198 research outputs found

    Unsupervised three-dimensional reconstruction of small rocks from a single two-dimensional image

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    Surfaces covered with pebbles and small rocks can often be found in nature or in human shaped environments. Generating an accurate three-dimensional model of those kind of surfaces from a reference image can be challenging, especially if one wants to be able to animate each pebble individually. To undertake this kind of job manually is time consuming and impossible to achieve in dynamic terrains animations. The method described in this paper allows unsupervised automatic generation of three-dimensional textured rocks from a two-dimensional image aiming to closely match the original image as much as possible

    Splicing of concurrent upper-body motion spaces with locomotion

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    In this paper, we present a motion splicing technique for generating concurrent upper-body actions occurring simultaneously with the evolution of a lower-body locomotion sequence. Specifically, we show that a layered interpolation motion model generates upper-body poses while assigning different actions to each upper-body part. Hence, in the proposed motion splicing approach, it is possible to increase the number of generated motions as well as the number of desired actions that can be performed by virtual characters. Additionally, we propose an iterative motion blending solution, inverse pseudo-blending, to maintain a smooth and natural interaction between the virtual character and the virtual environment; inverse pseudo-blending is a constraint-based motion editing technique that blends the motions enclosed in a tetrahedron by minimising the distances between the end-effector positions of the actual and blended motions. Additionally, to evaluate the proposed solution, we implemented an example-based application for interactive motion splicing based on specified constraints. Finally, the generated results show that the proposed solution can be beneficially applied to interactive applications where concurrent actions of the upper-body are desired

    Rethinking shortest path: an energy expenditure approach

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    Considering that humans acting in constrained environments do not always plan according to shortest path criteria; rather, they conceptually measure the path which minimises the amount of expended energy. Hence, virtual characters should be able to execute their paths according to planning methods based not on path length but on the minimisation of actual expended energy. Thus, in this paper, we introduce a simple method that uses a formula for computing vanadium dioxide (VO2) levels, which is a proxy for the energy expended by humans during various activities

    Copy number variation burden does not predict severity of neurodevelopmental phenotype in children with a sex chromosome trisomy

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    Sex chromosome trisomies (SCTs) (XXX, XXY, and XYY karyotypes) are associated with an elevated risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. The range of severity of the phenotype is substantial. We considered whether this variable outcome was related to the presence of copy number variants (CNVs)—stretches of duplicated or deleted DNA. A sample of 125 children with an SCT were compared with 181 children of normal karyotype who had been given the same assessments. First, we compared the groups on measures of overall CNV burden: number of CNVs, total span of CNVs, and likely functional impact (probability of loss‐of‐function intolerance, pLI, summed over CNVs). Differences between groups were small relative to within‐group variance and not statistically significant on overall test. Next, we considered whether a measure of general neurodevelopmental impairment was predicted by pLI summed score, SCT versus comparison group, or the interaction between them. There was a substantial effect of SCT/comparison status but the pLI score was not predictive of outcomes in either group. We conclude that variable presence of CNVs is not a likely explanation for the wide phenotypic variation in children with SCTs. We discuss methodological challenges of testing whether CNVs are implicated in causing neurodevelopmental problems

    Through the looking glass: public and professional perspectives on patient-centred professionalism in modern-day community pharmacy

