347 research outputs found

    Fotografia, paisagem, deslocamento

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    Tema recorrente na arte contemporânea, a construção de paisagens é exemplificada aqui por obras como as de Olafur Eliasson e Douglas Huebler, com apoio na ideia de construção de paisagem apresentada por Javier Maderuelo. Propomos um aprofundamento da questão com base na apropriação de imagens fotográficas por meio de deslocamentos virtuais pela web em obras como as de Corine Vionnet, sobretudo a partir da convergência dos conceitos heideggerianos de habitar e construir com o conceito de espaço discursivo da fotografia de Rosalind Krauss. Diante disso, segue como estudo de caso um projeto da artista Camila Silva intitulado Caballos de paseo, que tem o livro como lugar de retorno e de novas partidas para deslocamentos pelos espaços discursivos da arte contemporânea

    Para que passaportes?

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    O cenário artístico contemporâneo, aliado às novas tecnologias, ao turismo e ao acesso à internet, abre inúmeras possibilidades para produções artísticas, sobretudo quanto à construção de imagens a partir de deslocamentos e experiências pessoais em junção com o vasto cenário imagético disponível que prescinde a prática artística. Diante disso, a partir do debate sobre o multicultura­lismo aberto por Néstor Canclini, perpasando o pensamento de Lucy Lippard sobre o turismo e culminando na obra Bienvenidos, o artigo aborda como o passaporte, enquanto documento de origem do viajante e como metáfora de identidade, é o agente que tanto permite como impede a entrada em territórios estrangeiros, e como esse impedimento é superado por meio de deslocamentos virtuais nesse interstício específico entre fronteiras

    Pharmaceutical care in patients with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a private hospital in Salvador-BA: Cuidados farmacêuticos a pacientes com doença por Coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) em um hospital privado de Salvador-BA

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    Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is characterized as a new highly contagious pandemic disease that has been challenging health managers, professionals and the entire population to face and control this infection. Many alternative compassionate-use therapies were used in patients, although the results of their studies had not been published. From this perspective, the present study aims to describe the pharmaceutical care provided to patients with suspected or diagnosed COVID-19, in line with the protocols, guidelines and clinical studies that have been developed during this period. This is a descriptive, retrospective and observational study, carried out from March to June 2020, in a tertiary hospital in Salvador, Bahia. Data related to clinical activities provided by the clinical pharmacist were assessed, such as drug reconciliations, pharmaceutical interventions, pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, as well as problems related to medications identified in the medical records and prescriptions to hospitalized patients. Of the 241 assessed patients, approximately 75% received some pharmaceutical care that contributed to a positive outcome in the patients’ clinical condition. The clinical pharmacist’s performance brings benefits to the care provided to the patient and, thus, the development of their activities together with the multidisciplinary team in health services is essential

    Deep neck infection after third molar extraction: A case report

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    Deep neck infections are associated with high morbidity rates in dentistry. Early diagnosis and intervention play an essential part in decreasing morbidity rates. The present study aims to report a case of odontogenic deep neck infection after third molar extraction. A 51-year-old male patient underwent extraction of the mandibular right third molar. Seven days later, the patient developed symptoms and signs of progressive infection. Laboratorial and radiologic examinations in association with clinical investigations confirmed deep neck infection. Extraoral drainage was performed under orotracheal intubation. Postoperative laboratory tests and clinical examinations revealed signs of complete remission within a follow-up period of 10 days. Considering the invasive nature of pathogens related to deep neck infections, it is possible to infer that a combination of accurate diagnosis and early intervention plays an essential role in the field of maxillofacial surgery and pathology

    A produção da vida material e imaterial em comunidades chiquitanas e quilombolas em Mato Grosso: uma nova/velha forma de existência

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    Este artigo versa sobre a formação de uma cultura diferenciada da racionalidade do modo produção capitalista, caracterizada pela incorporação de traços de resistência, solidariedade e equidadeentre seus pares. Tais características advêm da produção material e imaterial que homens e mulheres construíram historicamente e que expressam a luta pelo direito de existir em seus territórios tradicionais. O estudo envolveu duas comunidades tradicionais: indígena (Chiquitano) e quilombola (Capão Verde); as análises também privilegiaram os estudos produzidos pelo Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Trabalho e Educação (GEPTE) nas comunidades tradicionais do Mato Grosso – Brasil. Para tanto, fundamentamo-nos no materialismo histórico dialético a partir de autores como Marx, Thompson e Mariátegui.This article deals with the formation of a different culture than that of of capitalist productionrationality, characterized by the incorporation of features of resistance, solidarity and fairness among its peers. Such characteristics arise from material and immaterial production that men and women have built historically and express their struggle for the right to exist in their lands. The study involved two traditional communities: indigenous (Chiquitano) and Maroons (Capon Green); the analysis also focussed on the studies produced by the Group of Studies and Research on Work and Education (GEPTE) in traditional communities of Mato Grosso - Brazil. For both, we based ourselves on historical dialecticalmaterialism based on authors such as Marx, Thompson and Mariátegui.Este artículo se ocupa de la formación de una cultura distinta de la racionalidad del modo de producción capitalista, que se caracteriza por la incorporación de rasgos de resistencia, solidaridad y equidad entre sus pares. Estas características provienen de la producción material e inmaterial que hombres y mujeres construyeronhistóricamente, y que expresan la lucha por el derecho a existir en sus territorios. En el estudio participaron dos comunidades tradicionales: indígenas (Chiquitanos) y quilombola (Capon Verde); el análisis también pusoénfasis en los estudios elaborados por el Grupo de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre Trabajo y Educación (GEPTE) en las comunidades tradicionales de Mato Grosso - Brasil. Para ello, nos basamos en el materialismo histórico dialéctico a partir de autores como Marx, Thompson y Mariátegui

