117 research outputs found

    Komunikace na milimetrových vlnách v 5G a dalších sítích: Nové systémové modely a analýza výkonnosti

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    The dissertation investigates different network models, focusing on three important features for next generation cellular networks with respect to millimeter waves (mmWave) communications: the impact of fading and co-channel interference (CCI), energy efficiency, and spectrum efficiency. To address the first aim, the dissertation contains a study of a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique in a multi-hop relay network which uses relays that harvest energy from power beacons (PB). This part derives the exact throughput expressions for NOMA and provides a performance analysis of three different NOMA schemes to determine the optimal parameters for the proposed system’s throughput. A self-learning clustering protocol (SLCP) in which a node learns its neighbor’s information is also proposed for determining the node density and the residual energy used to cluster head (CH) selection and improve energy efficiency, thereby prolonging sensor network lifetime and gaining higher throughput. Second, NOMA provides many opportunities for massive connectivity at lower latencies, but it may also cause co-channel interference by reusing frequencies. CCI and fading play a major role in deciding the quality of the received signal. The dissertation takes into account the presence of η and µ fading channels in a network using NOMA. The closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and throughput were derived with perfect successive interference cancellation (SIC) and imperfect SIC. The dissertation also addresses the integration of NOMA into a satellite communications network and evaluates its system performance under the effects of imperfect channel state information (CSI) and CCI. Finally, the dissertation presents a new model for a NOMA-based hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network (HSTRN) using mmWave communications. The satellite deploys the NOMA scheme, whereas the ground relays are equipped with multiple antennas and employ the amplify and forward (AF) protocol. The rain attenuation coefficient is considered as the fading factor of the mmWave band to choose the best relay, and the widely applied hybrid shadowed-Rician and Nakagami-m channels characterize the transmission environment of HSTRN. The closed-form formulas for OP and ergodic capacity (EC) were derived to evaluate the system performance of the proposed model and then verified with Monte Carlo simulations.Dizertační práce zkoumala různé modely sítí a zaměřila se na tři důležité vlastnosti pro buňkové sítě příští generace s ohledem na mmW komunikace, kterými jsou: vliv útlumu a mezikanálového rušení (CCI), energetická účinnost a účinnost spektra. Co se týče prvního cíle, dizertace obsahuje studii techniky neortogonálního vícenásobného přístupu (NOMA) v bezdrátové multiskokové relay síti využívající získávání energie, kde relay uzly sbírají energii z energetických majáků (PB). Tato část přináší přesné výrazy propustnosti pro NOMA a analýzu výkonnosti se třemi různými schématy NOMA s cílem určit optimální parametry pro propustnost navrženého systému. Dále byl navržen samoučící se shlukovací protokol (SLCP), ve kterém se uzel učí informace o sousedech, aby určil hustotu uzlů a zbytkovou energii použitou k výběru hlavy shluku CH pro zlepšení energetické účinnosti, čímž může prodloužit životnost sensorové sítě a zvýšit propustnost. Za druhé, přístup NOMA poskytl mnoho příležitostí pro masivní připojení s nižší latencí, NOMA však může způsobovat mezikanálové rušení v důsledku opětovného využívání kmitočtů. CCI a útlum hrají klíčovou roli při rozhodování o kvalitě přijímaného signálu. V této dizertace je brána v úvahu přítomnost η a µ útlumových kanálů v síti užívající NOMA. Odvozeny jsou výrazy v uzavřené formě pro pravděpodobnost výpadku (OP) a propustnost s dokonalým postupným rušením rušení (SIC) a nedokonalým SIC. Dále se dizertace zabývá integrací přístupu NOMA do satelitní komunikační sítě a vyhodnocuje výkonnost systému při dopadech nedokonalé informace o stavu kanálu (CSI) a CCI. Závěrem disertační práce představuje nový model pro hybridní družicově-terestriální přenosovou síť (HSTRN) založenou na NOMA vícenásobném přístupu využívající mmWave komunikaci. Satelit využívá NOMA schéma, zatímco pozemní relay uzly jsou vybaveny více anténami a aplikují protokol zesilování a předávání (AF). Je zaveden srážkový koeficient, který je uvažován jako útlumový faktor mmWave pásma při výběru nejlepšího relay uzlu. Samotné přenosové prostředí HSTRN je charakterizováno pomocí hybridních Rician a Nakagami-m kanálů. Vztahy pro vyhodnocení výkonnosti systému navrženého modelu vyjadřující ergodickou kapacitu (EC) a pravděpodobnost ztrát (OP) byly odvozeny v uzavřené formě a následně ověřeny pomocí simulační numerické metody Monte Carlo.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Study on outage performance gap of two destinations on CR-NOMA network

