648 research outputs found

    A Chart System of Presenting Sociometric Data

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    Thesis (M.B.A)--Boston University N.B.: Page 64 is misnumbered as page 65

    A Chart System of Presenting Sociometric Data

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    Thesis (M.B.A)--Boston University N.B.: Page 64 is misnumbered as page 65

    A Countercyclical Training Programme for Canada

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    Le rôle potentiel de la politique de la main-d'oeuvre en général, et des programmes de formation des adultes en particulier, en tant qu'instruments de stabilisation économique, a soulevé beaucoup d'intérêt au cours des dernières années.On peut mettre au point des programmes de formation anticyclique en utilisant des concepts analytiques relativement simples. On a estimé qu'il était possible de réduire le taux de chômage en transformant la main-d'oeuvre de manière qu'elle réponde à la demande par des projets destinés à accroître l'information, à favoriser la mobilité et à faire connaître les compétences. En même temps, par l'élimination des engorgements et de la pression à la hausse qu'ils exercent sur les prix, ils peuvent aussi aider à freiner l'inflation.L'intérêt de tels programmes de formation anticyclique s'est manifesté dans de récentes études de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économique (O.C.D.E.). Les fonctionnaires de la main-d'oeuvre et les recherchistes aux États-Unis et au Canada se sont aussi intéressés à cette question.En ce qui concerne les mécanismes des programmes de formation visant à la stabilisation, il faut d'abord, prétend-on, que le lieu et le contenu professionnel des cours soient établis de façon à correspondre aux changements de structure dans la demande pour différents métiers à l'intérieur de l'économie nationale. De plus, le nombre d'individus à ainsi former (dans l'ensemble et dans chaque région) devrait varier selon les fluctuations de l'emploi global.En ce qui a trait à leur impact sur le chômage, on soutient qu'ils l'emportent sur d'autres mesures, en particulier sur les programmes de travaux publics parce qu'il n'est vraiment pas facile de les mettre en oeuvre dans les régions où il y a excédent de main-d'oeuvre. En tant que remède à l'inflation, on considère les programmes de formation comme un moyen d'absorber en partie le chômage qui pourrait résulter des mesures fiscales anti-inflationnistes.L'étendue d'un programme de formation suffisant pour contribuer d'une façon efficace à la stabilisation revêt beaucoup d'importance pour des autorités gouvernementales assujetties à des contraintes budgétaires strictes. L'accumulation et le calcul des données relatives à la main-d'oeuvre est aussi nécessaire en tant que fonction adjuvante quand il s'agit d'un effort de formation de grande envergure.Pour ce qui est du genre de formation le mieux approprié dans un projet de stabilisation, il ne paraît pas faire de doute que, même si la plupart des programmes de formation subventionnés par l'État se donnent en milieu scolaire, il y a de fort bons arguments en faveur de la formation sur place.Avant d'en arriver à un jugement final touchant la valeur des programmes de formation au Canada en tant qu'instruments de stabilisation, il importe d'en clarifier les objectifs. Dans l'hypothèse, par exemple, où l'objectif principal de la formation est la croissance économique, on orientera le programme selon unmode anticyclique en tenant compte du rapport coût - efficacité, et, dans ce cas, strictement parlant, les effets stabilisateurs ne seront que secondaires. Dans l'hypothèse, au contraire, où les programmes de formation sont présentés comme unearme anticyclique et orientés principalement vers la stabilisation, il faudra en mesurer l'efficacité par rapport à d'autres formules disponibles.Conclusion : il faut donc clarifier trois points.1. Dans quelle mesure peut-il y avoir conflit et incompatibilité entre les différents objectifs possibles qu'un programme de formation peut chercher à atteindre ?2. Lequel de ces différents objectifs — croissance économique, stabilisation de l'emploi et justice distributive — considère-t-on comme le plus important ?3. Lequel de ces objectifs la formation sert-elle le mieux ?The author examines the current interest in the potential role of manpower policy as a stabilizing instrument and, more specifically, the contribution of one component : adult training programme

    The Rationale for Government Involvement in Manpower Training in Canada: Theory and Evidence

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    This paper intends to develop more fully the theoritical aspects of the « structural maladjustment » hypothesis and to examine the empirical evidence for Canada for substantiation of government intervention in the training field

    Determinants of Weekly Work Hours in Canada

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    Les données relatives aux États-Unis et au Canada indiquent qu'au cours des dernières années, le processus de diminution de la durée de la semaine de travail a ralenti.Les auteurs examinent deux études antérieures sur les facteurs qui déterminent la durée de la semaine de travail. La pertinence possible des variables de l'offre dans le contexte canadien est démontrée à l'aide de données canadiennes utilisées dans un modèle construit initialement pour les États-Unis. Les auteurs en concluent qu'un modèle appropriée des déterminants des heures de travail doit inclure les variables de l'offre et de la demande, et, en conséquence, ils élaborent un système à deux équations simultanées, dont ils font l'estimation pour le Canada et pour huit industries choisies. En général, les résultats corroborent les relations postulées et la technique utilisée.This paper is an attempt to shed some empirical light on the underlying determinants of the length of the work week

    Finite element model of an impact on a palmar pad from a snowboard wrist protector

