262 research outputs found

    Major Sclerotial Polypeptides Of Psychrophilic Fungi: Identification, Immunological Relatedness, Localization And In Vivo Synthesis

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    Major sclerotial polypeptides have been identified by one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in Myriosclerotinia borealis, Coprinus psychromorbidus, Typhula idahoensis and Typhula incarnata. The number, molecular mass, relative proportions and isoelectric points of the major sclerotial polypeptides varied from species to species. Furthermore, several of the major sclerotial polypeptides were shown to be antigenically related by Ouchterlony double-diffusion and Western blot analysis. Polyclonal antibodies used for localizing the major sclerotial polypeptides in the sclerotia by immunofluorescence microscopy showed that the major polypeptides were sequestered in sclerotial protein bodies in all four species. This indicates that the major sclerotial polypeptides may play a role as storage proteins. Major sclerotial polypeptides were not detected in vegetative hyphae of M. borealis and C. psychromorbidus at 5{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C, but significant accumulations were observed at 25{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C by Western blot analysis. Major sclerotial polypeptides were detected in the vegetative hyphae of the Typhula species incubated at 5{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C. Fluorographic analysis combined with Western blotting showed that synthesis of the major sclerotial polypeptides was induced when vegetative hyphae of M. borealis and C. psychromorbidus were shifted from 5{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C to 10{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C, whereas vegetative hyphae of T. idahoensis and T. incarnata showed constitutive synthesis of some of the major sclerotial polypeptides at 5{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C. A shift from 5{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C to 10{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}C had little effect on the synthesis of major sclerotial polypeptides in the Typhula spp. Thus, vegetative hyphae of M. borealis and C. psychromorbidus appeared to be much more sensitive to temperature as a cue for inducing synthesis of the major sclerotial polypeptides than vegetative hyphae of the Typhula spp. The significance of these observations and their bearing on sclerotial development in the species examined is discussed

    Dance in the contemporary American musical theater: What has become of the dream ballet?

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    The dream ballet is defined. The discussion explains the inception, subsequent rise and eventual disappearance of the dream ballet. The research follows the development of the dream ballet and identifies its contributions to the American musical theater. The thesis specifically examines the amplification of the emotional realm of character and plot development, as elicited by the dream ballet; The study evaluates the void left today by the absence of the dream ballet in relation to an examination of the climate of contemporary American musical theater. The analysis explores the correlation between the decline of the dream ballet and the decline of the caliber of American musical theater. The conclusion recommends the need for the re-inclusion of the command and the dynamic of the dream ballet

    A Partial Least Squares Latent Variable Modeling Approach for Measuring Interaction Effects: Results from a Monte Carlo Simulation Study and Voice Mail Emotion/Adoption Study

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    The ability to detect and accurately estimate the strength of interaction effects are critical issues that are fundamental to social science research in general and IS research in particular. Within the IS discipline, a large percentage of research has been devoted to examining the conditions and contexts under which relationships may vary, often under the general umbrella of contingency theory ( McKeen, Guimaraes, and Wetherbe 1994; Weill and Olson 1989). In our survey of such studies where such moderating variables are explored, a majority fail to either detect and/or provide an estimate of the effect size. In cases where effects sizes are estimated, the numbers are generally small. These results have, in turn, led some to question the usefulnessofcontingencytheoryandtheneedtodetectinteractioneffects(e.g.,WeillandOlson1989). This paper addresses this issue by providing a new latent variable modeling approach that can give more accurate estimates of such interaction effects by accounting for the measurement error in measures which attenuates the estimated relationships. The feasibility of this approach at recovering the true effects is demonstrated in two studies: a simulated data set where the underlying true effects are known and a Voice Mail adoption data set where the emotion of enjoyment is shown to have both a substantial direct and interaction effect on adoption intention

    Panel 17 Resolved: Surveys Have Outlived Their Usefulness in IS Research

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    Surveys are still not done well. The use of survey questionnaires may be counter-productive if the conclusions drawn from them have not been rigorously established. Trends seen in the Calgary Surveys Query System through 1991 (Munro, Newsted, andHuff1994)showthatlessthan40%ofpublishedsurveysmeetevenminimumstandardsofpsychometricrigor— letalone employ appropriate modeling techniques. Pinsonneault and Kraemer (1993) have reached a similar conclusion. Selected data since 1991 will be presented to show the current level of rigor in surveys. In addition it will be argued by the panelists that surveys do not give us the whole picture or even a rich enough picture to fully understand what is happening in IS within an organization. Further, they may be a completely incorrect way to even seek such knowledge. As a way of integrating all of the panelists’ presentations, a new research area such as electronic volunteerism (which is in need of theoretical development) will be introduced at this point. All panelists will address their remarks to this area

    Distribution of perfluorinated compounds in Lake Taihu (China): Impact to human health and water standards

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    The distribution in water and sediment, the sources/sinks and the risk of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in Lake Taihu, China were investigated. The total PFCs concentration was 164 to 299 ng L− 1 in water and 5.8 to 35 ng g− 1 (dw) in sediment. The highest concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in water were 29.2 ng L− 1 and 136 ng L− 1. PFOS was largely associated with sediment, whereas short chain PFCs predominated in water. The partition coefficient (Kd) was positively correlated with the organic carbon fraction (ƒoc) for PFOS but not for the other PFCs. The organic carbon normalized partition coefficient (Koc) increased by 0.51 log units for each additional CF2 moiety from perfluoro-butanesulfonate (PFBS) to PFOS. For the same chain length but different functional groups, the log Koc of PFOS was 1.35 units higher than PFOA. PFOS exhibited the highest affinity for sediment through the partition mechanism, and ƒoc affected the sediment as a sink of PFOS. Although there was no immediate health impact by the intake of the water alone, the consumption of aquatic products may cause potential health risks for animals/humans on the time scale of months to years. The relationship between the concentration, water-sediment distribution, bioaccumulation and toxicity should be considered in determining the water standards of PFCs

