960 research outputs found

    Inequality and Growth: Uncovering the main conclusions from the empirics

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    The theme of the relationship between inequality and economic growth has gained considerable attention among economists over the last two decades. In this paper, we analyse the effect of inequality on growth, whose related literature has been producing inconclusive results. After an exhaustive study of the major empirical works in this specific research area, we are able not only to advance with some potential explanations for the apparent lack of consensus on the empirical assessment of the inequality-growth relationship, but also to achieve a better understanding of the nature of this relationship and the forces underlying it. We conclude that the disparities found in the results of the estimation of the reduced-form relationship are most likely due to three dimensions: differences in the estimation techniques, the countries and the periods included in the sample, and the variable used to measure inequality. The last two aspects have particularly important implications. First, country/region specificities play a crucial role in the relationship between inequality and growth, so more emphasis should be put on the estimation of such a relationship on a national/regional basis, rather than trying to establish universal patterns. Second, the time horizon of the analysis should be carefully chosen, as different transmission channels from inequality to growth tend to operate differently in the short and in the long-run. Third, the fact that inequality in wealth distribution has a stronger negative effect on growth than inequality in income distribution may indicate that the channels through which inequality affects growth are not the same in both distributions. Therefore, we argue that in order to produce an accurate assessment of both the reduced-form relationship and the underlying transmission channels these aspects should be accordingly considered, which has not been the case in most of the empirical literature.inequality, economic growth, transmission channels, income distribution, wealth distribution, taxation

    organization-based self-esteem as a boundary condition

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    Research examining resistance to change usually focuses on what happens during (or immediately prior to) implementation. However, researchers also acknowledge that organizational life, including change events, do not occur in a vacuum and that individuals form intentions to resist future change based on their prior experiences. Building on uncertainty reduction theory, we examined the role of empowering leadership in the reduction of intentions to resist future change. Using a time-lagged design, we found that empowering leadership reduces behavioural intentions to resist future change via structural empowerment. The indirect effect on cognitive and affective intentions was significant only for high organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) individuals. We also found a positive effect on cognitive intentions via psychological empowerment, again only for high OBSE individuals. These findings suggest that, to anticipate and prevent potential resistance to change, organizations should take a long-term approach to change management, namely by stimulating empowering leadership during times of stability.authorsversionpublishe

    Gostar de comer : Conjunto de estratégias para preparar e apresentar pratos da cozinha tradicional portuguesa

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    Comer, significa muito mais do que mero sustento, define-nos como membros de uma sociedade e cultura. Restaurantes e receitas estão cada vez mais internacionais, oferecendo o sabor e ingredientes de diversas culturas. O acto de comer proporciona ocasiões sociais diversas, e numa escala mais pequena como a da família, inúmeras são as vezes que se celebram ou recordam momentos importantes, assinalados por vários pratos confeccionados com sucesso para o efeito. A textura, a cor, a consistência, o gosto, são dados que estimulam os nossos sentidos e fazem parte da experiência sensorial de comer, que associamos aos acontecimentos memoráveis. Influenciam o nosso humor e disposição, trazem conforto e tranquilidade. A partilha de uma refeição estimula o sentido de pertença entre indivíduos de uma comunidade. A refeição pode ajudar a configurar ou fortalecer uma determinada identidade de grupo. Encaremos a formalidade do acto de comer e o modo como nos é apresentada comida à mesa: uma travessa com alimentos confeccionados e um prato onde podemos servir e partir os alimentos em pequenas porções para levar à boca. No entanto, esta situação, apesar de ser comummente aceite, não está adequada a todas as pessoas. Podemos temporariamente ou permanentemente, sentirmo-nos forçadamente excluídos desta rotina, em virtude de um braço não dominar todos os gestos apropriados para uma refeição. Em virtude de um Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC), podemos não conseguir partir o bife. Estas situações dão por vezes origem ao progressivo afastamento de um indivíduo da comunidade e à utilização de soluções que marcam e diferenciam, que não promovem a inclusão e fomentam a dependência. No presente projecto entende-se a refeição como um momento de partilha de experiências, com significado cultural. O estudo centra-se nas necessidades de indivíduos com incidência de um AVC, para os quais se pretende concretizar um conjunto de soluções mais inclusivas que facilitem a actividade da refeição. 9 O projecto está estruturado em 2 partes. A primeira faz uma introdução ao conceito e à sua importância na sociedade e aborda a importância de ambientes e produtos acessíveis como estratégia fundamental de redução do estigma. A Segunda parte relata o desenvolvimento do trabalho de acordo com a metodologia proposta para a concretização e construção de um conjunto de estratégias para preparar e apresentar pratos da cozinha tradicional portuguesa