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    Wrist injuries are the most common types of injury in snowboarding. Protectors can reduce injury risk by limiting wrist hyperextension and attenuating impact forces. There are a range of wrist protector concepts available, but it is unclear if any particular design is more effective. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a finite element model of an impact on the palmar pad from a protector. Pad material from a protector was characterised to obtain stress vs strain data, and determine whether it was rate dependent. Material data was implemented into a finite element model to predict impact behavior at 2.5 J. Four material models were investigated, with an Ogden model paired with a Prony series providing the best agreement to experimental data. Future work will build a model of a complete protector for predicting the protective levels of these products

    Inconsistent detection of extinction debts using different methods

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    © 2020 The Authors. Ecography published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos The extinction debt, delayed species extinctions following landscape degradation, is a widely discussed concept. But a consensus about the prevalence of extinctions debts is hindered by a multiplicity of methods and a lack of comparisons among habitats. We applied three contrasting species–area relationship methods to test for plant community extinction debts in three habitats which had different degradation histories over the last century: calcareous grassland, heathland and woodland. These methods differ in their data requirements, with the first two using information on past and current habitat area alongside current species richness, whilst the last method also requires data on past species richness. The most data-intensive, and hence arguably most reliable method, identified extinction debts across all habitats for specialist species, whilst the other methods did not. All methods detected an extinction debt in calcareous grassland, which had undergone the most severe degradation. We conclude that some methods failed to detect an extinction debt, particularly in habitats that have undergone moderate degradation. Data on past species numbers are required for the most reliable method; as such data are rare, extinction debts may be under-reported

    Assembly and structure of α-helical peptide films on hydrophobic fluorocarbon surfaces

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    The structure, orientation and formation of amphiphilic α-helix model peptide films on fluorocarbon surfaces has been monitored with sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy, near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The α-helix peptide is a 14-mer of hydrophilic lysine and hydrophobic leucine residues with a hydrophobic periodicity of 3.5. This periodicity yields a rigid amphiphilic peptide with leucine and lysine side chains located on opposite sides. XPS composition analysis confirms the formation of a peptide film that covers about 75% of the surface. NEXAFS data are consistent with chemically intact adsorption of the peptides. A weak linear dichroism of the amide π* is likely due to the broad distribution of amide bond orientations inherent to the α-helical secondary structure. SFG spectra exhibit strong peaks near 2865 cm(−1) and 2935 cm(−1) related to aligned leucine side chains interacting with the hydrophobic surface. Water modes near 3200 cm(−1) and 3400 cm(−1) indicate ordering of water molecules in the adsorbed--peptide fluorocarbon surface interfacial region. Amide I peaks observed near 1655 cm(−1) confirm that the secondary structure is preserved in the adsorbed peptide. A kinetic study of the film formation process using XPS and SFG showed rapid adsorption of the peptides followed by a longer assembly process. Peptide SFG spectra taken at the air–buffer interface showed features related to well ordered peptide films. Moving samples through the buffer surface led to the transfer of ordered peptide films onto the substrates

    Clinical features and survival among children with retinoblastoma in Uganda

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    AIMS: To characterise the clinical features, treatment and outcome of children diagnosed with retinoblastoma in Uganda. METHODS: The study comprised a 6-year nationwide enrolment with follow-up. RESULTS: In total, 282 cases were enrolled, 26% (72) were bilateral; 6% were lost to follow-up. Almost all diagnoses in the first affected eye were International Classification of Retinoblastoma group E or worse. Histology was available for 92%; of those, 45%, had extraocular tumour at diagnosis. Enucleation of the first eye was done for 271; 94 received radiotherapy to the socket and in the last 2 years, 70 children received chemotherapy. At close of study, 139 children had died. Survival, as determined in a proportional hazards model adjusted for age, sex, laterality and treatment era (pre or post introduction of chemotherapy), varied by extent of the tumour (p<0.001); children with only intraocular involvement were 80% less likely to die (HR=0.21, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.35) compared with children with extraocular involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic delay results in relatively high mortality among children with retinoblastoma in Uganda. There is an urgent need for more effective treatment modalities, particularly chemotherapy, and nationwide efforts to encourage earlier access to medical care

    Clinical features and survival among children with retinoblastoma in Uganda

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    AIMS: To characterise the clinical features, treatment and outcome of children diagnosed with retinoblastoma in Uganda. METHODS: The study comprised a 6-year nationwide enrolment with follow-up. RESULTS: In total, 282 cases were enrolled, 26% (72) were bilateral; 6% were lost to follow-up. Almost all diagnoses in the first affected eye were International Classification of Retinoblastoma group E or worse. Histology was available for 92%; of those, 45%, had extraocular tumour at diagnosis. Enucleation of the first eye was done for 271; 94 received radiotherapy to the socket and in the last 2 years, 70 children received chemotherapy. At close of study, 139 children had died. Survival, as determined in a proportional hazards model adjusted for age, sex, laterality and treatment era (pre or post introduction of chemotherapy), varied by extent of the tumour (p<0.001); children with only intraocular involvement were 80% less likely to die (HR=0.21, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.35) compared with children with extraocular involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic delay results in relatively high mortality among children with retinoblastoma in Uganda. There is an urgent need for more effective treatment modalities, particularly chemotherapy, and nationwide efforts to encourage earlier access to medical care
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