    A produção da vida material e imaterial em comunidades chiquitanas e quilombolas em Mato Grosso: uma nova/velha forma de existência

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    Este artigo versa sobre a formação de uma cultura diferenciada da racionalidade do modo produção capitalista, caracterizada pela incorporação de traços de resistência, solidariedade e equidadeentre seus pares. Tais características advêm da produção material e imaterial que homens e mulheres construíram historicamente e que expressam a luta pelo direito de existir em seus territórios tradicionais. O estudo envolveu duas comunidades tradicionais: indígena (Chiquitano) e quilombola (Capão Verde); as análises também privilegiaram os estudos produzidos pelo Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Trabalho e Educação (GEPTE) nas comunidades tradicionais do Mato Grosso – Brasil. Para tanto, fundamentamo-nos no materialismo histórico dialético a partir de autores como Marx, Thompson e Mariátegui.This article deals with the formation of a different culture than that of of capitalist productionrationality, characterized by the incorporation of features of resistance, solidarity and fairness among its peers. Such characteristics arise from material and immaterial production that men and women have built historically and express their struggle for the right to exist in their lands. The study involved two traditional communities: indigenous (Chiquitano) and Maroons (Capon Green); the analysis also focussed on the studies produced by the Group of Studies and Research on Work and Education (GEPTE) in traditional communities of Mato Grosso - Brazil. For both, we based ourselves on historical dialecticalmaterialism based on authors such as Marx, Thompson and Mariátegui.Este artículo se ocupa de la formación de una cultura distinta de la racionalidad del modo de producción capitalista, que se caracteriza por la incorporación de rasgos de resistencia, solidaridad y equidad entre sus pares. Estas características provienen de la producción material e inmaterial que hombres y mujeres construyeronhistóricamente, y que expresan la lucha por el derecho a existir en sus territorios. En el estudio participaron dos comunidades tradicionales: indígenas (Chiquitanos) y quilombola (Capon Verde); el análisis también pusoénfasis en los estudios elaborados por el Grupo de Estudios e Investigaciones sobre Trabajo y Educación (GEPTE) en las comunidades tradicionales de Mato Grosso - Brasil. Para ello, nos basamos en el materialismo histórico dialéctico a partir de autores como Marx, Thompson y Mariátegui

    Children’s perceived barriers to a healthy diet: the influence of child and community-related factors

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    A healthy diet influences the promotion and maintenance of health throughout an individual’s life. Many individuals struggle to have a healthy diet, despite it being mainly under their control. The current study aims to explore children’s perceived barriers to a healthy diet. A qualitative study with the open-ended question, “Please identify the top 5 barriers to a healthy diet”, was undertaken between January–June 2019 in which 274 students from the 5–6th grades wrote down their answers to the open-ended question. Content analysis was used to analyze responses with a codebook based on the Six C’s Model. Five categories were identified: Child, Clan, Community, Country, and Culture-related barriers. Findings showed that the barriers most highlighted were in the Child sphere (e.g., dietary intake) and the Community sphere (e.g., peer food choices). Children seldom referred to barriers from the Clan sphere, i.e., related to family (e.g., food available at home). Additionally, it seems that girls emphasize more barriers from the Child sphere, while boys emphasize more barriers from the Community sphere. Due to the qualitative nature of this study, interpretation of the data should take into account the specific characteristics and context of the sample. Nevertheless, the current data are helpful in identifying implications for practice, for example, the need to empower children with tools (e.g., self-regulation-based interventions) likely to help them overcome perceived barriers. Finally, advocacy groups may help set environmental and structural changes in the community likely to facilitate children’s healthy choices.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi/UM) School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/01662/2020). Additionally, this study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds (PTDC/PSI-GER/28302/2017) and cofinanced by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-028302). This study was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, through the national funds, within the scope of the Transitory Disposition of the Decree No. 57/2016, of 29th of August, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of 19 July. BP was supported by a Doctoral research grant (SFRH/BD/143469/2019) from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