    Enhancing the post-stroke patient experience at mealtime through participatory design: Eliciting, connecting and supporting multi-voicedness

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    Context/issue Stroke is the major cause of disability in both Scotland and Portugal. It is estimated that each year stroke affects 15,000 people in Scotland and approximately 21,000 in Portugal, and possibly one-third of these individuals require rehabilitation. Research (Ekberg et al., 2002; Wright et al., 2005) has identified that the quality of the mealtime experience for patients affected by stroke in rehabilitation is poor, which may be demotivating and a factor in influencing recovery. Questions and previous studies Is there an opportunity for design methods and approaches to help understand and improve the patient mealtime experience and if so, how? In previous studies, Cottam and Leadbeater (2004), Murray et al. (2006) and Boyle and Harris (2009) suggest that the integration of multi-stakeholders’ participation into the design process can be valuable. Bate and Robert (2007) suggest directly taking account of patients’ and healthcare professionals’ experiences – “the real virtuosos of the experience” (Sanders, 2001) – as the basis for designing service improvements and, consequently, better experiences. So, can design approaches help elicit patients’ and healthcare professionals’ “voices” and can these voices be used to help enhance the quality of the mealtime experience for patients undergoing stroke rehabilitation and if so, how? Methodology This thesis adopts a participatory design (PD) approach to play a role in engaging and structuring the direct participation of patients and healthcare professionals in research. This method encompasses socialised and materialised situations in time and space with a focus on understanding the reasons behind current experiences while also exploring desirable futures. The analysis is based on translating and interpreting those patients’ and healthcare professionals’ voices, using the principles of framework analysis. Subjects, methods and activities This pilot study included 11 participants comprising 6 healthcare professionals: a nurse, speech therapist, occupational therapist and dietician; and 5 patients who had a clinical diagnosis of stroke and eating difficulties. This research employed the following data collection techniques within a participatory design (PD) framework: i) integrating 4 interviews with observations, ii) 5 interviews combining a tool (storyboard) and a technique (nurse verbalising), and iii) 2 workshops acting as games. This chosen study design facilitated the aligning of different design situations where patients and healthcare professionals were temporarily engaged in discussing the present experiences, and, subsequently, in two different groups, suggesting ideas for future experiences. In this research study, PD methods were adapted to permit patients to participate, so that tools and techniques become connected, flexible and adapted to better accommodate their individual needs. Findings This study found that socio-cultural differences highlight different perspectives: what patients imagined as desirable experiences differed from the views of the healthcare professionals. The study found that the current mealtime experience largely reflects a pre-occupation within functional rehabilitation issues, such as swallowing, but both patients and healthcare professionals highlight issues of subjective well-being which were not well-catered for. However, both patients and healthcare professionals emphasised complementary concerns about the mealtime, such as: experiencing positive socialisation; sensorial stimulation in ways that evoke well-being; and environmental factors designed to accommodate individual needs. The “What if” situations allowed patients and healthcare professionals to imagine a desirable design of the mealtime experience. These findings highlight the reconsidering the idea of the mealtime as one which offers a desirable and temporary break from the clinical “mechanistic” routine to create an opportunity to celebrate life and influence the patients’ emotional state in positive ways. Discussion In this study, eliciting multi-voicedness through a process of inquiry by engaging patients and healthcare professionals has brought forth new insights and issues. The method enabled the building of scenarios, not only to translate both the patients’ and healthcare professionals’ voices into visual narratives of both what happens presently and their desirable future experiences. This process made information-sharing between different individuals and the two groups possible. Originality of contribution, implications of findings and future work This is the first study to consider the voices of the patients and healthcare professionals in the mealtime experience for people affected by stroke. Here, some of the participants involved were at the extreme end of their ability to participate due to being fatigued by their condition. The work has shown how methods derived from PD can still be applied in these conditions but they must be adapted and evaluated in ways that do not cause tiredness for patients. The combination of methods has opened up new possibilities for patients, those affected by stroke, and their therapists, to actively engage and participate with their own experiences and ideas. By eliciting these voices, this research study has made a contribution to knowledge by obtaining an understanding of the patient experience at the mealtime. While PD methods have helped to evaluate the way the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) model is currently being applied in this context and have helped to show what issues are not being addressed, this study has further developed and tested new PD approaches and methods in this setting and has provided insights on the modifications required and their implications for participants. The adoption of a PD approach revealed a novel and valuable way to highlight the pre-occupation with functional restoration in rehabilitation and revealed the absence of certain aspects of the ICF model from practice that are important to patients, such as attention to subjective well-being. In this way, this study has revealed how employing a PD approach can potentially improve the delivery of the ICF model. The approach and techniques used here may be appropriate to be employed in other healthcare settings. This study will therefore be of interest across healthcare communities looking for new and useful ways of improving the patient experience

