130 research outputs found


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    Currently, interpreting has become a profession in high demand. This study surveyed students' perceptions of the essential self-training skills to become an interpreter. The study used a questionnaire to collect data collection tool which was a survey with 12 multiple-choice questions and 4 open-ended questions. 82 English–majoring students of High-quality program Batch 45 – at Can Tho University participated in the survey. The results show that students majoring in High-quality English Language perceive the importance of skills in interpreting: shorthand skills, listening comprehension skills, memorization skills, visualization skills, presentation skills, skills in using search engines, teamwork skills, multi-tasking skills, and pronunciation skills. Students also pointed out a number of skills that they think are equally important if they want to become an interpreter such as reflexes, situational skills, and contextual skills. On that basis, a number of measures of how to support students to develop their own training plans and hone their skills for their future careers are proposed.  Article visualizations

    Factors affecting to digital skills and adaptability of students in the context of digital transformation at the Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education

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    The article focuses on analyzing the factors affecting students' digital skills and adaptability in the context of digital transformation. The study identified influencing factors: Environment, Behavior, Individuals, Teachers, Time of use, and access. However, the results of an online survey of 1.282 students of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) with Cronbach's Alpha test method, EFA analysis, correlations, and regression analysis, showed that there are 3/5 factors identified in the hypothesis that affect digital skills and adaptability of HCMUTE students in the context of digital transformation, specifically: behavior (Beta = 0.177, Sig. = 0.000); individuals (Beta = 0.181, Sig. = 0.027); teacher (Beta = 0.547, Sig. = 0.000). Besides, the environment does not affect digital skills and adaptability (KNSKNTU) due to Beta = 0.017 and Sig.=0.384>0.05. Sig does not involve usage and access time factors. >0.05 in the table Correlations not be further analyzed in the regression model. The research results are expected to help provide a more objective view of the reality of digital adoption and student adaptability in the digital transformation context at HCMUTE

    Factors affecting to digital skills and adaptability of students in the context of digital transformation at the Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education

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    The article focuses on analyzing the factors affecting students' digital skills and adaptability in the context of digital transformation. The study identified influencing factors: Environment, Behavior, Individuals, Teachers, Time of use, and access. However, the results of an online survey of 1.282 students of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) with Cronbach's Alpha test method, EFA analysis, correlations, and regression analysis, showed that there are 3/5 factors identified in the hypothesis that affect digital skills and adaptability of HCMUTE students in the context of digital transformation, specifically: behavior (Beta = 0.177, Sig. = 0.000); individuals (Beta = 0.181, Sig. = 0.027); teacher (Beta = 0.547, Sig. = 0.000). Besides, the environment does not affect digital skills and adaptability (KNSKNTU) due to Beta = 0.017 and Sig.=0.384>0.05. Sig does not involve usage and access time factors. >0.05 in the table Correlations not be further analyzed in the regression model. The research results are expected to help provide a more objective view of the reality of digital adoption and student adaptability in the digital transformation context at HCMUTE

    Investigation on the application of ZnO nanostructures to improve the optical performance of white light-emitting diodes

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    Though combining blue LED chips with yellow phosphor has been the most common method in white light-emitting diode (WLED) production, the attained angular correlated color temperature (CCT) uniformity is still poor. Thus, this article proposes to add ZnO nanostructures to WLED packages to promote the color uniformity of the WLEDs. The outcomes of the research demonstrate that utilizing ZnO at different amount can affect the scattering energy and the CCT deviations in WLEDs packages in different extents. Particularly, adding the node-like (N-ZnO), sheet-like (S-ZnO), and rod-like (R-ZnO) leads to the corresponding decreases of CCT deviations from 3455.49 K to 96.30 K, 40.03 K, and 60.09 K, respectively. Meanwhile, with 0.25% N-ZnO, 0.75% S-ZnO, and 0.25 % R-ZnO, WLED devices can achieve both better CCT homogeneity and lower reduction in luminous flux. The results of this article can be a valuable document for the manufacturer to use as reference in improving their WLED products

    The application of dual-layer remote phosphor geometry in achieving higher color quality of WLEDs

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    If remote phosphor structures are put into comparison with conformal phosphor or in-cup phosphor, their luminous flux are better, but the color quality is not as elevated. This leads to an obvious need of a practical solution to enhance color quality. Therefore, many studies were carried out to achieve this purpose, and so is ours. We proposed using two layers of phosphor in WLEDs to achieve better rendering ability and chromatic performance. The identical WLEDs with different color temperatures, 5600 K-8500 K, were used and reported in this paper. Our research consists of two parts, which are placing a layer of red phosphor SrwFxByOz:Eu2+,Sm2+on the yellow YAG:Ce3+ phosphor layer at first, and then specifying an appropriate SrwFxByOz:Eu2+,Sm2+ concentration to reach the highest color performance. It is shown that with the contribution of SrwFxByOz:Eu2+,Sm2+,the color rendering index (CRI) and color quality scale (CQS) are increased. This can be explained by the increased amount of red light components in the WLEDs when the concentration of SrwFxByOz:Eu2+,Sm2+ was greater. However, excessive SrwFxByOz:Eu2+,Sm2+ will cause the reduction in the flux, which has been proven by the application of Mie scattering and the Lambert-Beer law. Therefore, the conclusion will present an optimal amount of SrwFxByOz:Eu2+,Sm2+ to obtain high color quality while minimizing the light loss


