32 research outputs found

    Specificity and mechanism of TonB-dependent ferric catecholate uptake by Fiu

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    We studied the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein Fiu, a presumed transporter of monomeric ferric catecholates, by introducing Cys residues in its surface loops and modifying them with fluorescein maleimide (FM). Fiu-FM bound iron complexes of the tricatecholate siderophore enterobactin (FeEnt) and glucosylated enterobactin (FeGEnt), their dicatecholate degradation product Fe(DHBS)2 (FeEnt*), the monocatecholates dihydroxybenzoic acid (FeDHBA) and dihydroxybenzoyl serine (FeDHBS), and the siderophore antibiotics cefiderocol (FDC) and MB-1. Unlike high-affinity ligand-gated porins (LGPs), Fiu-FM had only micromolar affinity for iron complexes. Its apparent KD values for FeDHBS, FeDHBA, FeEnt*, FeEnt, FeGEnt, FeFDC, and FeMB-1 were 0.1, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0, 0.3, 0.4, and 4 μM, respectively. Despite its broad binding abilities, the transport repertoires of E. coli Fiu, as well as those of Cir and FepA, were less broad. Fiu only transported FeEnt*. Cir transported FeEnt* and FeDHBS (weakly); FepA transported FeEnt, FeEnt*, and FeDHBA. Both Cir and FepA bound FeGEnt, albeit with lower affinity. Related transporters of Acinetobacter baumannii (PiuA, PirA, BauA) had similarly moderate affinity and broad specificity for di- or monomeric ferric catecholates. Both microbiological and radioisotopic experiments showed Fiu’s exclusive transport of FeEnt*, rather than ferric monocatecholate compounds. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations predicted three binding sites for FeEnt*in the external vestibule of Fiu, and a fourth site deeper in its interior. Alanine scanning mutagenesis in the outermost sites (1a, 1b, and 2) decreased FeEnt* binding affinity as much as 20-fold and reduced or eliminated FeEnt* uptake. Finally, the molecular dynamics simulations suggested a pathway of FeEnt* movement through Fiu that may generally describe the process of metal transport by TonB-dependent receptors

    Confined Mobility of TonB and FepA in Escherichia coli Membranes

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    The important process of nutrient uptake in Escherichia coli, in many cases, involves transit of the nutrient through a class of beta-barrel proteins in the outer membrane known as TonB-dependent transporters (TBDTs) and requires interaction with the inner membrane protein TonB. Here we have imaged the mobility of the ferric enterobactin transporter FepA and TonB by tracking them in the membranes of live E. coli with single-molecule resolution at time-scales ranging from milliseconds to seconds. We employed simple simulations to model/analyze the lateral diffusion in the membranes of E.coli, to take into account both the highly curved geometry of the cell and artifactual effects expected due to finite exposure time imaging. We find that both molecules perform confined lateral diffusion in their respective membranes in the absence of ligand with FepA confined to a region 0.180−0.007+0.006 μm in radius in the outer membrane and TonB confined to a region 0.266−0.009+0.007 μm in radius in the inner membrane. The diffusion coefficient of these molecules on millisecond time-scales was estimated to be 21−5+9 μm2/s and 5.4−0.8+1.5 μm2/s for FepA and TonB, respectively, implying that each molecule is free to diffuse within its domain. Disruption of the inner membrane potential, deletion of ExbB/D from the inner membrane, presence of ligand or antibody to FepA and disruption of the MreB cytoskeleton was all found to further restrict the mobility of both molecules. Results are analyzed in terms of changes in confinement size and interactions between the two proteins.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee

    Surface Loop Motion in FepA

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    Using a lysine-specific cleavable cross-linking reagent ethylene glycolbis(sulfosuccimidylsuccinate) (Sulfo-EGS), we studied conformational motion in the surface loops of Escherichia coli FepA during its transport of the siderophore ferric enterobactin. Site-directed mutagenesis determined that Sulfo-EGS reacted with two lysines, K332 and K483, and at least two other unidentified Lys residues in the surface loops of the outer membrane protein. The reagent cross-linked K483 in FepA L7 to either K332 in L5, forming a product that we designated band 1, or to the major outer membrane proteins OmpF, OmpC, and OmpA, forming band 2. Ferric enterobactin binding to FepA did not prevent modification of K483 by Sulfo-EGS but blocked its cross-linking to OmpF/C and OmpA and reduced its coupling to K332. These data show that the loops of FepA undergo conformational changes in vivo, with an approximate magnitude of 15 Ã…, from a ligand-free open state to a ligand-bound closed state. The coupling of FepA L7 to OmpF, OmpC, or OmpA was TonB independent and was unaffected by the uncouplers CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone) and DNP (2,4-dinitrophenol) but completely inhibited by cyanide