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    This paper presents five consultation workshops with 29 community pharmacists, stakeholders and patients that examined "patient-centred professionalism" in terms of pharmacists' working day and environment. The concept is ill-defined in both medical and pharmacy literature and the study aimed to clarify the situated nature of the term for patients and health professionals across settings. Workshops were supported by bio-photographic datasets of "in-situ" practice and Nominal Group Work. The thematic content analyses led to the following aspects: building caring relationships; managing external forces; the effects of space and environment, and different roles and expectations. The study reveals how patient-centred professionalism cannot be defined in any singular or stationary sense, but should be seen as a "moveable feast", best understood through everyday examples of practice and interaction, in relation to whose experience is being expressed, and whose needs considered. The phrase is being mobilised by a whole set of interests and stakeholders to reshape practice, the effect of which remains both uncertain and contested. Whilst patients prioritise a quick and efficient dispensing service from knowledgeable pharmacists, pharmacists rail against increasing public demands and overtly formalised consultations that take them away from the dispensary where the defining aspects of their professionalism lie. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100177Unser Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse aus insgesamt fünf Workshops mit 29 Apotheker/innen, Patient/innen und weiteren Akteuren vor, die sich mit "Patient/innen-zentrierter Versorgung" in der Alltagsarbeit und -umgebung von Apotheker/innen befassten. Dieses Konzept ist in der relevanten Literatur nur ungenügend definiert, und ein Ziel der Studie war, dessen situativen Charakter für Patient/innen und im Gesundheitssystem Tätige zu präzisieren. In den Workshops kamen Fotografien aus der Alltagspraxis und spezifische Gruppenarbeitsverfahren zum Einsatz. Im Beitrag werden nach einer Information über die Teilnehmenden die Ergebnisse der thematischen Inhaltsanalyse zusammengefasst, die die folgenden Schwerpunkte erbrachte: Aufbau von Beziehungen mit Patient/innen, Umgang mit externen Einflussgrößen, (räumliche) Umgebungseffekte und Unterschiedlichkeit von Rollen und Erwartungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass "Patient/innen-zentrierte Versorgung" nicht in einer singulären oder statischen Weise definiert werden kann, sondern am besten nachvollziehbar ist entlang von Beispielen aus der Alltagspraxis und von Alltagsinteraktionen, abhängig davon, wessen Erfahrungen ausgedrückt und wessen Bedürfnisse im Fokus stehen sollen. Dieses Verständnis trifft für eine Vielzahl an Interessen und Akteuren zu, um Praxis zu rekonzeptualisieren, die zugleich auch fragil und strittig ist: Während Patient/innen möglichst schnelle und effektive Dienstleistungen von sachkundigen Apotheker/innen erwarten, wenden diese sich gegen wachsende öffentliche Ansprüche und zunehmend formalisierte Beratungen, die sie von der Art von Arbeit entfernen, die Kern ihrer professionellen Identität ist. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs100177Este documento presenta cinco talleres de consulta con 29 farmacéuticos comunitarios, los promotores y los pacientes que examinaron "el profesionalismo centrado en el paciente" en términos de jornada de trabajo de los farmacéuticos y el medio ambiente. El concepto está mal definido, tanto en la literatura médica y farmacéutica, y el estudio tuvo como objetivo aclarar la naturaleza situada del término en los pacientes y en los profesionales de la salud en diferentes contextos. Los talleres fueron apoyados por conjuntos de datos bio-fotográficas de la práctica "in-situ" y el Grupo Nominal de Trabajo. El análisis de contenido temático c a los siguientes aspectos: creación de relaciones afectuosas; gestión de fuerzas externas; los efectos del espacio y el medio ambiente, y roles y expectativas diferentes. El estudio revela cómo el profesionalismo centrado en el paciente no puede definirse en un sentido singular o estacional, pero debe ser visto como “fiesta ambulante”, mejor entendida a través de ejemplos de la vida diaria y la interacción, en relación con cuya experiencia se expresa, y cuyas necesidades considera. La frase está siendo movilizada por un juego entero de intereses y de los promotores para reformar la práctica, el efecto del cual sigue siendo incierto y puesto en debate. Mientras los pacientes priorizan un servicio de distribución rápido y eficiente de parte de farmacéuticos bien informados, los farmacéuticos critican severamente las crecientes demandas públicas y abiertamente formalizan consultas que se los llevan lejos del dispensario donde radican los aspectos de definición de su profesionalismo. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs10017

    Stage 1 Registered Report: Variation in neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with sex chromosome trisomies: protocol for a test of the double hit hypothesis

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    Background: The presence of an extra sex chromosome is associated with an increased rate of neurodevelopmental difficulties involving language. Group averages, however, obscure a wide range of outcomes. Hypothesis: The 'double hit' hypothesis proposes that the adverse impact of the extra sex chromosome is amplified when genes that are expressed from the sex chromosomes interact with autosomal variants that usually have only mild effects. Neuroligin-4 genes are expressed from X and Y chromosomes; they play an important role in synaptic development and have been implicated in neurodevelopment. We predict that the impact of an additional sex chromosome on neurodevelopment will be correlated with common autosomal variants involved in related synaptic functions. We describe here an analysis plan for testing this hypothesis using existing data. The analysis of genotype-phenotype associations will be conducted after this plan is published and peer-reviewed. Methods: Neurodevelopmental data and DNA are available for 130 children with sex chromosome trisomies (SCTs: 42 girls with trisomy X, 43 boys with Klinefelter syndrome, and 45 boys with XYY). Children from a twin study using the same phenotype measures will form two comparison groups (Ns = 184 and 186). Three indicators of a neurodevelopment disorder phenotype will be used: (i) Standard score on a test of nonword repetition; (ii). A language factor score derived from a test battery; (iii) A general scale of neurodevelopmental challenges based on all available information. Autosomal genes were identified by literature search on the basis of prior association with (a) speech/language/reading phenotypes and (b) synaptic function. Preselected regions of two genes scoring high on both criteria, CNTNAP2 and NRXN1, will be tested for association with neurodevelopmental outcomes using Generalised Structural Component Analysis. We predict the association with one or both genes will be detectable in children with SCTs and stronger than in the comparison samples