2,285 research outputs found

    Hypertension genomics and cardiovascular prevention.

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    Hypertension continues to be a major risk factor for global mortality, and recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have expanded in size, leading to the identification of further genetic loci influencing blood pressure. In light of the new knowledge from the largest cardiovascular GWAS to date, we review the potential impact of genomics on discovering potential drug targets, risk stratification with genetic risk scores, drug selection with pharmacogenetics, and exploring insights provided by gene-environment interactions

    Establishing the precise evolutionary history of a gene improves prediction of disease-causing missense mutations

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    PURPOSE: Predicting the phenotypic effects of mutations has become an important application in clinical genetic diagnostics. Computational tools evaluate the behavior of the variant over evolutionary time and assume that variations seen during the course of evolution are probably benign in humans. However, current tools do not take into account orthologous/paralogous relationships. Paralogs have dramatically different roles in Mendelian diseases. For example, whereas inactivating mutations in the NPC1 gene cause the neurodegenerative disorder Niemann-Pick C, inactivating mutations in its paralog NPC1L1 are not disease-causing and, moreover, are implicated in protection from coronary heart disease. METHODS: We identified major events in NPC1 evolution and revealed and compared orthologs and paralogs of the human NPC1 gene through phylogenetic and protein sequence analyses. We predicted whether an amino acid substitution affects protein function by reducing the organism’s fitness. RESULTS: Removing the paralogs and distant homologs improved the overall performance of categorizing disease-causing and benign amino acid substitutions. CONCLUSION: The results show that a thorough evolutionary analysis followed by identification of orthologs improves the accuracy in predicting disease-causing missense mutations. We anticipate that this approach will be used as a reference in the interpretation of variants in other genetic diseases as well. Genet Med 18 10, 1029–1036

    The Age of the Galactic Disk

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    I review different methods devised to derive the age of the Galactic Disk, namely the Radio-active Decay (RD), the Cool White Dwarf Luminosity Function (CWDLF), old opne clusters (OOC) and the Color Magnitude Diagram (CMD) of the stars in the solar vicinity. I argue that the disk is likely to be 8-10 Gyr old. Since the bulk of globulars has an age around 13 Gyr, the possibility emerges that the Galaxy experienced a minimum of Star Formation at the end of the halo/bulge formation. This minimum might reflect the time at which the Galaxy started to acquire material to form the disk inside-out.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure, invited review, in "The chemical evolution of the Milky Way : Stars vs Clusters, Vulcano (Italy), 20-24 September 199

    A gentle introduction to the functional renormalization group: the Kondo effect in quantum dots

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    The functional renormalization group provides an efficient description of the interplay and competition of correlations on different energy scales in interacting Fermi systems. An exact hierarchy of flow equations yields the gradual evolution from a microscopic model Hamiltonian to the effective action as a function of a continuously decreasing energy cutoff. Practical implementations rely on suitable truncations of the hierarchy, which capture nonuniversal properties at higher energy scales in addition to the universal low-energy asymptotics. As a specific example we study transport properties through a single-level quantum dot coupled to Fermi liquid leads. In particular, we focus on the temperature T=0 gate voltage dependence of the linear conductance. A comparison with exact results shows that the functional renormalization group approach captures the broad resonance plateau as well as the emergence of the Kondo scale. It can be easily extended to more complex setups of quantum dots.Comment: contribution to Les Houches proceedings 2006, Springer styl

    Optimization of admixture and three-layer particleboard made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and rubberwood clones

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    Empty fruit bunch (EFB) is a biomass that is widely available and has the potential to be used as industrial raw material especially in wood-based industries. This study focuses on producing a particleboard by incorporating EFB with two different rubberwood clones: Prang Besar (PB) 260 and RRIM 2002, respectively. PB 260 is a commercially planted clone and wood from matured (>25 year-old) trees are used by wood-based panel manufacturers. RRIM 2002 is a new clone planted at the Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) research trial plots and consists of only 4-year-old trees. Two types of particleboards (admixture and three-layer) with different ratios were produced. The Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS-5908 2003 particleboard) was used to evaluate mechanical and dimensional stability properties of the particleboards. From the study, it was found that admixture particleboards showed superior properties compared to three-layer particleboards. Layering EFB and rubberwood significantly decreased board performance for all properties (except internal bonding). The optimum ratios of EFB and both rubberwood clones are found to be 1:1 (50% EFB: 50% rubberwood). Meanwhile, increasing the rubberwood clones ratio to 70% lowered board performance especially for EFB (30%):RRIM 2002 clone (70%) boards which showed the lowest values for all properties for both admixture and three-layer board

    Development and Validation of a Canine-Specific Profiling Array to Examine Expression of Pro-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Genes in Retinal Degenerative Diseases

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    We developed an expression profiling array to examine pro-apoptotic and pro-survival genes in dog retinal degeneration models. Gene-specific canine TaqMan assays were developed and included in a custom real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR) array. Of the 96 selected genes, 93 belonged to known relevant pro-apoptotic and pro-survival pathways, and/or were positive controls expressed in retina, while three were housekeeping genes. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) showed that the selected genes belonged to expected biological functions (cell death, cell-mediated immune response, cellular development, function, and maintenance) and pathways (death receptor signaling, apoptosis, TNFR1 signaling, and induction of apoptosis by HIV1). Validation of the profiling array was performed with RNA extracted from cultured MDCK cells in the presence or absence of treatment with 10 μM staurosporin for 5 or 10 h. The vast majority of the genes showed positive amplifications, and a number of them also had fold change (FC) differences \u3e ±3 between control and staurosporin-treated cells. To conclude, we established a profiling array that will be used to identify differentially expressed genes associated with photoreceptor death or survival in canine models of retinal degenerative diseases with mutations in genes that cause human inherited blindness with comparable phenotypes

    Diabetic ketoacidosis complicated by the use of ecstasy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamin), a hallucinogenic amphetamine, is often used by young people, especially at 'raves'. This illicit drug can cause many metabolic changes and its use, when associated with prolonged exercise, may exacerbate ketoacidosis in type 1 diabetic patients.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This is a case of ketoacidosis complicated by the use of ecstasy in a 19-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic Caucasian woman.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of ecstasy may trigger diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with a preexisting metabolic disorder</p

    Gain control network conditions in early sensory coding

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    Gain control is essential for the proper function of any sensory system. However, the precise mechanisms for achieving effective gain control in the brain are unknown. Based on our understanding of the existence and strength of connections in the insect olfactory system, we analyze the conditions that lead to controlled gain in a randomly connected network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We consider two scenarios for the variation of input into the system. In the first case, the intensity of the sensory input controls the input currents to a fixed proportion of neurons of the excitatory and inhibitory populations. In the second case, increasing intensity of the sensory stimulus will both, recruit an increasing number of neurons that receive input and change the input current that they receive. Using a mean field approximation for the network activity we derive relationships between the parameters of the network that ensure that the overall level of activity of the excitatory population remains unchanged for increasing intensity of the external stimulation. We find that, first, the main parameters that regulate network gain are the probabilities of connections from the inhibitory population to the excitatory population and of the connections within the inhibitory population. Second, we show that strict gain control is not achievable in a random network in the second case, when the input recruits an increasing number of neurons. Finally, we confirm that the gain control conditions derived from the mean field approximation are valid in simulations of firing rate models and Hodgkin-Huxley conductance based models