288 research outputs found

    Zinc uptake by vegetables: Effects of soil type and sewage sludge

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    Studies were carried out to investigate how sludge applied to 3 soil types to improve the yield of carrots (Daucus carota) and spinach (Spinacea oleracea) would affect the amount of Zn taken up by thesevegetables. A 3 year old (type 1 sludge) and a 3 month old (type 2 sludge) sludge were applied to a vertisol, an arenosol, a chromic/calcic luvisol and a ferric luvisol at (v/v, %) ratios of 0:100, 5:95, 10:90,20:80, and 40:60 sludge : soil. Spinach and carrots were grown on these soil-sludge mixtures for 9 and 13 weeks, respectively, after which the concentration of Zn in both was determined. Sludge applicationresulted in an increase in total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), available phosphorus, organic matter content, (OM) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils. Percentage increase varied with soil type but rangedfrom 900 - 3600%, 700 - 3000%, 60 - 300% and 9 - 600% for TKN, available phosphorus, OM, and CEC, respectively. Sludge application also increased the fresh weight of spinach by up to 31% and carrots byup to 10%, these increases also varied with type of soil on which vegetable was grown. Spinach accumulated more Zn than carrots. Carrots and spinach grown on the arenosol had the highest mean concentration of Zn with values of 131.58 mg/kg and 86.33 mg/kg, respectively. Soil type, sludge age and sludge application rate may not individually affect the amount of Zn accumulated by these vegetables, but they could interact to increase the uptake

    Ecological and human health risks associated with abandoned gold mine tailings contaminated soil

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    Gold mining is a major source of metal and metalloid emissions into the environment. Studies were carried out in Krugersdorp, South Africa, to evaluate the ecological and human health risks associated with exposure to metals and metalloids in mine tailings contaminated soils. Concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) in soil samples from the area varied with the highest contamination factors (expressed as ratio of metal or metalloid concentration in the tailings contaminated soil to that of the control site) observed for As (3.5x102), Co (2.8x102) and Ni (1.1x102). Potential ecological risk index values for metals and metalloids determined from soil metal and metalloid concentrations and their respective risk factors were correspondingly highest for As (3.5x103) and Co (1.4x103), whereas Mn (0.6) presented the lowest ecological risk. Human health risk was assessed using Hazard Quotient (HQ), Chronic Hazard Index (CHI) and carcinogenic risk levels, where values of HQ > 1, CHI > 1 and carcinogenic risk values > 1×10-4 represent elevated risks. Values for HQ indicated high exposure-related risk for As (53.7), Cr (14.8), Ni (2.2), Zn (2.64) and Mn (1.67). Children were more at risk from heavy metal and metalloid exposure than adults. Cancer-related risks associated with metal and metalloid exposure among children were also higher than in adults with cancer risk values of 3×10-2 and 4×10-2 for As and Ni respectively among children, and 5×10-3 and 4×10-3 for As and Ni respectively among adults. There is significant potential ecological and human health risk associated with metal and metalloid exposure from contaminated soils around gold mine tailings dumps. This could be a potential contributing factor to a setback in the health of residents in informal settlements dominating this mining area as the immune systems of some of these residents are already compromised by high HIV prevalence

    Human health aspects related to the ingestion of geophagic clayey soils from the Free State and Limpopo provinces, South Africa

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    Published ArticleStudies were undertaken in the Limpopo and Free State Provinces of South Africa to understand the beliefs, perceptions and health implications associated with geophagia. Questionnaires administered to 225 geophagic females covered their demographic details, their reasons for ingesting geophagic clayey soils and their perceptions regarding associated health conditions and implications. Respondents ingested clayey soils for body cleansing, craving, nutrient supplementation and weight loss. Some respondents considered the soils harmful, and < 50% of respondents had some knowledge of the contents of soils they ingested. Medical reasons in support of geophagia included lack of knowledge on the health implications of the practice. Medical consequences associated with geophagia may have occurred as a result of a lack of knowledge of the health implications of the practice. A clear need for educating geophagic individuals regarding the health implications of geophagia is called for

    Physico-chemical, mineralogical and chemical considerations in understanding the 2001 Mabeta New Layout landslide, Cameroon

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    Landslides are part of natural catastrophic disasters destroying both biological and physical entities including loss of human lives. An evaluation of soil properties involved in landslides is significant in itsmanagement. To this effect, soil samples from the 2001 landslide occurrences in the Mabeta New Layout, Limbe, Cameroon were analysed using standard techniques to determine texture, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), bulk density (Db), water absorption percent (WA), linear shrinkage, plasticity index (PI), loss-on-ignition (LOI),mineral content and major cations. Results obtained were: bulk density (0.89 – 1.08 g/cm3), LOI (19.4 - 25.7%), water absorption (23.4 – 29.1%), linear shrinkage (5.4 – 8.3%), volume shrinkage (4.8 – 8.5%), PI (13.5 –20.75%), major cations ((Fe2O3 : 9.91 – 23.24%), (Al2O3 : 9.88 – 28.48%), (CaO : 0.73 – 1.3%), (MgO : 0.55 –2.80%), (K2O : 1.06 – 1.59%), (Na2O : 0.77 – 0.89%)), pH (5.17 – 6.90) and EC (16.53 – 149.20ìS/cm). Values from physico-chemical analyses, secondary minerals abundance index (SMAI) and chemical index of alteration (CIA) of the soils were reflective of particles with high potential for sliding. With major contributions from favourable slope, seismic and hydrologic forces, the event occurred