    Efeitos da hiperleptinémia na secreção de proteínas salivares

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    Apesar da forte contribuição do sistema nervoso autónomo para a salivação, a influência de fatores hormonais não é de excluir. Alterações salivares em função do apetite/saciedade foram sugeridas por outros autores. Sendo a leptina uma hormona supressora de apetite, cuja presença de recetores nas glândulas salivares foi observada, o objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar se aumentos nos níveis circulantes da mesma influenciam a salivação. Nos primeiros 3 dias de administração subcutânea de leptina observou-se uma diminuição do consumo de alimento, a qual deixou de se observar a partir daí e até ao fim dos 7 dias de ensaio. Apesar da concentração proteica e da taxa de secreção salivar se manterem semelhantes, foram observadas diferenças nos perfis proteicos salivares uni- e bi-dimensionais. Dos 15 spots proteicos diferencialmente expressos, um dos diminuídos situa-se numa zona anteriormente identificada como respeitante à amílase. Assim, a hiperleptinémia induz alterações no perfil proteico salivar; ### Abstract: Effects of hyperleptinemia in the secretion of proteins Salivary Despite the strong contribution of the autonomic nervous system to salivation, the influence of hormonal factors is not excluded. Changes in salivary function of appetite / satiety were suggested by other authors. Being one suppressing hormone leptin in appetite, whose presence of receptors in the salivary glands was observed, the aim of this study is to assess whether increases in circulating levels of the same influence salivation. In the first 3 days of subcutaneous administration of leptin was observed a decrease in food intake, which ceased to be observed thereafter until the end of the 7 days of testing. Although the protein concentration and the rate of salivary secretion remain similar, differences were observed in salivary protein profiles uni - and bi - dimensional. Of the 15 differentially expressed protein spots, one of diminished located in an area previously identified as relating amylase. Thus, hyperleptinemia induces changes in salivary protein profile

    Predatory responses and feeding behaviour of three Elasmobranch Species in an Aquarium setting