    Effects of chronic dietary exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on survival, growth, reproduction and biochemical responses of female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    Abstract Adult female rainbow trout were exposed to dietary 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) at concentrations of 1.8, 18 and 90 ng TCDD/kg (ww) food for up to 300 day. At the end of the exposure fish were spawned and the reproductive outcomes were assessed. TCDD was accumulated into tissues and eggs in a dose-dependent manner with steady state being achieved after 50-100 day of exposure. Biochemical and hematological parameters were monitored at 50, 100, 150, and 200 day after the beginning of exposure. The survival of adult female trout was reduced in a dose-dependent manner by exposure to TCDD in the diet. Fish fed 1.8 ng TCDD/kg, moist weight of diet, showed significantly reduced survival compared with those fed the control diet. TCDD also affected survival of fry from females fed 1.8 ng TCDD/kg. Observed adverse effects in adult fish were as sensitive as early life-stage endpoints. Liver EROD activity was only moderately increased in all exposure groups after 250 + day of exposure. Low rates of edema and deformities were observed in fry from all treatment groups including controls. This study has demonstrated adverse effects of TCDD to both adults and fry at concentrations comparable to current environmental concentrations. This suggests that direct adult toxicity as well as reproductive endpoints need to be incorporated in the current risk assessment paradigm for these compounds

    An aspiration-level interactive model for multiple criteria decision making

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    A simple, eclectic approach for solving discrete alternative multiple criteria decision problems is presented. It is based on the concept of the level of aspiration, and draws on ideas of various researchers. It assumes that the user has a set of alternatives with each alternative having a score on each of a number of objectives or measures of performance. The user determines his levels of aspiration for different objectives. He is then provided with considerable feedback as to the degree of feasibility of each level of aspiration as well as the degree of feasibility with respect to all levels of aspiration as a whole. The closest nondominated solution to the solution specified by the levels of aspiration is provided. The proposed method is easy to use and easy to understand and has been implemented on a personal computer (an IBM PC or compatible with 512K RAM). We describe an experimental application in which 49 students in an MBA program used the method to solve two discrete alternative multiple criteria decision problems.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29826/1/0000173.pd

    Effects on Tree Swallows Exposed to Dioxin-like Compounds Associated With: the Tittabawassee River and Floodplain near

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    Abstract-Concentrations of dioxin-like compounds, primarily polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins (PCDDs), in soils and sediments downstream of Midland, Michigan (USA) were greater than upstream sites and prompted a sitespecific hazard assessment of tree swallows breeding in the associated floodplains. Potential for adverse population-level effects from site-specific contaminant exposures were evaluated at study areas (SAs) along the Tittabawassee and Saginaw rivers downstream of Midland. The site-specific multiple lines of evidence approach to hazard assessment included endpoints for dietary-and tissue-based exposures, and population productivity measurements for tree swallows ([TS]; Tachycineta bicolor) measured during the 2005, 2006, and 2007 breeding seasons. Exposure to dioxin-like compounds in TS eggs were some of the greatest recorded and were similar among all upstream and downstream study sites. Conversely, concentrations in nestlings from SAs were significantly greater compared to reference areas (RAs). The pattern of relative concentrations of PCDD/DFs in eggs and nestlings at RAs was dominated by dioxin congeners, whereas at SAs it was dominated by furan congeners. No statistically significant differences were noted in exposure to PCDD/DFs or in population-level responses when compared among locations, and total clutch failures were rare. Hatching success and fledging success were weakly negatively correlated with concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQs) in individual eggs and nestlings, respectively. On-site concentrations of TEQs in floodplain soils were some of the greatest ever reported in the environment, and several lines of evidence indicate potential population-level effects on TS overall reproductive productivity

    Effects on Tree Swallows Exposed to Dioxin-like Compounds Associated With: the Tittabawassee River and Floodplain near

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    Abstract-Concentrations of dioxin-like compounds, primarily polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins (PCDDs), in soils and sediments downstream of Midland, Michigan (USA) were greater than upstream sites and prompted a sitespecific hazard assessment of tree swallows breeding in the associated floodplains. Potential for adverse population-level effects from site-specific contaminant exposures were evaluated at study areas (SAs) along the Tittabawassee and Saginaw rivers downstream of Midland. The site-specific multiple lines of evidence approach to hazard assessment included endpoints for dietary-and tissue-based exposures, and population productivity measurements for tree swallows ([TS]; Tachycineta bicolor) measured during the 2005, 2006, and 2007 breeding seasons. Exposure to dioxin-like compounds in TS eggs were some of the greatest recorded and were similar among all upstream and downstream study sites. Conversely, concentrations in nestlings from SAs were significantly greater compared to reference areas (RAs). The pattern of relative concentrations of PCDD/DFs in eggs and nestlings at RAs was dominated by dioxin congeners, whereas at SAs it was dominated by furan congeners. No statistically significant differences were noted in exposure to PCDD/DFs or in population-level responses when compared among locations, and total clutch failures were rare. Hatching success and fledging success were weakly negatively correlated with concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQs) in individual eggs and nestlings, respectively. On-site concentrations of TEQs in floodplain soils were some of the greatest ever reported in the environment, and several lines of evidence indicate potential population-level effects on TS overall reproductive productivity
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