423 research outputs found

    UK and Ireland Street Law Conference 2022 Review

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    The UK and Ireland Street Law Conference brings together academics, lawyers, students, and other Street Law enthusiasts to promote, support and celebrate public legal education (PLE) and the progress being made in this important field. Normally held annually, this was the first conference since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, taking place over the 7th and 8th April 2022 and hosted in Edinburgh by the Law Society of Scotland. The conference was centred around Street Law’s commitment and desire in helping the lay person to ‘understand their rights and responsibilities in a world full of increasingly complex and obtuse legal systems.’ The ethos of the conference was to provide a valuable resource within the PLE community for those who were present across the two-day conference and for future guidance. As students and Street Law initiators, it was gratifying to be a piece and player on the chessboard - to interact, connect and understand the multitude of approaches to teaching and learning in a Street Law context. In accordance with the principle of collaboration and to promote open education, this article aims to collate the insightful topics and discussions from the key-note sessions. This article will then move on to discuss the value of the conference from the perspective of students as well as wider stakeholders in PLE programmes. Further, we will explore how the conference could be improved moving forward with suggestions as to how students and future lawyers and/or professionals, can contribute to PLE in the future

    Adaptation of “the resilience scale” for the adult population of Portugal

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    Este artigo descreve a adaptação da “The Resilience Scale” para portugueses adultos. Procedeu-se à retradução e validação psicométrica. Fez-se pré-teste e reteste. Obteve-se equivalência linguística/conceptual e validação psicométrica com alpha de Cronbach 0,868 para 23 itens, sugerindo consistência interna. A análise fatorial agrupou 23 variáveis em 4 fatores: I – Perseverança; II – Sentido de vida; III – Serenidade; IV – Autossuficiência e autoconfiança, com valores alpha de Cronbach satisfatórios para cada fator. Verificou-se sensibilidade dos itens através do coeficiente de assimetria e achatamento e comprovou-se a estabilidade temporal. A escala revela boas características psicométricas aferindo níveis de resiliência nesta população.This paper describes the adaptation of “The Resilience Scale” for Portuguese adults. This instrument was submitted to back-translation (linguistic and conceptual equivalence), to psychometric validation (n = 365), to pretest and retest. It was obtained conceptual and linguistic equivalence/psychometric validation with alpha Cronbach 0.868 for the 23 items, suggesting internal consistency. Factorial analysis grouped the 23 variables in 4 factors: I – Perseverance; II-Sense of life; III-Serenity; IV Self- reliance and self-confidence, with satisfactory alpha Cronbach values for each factor. The sensitivity of items was verified by the coefficient of asymmetry and flatness. It was proved temporal stability of the scale. The scale shows good psychometric characteristics checking levels of resilience in this population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Transient Sea Level response to external forcing in CMIP6 models

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    Earth is warming and sea levels are rising as land-based ice is lost to melt, and oceans expand due to accumulation of heat. The pace of ice loss and steric expansion is linked to the intensity of warming. How much faster sea level will rise as climate warms is, however, highly uncertain and difficult to model. Here, we quantify the transient sea level sensitivity of the sea level budget in both models and observations. Models show little change in sensitivity to warming between the first and second half of the twenty-first century for most contributors. The exception is glaciers and ice caps (GIC) that have a greater sensitivity pre-2050 (2.8 ± 0.4 mm/yr/K) compared to later (0.7 ± 0.1 mm/yr/K). We attribute this change to the short response time of glaciers and their changing area over time. Model sensitivities of steric expansion (1.5 ± 0.2 mm/yr/K), and Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss (0.8 ± 0.2 mm/yr/K) are greater than, but still compatible with, corresponding estimates from historical data (1.4 ± 0.5 and 0.4 ± 0.2 mm/yr/K). Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) models tends to show lower rates of sea level rise (SLR) with warming (−0.0 ± 0.3 mm/yr/K) in contrast to historical estimates (0.4 ± 0.2 mm/yr/K). This apparent low bias in AIS sensitivity is only partly able to account for a similar low bias identified in the sensitivity of global mean sea level excluding GIC (3.1 ± 0.4 vs. 2.3 ± 0.4 mm/yr/K). The balance temperature, where SLR is zero, lies close to the pre-industrial value, implying that SLR can only be mitigated by substantial global cooling