    Initial inflammatory response after the pulpotomy of rat molars with MTA or ferric sulfate

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    Purpose: To compare, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the inflammatory cells, vascular density and IL-6 immunolabeled cells present in the pulp after pulpotomy with white MTA versus 15.5% ferric sulfate (FS). Methodology: Forty-eight mandibular first molars from 24 Wistar rats were divided into MTA or FS groups and subdivided according to the period after pulpotomy procedure (24, 48 and 72 hours). Four teeth (sound and untreated) were used as controls. Histological sections were obtained and assessed through the descriptive analysis of morphological aspects of pulp tissue and the quantification of inflammatory cells, vascular density and interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression. Data were statistically analyzed (p<0.05). Results: The number of inflammatory cells was similar in both groups, being predominantly localized at the cervical radicular third. In the MTA group, increased inflammation was observed at 48 hours. Vascular density was similar in both groups and over time, being predominant in the medium radicular third. No correlation was found between the number of inflammatory cells and the vascular density. Pulp tissue was more organized in MTA-treated teeth. In both groups, a weak to moderate IL-6 expression was detected in odontoblasts and inflammatory cells. Comparing both groups, there was a greater IL-6 expression in the cervical radicular third of teeth treated with MTA at 24 hours and in the medium and apical thirds at 72 hours, while in the FS group a greater IL-6 expression was found in the apical third at 24 hours. Conclusion: The MTA group presented better histological features and greater IL-6 expression than the FS group. However, no difference was observed between the groups regarding the inflammatory status and vascularization, suggesting the usefulness of FS as a low-cost alternative to MTA

    Quando a Educação Ambiental enuncia a Ecologia Política: o que dizem os anais do Encontro Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental?

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    This paper aims to understand how Environmental Education has been considered in Brazil in its relationship with the field of Political Ecology. With this aim, we made a survey of articles that refer, in the title, abstract and/or keywords, to the term Political Ecology in the annals of the Environmental Education Research Meeting - EPEA, in its ten editions. The results seem to show an increase, although sublte, in the number of works that address Environmental Education in dialogue with the field of Political Ecology, with the themes of Environmental Conflict, Territory and Popular Participation being the ones, in the articles, that support the relationship of interest in this study. The incipience of works that relate both fields may be linked to a fragility of the plural field of Environmental Education with concerns central to Political Ecology.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la Educación Ambiental en Brasiil ha sido concebida en su relación con el campo de la Ecología Política - EP. Con este fin, se realizó una encuesta de artículos que hacen referencia, en el título, resumen y/o palabras clave, al término Ecología política en los anales de la Reunión de Investigación de Educación Ambiental - EPEA, en sus diez ediciones. Los resultados muestran una tendência, aunque tímida, de crecimiento en el número de trabajos que abordan la Educación Ambiental en diálogo con el campo de la Ecología Política, con los temas de Conflito Ambiental, Territorio y Participación Popular como base para los artículos leídos a esse estudio. La incipiencia de los trabajos que vinculan ambos campos puede estar vinculada a una fragilidad del campo plural de la Educación Ambiental con las preocupaciones centrales de la Ecología Política.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir como vem sendo pensada a pesquisa em Educação Ambiental no Brasil em sua relação com o campo da Ecologia Política. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento de trabalhos que fazem referência, no título, no resumo e/ou nas palavras-chave, ao termo Ecologia Política nos anais dos Encontros Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental - EPEA, em suas dez edições. Os resultados retratam uma tendência, ainda que tímida, de crescimento do número de trabalhos que abordam a Educação Ambiental em diálogo com o campo da Ecologia Política, sendo que as temáticas Conflito Ambiental, Território e Participação Popular são as que embasam nos trabalhos lidos a relação de interesse a esse estudo no âmbito dos eixos pesquisados.  A incipiência de trabalhos que correlacionam ambos os campos pode estar vinculada a uma fragilidade do plural campo da Educação Ambiental em relação a preocupações centrais à Ecologia Política

    Compreensão da linguagem química simbólica por alunos de ensino médio

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    A ênfase dada às representações químicas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem pode levar a associações e memorizações pelos alunos, sem a compreensão do verdadeiro significado que os símbolos apresentam no contexto estudado. Com base nessa problemática realizamos uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo abordando representações de vários símbolos comumente utilizados no ensino de química. A compreensão de alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio acerca da linguagem química expressa em algumas simbologias se configurou objeto de estudo. Os resultados evidenciam alguma familiaridade dos alunos com símbolos, fórmulas e outras representações. No entanto, confundem alguns símbolos como: Na+, O2(g), H2O(s) e não compreendem algumas representações fundamentais para a compreensão da linguagem química, como: concentração, sentido de uma reação química, potencial de oxidação, seta de equilíbrio químico e modelo atômic