1,077 research outputs found

    Is Vietnam economic paradigm sustainable for catch up

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    In the course of catching-up, Vietnam faces risks in two sectors: in real sector and in financial sector. In this paper we focus mostly on risk in real sector: the risk of getting stuck in middle-income trap. Vietnam is still far lagged behind her neighbors and much more further to developed economies. Does the economic paradigm that Vietnam follows in the last two decades allow her to catch up with those economies? We show that Vietnam’s economic growth in the last two decades based essentially on cheap but low skill labor and physical capital. Participation in international and regional production network probably lock Vietnam in low-tech position, hence low value added. If Vietnam keeps on growing in present paradigm, hardly can it catch up the neighboring economies.Flying geese paradigm, VAR models, TFP, Technological improvement, catch-up, Vietnam.

    A Thousand Miles

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    This is an outfit named “A Thousand Miles” from my S/S 2015 collection “Into the Wind.” The collection is inspired by people who travel alone and their one and only companion: the natural wind

    Against the Current

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    This is an outfit named “Against the Current” from my S/S 2015 collection “Into the Wind.” The collection is inspired by people who travel alone and their one and only companion: the natural wind


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    With 450 questionnaires, the authors used SPSS software to analyze and found that the researched factors all had a positive impact on the development of community tourism services in Ha Giang province. In particular, the degree of influence on the development of CBT services in Ha Giang province in the order of importance is as follows: The level of organization and management of the tourism industry (QL), The participation of the community in the development of community tourism (TG), Tourism Resources (TN), Infrastructure Development (HT), Human Resource Training Development (NL). This result is the basis for us to choose appropriate solutions to improve the quality of community tourism services in Ha Giang province in the future

    The role of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in Vietnam : case study: the H'mong people in Lao Cai and Lai Chau province

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    In this thesis, we will follow the discourse on the role of radio and TV in the life of minorities in Vietnam. Before going in depth to answer the research questions, I am going to give an introduction to the situation of ethnic minorities and media for ethnic minorities in Vietnam. My research focused on the roles of radio and TV regarding the fields of education and identity preservation for ethnic minorities. The research questions will be answered by looking at the H’mong minority, who are the case study of the thesis, who are located in the northern part of Vietnam who are one of the poorest and most undeveloped minorities in the country. Nowadays, ethnic minorities in Vietnam are still coping with serious difficulties in life such as poverty and illiteracy. Meanwhile, media for ethnic minorities, including radio and TV for ethnic minorities in Vietnam, are at a low level of development. In fact, both VTV5 (the TV division for ethnic minorities, belonging to the national TV station VTV) and VOV4 (the radio division for ethnic minorities, belonging to the national radio station VOV) have made a lot of effort to produce suitable programs for minorities but there remain limitations in both content and the ways used to express the content of those programs. The reasons come from difficulties in both radio and TV stations and minorities. However, roles of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in Vietnam are obviously increasing quickly and are displayed more and more effectively. I focused on the two main roles of radio and TV as educational instruments and as instruments for assisting minorities in preserving their identity, highlighting their effects in preserving minority languages and cultures. In addition, looking at influences that radio and TV have made in the life of minorities, we see that radio and TV are playing more and more important roles in their lives

    The role of carbon to nitrogen ratio in marron (Cherax cainii, Austin 2002) culture systems

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    Carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio plays a crucial role in marron aquaculture. This research explored seasonal variations in C/N ratios of sediments in semi-intensive marron ponds. In the indoor laboratory, regular feeding increased nutrient waste accumulation in rearing water but reduced C/N ratios and shifted microbial communities in sediments. Carbohydrate supplementation to marron systems resulted in maintaining water quality, retaining high C/N ratios, enriching bacterial communities in sediments, and improving marron growth and immune performances

    Air Quality-Related Health and Environmental Trade-off of Electrification: Evidence from Vietnam

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    Abundant evidence has shown that expanding access to electricity dramat- ically widens access to education, healthcare, and equality. However, the liter- ature on the direct impacts of electrification on air quality and health is still in its infancy. While electricity access can lead to higher outdoor air pollution due to increased reliance on fossil fuel combustion, its usage lowers indoor air pollution as households switch from burning solid fuels to using electricity and become distanced from the source of pollution. Contributing to the nascent lit- erature, this article represents the first quantitative examination of this trade- off between the overall emission level and the degree of population exposure to pollution due to electrification. The study draws on the representative Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys to examine environmental and health out- comes and estimates a satellite-based measure of commune electrification rate using the DMSP/OLS nighttime satellite images and Landscan population grid. I find that although electrification increases the probability that air pollution is among the most pressing environmental issues in a commune, it reduces the probability that a commune reports air quality-related illnesses as one of its top three main health concerns. Thus, as hypothesized, this paper presents ev- idence that electrification alleviates air pollution-related health problems even as it worsens outdoor air quality

    Effect of cerium salt-activated ceria on the UV degradation resistance of waterborne epoxy coatings

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