15 research outputs found
Observatoire Scientifique en Appui aÌ la GEstion de la SantĂ© sur un territoire (OSAGE-S)
Dans le contexte « environnement-santĂ© », lâĂ©quipe interdisciplinaire (biologistes, mĂ©decins, Ă©pidĂ©miologistes, modĂ©lisateurs, Ă©cologues, gĂ©ographes, informaticiens) qui travaille sur la dynamique de maladies infectieuses dans le Sud-Est asiatique, propose de mettre en commun la connaissance quâelle a des agents biologiques pathogĂšnes et des processus qui interviennent dans les milieux et les sociĂ©tĂ©s et de partager expĂ©riences de terrain, de laboratoire, clinique pour aborder les questions de recherche, de suivi des maladies et de gestion de la santĂ©. Pour ce faire, lâidĂ©e dâune plateforme intĂ©grative a Ă©tĂ© avancĂ©e et nous a permis de dĂ©cliner la proposition de mise en Ćuvre dâun Observatoire Scientifique en Appui aÌ la GEstion de la SantĂ© sur un territoire (OSAGE-S). Les prĂ©mices de ce travail sont dâune part dâordre gĂ©nĂ©rique et Ă©pistĂ©mologique : ils explicitent formellement la formule « environnement-santĂ© » pour y positionner le pathosystĂšme, lâenvironnement et lâobservatoire ; dâautre part dâordre opĂ©rationnel par explicitation du concept dâobservatoire en appui Ă la gestion de la SantĂ©. Par la suite nous illustrerons nos propos autour dâOSAGE-S, Ă partir dâune Ă©tude de cas, la maladie du Chikungunya en IndonĂ©sie.Within the âHealth and Environmentâ framework, a group of scientists in disciplinary fields as diverse as biology, medical sciences, modelling, ecology, geography, computer sciences, are collaborating to study the dynamics of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia. In this paper they propose to pool their knowledge on biological pathogens, environment and societies and to share their field, laboratory and clinical expertise to address questions on research, disease monitoring and health management. An integrative platform has been suggested and organised in order to implement a Scientific Observatory (OSAGE-S), dedicated to supporting Health Management in a Territory. The first part of this work addresses generic and epistemological questions, formally explicits the formula âHealth and Environmentâ in order to relate it to concepts such as « pathological system », « environment » and « observatory » ; the second part relates to further operational issues for the observatory concept dedicated to the support of Health management. Thereafter we illustrate our proposition with a case study, the Chikungunya disease in Indonesia
Dynamique et re-Ă©mergence de la maladie pied-main-bouche au Vietnam
This work analyzed all HFMD cases reported in Hai Phong in 2011 and 2012 outbreak which was the largest to have ever occurred in Vietnam and the first recorded in the northern part of the country. Hai Phong city experienced the highest HFMD incidence in North Vietnam. It was thus a good model for investigating the dynamic of the disease without interference and potential remains from previous outbreaks or patient immunological adaptation.The first section is dedicated to a review of the literature on EV-A71 and enteroviruses. The second section is divided in three chapters, each one addressing a specific issue of the project.The first chapter addresses the dynamic of the disease and the role of official guidelines in the handling of the 2011-2012 epidemic. Beside basic epidemiological features, the study also provides findings relating to the influence of HFMD guidelines during the outbreak period that has never been described before. The guideline release led to a significant increase of the severity score and reduced delay between onset and admission. This effect is linked to an increased awareness leading to patients being mostly declared with severe symptoms in order to ensure a better treatment and surveillance. The work presented in this chapter also demonstrated that three waves occurred with different characteristics and caused by three different viruses. Wave 1 and wave 3 were caused by EV-A71 and a combination of CV-A6 and CV-A16, respectively while Wave 2 was caused by an unknown virus. This work is also an integrative analysis including a spatiotemporal analysis. The disease seems to have expanded following the eastbound river system to reach densely populated settlements from where it secondarily expanded through local roads. Owing to the average age of the patients, around 2, the source of contamination must be sought for within asymptomatic adults being contaminated during their occupational activities and in local movements.The second chapter addresses the phylogeny and spatiotemporal distribution of EV-A71 in North Vietnam and provides an insight on the evolution and dynamic of the EV-A71 enterovirus. The VP1 capsid protein was used as target. The first conclusion of this chapter is that the 2011-2012 outbreak was not caused by an incoming strain but by EV-A71 strains which were already present in North Vietnam. This indicates that they can remain in a low level, asymptomatic state, in genomic stasis and with a geographic structuration. The cause for outbreaks should thus be sought for in the socio-economic patterns rather than in exogenous emergence. Another outcome of this chapter is the observed correlation between I/V variant groups and phylogeny, pathogenicity and ethnicity. The I/V pattern at positions 249, 262 and 284 on the VP1 protein might play a role in pathogenicity. The observed correlation of the I/V variant populations with severity and ethnicity strengthen this hypothesis.The last chapter addresses the mathematical modelling of a multiphase disease such as HFMD. It is essential to detect as soon as possible the emergence of new wave, associated to a novel agent. Owing to the large size of the cohort available for this work (ca. 9000 patients), we have been able to develop a differential equation model providing a very high fit with the observed data. The model confirmed that three waves were present in 2011-2012 with differing virulence. It also allows to characterize each wave, detect the start of a new one and associate groups of patients with specific patterns of symptoms.As a conclusion, this PhD work as underlined some key issues to be addressed in a coordinated way in order help developing an efficient surveillance and monitoring system for HFMD in Vietnam.Ce travail a analysĂ© tous les cas de HFMD dĂ©clarĂ©s Ă Hai Phong pendant lâĂ©pidĂ©mie de 2011 et 2012 qui a Ă©tĂ© la plus importante au Vietnam et la premiĂšre enregistrĂ©e dans le nord du pays. Hai Phong a connu la plus forte incidence au Nord Vietnam. CâĂ©tait donc un bon modĂšle pour Ă©tudier la dynamique de cette maladie sans interfĂ©rence et reliquats de prĂ©cĂ©dentes Ă©pidĂ©mies ou de patients immunoadaptĂ©s.La premiĂšre section est consacrĂ©e Ă une revue de la littĂ©rature sur EV-A71 et les entĂ©rovirus. La seconde section est divisĂ©e en trois chapitres, chacun abordant un aspect spĂ©cifique du projet.Le premier chapitre aborde la dynamique de la maladie et le rĂŽle des directives officielles pour la gestion de lâĂ©pidĂ©mie de 2011-2012. Outre les Ă©lĂ©ments de base, cette Ă©tude apporte des rĂ©sultats sur lâinfluence des directives HFMD durant lâĂ©pidĂ©mie, ce qui nâavait pas encore Ă©tĂ© fait. La publication des directives a conduit Ă un accroissement du score de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© et dâune rĂ©duction du dĂ©lai entre le premier pic de fiĂšvre et lâadmission. Cet effet est associĂ© Ă un accroissement de la sensibilisation qui a conduit Ă dĂ©clarer la plupart des patients avec des symptĂŽmes sĂ©vĂšres pour assurer de meilleurs traitements et suivis. Le travail dĂ©crit dans ce chapitre a aussi dĂ©montrĂ© que trois vagues avec des caractĂ©ristiques diffĂ©rentes et causĂ©es par trois virus diffĂ©rents sâĂ©taient succĂ©dĂ©es. La vague 1 et la vague 3 ont Ă©tĂ© causĂ©es respectivement par EV-A71 et par une combinaison de CV-A6 et CV-A16 alors que la vague 2 a Ă©tĂ© causĂ©e par un virus inconnu. Ce travail est aussi une analyse intĂ©grative incluant une analyse spatiotemporelle. La maladie semble sâĂȘtre Ă©tendue vers lâest en suivant les riviĂšres pour atteindre les des zones plus peuplĂ©es Ă partir desquelles elle sâest rĂ©pandue par les routes secondaires locales. Etant donnĂ© lâĂąge moyen des patients, environ 2 ans, la source de contamination doit ĂȘtre cherchĂ©e chez les adultes asymptomatiques contaminĂ©s lors de leurs activitĂ©s professionnelles et des mobilitĂ©s locales.Le deuxiĂšme chapitre aborde la phylogĂ©nie et la distribution spatiotemporelle de EV-A71 dans le nord du Vietnam et apporte un Ă©clairage sur lâĂ©volution et la dynamique de cet entĂ©rovirus. La protĂ©ine de capside VP1 a Ă©tĂ© ciblĂ©e. La premiĂšre conclusion de ce chapitre est que lâĂ©pidĂ©mie de 2011 et 2012 nâa pas Ă©tĂ© causĂ©e par une souche exogĂšne mais par des souches dâEV-A71 dĂ©jĂ prĂ©sentes au Nord Vietnam. Ceci indique quâelles peuvent se maintenir Ă faible niveau, asymptomatique, en stase gĂ©nomique et avec une structuration gĂ©ographique. La cause de lâĂ©pidĂ©mie devrait donc ĂȘtre recherchĂ©e dans le tissu socio-Ă©conomique plutĂŽt que dans une Ă©mergence extĂ©rieure. Une autre conclusion de ce chapitre est la corrĂ©lation observĂ©e ente les groupes de variants I/V et phylogĂ©nie, pathogĂ©nicitĂ© et groupe ethnique. Les profils des mutations I/V aux positions 249, 262 et 284 sur la protĂ©ine VP1 pourraient jouer un rĂŽle dans la pathogĂ©nicitĂ©, ce qui est appuyĂ© par la corrĂ©lation entre variants I/V et sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ©/ethnicitĂ©.Le dernier chapitre aborde la modĂ©lisation mathĂ©matique dâune maladie multiphases telle que HFMD. Il est essentiel de dĂ©tecter aussi tĂŽt que possible une nouvelle vague associĂ©e Ă un nouvel agent. Grace Ă la grande taille de la cohorte disponible pour ce travail (environ 9000 patients), nous avons pu dĂ©velopper un systĂšme dâĂ©quations diffĂ©rentielles apportant une forte correspondance avec les donnĂ©es observĂ©es. Le modĂšle a confirmĂ© lâexistence de trois vagues en 2011-2012, ayant des niveaux de virulence diffĂ©rents. Il permet aussi de caractĂ©riser chaque vague, de dĂ©tecter lâapparition dâune nouvelle vague et dâassocier des groupes patients Ă un tableau clinique.En conclusion, ce travail de thĂšse a permis de souligner plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s Ă aborder de façon coordonnĂ©e afin de faciliter une surveillance efficace de lâHFMD au Vietnam
Prevalence and Symptom Profile of Long COVID among Schoolchildren in Vietnam
Background: Long COVID is a recognized condition that can follow SARS-CoV-2 infection. It has been primarily observed and studied in adults. Evidence on long COVID among children is scarce. We aimed to estimate its prevalence and symptom profile among schoolchildren, and its effects on studying, daily activities, and quality of life. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional online survey among caregivers of 2226 schoolchildren aged 12â17 in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, from 11 April to 16 May 2023 using WHO definitions and a validated quality of life questionnaire. Results: Among 1507 children with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection â„ 5 months prior, 85 (5.6%) had long COVID. Memory loss (85.9%), poor concentration capacity (58.8%), and fatigue (57.6%) were their most common symptoms. They reported more frequent interference with their studies, observed differences in school absence rates, reduced daily activities, worsened overall health status, and relatively higher utilization of health services compared with children who only suffered from acute COVID-19 symptoms after infection. Conclusions: Given the near-ubiquitous exposure to SARS-CoV-2 among children at this stage of the pandemic, our findings contribute invaluable evidence of an emerging public health burden among the pediatric population in Vietnam and globally. Concerted public health measures are needed to reduce long-term impacts on health, education, and wellbeing
Litchi-associated acute encephalitis in children, Northern Vietnam, 2004-2009.
International audienceSince the end of the 1990s, unexplained outbreaks of acute encephalitis in children coinciding with litchi harvesting (May-July) have been documented in the Bac Giang Province in northern Vietnam. A retrospective ecologic analysis of data for 2004-2009 involving environmental, agronomic, and climatic factors was conducted to investigate the suspected association between the outbreaks and litchi harvesting. The clinical, biological, and immunologic characteristics of the patients suggested a viral etiology. The ecologic study revealed an independent association between litchi plantation surface proportion and acute encephalitis incidence: Incidence rate ratios were 1.52 (95% CI 0.90-2.57), 2.94 (95% CI 1.88-4.60), and 2.76 (95% CI 1.76-4.32) for second, third, and fourth quartiles, respectively, compared with the lowest quartile. This ecologic study confirmed the suspected association between incidence of acute encephalitis and litchi plantations and should be followed by other studies to identify the causative agent for this syndrome
Observatoire Scientifique en Appui à la GEstion de la Santé sur un territoire (OSAGE-S)
International audienceWithin the "Health and Environmenl" framework, a group of scientists in disciplinary fields as diverse as biology, medical sciences, model/ing, ecology, geography, computer sciences, are co/laborating to study the dynamics of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia. ln this paper they propose Io pool their knowledge on biological pathogens, environment and societies and to shore their field. laboratory and clinical expertise to address questions on research, disease monitoring and health management. An integrative plotform has been suggested and organised in order to implement a Scientific Observatory (OSAGE-S}, dedicated to supporting Health Management in a Territory. The first part of this work addresses generic and epistemological questions, formai/y explicits the formula "Health and Environment" in order to relate if to concepts such as "pathological system", "environment" and "observatory "; the second part relates to further operational issues for the observatory concept dedicated to the support of Health management. Thereafter we illustrate our proposition with a case study, the Chikungunya disease in lndonesia.Dans le contexte« environnement-santé », l'équipe interdisciplinaire (biologistes, médecins, épidémiologistes, modélisateurs, écologues, géographes, informaticiens) qui travaille sur la dynamique de maladies infectieuses dans le Sud-Est asiatique, propose de mettre en commun la connaissance qu'elle a des agents biologiques pathogÚnes et des processus qui interviennent dans les milieux et les sociétés et de partager expériences de terrain, de laboratoire, clinique pour aborder les questions de recherche, de suivi des maladies et de gestion de la santé. Pour ce faire, l'idée d 'une plateforme intégrative a été avancée et nous a permis de décliner la proposition de mise en oeuvre d'un Observatoire Scientifique en Appui à la GEstion de la Santé sur un territoire (OSAGE-S). Les prémices de ce travail sont d'une part d'ordre générique et épistémologique : ils explicitent formellement la formule «environnement-santé» pour y positionner le pathosystÚme, l'environnement et l'observatoire; d 'autre part d'ordre opérationnel par explicitation du concept d'observatoire en appui à la gestion de la Santé. Par la suite nous illustrerons nos propos autour d'OSAGE-S, à partir d'une étude de cas. la maladie du Chikungunya en Indonésie
Environnement et santĂ© : oĂč en est la gĂ©ographie ?