    Recognition of Ferric Catecholates by FepA

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    Escherichia coli FepA transports certain catecholate ferric siderophores, but not others, nor any noncatecholate compounds. Direct binding and competition experiments demonstrated that this selectivity originates during the adsorption stage. The synthetic tricatecholate Fe-TRENCAM bound to FepA with 50- to 100-fold-lower affinity than Fe-enterobactin (FeEnt), despite an identical metal center, and Fe-corynebactin only bound at much higher concentrations. Neither Fe-agrobactin nor ferrichrome bound at all, even at concentrations 10(6)-fold above the K(d). Thus, FepA only adsorbs catecholate iron complexes, and it selects FeEnt among even its close homologs. We used alanine scanning mutagenesis to study the contributions of surface aromatic residues to FeEnt recognition. Although not apparent from crystallography, aromatic residues in L3, L5, L7, L8, and L10 affected FepA's interaction with FeEnt. Among 10 substitutions that eliminated aromatic residues, K(d) increased as much as 20-fold (Y481A and Y638A) and K(m) increased as much as 400-fold (Y478), showing the importance of aromaticity around the pore entrance. Although many mutations equally reduced binding and transport, others caused greater deficiencies in the latter. Y638A and Y478A increased K(m) 10- and 200-fold more, respectively, than K(d). N-domain loop deletions created the same phenotype: Δ60-67 (in NL1) and Δ98-105 (in NL2) increased K(d) 10- to 20-fold but raised K(m) 500- to 700-fold. W101A (in NL2) had little effect on K(d) but increased K(m) 1,000-fold. These data suggested that the primary role of the N terminus is in ligand uptake. Fluorescence and radioisotopic experiments showed biphasic release of FeEnt from FepA. In spectroscopic determinations, k(off1) was 0.03/s and k(off2) was 0.003/s. However, FepAY272AF329A did not manifest the rapid dissociation phase, corroborating the role of aromatic residues in the initial binding of FeEnt. Thus, the β-barrel loops contain the principal ligand recognition determinants, and the N-domain loops perform a role in ligand transport

    Flagellar Display of Bone-Protein-Derived Peptides for Studying Peptide-Mediated Biomineralization

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    A bacterial flagellum is self-assembled primarily from thousands of flagellin (<i>FliC</i>), a protein subunit. A foreign peptide can be fully displayed on the surface of the flagellum through inserting it into every constituent protein subunit. To shed light on the role of bone proteins during the nucleation of hydroxyapatite (HAP), representative domains from type I collagen, including part of the N-,C-terminal, N-,C-zone around the hole zone and an eight repeat unit Gly-Pro-Pro (GPP8) sequence similar to the central sequence of type I collagen, were separately displayed on the surface of the flagella. Moreover, eight negatively charged, contiguous glutamic acid residues (E8) and two other characteristic sequences derived from a representative noncollagenous protein called bone sialoprotein (BSP) were also displayed on flagella. After being incubated in an HAP supersaturated precursor solution, flagella displaying E8 or GPP8 sequences were found to be coated with a layer of HAP nanocrystals. Very weak or no nucleation was observed on flagella displaying other peptides being tested. We also found that calcium ions can induce the assembly of the negatively charged E8 flagella into bundles mimicking collagen fibers, followed by the formation of HAP nanocrystals with the crystallographic <i>c</i> axis preferentially aligned with long axis of flagella, which is similar to that along the collagen fibrils in bone. This work demonstrates that because of the ease of the peptide display on flagella and the self-assembly of flagella, flagella can serve as a platform for studying biomineralization and as a building block to generate bonelike biomaterials

    FepA- and TonB-dependent bacteriophage H8: receptor binding and genomic sequence.

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    H8 is derived from a collection of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis bacteriophage. Its morphology and genomic structure closely resemble those of bacteriophage T5 in the family Siphoviridae. H8 infected S. enterica serotypes Enteritidis and Typhimurium and Escherichia coli by initial adsorption to the outer membrane protein FepA. Ferric enterobactin inhibited H8 binding to E. coli FepA (50% inhibition concentration, 98 nM), and other ferric catecholate receptors (Fiu, Cir, and IroN) did not participate in phage adsorption. H8 infection was TonB dependent, but exbB mutations in Salmonella or E. coli did not prevent infection; only exbB tolQ or exbB tolR double mutants were resistant to H8. Experiments with deletion and substitution mutants showed that the receptor-phage interaction first involves residues distributed over the protein's outer surface and then narrows to the same charged (R316) or aromatic (Y260) residues that participate in the binding and transport of ferric enterobactin and colicins B and D. These data rationalize the multifunctionality of FepA: toxic ligands like bacteriocins and phage penetrate the outer membrane by parasitizing residues in FepA that are adapted to the transport of the natural ligand, ferric enterobactin. DNA sequence determinations revealed the complete H8 genome of 104.4 kb. A total of 120 of its 143 predicted open reading frames (ORFS) were homologous to ORFS in T5, at a level of 84% identity and 89% similarity. As in T5, the H8 structural genes clustered on the chromosome according to their function in the phage life cycle. The T5 genome contains a large section of DNA that can be deleted and that is absent in H8: compared to T5, H8 contains a 9,000-bp deletion in the early region of its chromosome, and nine potentially unique gene products. Sequence analyses of the tail proteins of phages in the same family showed that relative to pb5 (Oad) of T5 and Hrs of BF23, the FepA-binding protein (Rbp) of H8 contains unique acidic and aromatic residues. These side chains may promote binding to basic and aromatic residues in FepA that normally function in the adsorption of ferric enterobactin. Furthermore, a predicted H8 tail protein showed extensive identity and similarity to pb2 of T5, suggesting that it also functions in pore formation through the cell envelope. The variable region of this protein contains a potential TonB box, intimating that it participates in the TonB-dependent stage of the phage infection process