42 research outputs found

    Structure characterization and biodegradation rate of poly(ε-caprolactone)/starch blends

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    The present paper focuses on the effects of blending poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) with thermoplastic starch (TPS) on the final biodegradation rate of PCL/TPS blends, emphasizing the type of environment in which biodegradation takes place. The blends were prepared by melt-mixing the components before a two-step processing procedure, which strongly affects the degree of plasticization and therefore the final material morphology, as was detailed in the previous work, was used for the thermoplastic starch. The concentration row of pure PCL over PCL/TPS blends to pure TPS was analyzed for biodegradation in two different environments (compost and soil), as well as from a morphological, thermomechanical, rheological, and mechanical point of view. The morphology of all the samples was studied before and after biodegradation. The biodegradation rate of the materials was expressed as the percentage of carbon mineralization, and significant changes, especially after exposure in soil, were recorded. The crystallinity of the measured samples indicated that the addition of thermoplastic starch has a negligible effect on PCL-crystallization. The blend with 70% of TPS and a co-continuous morphology demonstrated very fast biodegradation, with the initial rate almost identical to pure TPS in both environments while the 30% TPS blend exhibited particle morphology of the starch phase in the PCL matrix, which probably resulted in a dominant effect of the matrix on the biodegradation course. Moreover, some molecular interaction between PCL and TPS, as well as differences in flow and mechanical behavior of the blends, was determined. © Copyright © 2020 Nevoralová, Koutný, Ujčić, Starý, Šerá, Vlková, Šlouf, Fortelný and Kruliš.MH CR [NV15-31269A]; Technology Agency of the CR [TE01020118, TN01000008]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR, program NPU I [POLYMAT LO1507

    Competences of employees in tourism destination management

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    The main objective of the thesis is to identify the needs of competencies of workers in destination management in the Czech Republic and to confront them with the system of higher education in this area. On the basis of the analysis of primary and secondary data to propose measures for better application of graduates on the labour market in the field of destination management. In order to fulfil the aim of the thesis, a quantitative research in the form of a questionnaire survey was conducted among DMO managers and students of the last years of tourism and destination management universities. Further, qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interviews with students to supplement the information. The results show a competency model for DMO managers in the Czech Republic, which includes the following key and professional competencies: communicativeness, independence, cooperativeness, flexibility, willingness to learn, tourism marketing, knowledge of tourism issues, tourism management, destination tourism management and tourism services. The identified competency model was compared with the students' perceived level of competencies, with a significant difference found for 6 of the 10 competencies. The result of the study is a competency model for destination tourism managers in the Czech Republic including quantification of potential graduates entering the labour market with competencies for destination tourism management. The thesis concludes by proposing measures to improve the employability of graduates in destination management.Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je identifikovat potřeby kompetencí zaměstnanců v des- tinačním managementu v České republice a konfrontovat je se systémem vysokoškolského vzdělávání v tomto oboru. Na základě analýzy primárních a sekundárních dat navrhnout opatření pro lepší uplatnění absolventů na trhu práce v oblasti destinačního managementu. Pro naplnění cíle práce byl proveden kvantitativní výzkum pomocí dotazníkového šetření mezi manažery DMO a studenty posledních ročníků vysokých škol oboru cestovního ru- chu a destinačního managementu. Dále byl proveden kvalitativní výzkum pomocí hloubkových rozhovorů se studenty za účelem doplnění informací. Výsledky odhalují kompetenční model manažera DMO v České republice, který zahrnuje následující klíčové a odborné kompetence: komunikativnost, samostatnost, schopnost kooperace, flexibilita, ochota učit se, marketing cestovního ruchu, znalost problematiky cestovního ruchu, ma- nagement cestovního ruchu, management destinací cestovního ruchu a služby v cestovním ruchu. Takto identifikovaný kompetenční model byl porovnán s vnímanou úrovní kompe- tencí studentů, kde byl zjištěn signifikantní rozdíl u 6 z 10 kompetencí. Výsledkem diplomové práce je kompetenční model pro manažery destinací v České republice včetně kvantifikace potenciálních absolventů vstupujících na trh práce s kompetencemi pro řízení destinací cestovního ruchu. Závěrem práce jsou navrhnuta opatření pro lepší uplatnění absolventů na trhu práce v oblasti destinačního managementu

