310 research outputs found

    Advancing FCA Workflow in FCART System for Knowledge Discovery in Quantitative Data

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    AbstractWe describe new features in FCART software system, an integrated environment for knowledge and data engineers with a set of research tools based on Formal Concept Analysis. The system is intended for knowledge discovery from various data sources, including structured quantitative data and text collections. Final version of data transformation from external data source into concept lattice is considered. We introduce new version of local data storage, query language for conceptual scaling of data snapshots as multi-valued contexts, and new tools for working with formal concepts

    Practical Computing with Pattern Structures in FCART Environment

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    International audienceA new general and efficient architecture for working with pattern structures, an extension of FCA for dealing with "complex" descriptions, is introduced and implemented in a subsystem of Formal Concept Analysis Research Toolbox (FCART). The architecture is universal in terms of possible dataset structures and formats, techniques of pattern structure manipulation

    Concept Relation Discovery and Innovation Enabling Technology (CORDIET)

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    Concept Relation Discovery and Innovation Enabling Technology (CORDIET), is a toolbox for gaining new knowledge from unstructured text data. At the core of CORDIET is the C-K theory which captures the essential elements of innovation. The tool uses Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), Emergent Self Organizing Maps (ESOM) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) as main artifacts in the analysis process. The user can define temporal, text mining and compound attributes. The text mining attributes are used to analyze the unstructured text in documents, the temporal attributes use these document's timestamps for analysis. The compound attributes are XML rules based on text mining and temporal attributes. The user can cluster objects with object-cluster rules and can chop the data in pieces with segmentation rules. The artifacts are optimized for efficient data analysis; object labels in the FCA lattice and ESOM map contain an URL on which the user can click to open the selected document

    Collaborative Technologies in Education: How to Build an Effective System for Blended Learning?

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    Современное образование существенно изменилось под влиянием повсеместно проникающих в него цифровых решений, становятся популярными ранее невозможные формы организации учебного процесса. Одной из таких форм является гибридное обучение, поддержка которого стала возможной повсеместно благодаря глобальному распространению и конвергенции телекоммуникационных технологий, а также созданию облачных информационных систем учебного назначения. Цифровые технологии приносят не только видимые прелести автоматизации рутинных операций, но и становятся причиной переосмысления и трансформации ставших привычными процессов не только в преподавании, но и в управлении современным образованием. Данная работа сфокусирована на возможностях, предоставляемых коллаборативными информационными технологиями поддержки учебного процесса, и отвечает на некоторые важные вопросы, связанные с организацией эффективной поддержки гибридного обучения, в том числе на уровне управления.Nowadays education has been significantly transformed by the widespread use of digital solutions. This has made it popular to carry out the new approaches to educational processes, which cannot be easily implemented before. Оne of such forms is blended learning, and it becomes possible everywhere thanks to the global distribution and convergence of telecommunication technologies and to the appearance of cloud-based educational software. At the same time digital technologies have brought the apparent profit for the routines automatization and have become the reason of rethinking as in casual teaching and learning processes as in the modern educational management. This paper focuses on how to support educational processes with technologies. It is also answers several significant questions about effective blended learning support, especially at the administration level.Статья подготовлена в ходе работ в рамках Программы фундаментальных исследований Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики» (НИУ ВШЭ) и с использованием средств субсидии в рамках государственной поддержки ведущих университетов Российской Федерации 5–100


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    The aim: to identify changes in mental status due to receive HAART and comprehensive assessment of the biological, behavioral and social factors in adherence to treatment in HIV-infected patients with endogenous mental disorders. Material: The study involved 53 patients with HIV infection and schizophrenia / affective spectrum comorbidity. Results: In the tolerability and adherence to ARV therapy affects not only the neurobiological vulnerability, but also a change in the mental state and condition of the patient social life. After the start of ART mental state of patients with endogenous mental disorders often deteriorates. Depending on their degree of penetration into the central nervous system were observed pronounced effect of ART on the structure of psychopathological symptoms and the course of mental illness in general

    Analysis of User Activity in Wireless Local Area Network of Petrozavodsk State University

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    Wireless networks are widely used for Internet access in public places, trading centers and educational institutions. The study of users' activity in these places can help solve problems of marketing, security, location, and monitoring of public transport. The article describes an experiment to measure the activity of users in wireless networks of Petrozavodsk State University because some educational and administrative processes are slowed because of a strict speed limit for all users. The authors developed a method to determine users' activity without the access to the service equipment and personal data, as well as a software complex to implement this method. Then they collected and analyzed data on the hours of the highest and lowliest activity, class schedule effect, and the dynamics of users' returns to the network. The information obtained was used to determine the allowed constraints of the Internet access speed for network users. A number of equations take into account the typical behavior of wireless network users, their activity and the capacity of external network channels. Computed rates for speed limits significantly exceed the established indicators in the network of Petrozavodsk University during hours of average and minimum network load. The results obtained can be used in corporate networks to dynamically calculate the permissible speed limit and to improve the quality of user service

    Exonic enhancers: proceed with caution in exome and genome sequencing studies

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    Exonic enhancers (eExons) are coding exons that also function as enhancers of the gene in which they reside or (a) nearby gene(s). Mutations that affect the enhancer activity of these eExons have been associated with human disease. Therefore, eExon mutations should be taken into account in exome and genome sequencing projects, not only because of the ability of these mutations to modify the encoded proteins but also because of their effects on enhancer activity

    Different Effect of Proteasome Inhibition on Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Poliovirus Replication

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    Proteasome activity is an important part of viral replication. In this study, we examined the effect of proteasome inhibitors on the replication of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and poliovirus. We found that the proteasome inhibitors significantly suppressed VSV protein synthesis, virus accumulation, and protected infected cells from toxic effect of VSV replication. In contrast, poliovirus replication was delayed, but not diminished in the presence of the proteasome inhibitors MG132 and Bortezomib. We also found that inhibition of proteasomes stimulated stress-related processes, such as accumulation of chaperone hsp70, phosphorylation of eIF2α, and overall inhibition of translation. VSV replication was sensitive to this stress with significant decline in replication process. Poliovirus growth was less sensitive with only delay in replication. Inhibition of proteasome activity suppressed cellular and VSV protein synthesis, but did not reduce poliovirus protein synthesis. Protein kinase GCN2 supported the ability of proteasome inhibitors to attenuate general translation and to suppress VSV replication. We propose that different mechanisms of translational initiation by VSV and poliovirus determine their sensitivity to stress induced by the inhibition of proteasomes. To our knowledge, this is the first study that connects the effect of stress induced by proteasome inhibition with the efficiency of viral infection