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    Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and cognitive radio (CR) are promising for solving the severe spectral scarcity problem encountered by the next generation of wireless communication systems. This study aims to improve spectral efficiency at two secondary destinations by investigating a CR-NOMA network under situation of the perfect successive interference cancellation (SIC). We also derive the exact outage probability for secondary users. Furthermore, an approximate computation method is applied to indicate more insights. It is confirmed that the performance achieved together with performance gap among two users can be obtained due to different power allocation factors assigned to users

    Throughput analysis of non-orthogonal multiple access and orthogonal multiple access assisted wireless energy harvesting K-hop relaying networks

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    This study introduces the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique into the wireless energy harvesting K-hop relay network to increase throughput. The relays have no dedicated energy source and thus depend on energy harvested by wireless from a power beacon (PB). Recently, NOMA has been promoted as a technology with the potential to enhance connectivity, reduce latency, increase fairness amongst users, and raise spectral effectiveness compared to orthogonal multiple access (OMA) technology. For performance considerations, we derive exact throughput expressions for NOMA and OMA-assisted multi-hop relaying and compare the performance between the two. The obtained results are validated via Monte Carlo simulations


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Level of Factors impact on the Buyers’ Intention in Buying Private Health Insurance with the Case of Vietnam Non-Life Insurance Companies

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    The study aims to determine the influence of factors affecting the intention to purchase private health insurance at non-life insurance companies in Vietnam. The samples were surveyed from 500 people from many areas but mostly in Hanoi. The study identified and clarified 5 independent factors affecting the intention to buy private health insurance at non-life health insurance companies in Vietnam. The analysis results show 5 variables: "Past experience", "Perception of service quality of insurance companies", "Perceived behavioral control", "Attitude towards risks and private health insurance ", and the variable "Subjective norms on private health insurance" affect people's intention to buy private health insurance. Several policies have been proposed to increase customers' intention to buy private health insurance at non-life insurance companies from the analysis. To raise customer's intention to purchase private health insurance, the research team recommends non-life insurance company to improve service quality, especially after-sales service, the quality and expertise of staff, and the government to complete policies and legal framework on private health insurance. Moreover, the research team also recommend to renovate the quality of organizing the private health insurance regime and form the basis of the entire population pathology record. Keywords: private health insurance, intention to purchase, non-life insurance company. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-27-06 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Language-driven Scene Synthesis using Multi-conditional Diffusion Model

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    Scene synthesis is a challenging problem with several industrial applications. Recently, substantial efforts have been directed to synthesize the scene using human motions, room layouts, or spatial graphs as the input. However, few studies have addressed this problem from multiple modalities, especially combining text prompts. In this paper, we propose a language-driven scene synthesis task, which is a new task that integrates text prompts, human motion, and existing objects for scene synthesis. Unlike other single-condition synthesis tasks, our problem involves multiple conditions and requires a strategy for processing and encoding them into a unified space. To address the challenge, we present a multi-conditional diffusion model, which differs from the implicit unification approach of other diffusion literature by explicitly predicting the guiding points for the original data distribution. We demonstrate that our approach is theoretically supportive. The intensive experiment results illustrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks and enables natural scene editing applications. The source code and dataset can be accessed at https://lang-scene-synth.github.io/.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202

    Modeling of parallel power MOSFETs in steady-state

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    In high-power applications, multiple power MOSFETs are connected in parallel and treated as a single switch in order to handle much larger total currents. In this paper, a parallel power MOSFETs model from the turnoff state until they reach their steady state is introduced. The model represents the relationship between each power MOSFET's gate voltage and the current distribution among them. The study's key purpose is to use the model for dealing with the asymmetry in sharing current and power loss between these semiconductor devices during the steady state region.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, The 2023 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED ENGINEERING (ISAE2023

    Effect of Spontaneous Polarization Charges on the Electron Mobility in ZnO Surface Quantum Wells

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    We present a theoretical study of the effect due to spontaneous polarization of ZnO on the low-temperature mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a ZnO surface quantum well (SFQW). We proved that for the O-polar face this causes an attraction of electrons by the positive charges bound on the surface, while for the Zn-polar face a repulsion of them far away therefrom by the negative bound charges of the same magnitude. Accordingly, surface roughness scattering is drastically enhanced in the former case, but reduced in the latter one. Therefore, the low-% temperature 2DEG mobility in ZnO SFQWs with O-polar face is found to be dominated by surface roughness. Our theory was illustrated for the sample prepared by bombardment of the O-polar face by 100-eV hydrogen ions. The surface roughness scattering enables an explanation of the 2DEG mobility, especially, the reason of low values for the mobility in the dependence from the carrier density which has not been understood when starting from impurity scattering


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart