350 research outputs found

    Zinc uptake by vegetables: Effects of soil type and sewage sludge

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    Studies were carried out to investigate how sludge applied to 3 soil types to improve the yield of carrots (Daucus carota) and spinach (Spinacea oleracea) would affect the amount of Zn taken up by thesevegetables. A 3 year old (type 1 sludge) and a 3 month old (type 2 sludge) sludge were applied to a vertisol, an arenosol, a chromic/calcic luvisol and a ferric luvisol at (v/v, %) ratios of 0:100, 5:95, 10:90,20:80, and 40:60 sludge : soil. Spinach and carrots were grown on these soil-sludge mixtures for 9 and 13 weeks, respectively, after which the concentration of Zn in both was determined. Sludge applicationresulted in an increase in total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), available phosphorus, organic matter content, (OM) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils. Percentage increase varied with soil type but rangedfrom 900 - 3600%, 700 - 3000%, 60 - 300% and 9 - 600% for TKN, available phosphorus, OM, and CEC, respectively. Sludge application also increased the fresh weight of spinach by up to 31% and carrots byup to 10%, these increases also varied with type of soil on which vegetable was grown. Spinach accumulated more Zn than carrots. Carrots and spinach grown on the arenosol had the highest mean concentration of Zn with values of 131.58 mg/kg and 86.33 mg/kg, respectively. Soil type, sludge age and sludge application rate may not individually affect the amount of Zn accumulated by these vegetables, but they could interact to increase the uptake

    Ecological and human health risks associated with abandoned gold mine tailings contaminated soil

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    Gold mining is a major source of metal and metalloid emissions into the environment. Studies were carried out in Krugersdorp, South Africa, to evaluate the ecological and human health risks associated with exposure to metals and metalloids in mine tailings contaminated soils. Concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) in soil samples from the area varied with the highest contamination factors (expressed as ratio of metal or metalloid concentration in the tailings contaminated soil to that of the control site) observed for As (3.5x102), Co (2.8x102) and Ni (1.1x102). Potential ecological risk index values for metals and metalloids determined from soil metal and metalloid concentrations and their respective risk factors were correspondingly highest for As (3.5x103) and Co (1.4x103), whereas Mn (0.6) presented the lowest ecological risk. Human health risk was assessed using Hazard Quotient (HQ), Chronic Hazard Index (CHI) and carcinogenic risk levels, where values of HQ > 1, CHI > 1 and carcinogenic risk values > 1Γ—10-4 represent elevated risks. Values for HQ indicated high exposure-related risk for As (53.7), Cr (14.8), Ni (2.2), Zn (2.64) and Mn (1.67). Children were more at risk from heavy metal and metalloid exposure than adults. Cancer-related risks associated with metal and metalloid exposure among children were also higher than in adults with cancer risk values of 3Γ—10-2 and 4Γ—10-2 for As and Ni respectively among children, and 5Γ—10-3 and 4Γ—10-3 for As and Ni respectively among adults. There is significant potential ecological and human health risk associated with metal and metalloid exposure from contaminated soils around gold mine tailings dumps. This could be a potential contributing factor to a setback in the health of residents in informal settlements dominating this mining area as the immune systems of some of these residents are already compromised by high HIV prevalence

    The effect of ageing on the fertilizer value of sludge from Botswana

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    This study was designed to characterize sludge of three different ages (36 months old, 3 months old and fresh sludge referred to as Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 sludge respectively) in an endeavor to appreciate their suitability for use as manure for arable agriculture. Sludge properties including volatile solid and nutrient contents, concentrations of the heavy metals As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ni and Zn as well as coliform population were determined. The concentrations of plant nutrients in the sludge followed the order Type 3 sludge > Type 2 > Type 1 sludge with nutrient content scores of 1.4, 2.1 and 2.6 respectively. Scores for potential leachability of heavy metals from the three sludge were 2.1, 1.9 and 2.3 for Type 1, 2 and 3 sludge respectively, indicating that Type 2 sludge would release a higher concentration of heavy metals to the environment than the other two sludge types. The faecal coliform population in Type 3 sludge was higher than in Types 2 and 3 sludge with values of 5.6log10MPN/10g dry solid, 4.6log10MPN/10g dry solid and 2.7log10MPN/10g dry solid respectively. These results revealed that the nutrient contents and heavy metal concentrations in the three sludge types may not hinder their application to soil for arable purposes but steps to allow for further pathogen reduction need to be taken to reduce health risks. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 10(3) 2006: 109-11