    Convergence of new member states of the EU

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    This thesis concentrates on the new member states of the European Union and their convergent processes. It is particularly focused on five Central European countries -- the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, which became the members of the European Union on 1st May 2004. The first chapter deals with the countries during their preparation process for the membership in the EU, the meeting the Copenhagen Criteria and their economic development. The second chapter is focused on the development of Central European countries in the EU. There is featured the development in the first years of their membership and during the economic crisis and the recovery. The third chapter concentrates on the processes of the real and nominal convergence in the Central Europe. Besides monitoring various stages of convergence over time there is documented the course of the convergence by the calculation of beta convergence in the European Union. At the end of the thesis there is outlined the relationship between the degree of nominal and real convergence in the concerned countries

    Crisis - family break up-from a child 's view

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    This graduation thesis topic is "Crisis- family break up- from a child's view". As the name Prompts, this paper is focused at the crisis in general, at the crisis in family and also? in detail? at the situation of family break up (or divorce) from a child's view. It is without doubt that the family plays a key role in child's development. It is the first community that a child meets in its life and from which it receives main ways of behavior which are necessary for its social existence. At the same time family is also a place, which is predisposed for getting into crises, family crisis is a period of explosive atmosphere and the family is more endangered by break up. At Present, divorce or family break up are widespread in our society. Beside divorce or partners break up a l s o informal family break up exists husbands or partners still live together but their mutual relationship is *i Very conflictful. Therefore it is possible to say that many children are endangered by disadvantageous s»uation in the family. In this work attention is aimed to children behavior during family crises, childrens' ideas about sřlving critical situations and knowledge of supportive measures. Closer attention is also given to children reactions to parents divorce, parents break up, forms of communications between children and..

    Women in the middle age and in the age of the late adulthood, who were not successful in the effort to have a child.

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    Bachelor´s work deals with women who are in the age of 38 years old and more who have not got any children nevertheless they always wanted to have some children during their life but they posponed their decision to found the family until the middle age of their life. Some of them have still desire to have their own children and the others are gradually coming to terms with the fact that they will be probably childless. My work will be focused on their life circumstances which did not allow them to found the family. My work will be targeting to founding out some women´s attitudes to parenthood. Then I will also try to describe the demanding situation of the women, who are coming to term with the fact that they will not have a child. The work is divided into the theoratical and practical part. The theoretical part is about the psyche of the women link between some disordres of the infertility, then it is focused on responsible planning of the parenthood, on motivation of parenthood, on the problem of the induced abortion and it is also focused on the possibillity of the arteficial fertilization and adoption. Finally this part is dealing about the change of the life in the family which is in the narrow connection with the phenomenon of singles. After that I will mention the life of women without any children. Practical part is dedicated to qualitative research which is founded on five halfstructured interviewes with the women who are in the age of 38 years old and more who are childless. Then I will use the psychodiagnostic test as a projectative method of research-Chromatic associational experiment from Doc. PhDr. Vadima Ščepichina CSc. My research´s aim is to catch the difficult and demanding situation of the women, who were not succesfull in their effort to be pregnant. The other aim is to found out the causes which lead the women to postpone their decision to found the family until the middle age of their life. What factors influence women to become a parent. Then I would try to find out the role of the stress in the process of the conception and how the women are coping with possible failure to be pregnant