    Discovering the Relationship Between Investor Attention and Trade Volume in the Philippine Stock Exchange Using Google Search Analysis

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    This study investigates the relationship between daily Google search volume and trade volume in the Philippine Stock Exchange. This is completed by employing a sample consisting of listed stocks in the Philippine Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019 and testing the veracity of three different keyword categories in proxying investor attention. The empirical results indicate that when using company names and stock tickers as Google search keywords, there is a strong positive relationship between Google search volume and trade volume. This implies that the more investors search for a stock’s company name or ticker, the more likely that there will be an increase in that stock’s trade volume the following day. Additionally, this study finds evidence that when using stock tickers as Google search keywords, aggregate investor sentiment can influence this relationship, such that it is more significant during periods of high consumer confidence. The findings support the notion that daily Google search volume can measure investor attention and potentially serve as a supplementary stock indicator for retail investors in the Philippine Stock Exchange

    Discovering the Link between Investor Attention and Trade Volume in the Philippine Stock Exchange

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    Investors regard trade volume as a crucial technical indicator that can confirm trends, predict trend reversals, and determine liquidity (Westerhoff, 2006; Mahender et al., 2014). Trade volume is reported throughout the current trading day as often as once an hour; however, the reported hourly and end-of-the-day trade volumes are merely estimates. Actual and final trade volumes are reported the following day. Given the relative inconsistency of reported trade volumes and uncertainty of future trade volumes, investors miss the opportunity to reinforce their trading decisions through the trade volume indicator

    Avaliação do Impacto de uma Intervenção em Gestão de Stress em Pacientes com Fadiga Oncológica a Realizar Radioterapia: Resultados Preliminares

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    Aim: We present the preliminary results of the assessment of the impact of cognitive-behavioral intervention on stress management (CBISM) on patterns of emotional regulation (anxiety, depression and stress) and resilience in patients with cancer fatigue and in radiotherapy. Method: We compare the results between the control group (20 participants subject to the conventional treatment of radiotherapy without CBISM) and the experimental group (20 participants subjected to the treatment of conventional radiotherapy with CBISM) in 2 times: at the beginning and end of radiotherapy. We used: a Demographic Questionnaire, a Scale of Anxiety, Depression and Stress, a Scale of Resilience as well as the Emotion Thermometers. Results: There is a significant fall of anxiety, depression and stress, (p ˂ .005) in the experimental group (not in the control group), as well as the significant rise of global resilience (p ˂ .005) and its constituents. Conclusion: The results indicate significant differences between both groups and both times, stressing the effectiveness of CBISM.Objetivo: Este trabalho apresenta os resultados preliminares da avaliação do impacto de uma intervenção em gestão do stress cognitivo-comportamental (IGSCC) sobre padrões de regulação emocional (ansiedade, depressão e stress) e resiliência em pacientes com fadiga oncológica e em radioterapia. Método: Comparam-se os resultados entre um grupo de controlo (20 participantes submetidos ao tratamento convencional de radioterapia sem IGSCC) e um grupo experimental (20 participantes submetidos ao tratamento de radioterapia convencional e com IGSCC) em dois momentos: no início e no fim da radioterapia. Recorreu-se a um questionário demográfico, à Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress, à Escala de Resiliência e ao Termómetro da Emoção. Resultados: No grupo experimental, após IGSCC, assistiu-se à descida significativa da ansiedade, da depressão e do stress, (p ˂ .005), bem como à subida significativa da resiliência global (p ˂ .005) e seus constituintes. Tal não aconteceu no grupo de controlo. Conclusão: Os resultados apontam para diferenças significativas entre ambos os grupos e ambos os momentos nas variáveis em estudo, salientando a eficácia da IGSCC