    Asuhan Keperawatan, Komprehensif Anemia Pada Tn. A.S Di Ruang Komodo Rsud W.Z Johanes Kupang

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    Anemia merupakan suatu keadaan dimana jumlah sel darah merah atau jumlah hemoglobin (protein pembawa oksigen) dalam sel berada dibawah normal. Sel darah merah mengandung hemaglobin yang memungkinkan mereka mengangkut oksirgen dari paru-paru, dan mengantarkannya ke seluruh tubuh. Sel darah merah yang mengandung hemoglobin yang berperan dalam mengangkut oksigen dari paru-paru dan mengantarkannya ke seluruh tubuh. Hasil pengkajian menunjukan bahwa : pasien mengatakan bahwa merasa pusing,mata kunang kunag , lemas dan tidak bisa beraktivitas. Semua aktivitas pasien dibantu oleh keluarga dan perawat. TTV : Tekanan darah : 130/70 mmHg -. Nadi : 90x/mnt SPO2 : 99% -. Pernapasan : 16 x/mnt -. Suhu badan : 36,70C, GCS (E/V/M) 4/5/6 kadar Hb 6,5 g/dl hasil observasi pasien nampak pucat dan lemah.Diagnosa yang ditegakkan untuk pasien Tn. A. S adalah : 1) Perfusi jaringan perifer tidak efektif berhubungan dengan perubahan ikatan O2 dengan Hb, penurunan konsentrasi Hb dalam darah; 2) Intoleransi aktifitas berhubungan dengan ketidakseimbangan suplai O2 dan kebutuhan oksigen. Intervensi keperawatan untuk diagosa 1 : Lakukan penilaian secara kompherensif fungsi sirkulasi perifer. 1) monitor tanda-tanda vital; 2) monitor status pernapasan denyut nadi, kedalaman, pola laju pernapasan pasien; 3) monitor status warna, kelembapan membran mukosa ; 4) meninggikan kepala tempat tidur pasien sesuai toleransi (15-300). Intervensi untuk diagnosa 2 : 1) bantu klien untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang mampu dilakukan; 2) bantu untuk memilih aktivitas konsisten yang sesuai dengan kemampuan fisik; 3) bantu untuk mendapatkan alat bantuan aktivitas seperti kursi roda; 4) bantu klien untuk membuat jadwal latihan diwaktu uang.Implementasi dilakukan pada tanggal 15-17 Juli 2019. Implementasi untuk diagnosa 1 Perfusi jaringan perifer tidak efektif berhubungan dengan perubahan ikatan O2 dengan Hb, penurunan konsentrasi Hb dalam darah : monitor Tanda-tanda vital, evaluasi nadi, mengatur posisi tidur ekstremitas bawah lebih rendah.Implementasi untuk diagnosa keperawatan intoleransi aktivitas berhubungan dengan ketidak seimbangan suplai dan kebutuhan oksigen : membantu dalam perawatan diri, membantu klien dalam mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang mampu dilakukan, dan memberikan terapi aktivitas.Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan, hasil evaluasi menunjukan masalah teratasi dan pasien pulang


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    Kajian ini mempunyai tujuan guna melakukan analisis terkait implementasi akuntansi aset tetap tanah berdasar PSAP 07 pada Badan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Nagekeo. Metode yang dipergunakan pada kajian ini ialah kualitatitf dengan melakukan wawancara kepada dua informan. Adapun wawancara kepada informan terkait dengan penerapan akuntansi aset tetap berdasar PSAP 07. Kajian ini meyimpulkan bila ada relevansi pada kebijakan akuntansi Pemerintah Kabupaten Nagekeo No. 32 Tahun 2014 dengan PSAP 07 perihal akuntansi tetap sehingga Badan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Nagekeo sudah mengimplementasikan akuntansi atas aset tetap tanah dengan baik. Namun, pada pengakuan, pengukuran, penilaian awal, pengeluaran sesudah perolehan maupun pengungkapan guna menetapkan anggaran dana perolehan tanah yang dilaksanakan dengan pengadaan barang dan jasa belum meliputi keseluruhan anggaran dana pendukung sampai tanah. Catatan terkait pelaporan keuangan masih ada beberapa pengungkapan yang belum terlengkapi, seperti rekonsiliasi penambahan nilai tanah, baik yang didapat melalui pengadaan barang dan jasa maupun dari hibah

    Physico-chemical and Mineralogical Characterisation of Subsurface Sediments around Gaborone Landfill, Botswana

