622 research outputs found


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    Rice is staple grain production play an important role for food security and the socioeconomic value of agriculture in South East Asia countries. Among the factors that have negative effects on rice, weed is the major one. Weed has the effects on growth and yield of rice by competition about light, water, nutrient, and space. Jussiaea octovalvis is a kind of weed in the field during time of rice growth to mature which effect on growth and yield of rice but not significant different based on this research. Treatments were arranged factorially in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors, 20 treatments (4 varieties, 5 of weed densities) and 4 replications, each replication used 2 pots for each treatment. The data of the study showed that had different between the rate of growth and the yield of rice grain recovery product; especially at data of LL 58 DAP showed significant difference (P=0.017), which the highest rate is 59.13 cm of V2; for harvest data showed that V3 is the best result but it is also a sensitive one in condition of weed densities impaction more than the others varieties (D0V3=620.5; D4V3=438). In addition, the measurement of W1000 of rice grain (30.96 g) and Wt per pot (20.01 g) of D0V3 is weight more than the others treatment; within D4V4 was obtained lowest of W1000 (19.26 g) and the lowest of Wt is D1V1 (5.25 g). Beside that D2 and D4 are more effective on growth and yield of rice and it was non – significant. However, it is not interaction between weed densities and varieties rice


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    The school consultation model in Vietnam currently being implemented according to Circular No. 31/2017/TT-BGDDT effective from February 2, 2018, is the “Part-time teacher” model. The purpose of this exploratory study is to test the awareness of officials and teachers about the effectiveness of elements in the “part-time teacher” school consultation model in high schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The research sample was randomly selected from 4 high school heads and from teacher pedagogical training courses and management training classes, with 538 participants, of which teachers (69.0%), and managers (31.0%); in the study sample, there were (36.2%) participating in the school’s psychology team. Research subjects (28.6%) were trained in psychological consultation capacity by topic; (8.9%) training in psychological counseling capacity and granting training certificates; (5.4%) training for bachelor of psychology and master of psychology; (57.1%) had not studied through the psychological counseling competency program. The instrument’s validity and reliability were verified through the evaluation of Cronbach alpha analysis, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). When analyzing the EFA factor, the results of the factors in the model have a positive correlation of 76.2% (R2 = 1.00), in the factors of personnel conducting consultations, policies for personnel participating in consultations, and policies for consulting personnel. Joining the school counseling team, the consultation process and the consultation room have not been paying attention.O modelo de consulta escolar no Vietname que está atualmente a ser implementado de acordo com a Circular n.º 31/2017/TT-BGDDT, em vigor a partir de 2 de fevereiro de 2018, é o modelo “Professor a tempo parcial”. O objectivo deste estudo exploratório é testar a sensibilização de funcionários e professores sobre a eficácia dos elementos do modelo de consulta escolar de “professores a tempo parcial” em escolas secundárias na cidade de Ho Chi Minh, Vietname. A amostra da pesquisa foi selecionada aleatoriamente entre 4 diretores de escolas de ensino médio e de cursos de formação pedagógica de professores e turmas de formação gerencial, com 538 participantes, sendo professores (69,0%) e gestores (31,0%); na amostra do estudo havia (36,2%) participantes da equipe de psicologia da escola. Os sujeitos da pesquisa (28,6%) foram capacitados em capacidade de consulta psicológica por tema; (8,9%) formação em capacidade de aconselhamento psicológico e concessão de certificados de formação; (5,4%) formação para bacharel em psicologia e mestre em psicologia; (57,1%) não haviam cursado o programa de competência em aconselhamento psicológico. A validade e a confiabilidade do instrumento foram verificadas por meio da avaliação da análise alfa de Cronbach e da análise fatorial exploratória (AFE). Ao analisar o fator AFE, os resultados dos fatores do modelo apresentam correlação positiva de 76,2% (R2 = 1,00), nos fatores pessoal que realiza consultas, políticas para pessoal participante de consultas e políticas para pessoal consultor. Juntando-se à equipe de aconselhamento escolar, o processo de consulta e o consultório não têm prestado atenção

    Characteristics of Simulated Workplace Neutron Standard Fields

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    This paper presents the development of simulated workplace neutron standard fields at the Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology with the 241Am-Be source moderated by polyethylene spheres with diameters of 15 cm and 30 cm. The characterization of the standard fields (in terms of neutron fluence rates and neutron ambient dose equivalent rates) was performed using Bonner sphere spectrometer system together with MAXED and FRUIT unfolding codes. The related quantities such as neutron dose equivalent-averaged energies and fluence-to-ambient dose equivalent conversion coefficients were also determined. The discrepancies of values are satisfied the standard uncertainty criteria as recommended by the International Standard Organization 12789 series. It implies that the simulated workplace neutron standard fields can be applied in the practical works for calibration purposes

    An Assessment of Cough Medicine Dispensing Practice to Children Under Two Years Old in Pharmacies in Ho Chi Minh City Using Simulated-Patient Method

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    Over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications (CCMs) have been used to treat the symptoms of upper respiratory infection in children for decades. The safety of CCMs in children has been questioned. The data on knowledge of pharmacists in supplying cough medicines for children under two years have been limited. This study aimed to evaluate the pharmacists’ dispensing decisions to manage the cough in children under two years old. A descriptive cross-sectional was carried out in 300 pharmacies in 15 districts in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The pharmacists were interviewed by a simulated patient. The results showed that, information that pharmacists actively asked the client about the patient and disease symptoms was limited. Most pharmacists did not provide adequate instructions and counsel about using drugs for clients. Only 22/300 (7.33%) of pharmacists appropriately provided cough medicines for children under 2 years old. The main reason of inappropriateness was the deficiency of knowledge about updated contraindication of N-acetylcysteine (93.17%). Pharmacists in pharmacies located in districts 3, 11 and Binh Thanh had higher rate of rational provision than those in other districts. A good and full understanding of the patient symptom helped the pharmacists supply cough medicines more reasonably. The limited caution of pharmacists and the low proportion of pharmacists updating contraindication of N-acetylcysteine should be considered as a warning sign in pharmacy practice in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    The Effect of Jussiaea Octovalvis Weed Densities on the Growth and Yield of Several Introduced Vietnam Rice (Oryza Sativa) Varieties