    Validity of self-reported height and weight and derived body mass index in middle-aged and elderly individuals in Australia

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    Background: Body mass index (BMI) is an important measure of adiposity. While BMI derived from self-reported data generally agrees well with that derived from measured values, evidence from Australia is limited, particularly for the elderly. Methods: We compared self-reported with measured height and weight in a random sample of 608 individuals aged ≥45 from the 45 and Up Study, an Australian population-based cohort study. We assessed degree of agreement and correlation between measures, and calculated sensitivity and specificity to quantify BMI category misclassification. Results: On average, in males and females respectively, height was overestimated by 1.24cm (95% CI: 0.75-1.72) and 0.59cm (0.26-0.92); weight was underestimated by 1.68kg (-1.99-1.36) and 1.02kg (-1.24-0.80); and BMI based on self-reported measures was underestimated by 0.90kg/m2 (-1.09-0.70) and 0.60 kg/m2 (-0.75-0.45). Underestimation increased with increasing measured BMI. There were strong correlations between self-reported and measured height, weight and BMI (r=0.95, 0.99 and 0.95, respectively, p<0.001). While there was excellent agreement between BMI categories from self-reported and measured data (kappa=0.80), obesity prevalence was underestimated. Findings did not differ substantially between middleaged and elderly participants. Conclusions: Self-reported data on height and weight quantify body size appropriately in middle-aged and elderly individuals for relative measures, such as quantiles of BMI. However, caution is necessary when reporting on absolute BMI and standard BMI categories, based on self-reported data, particularly since use of such data is likely to result in underestimation of the prevalence of obesity

    Potencial endógeno de desarrollo y estrategias de desarrollo local en los planes municipales de desarrollo del Aburrá Sur 2016-2019

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    The endogenous potential of a territory represents the set of resources of different nature, which can be exploited in order to constitute a sustainable and competitive development. Its analysis has constituted, in turn, the endogenous development theory that explains how territories develop from their own resources. Particularly the Aburrá Sur, a conurbation in Antioquia-Colombia, is an important geoeconomic zone of the country due to its high rate of development in the productive sector. The objective of this research was to analyze the inventory of endogenous potential resources of Aburrá Sur and their relationship with the local development strategies contained in the municipal development plans 2016-2019. It was conducted through a case study with a mixed methodology evaluating the endogenous development potential and the municipal development plans of the municipalities of Aburrá Sur and contrasted with the results of a survey implemented during 2020 to entrepreneurs in the territory. The results show that the actions have been positive and that many of the goals proposed in the development plans have been achieved in accordance with the economic resources allocated. In addition, the institutional component is suggested as one of the main factors in the development of this region.El potencial endógeno de un territorio representa el conjunto de los recursos de diferente naturaleza, que pueden ser aprovechados con la finalidad de constituir un desarrollo sostenible y competitivo. Su análisis ha constituido, a su vez, la teoría del desarrollo endógeno que explica cómo los territorios se desarrollan a partir de sus propios recursos. Particularmente el Aburrá Sur, conurbación en Antioquía-Colombia es una zona geoeconómica importante del país por su alto índice de desarrollo en el sector productivo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar el inventario de los recursos de potencial endógeno del Aburrá Sur y su relación con las estrategias de desarrollo local contenidas en los planes de desarrollo municipal 2016-2019. Se realizó a través un estudio de caso con una metodología mixta evaluando el potencial del desarrollo endógeno y los planes de desarrollo municipal de los municipios del Aburrá Sur y se contrastó con los resultados de una encuesta implementada durante 2020 a los empresarios del territorio. Los resultados muestran que las acciones han sido positivas y que se han alcanzado muchas de las metas propuestas en los planes de desarrollo de acuerdo con los recursos económicos destinados. Además, se sugiere el componente institucional como uno de los principales factores del desarrollo de esta región