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    ABSTRACT Background : The drugs interaction is a changes of the drugs due effect because of the combination with another drugs or the consumtion of the drugs in the same time. The drugs interaction  will make a reduction of the drugs effect so that the result of the therapy is not as good as the expectation. The research of the drug interaction is to reduce and prevent the treatment fo the tuberculosis patient with a right treatment so it will reduce the drugs interaction during the therapy and also can increase a good therapy which is can effective, safe and efficient. The aim of the research was to known the interaction antituberculosis drugs to the teenager and adult inpatient in the RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar 2019. Methods : The method of the research was used non-experimental (observational) descriptive analysis (qualitative) and retrospective data collection. In this research, there were 62 samples by used Slovin's formula technique. The drugs interaction in terms of Drug interaction of Stockley's book in 9th edition. Checker drugs interaction application and Medscape application. Result : The result of the research showed the interaction of the antituberculosis drugs and non antituberculosis drugs ware 62 cases (100%). The evaluation of the interaction antituberculosis drugs : The severity or the significance highest level were 34 cases (75.6%), based on the data collection in the patient who consumed Isoniazid. That medicine was used for tuberculosis treatment therapy category 1, category 2 and multi drugs resistant. Based on mechanism showed pharmacodynamics were 24 cases (53.3%). Then based on the data collection showed the most of pharmacodynamics level interaction was Moxifloxacin doe to used for the treatment of multi drug resistant of tuberculosis. In this research, the most patient was multi drug resistance of tuberculosis. Based on the interaction of pharmacodynamics level showed that antagonist was the highest level with 22 cases (91.7%). Conclusion : Based on the data collection showed the most interaction of the highest antagonist was Moxifloxacin due to used as multi drug resistant of tuberculosis. Keywords: Antituberculosis, Drug Interaction, Labuang Baji Hospital

    Human health aspects related to the ingestion of geophagic clayey soils from the Free State and Limpopo provinces, South Africa

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    Published ArticleStudies were undertaken in the Limpopo and Free State Provinces of South Africa to understand the beliefs, perceptions and health implications associated with geophagia. Questionnaires administered to 225 geophagic females covered their demographic details, their reasons for ingesting geophagic clayey soils and their perceptions regarding associated health conditions and implications. Respondents ingested clayey soils for body cleansing, craving, nutrient supplementation and weight loss. Some respondents considered the soils harmful, and < 50% of respondents had some knowledge of the contents of soils they ingested. Medical reasons in support of geophagia included lack of knowledge on the health implications of the practice. Medical consequences associated with geophagia may have occurred as a result of a lack of knowledge of the health implications of the practice. A clear need for educating geophagic individuals regarding the health implications of geophagia is called for

    The effect of ageing on the fertilizer value of sludge from Botswana

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    This study was designed to characterize sludge of three different ages (36 months old, 3 months old and fresh sludge referred to as Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 sludge respectively) in an endeavor to appreciate their suitability for use as manure for arable agriculture. Sludge properties including volatile solid and nutrient contents, concentrations of the heavy metals As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ni and Zn as well as coliform population were determined. The concentrations of plant nutrients in the sludge followed the order Type 3 sludge &gt; Type 2 &gt; Type 1 sludge with nutrient content scores of 1.4, 2.1 and 2.6 respectively. Scores for potential leachability of heavy metals from the three sludge were 2.1, 1.9 and 2.3 for Type 1, 2 and 3 sludge respectively, indicating that Type 2 sludge would release a higher concentration of heavy metals to the environment than the other two sludge types. The faecal coliform population in Type 3 sludge was higher than in Types 2 and 3 sludge with values of 5.6log10MPN/10g dry solid, 4.6log10MPN/10g dry solid and 2.7log10MPN/10g dry solid respectively. These results revealed that the nutrient contents and heavy metal concentrations in the three sludge types may not hinder their application to soil for arable purposes but steps to allow for further pathogen reduction need to be taken to reduce health risks

    Physico-chemical, mineralogical and chemical considerations in understanding the 2001 Mabeta New Layout landslide, Cameroon

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    Landslides are part of natural catastrophic disasters destroying both biological and physical entities including loss of human lives. An evaluation of soil properties involved in landslides is significant in itsmanagement. To this effect, soil samples from the 2001 landslide occurrences in the Mabeta New Layout, Limbe, Cameroon were analysed using standard techniques to determine texture, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), bulk density (Db), water absorption percent (WA), linear shrinkage, plasticity index (PI), loss-on-ignition (LOI),mineral content and major cations. Results obtained were: bulk density (0.89 – 1.08 g/cm3), LOI (19.4 - 25.7%), water absorption (23.4 – 29.1%), linear shrinkage (5.4 – 8.3%), volume shrinkage (4.8 – 8.5%), PI (13.5 –20.75%), major cations ((Fe2O3 : 9.91 – 23.24%), (Al2O3 : 9.88 – 28.48%), (CaO : 0.73 – 1.3%), (MgO : 0.55 –2.80%), (K2O : 1.06 – 1.59%), (Na2O : 0.77 – 0.89%)), pH (5.17 – 6.90) and EC (16.53 – 149.20Γ¬S/cm). Values from physico-chemical analyses, secondary minerals abundance index (SMAI) and chemical index of alteration (CIA) of the soils were reflective of particles with high potential for sliding. With major contributions from favourable slope, seismic and hydrologic forces, the event occurred

