139 research outputs found

    An algorithm using YOLOv4 and DeepSORT for tracking vehicle speed on highway

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    Currently, expressways are increasingly developed and expanded. Several highways of Vietnam allow vehicles to travel up to 120 kilometers per hour helping to transport goods quickly and bring a lot of socio-economic benefits. Vehicle monitoring plays an important role in reducing traffic accidents helping to handle violations.The paper proposes a model to identify and monitor car speed on highways. The proposal method uses YOLOv4 combining with DeepSORT for vehicle identification and tracking. We then calculate the speed of car based on video recording and sending back from highway. The execution context is highway where vehicles move very fast. The results show that system meets set requirements with over 90% accuracy and execution times for up to 70 frames per second that is suitable for real systems

    Genetic diversity of local rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta based on SSR markers and morphological characteristics

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    Based on target traits, use of the genetic diversity of rice is beneficial for crop improvement. In this study, 41 rice varieties local to Vietnam’s Mekong Delta were evaluated on the basis of 11 quantitative morphological traits, along with the assessment of genetic diversity according to 50 SSR markers. The actual yield had a significance level of 0.05, while plant height and panicles per square meter had a high significance level of 0.001. Cluster analysis based on 11 quantitative traits also revealed that two were the optimal number of clusters used in this study. The highest polymorphic information content (PIC) value obtained was for RM286 (0.49), with a range of 0.00 to 0.49 and an average PIC of 0.14. Both structure and phylogenetic tree analyses as inferred from 50 SSR markers by the unweighted pair‐group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) also indicated that the 41 local rice varieties could be divided into two major groups. This study provides a useful information for Mot bui do cao CM, and Mot bui five varieties for improvements in the yield and intermediate amylose content of local rice‐breeding programs in future, especially for the Mekong Delta region

    Analysis of bearing capacity of bored piles from bi-directional load test: A case study in Quang Ngai province

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    The paper presents the vertical bearing capacity of bored piles from the bi-directional load test (O-Cell method) at the Tra Khuc dam-bridge project in Quang Ngai province. The dam structure was supported by approximately 400 bored piles with the diameter of D1200mm and the length of 27 m to 50 m. The ground includes the sand, clay and weathered rock layers with the SPT index (N30) from 8 to 80. The pile's tips were socketed in the granite layer with the average compressive strength of 18.6 MPa. Two test piles with the length of 29.1 m (T1N) and 42.75 m (T8N) were conducted O-Cell test. The side friction of soil layers and pile tip resistance were analyzed. The axial strain obtained from strain gages were used to analyze the axial load distribution along the depth of the pile. The test results show that the side resistance of the piles in the weathered rock mixed is 77.14 kPa for the pile T1N and 72.34 kPa for the pile T8N (approximately 50% of the total side resistance) which are not the ultimate shaft resistance of the piles in this layer. As its’ advantages, the bi-directional load test could be applied widely in the narrow site or on river condition in Vietnam

    Analysis of bearing capacity of bored piles from bi-directional load test: A case study in Quang Ngai province

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    The paper presents the vertical bearing capacity of bored piles from the bi-directional load test (O-Cell method) at the Tra Khuc dam-bridge project in Quang Ngai province. The dam structure was supported by approximately 400 bored piles with the diameter of D1200mm and the length of 27 m to 50 m. The ground includes the sand, clay and weathered rock layers with the SPT index (N30) from 8 to 80. The pile's tips were socketed in the granite layer with the average compressive strength of 18.6 MPa. Two test piles with the length of 29.1 m (T1N) and 42.75 m (T8N) were conducted O-Cell test. The side friction of soil layers and pile tip resistance were analyzed. The axial strain obtained from strain gages were used to analyze the axial load distribution along the depth of the pile. The test results show that the side resistance of the piles in the weathered rock mixed is 77.14 kPa for the pile T1N and 72.34 kPa for the pile T8N (approximately 50% of the total side resistance) which are not the ultimate shaft resistance of the piles in this layer. As its’ advantages, the bi-directional load test could be applied widely in the narrow site or on river condition in Vietnam

    Quy trình gia công và phân tích hóa thạch Tảo vôi, áp dụng cho các trầm tích ven biển tỉnh Sóc Trăng