Dans le contexte "environnement - santé", l'équipe interdisciplinaire (biologistes, médecins, épidémiologistes, modélisateurs, écologues, géographes, informaticiens) qui travaille sur la dynamique de maladies infectieuses dans le Sud-Est asiatique, propose de mettre en commun la connaissance qu'elle a des agents biologiques pathogÚnes et des processus qui interviennent dans les milieux et les sociétés et de partager expériences de terrain, de laboratoire, clinique pour aborder les questions de recherche, de suivi des maladies et de gestion de la santé. Pour ce faire, l'idée d 'une plateforme intégrative a été avancée et nous a permis de décliner la proposition de mise en oeuvre d'un Observatoire Scientifique en Appui à la GEstion de la Santé sur un territoire (OSAGE-S). Les prémices de ce travail sont d'une pari d'ordre générique et épistémologique: ils explicitent formellement la formule "environnement - santé" pour y positionner le pathosystÚme, l'environnement et l'observatoire; d'autre part d'ordre opérationnel par explicitation du concept d'observatoire en appui à la gestion de la Santé. Par la suite nous illustrerons nos propos autour d'OSAGE-S, à partir d 'une étude de cas, la maladie du Chikungunya en Indonésie
Hypoglycemic Toxins and Enteroviruses as Causes of Outbreaks of Acute Encephalitis-Like Syndrome in Children, Bac Giang Province, Northern Vietnam
We investigated the cause of seasonal outbreaks of pediatric acute encephalitis-like syndrome associated with litchi harvests (MayâJuly) in northern Vietnam since 2008. Nineteen cerebrospinal fluid samples were positive for human enterovirus B, and 8 blood samples were positive for hypoglycemic toxins present in litchi fruits. Patients who were positive for hypoglycemic toxins had shorter median times between disease onset and admission, more reports of seizures, more reports of hypoglycemia (glucose level <3 mmol/L), lower median numbers of leukocytes in cerebrospinal fluid, and higher median serum levels of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate transaminase than did patients who were positive for enteroviruses. We suggest that children with rapidly progressing acute encephalitis-like syndrome at the time of the litchi harvest have intoxication caused by hypoglycemic toxins, rather than viral encephalitis, as previously suspected. These children should be urgently treated for life-threatening hypoglycemia
Deep learning models for forecasting dengue fever based on climate data in Vietnam
BackgroundDengue fever (DF) represents a significant health burden in Vietnam, which is forecast to worsen under climate change. The development of an early-warning system for DF has been selected as a prioritised health adaptation measure to climate change in Vietnam.ObjectiveThis study aimed to develop an accurate DF prediction model in Vietnam using a wide range of meteorological factors as inputs to inform public health responses for outbreak prevention in the context of future climate change.MethodsConvolutional neural network (CNN), Transformer, long short-term memory (LSTM), and attention-enhanced LSTM (LSTM-ATT) models were compared with traditional machine learning models on weather-based DF forecasting. Models were developed using lagged DF incidence and meteorological variables (measures of temperature, humidity, rainfall, evaporation, and sunshine hours) as inputs for 20 provinces throughout Vietnam. Data from 1997-2013 were used to train models, which were then evaluated using data from 2014-2016 by Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE).Results and discussionLSTM-ATT displayed the highest performance, scoring average places of 1.60 for RMSE-based ranking and 1.95 for MAE-based ranking. Notably, it was able to forecast DF incidence better than LSTM in 13 or 14 out of 20 provinces for MAE or RMSE, respectively. Moreover, LSTM-ATT was able to accurately predict DF incidence and outbreak months up to 3 months ahead, though performance dropped slightly compared to short-term forecasts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time deep learning methods have been employed for the prediction of both long- and short-term DF incidence and outbreaks in Vietnam using unique, rich meteorological features.ConclusionThis study demonstrates the usefulness of deep learning models for meteorological factor-based DF forecasting. LSTM-ATT should be further explored for mitigation strategies against DF and other climate-sensitive diseases in the coming years