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    Spirulina is noticed for great applications on food supplements, animal feeds, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, biofuel, fertilizer, etc. Spirulina cultures in wastewaters could enhance the feasibility of commodities due to its ability to reduce the cost of biomass production and remove pollutants in wastewaters. This study investigates the effects of wastewater pretreatment using various aeration periods (i.e. from 3 to 7 days), the supplement of bicarbonate and N:P ratios on the growth of Spirulina sp. HH to produce protein-rich biomass. The work showed that Spirulina sp. had the ability to effectively remove ammonium, with the highest efficiencies up to 99.9 %. However, the high concentration of ammonium in wastewater, from 125 mg N/L upward, caused a decline in the growth rate of Spirulina. The growth and remediation potential of Spirulina sp. were in the best condition with the N:P ratio of the medium in the range of 19:1-22:1. This study suggested a procedure to cultivate Spirulina sp. in piggery wastewater and remove pollutants efficiently


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    Chitinases from the genus Trichoderma fungi are mainly responsible for their anti-fungal activities, which allow them to become the most widely used fungal biocontrol. Therefore, several Trichoderma chitinases have been cloned and expressed to facilitate their production and applications. A previous study of the same authors has characterized an endochitinase from a relatively novel Trichoderma spp., Trichoderma asperellum. To produce this enzyme more economically and efficiently, we reported the synthesis and expression of its synthetic encoding gene in the Escherichia coli M15 strain and established the optimal conditions for preparative scale production of the enzyme in its functional form. By lowering the induction temperatures, we observed substantial improvement in the expression levels of the active enzyme.  At 30 oC and 0.5 mM IPTG induction, 1 L of cells yielded approximately 80 - 100 mg of soluble protein, accounting for about 9-11 % of total soluble protein. This figure may be an underestimation of the actual yield, as deduced from the SDS-PAGE data. The recombinant enzyme can be retrieved by simple repeated freezing and thawing cycles and purified to near homogeneity using Ni-NTA chromatography. The purified enzyme showed in vitro colloidal chitin hydrolysis activity. These results could be scaled up to produce soluble 42 kDa chitinase in E. coli. The study demonstrated an economical method to produce chitinases for various agricultural and environmental applications

    Load Shedding in Microgrid System with Combination of AHP Algorithm and Hybrid ANN-ACO Algorithm

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    This paper proposes a new load shedding method based on the application of intelligent algorithms, the process of calculating and load shedding is carried out in two stages. Stage-1 uses a backpropagation neural network to classify faults in the system, thereby determining whether or not to shed the load in that particular case. Stage-2 uses an artificial neural network combined with an ant colony algorithm (ANN-ACO) to determine a load shedding strategy. The AHP algorithm is applied to propose load shedding strategies based on ranking the importance of loads in the system. The proposed method in the article helps to solve the integrated problem of load shedding, classifying the fault to determine whether or not to shedding the load and proposing a correct strategy for shedding the load. The IEEE 25-bus 8-generator power system is used to simulate and test the effectiveness of the proposed method, the results show that the frequency of recovery is good in the allowable range

    Cloning and expression of gene FanC-2NT encoding K99-2NT fimbrial antigen of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from diarrheic post-weaning piglets

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    Background and Purpose: The K99 (F5) is one pilus adhesin that mediates the attachment of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains to small intestines to cause to diarrhea in piglets, lambs and newborn calves. In this work, we carried out cloning and expression of the mature peptide of FanC subunit, K99 fimbriae, one of the most common adhesive antigens in E. coli. Materials and Methods: E. coli 2NT strain was isolated from fecal samples of post-weaning piglets with diarrhea. The coding sequence of the mature peptide of K99-2NT subunit was isolated by PCR amplification and cloned into pGEM®-T Easy vector for sequencing using fluorescent dideoxy-terminator method. Expression of K99-2NT protein which was inserted into pET200/D-TOPO vector induced with IPTG. The PCR product and expression level of protein was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Results and Conclusions: We cloned and expressed successfully the mature peptide of K99 subunit with molecular weight of approximately 17.5 kDa from E. coli 2NT strain (named K99-2NT). Nucleotide sequence of the K99-2NT subunit coding region of fanC-2NT gene is 477 bp in length and is 99% similarity with that of fanC gene (accession no: M35282). Highest expression level occurred after 12 h of induction with 0.75 mM IPTG at 37oC. This subunit antigen will be tested for immune response of rat in the next time

    Study on the antioxidant capacity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis decoction in vivo in Mus musculus var. albino

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    This study proved that Hibiscus rosa-sinensis has the antioxidant activity and the ability to recover liver functions when it was coordinated with cyclophosphamide in mice mode