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    Calcareous nannofossils are very small microfossils composed of calcium carbonate. They are very good biostratigraphic markers within marine sediments by covering the Jurassic to present. The standard preparation of a sample for nannofossil analysis requires the collection of the largest quantity and the best fossils. Sample preparation accords to the following steps: i. Pounding sample; ii. Eliminating organic matter; iii. Washing sample; iv. Filter sample through the sieve; v. Eliminating clay; vi. Drying sample in an incubator; vii. Packing sample. Sample analysis accords to the following steps: i. Preparation of smear - slide; ii. Observation of morphology; iii. Determination; iv. Taking photo; v. Evaluating overall preservation and abundance of fossils; vi. Making analysis result sheet. This process is applied to study calcareous nannofossils within marine sediments in Soc Trang province. It makes much clear to understand middle Pleistocene-early Holocene ecosystem of calcareous nannofossil. In conclusion, this assemblage belongs to NN21 zone by the present of Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica.Hóa thạch Tảo vôi có kích thước rất nhỏ, thành phần chính là canxi carbonat. Chúng là hóa thạch định tầng rất tốt cho các trầm tích biển có tuổi từ Jura đến nay. Để nghiên cứu hóa thạch Tảo vôi, cần tiến hành gia công và phân tích mẫu theo đúng quy trình để thu được lượng hóa thạch nhiều nhất và bảo tồn tốt nhất. Quy trình gia công gồm các bước sau: i. giã mẫu; ii. tẩy keo hữu cơ; iii. rửa mẫu; iv. lọc mẫu; v. tẩy sét; vi. sấy mẫu; vii. đóng gói. Quy trình phân tích tiến hành theo những bước sau: i. chuẩn bị tiêu bản; ii. nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình thái của hóa thạch; iii. xác định hóa thạch; iv. chụp ảnh hóa thạch; v. đánh giá mức độ bảo tồn và phong phú của hóa thạch; vi. lập phiếu kết quả phân tích. Kết quả áp dụng quy trình cho các trầm tích ven biển tỉnh Sóc Trăng đã góp phần làm sáng tỏ hệ sinh thái Tảo vôi ở khu vực nghiên cứu trong Pleistocen giữa - Holocen sớm. Tập hợp hóa thạch ở khu vực ven biển Sóc Trăng thuộc sinh đới NN21 với bằng chứng là sự xuất hiện của Emiliania huxleyi và Gephyrocapsa oceanica

    Неравенство доходов в различных секторах экономики Вьетнама: анализ структурных связей

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    Несмотря на выдающиеся достижения в области сокращения бедности, неравенство доходов во Вьетнаме по-прежнему имеет тенденцию к увеличению, оказывая негативное влияние на устойчивое развитие страны. Цель исследования — выявление и измерение влияния секторов экономики на доходы различных групп населения; полученные данные могут быть использованы для снижения уровня бедности во Вьетнаме. Связь между секторами экономики и распределением доходов населения Вьетнама была выявлена при помощи методологии анализа структурных связей, основанной на матрице социальных счетов за 2016 г., которая до сих пор не получила широкого применения среди вьетнамских ученых. По сравнению с предыдущими работами, данное исследование проведено на уровне страны, а не региона. Также были подробно описаны факторы, влияющие на распределение доходов, такие как секторы экономики, трудовые ресурсы и группы населения. Анализ выявил, что распределение большей части доходов 25 секторов экономики происходит по 513 потокам. При расширении секторов экономики вследствие политических изменений повышение доходов населения в основном зависит от таких показателей, как квалификация работников, капитал и масштаб межотраслевых связей. Примечательно, что на доходы городских домохозяйств существенное влияние оказывает показатель «высококвалифицированный труд», в то время как капитал является наиболее важным фактором, влияющим на доходы сельских домохозяйств. Согласно проведенному анализу, 32 потока наиболее значимо влияют на доходы населения. Важную роль в борьбе с бедностью играют следующие секторы экономики: лесное хозяйство, древесина и изделия из древесины, рыболовство, добыча угля, сырой нефти и природного газа, производство обуви, поставки электроэнергии, газа, воды и коммунальных услуг, а также розничная и оптовая торговля. Полученные данные послужили основой для рекомендаций в области сокращения неравенства доходов