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    Many progressive aquariums worldwide house various elasmobranch species as part of their commitment to conservation awareness and the long-term well-being of these creatures. These aquariums face the challenge of enabling these natural predators to live harmoniously with other fish without triggering natural predation. This research, conducted at Zoomarine Algarve in Southern Portugal, aimed to investigate the behaviour of three elasmobranch species (Carcharhinus melanopterus (1:1:0), Triaenodon obesus (1:0:0), and Pteroplatytrygon violacea (0:3:0)) when exposed to different feeding mechanisms. The goal was to provide them with opportunities for alternative predatory behaviours beyond their typical feeding techniques and to reduce the likelihood of natural predation. The study took place under controlled conditions within a community habitat. Four feeding methods (pole, short buoy, long buoy, and PVC) were tested during morning, afternoon, and evening periods, using five different prey species. The results shed light on which feeding method aligns best with each species’ distinct physiological standards and predatory tendencies and revealed their prey preferences. All three species interacted with all feeding methods, with P. violacea showing a strong preference for the pole method. T. obesus favoured bony fish, while C. melanopterus showed a preference for cephalopods. P. violacea interacted with all prey types but displayed no marked preference. These various feeding methods and prey options also function as environmental enrichment strategies, enhancing the complexity of the habitat and providing the animals with more choices and control, ultimately promoting their welfare in captivity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aspectos da Visão Médico-Astrológica de Manuel Bocarro Francês e Rosales

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013O presente artigo aborda aspectos da visão médico-astrológica de Manuel Bocarro Francês e Rosales, físico cristão-novo nascido em Lisboa, que se converteu à ortodoxia judaica quando foi viver para Hamburgo. Graduado pelas universidades castelhanas de Alcalá de Henares e Sigüenza, Bocarro é um defensor do galenismo, professando ao mesmo tempo a ideia de que a origem da Medicina remonta a Deus, que a transmitira a Adão já depois da queda deste, para o auxiliar na sua condição miserável. Por outro lado, na sua prática médica, Bocarro concede grande relevância à teoria da influência celeste sobre o corpo humano, pois, como que procurando levar à perfeição a matéria astrológica, propõe que, pelas estrelas, se possa conhecer, entre outras coisas, o temperamento, debilidades físicas e qualidades anímicas admiráveis do indivíduo, bem como a ocasião propícia para a aplicação de tratamentos The present article focuses on the medical and astrological vision of Manuel Bocarro Francês e Rosales, a New Christian doctor born in Lisbon, who converted to Judaism when he moved to Hamburg. Graduated by the Castilians universities of Alcalá de Henares and Sigüenza, Bocarro defends the galenic medicine, professing also the idea that the origin of Medicine remounts to God, who transmitted it to Adam after hisfall, to help his miserable condition. On the other hand, in his medical practice, Bocarro gives great importance to the theory of celestial influence on the human body,because, as endeavoring to bring to perfection the astrological matter, he proposes that, by the stars, it is possible to acquire knowledge of, among others things,temperament, physical weaknesses and admirable soul qualities of man, as the favorable occasion for the application of treatments.publishersversionpublishe

