14 research outputs found

    Optimizing Feature Interaction Detection

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    © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG. The feature interaction problem has been recognized as a general problem of software engineering. The problem appears when a combination of features interacts generating a conflict, exhibiting a behaviour that is unexpected for the features considered in isolation, possibly resulting in some critical safety violation. Verification of absence of critical feature interactions has been the subject of several studies. In this paper, we focus on functional interactions and we address the problem of the 3-way feature interactions, i.e. interactions that occur only when three features are all included in the system, but not when only two of them are. In this setting, we define a widely applicable definition framework, within which we show that a 3 (or greater)-way interaction is always caused by a 2-way interaction, i.e. that pairwise sampling is complete, hence reducing to quadratic the complexity of automatic detection of incorrect interaction

    Baseline assessment of pharmacovigilance activities in four sub-Saharan African countries: a perspective on tuberculosis.

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    BACKGROUND: New medicines have become available for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) and are introduced in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by the national TB programs (NTPs) through special access schemes. Pharmacovigilance is typically the task of national medicines regulatory agencies (NMRAs), but the active drug safety monitoring and management (aDSM) recommended for the new TB medicines and regimens was introduced through the NTPs. We assessed the strengths and challenges of pharmacovigilance systems in Eswatini, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania, focusing on their capacity to monitor safety of medicines registered and not registered by the NMRAs for the treatment of DR-TB. METHODS: Assessment visits were conducted to all four countries by a multidisciplinary team. We used a pharmacovigilance indicator tool derived from existing tools, interviewed key stakeholders, and visited health facilities where DR-TB patients were treated with new medicines. Assessment results were verified with the local NMRAs and NTPs. RESULTS: Most countries have enabling laws, regulations and guidelines for the conduct of pharmacovigilance by the NMRAs. The relative success of NTP-NMRA collaboration is much influenced by interpersonal relationships between staff. Division of roles and responsibilities is not always clear and leads to duplication and unfulfilled tasks (e.g. causality assessment). The introduction of aDSM has increased awareness among DR-TB healthcare providers. CONCLUSION: aDSM has created awareness about the importance of pharmacovigilance among NTPs. In the future, a push for conducting pharmacovigilance through public health programs seems useful, but this needs to coincide with increased collaboration with between public health programs and NMRAs with clear formulation of roles and responsibilities

    Requirements Engineering

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) aims to ensure that systems meet the needs of their stakeholders including users, sponsors, and customers. Often consid- ered as one of the earliest activities in software engineering, it has developed into a set of activities that touch almost every step of the software development process. In this chapter, we reflect on how the need for RE was first recognised and how its foundational concepts were developed. We present the seminal papers on four main activities of the RE process, namely (i) elicitation, (ii) modelling & analysis, (iii) as- surance, and (iv) management & evolution. We also discuss some current research challenges in the area, including security requirements engineering as well as RE for mobile and ubiquitous computing. Finally, we identify some open challenges and research gaps that require further exploration

    The impact of HIV/SRH service integration on workload: analysis from the Integra Initiative in two African settings.

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    BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in integration of HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services as a way to improve the efficiency of human resources (HR) for health in low- and middle-income countries. Although this is supported by a wealth of evidence on the acceptability and clinical effectiveness of service integration, there is little evidence on whether staff in general health services can easily absorb HIV services. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive analysis of HR integration through task shifting/sharing and staff workload in the context of the Integra Initiative - a large-scale five-year evaluation of HIV/SRH integration. We describe the level, characteristics and changes in HR integration in the context of wider efforts to integrate HIV/SRH, and explore the impact of HR integration on staff workload. RESULTS: Improvements in the range of services provided by staff (HR integration) were more likely to be achieved in facilities which also improved other elements of integration. While there was no overall relationship between integration and workload at the facility level, HIV/SRH integration may be most influential on staff workload for provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling (PITC) and postnatal care (PNC) services, particularly where HIV care and treatment services are being supported with extra SRH/HIV staffing. Our findings therefore suggest that there may be potential for further efficiency gains through integration, but overall the pace of improvement is slow. CONCLUSIONS: This descriptive analysis explores the effect of HIV/SRH integration on staff workload through economies of scale and scope in high- and medium-HIV prevalence settings. We find some evidence to suggest that there is potential to improve productivity through integration, but, at the same time, significant challenges are being faced, with the pace of productivity gain slow. We recommend that efforts to implement integration are assessed in the broader context of HR planning to ensure that neither staff nor patients are negatively impacted by integration policy

    CloudSafe: A tool for an automated security analysis for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing has been adopted widely, providing on-demand computing resources to improve performance and reduce operational costs. However, these new functionalities also bring new ways to exploit the cloud computing environment. To assess the security of the cloud, graphical security models can be used, such as Attack Graphs and Attack Trees. However, existing models do not consider all types of threats, and also automating the security assessment functions are difficult. In this paper, we propose a new security assessment tool for the cloud named CloudSafe, an automated security assessment for the cloud. The CloudSafe tool collates various tools and frameworks to automate the security assessment process. To demonstrate the applicability of the CloudSafe, we conducted security assessment in Amazon AWS, where our experimental results showed that we can effectively gather security information of the cloud and carry out security assessment to produce security reports. Users and cloud service providers can use the security report generated by the CloudSafe to understand the security posture of the cloud being used/provided. - 2019 IEEE.This paper was made possible by Grant NPRP 8-531-1-111 from Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Scopu

    The Costs of Delivering Integrated HIV and Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Limited Resource Settings.

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    OBJECTIVE: To present evidence on the total costs and unit costs of delivering six integrated sexual reproductive health and HIV services in a high and medium HIV prevalence setting, in order to support policy makers and planners scaling up these essential services. DESIGN: A retrospective facility based costing study conducted in 40 non-government organization and public health facilities in Kenya and Swaziland. METHODS: Economic and financial costs were collected retrospectively for the year 2010/11, from each study site with an aim to estimate the cost per visit of six integrated HIV and SRH services. A full cost analysis using a combination of bottom-up and step-down costing methods was conducted from the health provider's perspective. The main unit of analysis is the economic unit cost per visit for each service. Costs are converted to 2013 International dollars. RESULTS: The mean cost per visit for the HIV/SRH services ranged from Int14.23(PNCvisit)toInt 14.23 (PNC visit) to Int 74.21 (HIV treatment visit). We found considerable variation in the unit costs per visit across settings with family planning services exhibiting the least variation (Int6.7152.24)andSTItreatmentandHIVtreatmentvisitsexhibitingthehighestvariationinunitcostrangingfrom(Int 6.71-52.24) and STI treatment and HIV treatment visits exhibiting the highest variation in unit cost ranging from (Int 5.44-281.85) and ($Int 0.83-314.95), respectively. Unit costs of visits were driven by fixed costs while variability in visit costs across facilities was explained mainly by technology used and service maturity. CONCLUSION: For all services, variability in unit costs and cost components suggest that potential exists to reduce costs through better use of both human and capital resources, despite the high proportion of expenditure on drugs and medical supplies. Further work is required to explore the key drivers of efficiency and interventions that may facilitate efficiency improvements