontal yang menghubungkan bagian superior dari kedua krista iliaka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbandingan letak garis interkrista iliaka terhadap vertebra antara gravida dan nongravida dengan teknik pencitraan ultrasonografi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental pada 30 subjek penelitian yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei–Juli 2018 yang menjalani operasi di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Secara palpasi ditentukan letak perpotongan garis interkrista iliaka dengan prosesus transversum, kemudian dilakukan identifikasi menggunakan ultrasonografi. Analisis statistik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa garis interkrista iliaka pada gravida terletak lebih tinggi, yaitu pada L3-4 jika dibanding dengan nongravida yang terletak pada L4-5 dengan perbedaan signifikan (p˂0,05). Pada gravida bertambah berat badan saat hamil mengakibatkan bertambah body mass index (BMI), pembesaran uterus pada kehamilan akan memengaruhi bentuk tubuh dan kelengkungan tulang belakang (hiperlordosis) sehingga terletak lebih ke arah cefalad. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa letak garis interkrista iliaka pada vertebra gravida lebih tinggi dibanding dengan vertebra nongravida yang diproyeksikan dengan teknik ultrasonografi.Comparison of Intercristal Line Position to the Vertebra between Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women using Ultrasonography Imaging Anesthesia using neuraxial blockade technique can be used to facilitate cesarean sections in pregnant patients. This technique of anesthesia requires an anatomical marker, one of which is the intercristal line or Tuffier’s line, defined as an imaginary horizontal line connecting the superior parts of both iliac crests. This study aims to compare the position of intercristal line to the vertebra in pregnant and non-pregnant women using ultrasonography imaging. This study was an experimental study on 30 research subjects who underwent surgery in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, during the period of May until July 2018. The location of the intersection between the intercristal line and the transversal process was identified using ultrasonography. Data were then analyzed statistically using Mann Whitney test. Results of the study showed that the intercristal line in pregnant women was located higher, on L3-4, when compared to non-pregnant women, on L4-5, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). In pregnant women, the weight increase contributes to an increase in BMI while the enlarging uterus affects body shape and vertebral arch (hyperlordosis), making it more cephalad. Therefore, the location of the intercristal line required for neuraxial blockade on the vertebra of pregnant women is higher compared to non-pregnant women, as projected through ultrasonography.Teknik blokade neuroaksial merupakan teknik anestesi yang sering digunakan untuk memfasilitasi tindakan sectio caesaria. Teknik anestesi ini membutuhkan penanda anatomis yang salah satunya adalah garis interkrista iliaka atau garis Tuffier’s yang didefinisikan sebagai garis bayang horizontal yang menghubungkan bagian superior dari kedua krista iliaka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbandingan letak garis interkrista iliaka terhadap vertebra antara gravida dan non gravida dengan teknik pencitraan ultrasonografi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental pada 30 subjek penelitian yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei–Juli 2018 yang menjalani operasi di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Secara palpasi ditentukan letak perpotongan garis interkrista iliaka dengan prosesus transversum kemudian dilakukan identifikasi menggunakan ultrasonografi. Analisis statistik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Uji Mann whitney. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa garis interkrista iliaka pada gravida terletak lebih tinggi yaitu pada L3-4 jika dibandingkan dengan non gravida yang terletak pada L4-5 dengan perbedaan signifikan (p˂0,05). Pada gravida bertambahnya berat badan saat hamil mengakibatkan bertambahnya body mass index (BMI), pembesaran uterus pada kehamilan akan mempengaruhi bentuk tubuh dan kelengkungan tulang belakang (hiperlordosis) sehingga terletak lebih ke arah cefalad. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa letak garis interkrista iliaka pada vertebra gravida lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan vertebra non gravida yang diproyeksikan dengan teknik ultrasonografi

    Proceeding: The International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Technology (ISBEST) 2018 Collaborative Innovation of Economic Society In The Era of The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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    ISBEST 2018 is hosted by Faculty of Economics Universitas Terbuka (Open University) Indonesia. With over 40,000 students enrolled in its undergraduate and graduate programs, FE-UT is one of the most well-reputed Indonesian highereducation institutions in open and distance learning disciplines. Jakarta is also known as the vibrant city, therefore, makes a great location for an interesting and productive seminar on multi-disciplinary studies of business and economics. Through this conference, we would like to engage with all of you in an open and constructive dialogue about “Collaborative Innovation of Economic Society in the era of The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

    Germline-encoded neutralization of a Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor by the human antibody repertoire.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is both an important pathogen and a human commensal. To explore this ambivalent relationship between host and microbe, we analysed the memory humoral response against IsdB, a protein involved in iron acquisition, in four healthy donors. Here we show that in all donors a heavily biased use of two immunoglobulin heavy chain germlines generated high affinity (pM) antibodies that neutralize the two IsdB NEAT domains, IGHV4-39 for NEAT1 and IGHV1-69 for NEAT2. In contrast to the typical antibody/antigen interactions, the binding is primarily driven by the germline-encoded hydrophobic CDRH-2 motifs of IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, with a binding mechanism nearly identical for each antibody derived from different donors. Our results suggest that IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, while part of the adaptive immune system, may have evolved under selection pressure to encode a binding motif innately capable of recognizing and neutralizing a structurally conserved protein domain involved in pathogen iron acquisition
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