    A participação dos alunos nas aulas de educação física e nas sessões de actividade física e desportiva no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    A participação dos alunos nas aulas de Educação Física (EF) e nas Actividades Físicas e Desportivas (AFD) no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico tem vindo a ser um tema objecto de estudo e investigação por autores desta área. Partindo da problemática - Será que os alunos participam de igual forma nas aulas de EF e nas sessões de AFD? – estabelecemos como objectivos do nosso estudo: i) conhecer as expectativas e percepções dos alunos face às aulas EF e às sessões de AFD; ii) identificar os níveis de participação dos alunos nas aulas de EF e nas sessões de AFD; iii) caracterizar as formas de participação dos alunos ao longo das aulas de EF e nas sessões de AFD; iv) promover nos alunos a reflexão sobre a sua participação nas aulas de EF e nas sessões de AFD e v) compreender se as sessões de AFD substituem as aulas de EF. O grupo de estudo era constituído por seis alunos de ambos os sexos. Foram observados ao longo de um mês em quatro aulas de EF e quatro sessões de AFD, com diferenciadas actividades dominantes. Para a recolha dos dados, a par dos instrumentos audiovisuais recorreu-se a um instrumento de observação já validado (Sarmento et al. 1993), constituído por onze categorias de análise das actividades dominantes (AM – Actividade Motora, D – Demonstração, Aj – Ajuda, M – Manipulação do Material, DI – Deslocamentos, Ai – Atenção à Informação, E – Espera, Cft – Comportamento Fora da Tarefa, Iv – Interacções Verbais, Af – Afectividade, Oc – Outros Comportamentos). No final de cada aula de EF e sessão de AFD, os alunos realizaram registos pessoais reflexivos sobre as suas prestações e do que se propunham fazer numa próxima aula ou sessão, construindo desta forma um diário pessoal. Aplicou-se ainda um inquérito a todos os alunos, com o objectivo de recolher informação acerca das expectativas e percepções dos alunos perante esta área do currículo. O estudo evidenciou que os alunos participaram mais nas aulas de EF do que nas sessões de AFD e que a sua participação foi maior nas aulas com actividade dominante centrada no bloco programático Actividades Rítmicas e Expressivas e participando menos nas dos blocos Jogos e Ginástica.The participation of students in the Physical Education (PE) lessons and Sport and Physical Activities (SPA) sessions in the 1st cycle of basic education has been a topic increasingly discussed and reflected by authors in this area. On the question - Do the students participate equally in the PE lessons and in the SPA sessions? - were established for purposes of this study research: to know the expectations and perceptions of students regarding the PE class and the SPA sessions; identifying the level of participation of students in this classes and sessions; characterize the forms of participation of students during the PE lessons and SPA sessions; promoting student’s reflection about their participation in the PE lessons and SPA sessions; and understand if the SPA sessions replace the PE lessons. The study group was constituted by six students of both sexes. They were observed over a month in four classes of PE and four sessions of SPA, with different activities dominant. For data collection, along with audiovisual tools was used an observation instrument already validated by Sarmento, et al (1993), constituted by eleven categories of analysis activities dominant (AM - motor activity; D – demonstration; Aj – help; M - the material handling; DL – displacements; Ai – attention to the information; E – Wait; Cft - behavior outside task; Iv - verbal interactions; Af – affection; Oc - other behaviors). At the end of each PE lessons and SPA sessions, all students achieved personal records reflective about their participation and what they proposed to do in the next class or session, thus they built a personal diary. It was also applied a questionnaire to all students, in order to gather information about the expectations and perceptions of students in this area of the curriculum. This study showed that students participated more in the PE lessons than in the SPA sessions and that students participate more in classes where the programming block is rhythmic and expressive activities, and participate less in blocks Games and Gymnastics

    Tiamina: Caso Clínico sobre Síndrome de Wernicke e Anorexia Nervosa

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe eating disorder. Although Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE) is frequently associated with alcohol abuse, non-alcoholic WE has been described in AN associated with malnutrition and refeeding syndrome. This work aims to present a case report of non-alcoholic WE associated with AN. A 27-year-old woman diagnosed with AN was admitted to the hospital for a low weight of 33 kg and body mass index of 12.9 kg/m2. The patient started a nutritional plan, and two weeks after, she presented a sudden onset of psychomotor slowing, disorganized behaviour, nocturnal enuresis and the need for feeding support. On evaluation, she also had a defect in attention and memory with confabulation. Due to the diagnostic hypothesis of metabolic encephalopathy, the patient started thiamine with progressive clinical improvement.AN carries a lethal risk associated with severe nutritional deficits and medical complications, so careful surveillance, assessment and early intervention are required.A anorexia nervosa (AN) é uma perturbação do comportamento alimentar grave. Embora a encefalopatia de Wernicke (EW) surja frequentemente em associação à perturbação de uso do álcool, casos de EW foram descritas na AN associados a desnutrição e síndrome de realimentação. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o caso clínico de uma mulher de 27 anos, com diagnostico de AN e internada por baixo peso de 33 kg e índice de massa corporal de 12,9 kg/ m2, que desenvolveu EW. Foi introduzido plano alimentar e após duas semanas, apresentou quadro de início súbito de lentificação psicomotora, comportamento desorganizado, enurese noturna e necessidade de apoio na alimentação. Destaca‐se ainda défice na atenção e memória, com confabulação. Pela hipótese diagnóstica de encefalopatia metabólica, foi iniciado tratamento com tiamina, observando-se melhoria clínica. A AN comporta um risco letal, associado a défices nutricionais e complicações médicas graves, exigindo vigilância, avaliação cuidadosa e intervenção precoce