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    Studies were carried out on subsurface sediments obtained around the Gaborone landfill area Botswana, in order to characterize their mineralogy and physico-chemistry, appraise any contaminant inputs from the landfill and assess their ability to attenuate contaminants from the landfill. Physico-chemical properties investigated included particle size distribution (PSD), moisture content, bulk density (Db), porosity, surface area, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The mineral phases occurring in the subsurface sediments were identified by use of X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) technique. Grain size analyses of the subsurface sediments revealed sandy loam, silty loam, and silt as the main textural classes. The values obtained for Db and porosity is reflective of the textural classes of the different samples. Moisture content values of the studied samples are characteristic of sediments in semi-arid environments. Apart from two samples, which were acidic, others were alkaline. The EC values were indicative of significant amounts of total dissolved salts (TDS) especially along the eastern corner of the landfill. Cation exchange capacity values were relatively low. Minerals identified by XRPD included quartz, microcline, muscovite and kaolinite in bulk subsurface sediments, whereas kaolinite, smectite and /or illite occurred in the clay fractions. Sediment pH, EC and TDS suggests inputs from the landfill. The sediments seem to have a low attenuation capacity as a result of their physico-chemical and mineralogical properties. Further geophysical and hydrogeochemical research is needed to verify if the Gaborone landfill area is environmentally safe. @JASE

    Physicochemical characteristics of geophagic clayey soils from South Africa and Swaziland

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    Physicochemical properties of geophagic clayey soils from South Africa and Swaziland were determined in order to appreciate their capability to perform the functions for which they are consumed and possible consequences of the practice in humans. Tests conducted included colour, texture, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), water retention capacity (WRC), organic matter (OM) content and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The colour of the clayey soils ranged from grey to red. The soils varied texturally from loam to clay and had pH values of between 5.0 and 7.4. Values obtained for EC and OM content were generally low but those for WRC of the clayey soils were above 50% for all samples. These clayey soils, due to their colour are inferred to contain different forms of iron oxide minerals including haematite and goethite, which may help alleviate symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia. Their relatively high WRC may increase their effectiveness in the absorption of moisture in the gastrointestinal tract and therefore confirms the possibility of using these clays in the treatment of diarrhoea.Keywords: Soil pH, texture, cation exchange capacity, diarrhoea, water retention capacityAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(36), pp. 5929-5937, 6 September, 201

    Simulation and visualization of large scale distributed health system infrastructure of developing countries

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 2014.Developing countries are faced with a number of health-care challenges: long waiting hours of patients in long queues is just one of such challenges. The key cause of this has been identi ed to be a lack, or uneven distribution human resources among health facilities. This sets the stage for poor and ine cient delivery of quality primary health care, especially to the rural dweller as they usually have a fewer medical professionals in their area. The impact of this a ects not only the state of health of the population, but also the economy, and population growth of the a ected community. To try and address this, the introduction of Information Technology (IT) into health-care has been suggested by many health governing bodies like theWorld Health Organization (WHO) and other authorities in health care. The ability of IT to go beyond physical boarders and extend professional care has been the key characteristic that supports its integration into health-care. This has eventually lead to the development of Health Information Systems (HIS) that support remote consultation. Despite all these innovations, there is still evidence of poor and ine cient delivery of services at health facilities in many developing countries. We propose a completely di erent approach of addressing the problem of poor and ine cient delivery of health-care services. The key challenge we address is that of lengthy queues and long waiting hours of patients in health facilities. To cut down on the use of nancial resources (whose lack or shortage is a major challenge in developing economies), we propose an approach that focuses on the routing of patients within and between health facilities. The hypothesis for this study is based on a suggestion that alterations to the routing of patients would have an e ect on the identi ed challenges we seek to address in this study. To support this claim, a simulator of the health system was built using the OMNET++ simulation package. Analysis of test-runs for di erent scenarios were then tested and the simulation results were compared against controls to validate the functioning of the simulator. Upon validation of the simulator, it was then used to test the hypothesis. With data from the di erent health-care facilities used as input parameters to the simulator, various simulation runs were executed to mimic di erent routing scenarios. Results from the di erent simulation runs were then analyzed. The results from the simulator and analysis of these results revealed that: In a case where patients where not given the liberty to consult with a doctor of their choice but rather to consult with the next available doctor/specialist, the average time spent by patients dropped by 26%. The analysis also revealed that moving a receptionist from the rst stage upon patient entry into the health facility reduced the average patient life time by 85%. This was found to be a consequence of a drop in queue length (a 28% drop in queue length). On the other hand, the analysis also revealed that the total removal of a general receptionist increased patient life-time in a facility by 30.19%. This study also revealed that if specialists were deployed to certain health facilities rather than having referred patients come to them in the urban health facilities, patient population in the urban health centers will drop by 32%. This also saw a drop in patient waiting time in the rural health centers as more doctors were available (a reduced patient-to-doctor ratio in rural health facilities). The results from the analysis support our hypothesis and revealed that indeed, alterations to the way patients are routed does have an e ect on the queue lengths and total waiting time of patients in the health system
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