5,309 research outputs found

    Maxwell-Chern-Simons vortices in a CPT-odd Lorentz-violating Higgs Electrodynamics

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    We have studied BPS vortices in a CPT-odd and Lorentz-violating Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs (MCSH) electrodynamics attained from the dimensional reduction of the Carroll-Field-Jackiw-Higgs model. The Lorentz-violating parameter induces a pronounced behavior at origin (for the magnetic/electric fields and energy density) which is absent in the MCSH vortices. For some combination of the Lorentz-violating coefficients there always exist a sufficiently large winding number n0n_{0} such that for all % |n|\geq |n_{0}| the magnetic field flips its signal, yielding two well defined regions with opposite magnetic flux. However, the total magnetic flux remains quantized and proportional to the winding number.Comment: Revtex style, 8 page

    Social Capital in Transition(s) to Early Adulthood: A Longitudinal and Mixed-Methods Approach

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    Social capital captures the value of relationships. Although research has examined social capital among adults, comparatively little attention has been paid to social capital among young adults—particularly from a longitudinal and mixed-methods perspective. As social capital predicts educational achievement, employment, and psychosocial well-being, it is an important construct to study alongside youth transition(s). Following a Bourdieusian approach, we define social capital as the resources potentially available in our ties that can be mobilized when necessary. To examine social capital in transition to adulthood, we draw on survey (n = 1,650, at ages 17 and 21) and interview (n = 70, at age 24) data from a cohort of Portuguese youth. We study the two main dimensions of social capital: bonding and bridging. Survey data were analyzed with latent class modeling, logistic regressions, and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, and interviews with thematic analysis. Findings show that respondents reported receiving more emotional support than financial support from their networks, but that both types of support increased over time. Perceived bonding and bridging also changed positively in transition to adulthood. In addition, gender and parental education predicted bonding and bridging. We contextualize these results with qualitative meanings and experiences of social capital.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (2013-2015), Grant No. PTDC/IVCSOC/4943/2012

    Analytical results for a Bessel function times Legendre polynomials class integrals

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    When treating problems of vector diffraction in electromagnetic theory, the evaluation of the integral involving Bessel and associated Legendre functions is necessary. Here we present the analytical result for this integral that will make unnecessary numerical quadrature techniques or localized approximations. The solution is presented using the properties of the Bessel and associated Legendre functions.Comment: 4 page

    Functionalizing self-assembled GaN quantum dot superlattices by Eu-implantation

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    Self-assembled GaN quantum dots (QDs) stacked in superlattices (SL) with AlN spacer layers were implanted with Europium ions to fluences of 1013, 1014, and 1015 cm−2. The damage level introduced in the QDs by the implantation stays well below that of thick GaN epilayers. For the lowest fluence, the structural properties remain unchanged after implantation and annealing while for higher fluences the implantation damage causes an expansion of the SL in the [0001] direction which increases with implantation fluence and is only partly reversed after thermal annealing at 1000 °C. Nevertheless, in all cases, the SL quality remains very good after implantation and annealing with Eu ions incorporated preferentially into near-substitutional cation sites. Eu3+ optical activation is achieved after annealing in all samples. In the sample implanted with the lowest fluence, the Eu3+ emission arises mainly from Eu incorporated inside the QDs while for the higher fluences only the emission from Eu inside the AlN-buffer, capping, and spacer layers is observed. © 2010 American Institute of PhysicsFCT-PTDC/CTM/100756/2008program PESSOA EGIDE/GRICESFCT-SFRH/BD/45774/2008FCT-SFRH/BD/44635/200

    Avaliação agroeconômica do sistema de produção do consórcio mamona e feijão-caupi.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade agroeconômica do sistema de produção do consórcio mamona e feijão-caupi. O trabalho foi conduzido em campo na safra 2004/2005 em condições de sequeiro, nos municípios de Teresina, Anísio de Abreu e São Raimundo Nonato, PI, nos meses de março, Janeiro e fevereiro, respectivamente. A unidade experimental, em cada local, foi formada por um hectare do consórcio mamona com feijão-caupi. Houve variação nas produtividades de bagas de mamona, entre os três locais (800 kg ha-1 em Teresina, 1.300 kg ha-1 em Anísio de Abreu e 1.500 kg ha-1 em São Raimundo Nonato), mostrando que o ambiente tem grande influencia sobre este caráter. Em termos econômicos, o custo variável total, por hectare, foi de R1.249,60,paraostre^smunicıˊpios,comreceitaslıˊquidasdeR1.249,60, para os três municípios, com receitas líquidas de R 432,40, R869,40eR869,40 e R997,40, resultando em uma relação benefício/custo de 0,35; 0,70 e 0,80, em Teresina, Anísio de Abreu e São Raimundo Nonato, respectivamente. Esta relação indica um retorno líquido de R0,35(trintaecincocentavos),R0,35 (trinta e cinco centavos), R0,70 (setenta centavos) e R$0,80 (oitenta centavos) para cada real investido. A receita obtida com a comercialização do feijão-caupi foi suficiente para cobrir o custo variável total do sistema de consórcio da mamona com feijão-caupi, restando à produção da mamona como renda líquida

    X-ray method to study temperature-dependent stripe domains in MnAs/GaAs(001)

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    MnAs films grown on GaAs (001) exhibit a progressive transition between hexagonal (ferromagnetic) and orthorhombic (paramagnetic) phases at wide temperature range instead of abrupt transition during the first-order phase transition. The coexistence of two phases is favored by the anisotropic strain arising from the constraint on the MnAs films imposed by the substrate. This phase coexistence occurs in ordered arrangement alternating periodic terrace steps. We present here a method to study the surface morphology throughout this transition by means of specular and diffuse scattering of soft x-rays, tuning the photon energy at the Mn 2p resonance. The results show the long-range arrangement of the periodic stripe-like structure during the phase coexistence and its period remains constant, in agreement with previous results using other techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Extratos de vermicomposto na germinação e no crscimento inicial da alface romana.

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    No presente trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos de dois diferentes extratos de vermicomposto (TEA 50% e HUM 25%) e um tipo de lixiciado de vermicomposto (LV 25%) sobre a germinação e crescimento inicial de alface romana.Resumo expandido