    Asuhan Keperawatan, Komprehensif Anemia Pada Tn. A.S Di Ruang Komodo Rsud W.Z Johanes Kupang

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    Anemia merupakan suatu keadaan dimana jumlah sel darah merah atau jumlah hemoglobin (protein pembawa oksigen) dalam sel berada dibawah normal. Sel darah merah mengandung hemaglobin yang memungkinkan mereka mengangkut oksirgen dari paru-paru, dan mengantarkannya ke seluruh tubuh. Sel darah merah yang mengandung hemoglobin yang berperan dalam mengangkut oksigen dari paru-paru dan mengantarkannya ke seluruh tubuh. Hasil pengkajian menunjukan bahwa : pasien mengatakan bahwa merasa pusing,mata kunang kunag , lemas dan tidak bisa beraktivitas. Semua aktivitas pasien dibantu oleh keluarga dan perawat. TTV : Tekanan darah : 130/70 mmHg -. Nadi : 90x/mnt SPO2 : 99% -. Pernapasan : 16 x/mnt -. Suhu badan : 36,70C, GCS (E/V/M) 4/5/6 kadar Hb 6,5 g/dl hasil observasi pasien nampak pucat dan lemah.Diagnosa yang ditegakkan untuk pasien Tn. A. S adalah : 1) Perfusi jaringan perifer tidak efektif berhubungan dengan perubahan ikatan O2 dengan Hb, penurunan konsentrasi Hb dalam darah; 2) Intoleransi aktifitas berhubungan dengan ketidakseimbangan suplai O2 dan kebutuhan oksigen. Intervensi keperawatan untuk diagosa 1 : Lakukan penilaian secara kompherensif fungsi sirkulasi perifer. 1) monitor tanda-tanda vital; 2) monitor status pernapasan denyut nadi, kedalaman, pola laju pernapasan pasien; 3) monitor status warna, kelembapan membran mukosa ; 4) meninggikan kepala tempat tidur pasien sesuai toleransi (15-300). Intervensi untuk diagnosa 2 : 1) bantu klien untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang mampu dilakukan; 2) bantu untuk memilih aktivitas konsisten yang sesuai dengan kemampuan fisik; 3) bantu untuk mendapatkan alat bantuan aktivitas seperti kursi roda; 4) bantu klien untuk membuat jadwal latihan diwaktu uang.Implementasi dilakukan pada tanggal 15-17 Juli 2019. Implementasi untuk diagnosa 1 Perfusi jaringan perifer tidak efektif berhubungan dengan perubahan ikatan O2 dengan Hb, penurunan konsentrasi Hb dalam darah : monitor Tanda-tanda vital, evaluasi nadi, mengatur posisi tidur ekstremitas bawah lebih rendah.Implementasi untuk diagnosa keperawatan intoleransi aktivitas berhubungan dengan ketidak seimbangan suplai dan kebutuhan oksigen : membantu dalam perawatan diri, membantu klien dalam mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang mampu dilakukan, dan memberikan terapi aktivitas.Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan, hasil evaluasi menunjukan masalah teratasi dan pasien pulang


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    Kajian ini mempunyai tujuan guna melakukan analisis terkait implementasi akuntansi aset tetap tanah berdasar PSAP 07 pada Badan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Nagekeo. Metode yang dipergunakan pada kajian ini ialah kualitatitf dengan melakukan wawancara kepada dua informan. Adapun wawancara kepada informan terkait dengan penerapan akuntansi aset tetap berdasar PSAP 07. Kajian ini meyimpulkan bila ada relevansi pada kebijakan akuntansi Pemerintah Kabupaten Nagekeo No. 32 Tahun 2014 dengan PSAP 07 perihal akuntansi tetap sehingga Badan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Nagekeo sudah mengimplementasikan akuntansi atas aset tetap tanah dengan baik. Namun, pada pengakuan, pengukuran, penilaian awal, pengeluaran sesudah perolehan maupun pengungkapan guna menetapkan anggaran dana perolehan tanah yang dilaksanakan dengan pengadaan barang dan jasa belum meliputi keseluruhan anggaran dana pendukung sampai tanah. Catatan terkait pelaporan keuangan masih ada beberapa pengungkapan yang belum terlengkapi, seperti rekonsiliasi penambahan nilai tanah, baik yang didapat melalui pengadaan barang dan jasa maupun dari hibah
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