    Hybrid amidinate and guanidinate complexes of main group metals

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    V rámci této diplomové práce byly připraveny amidinaty a guanidinaty lithia, germania, cínu a olova, které ve svém skeletu většinou obsahovaly aditivní amino skupinu (vázanou na centrální uhlík) vhodnou k hemilabilní koordinaci kovového centra. Pomocí NMR spektroskopie a rentgenostrukturní analýzy (18 sloučenin) bylo zjištěno, a že přítomnost aditivní amino skupiny má velice významný vliv na jejich strukturu a reaktivitu, které jsou navíc ještě ovlivnitelné několika faktory jako je typ rozpouštědla, přítomnost aromatického jádra substituentu ligandu a sterická náročnost všech tří nebo čtyř substituentů nacházejících se na amidinatovém NCN a guanidinatovém NC(N)N skeletu. V těchto reakcích byl dále potvrzen výskyt řady různých aduktů zejména s chloridem cínatým a také hydrolýzních produktů, přičemž zdroj hydrolýzy nebyl zatím odhalen.In the frame of this thesis amidinate and guanidinate lithium, germanium, tin and lead complexes were prepared, which contain an adjacent amino group (bound to the central carbon) suitable for hemilabile coordination to the metal centre. Using multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and X-ray analysis (18 compounds) approaches, it was observed, that the presence of additive amino group has a very significant effect on structure and reactivity of prepared compounds. An additional influence by several factors such as the type of solvent, the presence of aromatic ring substituent and steric demands of three or four substituents located on amidinate NCN or guanidinate NC(N)N skeleton has been observed. The occurrence of a variety of adducts, especially with stannous chloride, and minority hydrolysis products have been also confirmed in the reaction mixtures. The source or reason of hydrolysis has not yet been revealed.Katedra obecné a anorganické chemieDiplomantka seznámila komisi se svojí diplomovou prací. Dále reagovala na připomínky oponenta

    The competitiveness of human capital in new member states of the EU

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    This thesis focuses on the competitiveness of the new members of the European Union in the range of human capital. The aim of the thesis is to find out the competitive advantage of new member states. In the first chapter, I attend to human capital and its position in economy in general. In the second chapter, I compare new member countries with each other and with other members in the range of education (concretely the educational structure, the educational expenses and the quality of education) and labour costs. Then is compared the quality and the price of human capital in particular countries and indicated the possible development in the future

    Music Activities and Development of Graphomotory

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je využití hudebních činností v rozvoji grafomotoriky dětí na konci předškolního období. Teoretická část se věnuje problematice sladění hudby a pohybu na úrovni hrubé i jemné motoriky. Analyzuje hudební aspekt české verze Metody dobrého startu. Praktická část obsahuje vlastní lekce pro rozvoj grafomotoriky inspirované Metodou dobrého startu, ve kterých hrají ústřední roli hudební činnosti. Jsou popsány cíle, metody a průběh terénního výzkumu v přípravných třídách základní školy. Součástí výzkumu byl i základní výzkum vžitého tempa dvou písní z Metody dobrého startu. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Metoda dobrého startu, hudební činnosti, hudební schopnosti, hudební dovednosti, grafomotorika, jemná motorika, hrubá motorika, rytmické cítěníThe topic of the diploma thesis is the use of musical activities in the development of graphomotoric skills of preschool children. The theoretical section is focused on harmonising of music and movement on the level of gross and fine motoric skills. This diploma thesis analyses the musical aspect of the Czech version of the Good Start Method. The practical section presents new lessons developing graphomotoric skills with a central focus on musical and instrumental activities. The thesis provides a report on the aims, methods and progress of the field research in the preparatory classes of primary school. Part of the process is basic research into the received tempo of two songs from the Good Start Method. KEYWORDS Good Start Method, musical activities, musical skills, graphomotoric skills, gross motoric skills, fine motoric skills, rhythmic feelingKatedra hudební výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Risk margin in technical reserves calculations

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    This thesis focuses on the comparison of the non-life insurance risk margin calculation methods. At first, the current situation on the European insurance market is described as well as possible approaches of the risk margin calculations. Next the paper deals with the cost of capital method and Value at Risk simulation approach. Apart from theoretical description of the methods there are also practical calculations based on data, which correspond to the character of some insurance lines on the Czech market, mentioned in this paper. In the final part comparison of both methods' results is described and, in addition to that, the results of the Tail Value at Risk method are also mentioned. A computational tool for the risk margins is also included in the thesis