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    Rice is staple grain production that plays an important role in food security and the socio-economic value of agriculture in South East Asia countries. Among the factors that have negative effects on rice, weed is the major one. Its production constraint is directly seeded rice; besides, weed also affects rice growth and yield by competition about light, water, nutrient, space. Jussiaea octovalvis is a kind of weed in the field during rice growth to mature, which affects the growth and yield of rice but not significantly different based on this research. Treatments were arranged factorially in Randomized Block Design (RCBD) with two factors, 20 treatments (4 varieties, 5 of weed densities), and four replications, and each repetition used two pots for each treatment. As a result, the data showed the difference between the rate of growth and the yield of rice grain recovery products. Especially at data of LL 58 DAP showed significant difference (P=0.017), which the highest rate is 59.13 cm of V2; for harvest data showed that V3 is the best result, but it is also a sensitive one in the condition of weed densities impaction more than the others varieties (D0V3=620.5; D4V3=438). Besides, the measurement of W1000 of rice grain (30.96 g) and Wt per pot (20.01 g) of D0V3 is weight more than the other treatment; within D4V4 was obtained lowest of W1000 (19.26 g) and the lowest of Wt is D1V1 (5.25 g). Besides that, D2 and D4 are more effective on rice growth and yield, and it was non–significant. However, it is not the interaction between weed densities and varieties of rice

    Earnings quality, cash flow and accruals persistence from others perspectives: Empirical evidence from U.S firms

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    The research aims to study the behavior and determinants of earnings quality and accruals persistence, examining the impact of both internal factor (components of earnings and accruals) and external factor (sign of income, economic state and business cycle). The main conclusion emerging from my study can be summarized Supporting Sloan’s conjectures; I find that persistence of earnings is higher than cash flow in high accruals firms but lower than cash flow in low accruals firms. And both extreme positive cash flow and negative cash flow reduce persistence of cash flow and earnings. Interestingly, even though the positive relationship between cash flow and earnings is strongly significant in my study, the result fails to show that accruals is negative correlated with earnings, which is commonly predicted in both theory and empirical evidence. Also empirical result reveals that accruals anomaly and cash flow anomaly do not necessarily occur together. Additionally, there is no significant difference on earnings persistence between firms reporting profit or loss, but earnings quality and accruals persistence do show negative impact from recession. Also the correlation between two components of earnings shows reversal during recession. Generally, my study supports the existence of accruals anomaly and earnings management, however we suggest that it is accruals that firms use in manipulation activities

    Some Aspects of Social Work Education in Belgium and in France

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    In this paper, we study the quantum teleportation of an unknown atomic state based on the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model, consisting of an effective two-level atom with a two-mode field in the generalized photon-added pair coherent state (GPAPCS). By applying the detecting method, we use a scheme that includes two two-level atoms and a cavity field to teleport the unknown atomic state from a sender to a receiver. The results show that the number of photons added to the field and the intensity of the initial field influence the average fidelity and success probability of the teleportation process. The time-evolution dependence of the average fidelity is also considered and compared for the field in the pair coherent state and in the GPAPCS

    Application of design thinking to implement innovation policy in teaching table tennis for students – the case of Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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    Design-Thinking is very innovative process and could be applied as innovative teaching. The current situation of teaching table tenis at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, one of the leading universities in Vietnam shows that the traditional teaching method (passive learning) of table tenis is not approriate. Therefore, Design-Thinking (process of Empathize - Define - Ideate - Prototype - Test) is very necessary for teaching table tennis for students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, which helps students to get better results from real-world experiences on their own learning and through projects and help them to understand the importance of fitness. The papers will firstly review what is Design-Thinking, its advantages in teaching table tenis, then analyse the current situation of teaching table tenis in Vietnam National University, Hanoi and show the results of design-thinking application for teaching table tenis for students of Vietnam National University, Hanoi to recommend some solutions for better application of this method in future

    A Review of Salary Policies for Vietnamese Civil Servants from 2010 to 2019

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    The public- sector salary policy is an important part of the socio-economic policy system, directly related to the balances of the economy, state budget and the life of the salary earners. This paper rests on secondary data that are legal documents on salary policy, related data and literature officially published to describe and analyse the salary system for Vietnamese civil servants in governmental agencies from 2010 to 2019. Some issues are outlined for consideration. First, how civil servants are ranked and salary policies for them from 2010 to 2019 are. The salary policy includes salary formula, base pay, minimum wage, allowances, components of the pay scale, pay rise rules. Second, their four characteristics are drawn out consisting of the stable and unified legal system; career-based grade pay system; many allowances; the salary system tends to pay for performance, be market-oriented but not really achieved. Third, some comments, pros and cons of the salary system in this period are explored. Finally, it is summarized that some suggestions, recommendations to improve Vietnamese civil service salary system through minimizing its disadvantages and promoting inherent advantages. Keywords: Vietnam, salary policy, salary system, public sector, civil servants, career-based system DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-11-03 Publication date: November 30th 201