85 research outputs found

    Complex Effects of Hot and Cold Procedures on Skin Elasticity in Spa & Wellness

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the complex effects of the hot and cold procedures, practiced in modern Spa & Wellness, on skin elasticity, as that indicator is an integral factor defining the aesthetic vision of the skin. Material and Methods: The present study tracked 60 women aged 35 to 65 years. The methods included an aesthetic skin rejuvenation program that contained a complex of 12 Spa and Wellness rituals conducted in a period of one month, three times per week. Each treatment was а temperature contrast procedure through a Parafango body thermo-application and a face cryo-gel application. The facial skin condition was assessed by an A-ONE apparatus - an automatic skin diagnostic analyzer. Results: A significant improvement in the skin elasticity in the three studied age groups was observed after the procedures. This indicator increased 3.75 units (9.93%) in the 35-44 age group, 3.5 units (11.36%) in the 45-54 age-group and 1.80 units (8.22 %) in the observed individuals from 55-65 age-group. At the end of a treatment, the increase in all three age groups was statistically significant (p<0.05). Skin elasticity assessment was significantly lower for all three age-groups before the procedures, compared to the established standards. After the applied procedures, the skin elasticity was approaching the established standard (the first age group exceeded the standard, the second approached the standard and the third was slightly below the standard). Conclusion: The study reveals that the complex effects of hot and cold procedures result in improved skin elasticity

    Student assessment of the training and teaching methods in the X-ray technician program of Medical College `Y. Filaretova`, Sofia

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    Студентската оценка е съществен елемент в процеса на осигуряване качеството на обучение, чрез оценяване качеството и ефективността на учебния процес с методите на преподаване и възможност за неговото подобряване. Целта на нашето изследване е да се установи мнението на студентите рентгенови лаборанти от МК „Й. Филаретова` относно обучението и методите на преподаване. Материали и методи: Използван е социологически метод. Проведена е анкета сред 69 студенти от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант`, направено е математическо обработване на данните и графично представяне с програма Excel. Резултатите показват: според студентите от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант` учебното съдържание по обем е поносимо (53.6%) и темпото на преподаване е нормално (65.2%). Нашите респонденти (40.6%) смятат, че преподавателите представят добре своя учебен материал и начинът им на преподаване е достъпен за тях, като с положителен отговор са отговорили (53.6%). Набавянето на информация за дадена дисциплина, без да има изработени учебници, невинаги е толкова лесна задача и от нашето изследване виждаме, че анкетираните студенти рентгенови лаборанти също изпитват затруд-нения с намирането на информация (58%). За студентите най-предпочитаният метод за изпитване е устният (27 бр.). Изводи: Студентите от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант` не изпитват затруднения и се справят добре със съдържанието на материала и темпото на преподаване. Начинът на преподаване е достъпен за повечето студенти. Намирането на информация за дисциплините, без да има учебници, е трудна задача за нашите респонденти.Introduction: Student assessment is an essential element in the quality assurance process by evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the learning process provided by the teaching methods and the possibility of its improvement. Aim: The aim of our research is to establish the opinion of the students of from the X-ray Technician program of the Medical College „Y. Filaretova` on training and teaching methods. Materials and Methods: A sociological method was used. A survey was conducted among 69 students from the X-ray Technician program. Mathematical data processing and graphic presentation were done with Excel. Results and Discussion: The results show: according to the students from the X-ray Technician program, the volume of the study material is tolerable (53.6%) and the teaching rate is normal (65.2%). Our respondents (40.6%) believe that the teachers present their materials well and their teaching is easy enough to understand, responding positively (53.6%). Obtaining information about a discipline without textbooks is not always an easy task, and from our research we see that students from the X-ray Technician program also have difficulty in finding information (58%). For students, the most preferred test method is oral examination (27). Conclusion: Students from the X-ray Technician program do not experience considerable difficulties and do well with the content of the material and the tempo of teaching. The way of teaching is available to most students. Finding information about the subjects without having textbooks is a difficult task for our respondents

    The physical world of computed tomography

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    Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging method that allows the study of all structures and systems in the human body, allowing the production of highly detailed images. CT is based on a mathematical model developed by Johann Radon in 1917. The aim of the article is to present the physical principles of CT. A documentary method has been used. Literary sources have been explored, explaining the principle of image acquisition and the improvement of CT devices. Formation of the diagnostic image in CT occurs in three phases. The first is the scanning of the object, the second is the computer reconstruction and the third is the visualization of the image on the screen. Since 1971, when mass production of CT equipment began, there has been continuous improvement - increasing the number of detectors, movement of the apparatus, etc. Despite the patient's radial load in a CT study, the ability to distinguish structures with similar density makes it an indispensable diagnostic method

    Expression-Based Network Biology Identifies Alteration in Key Regulatory Pathways of Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Risk/Complications

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a multifactorial and genetically heterogeneous disease which leads to impaired glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance. The advanced form of disease causes acute cardiovascular, renal, neurological and microvascular complications. Thus there is a constant need to discover new and efficient treatment against the disease by seeking to uncover various novel alternate signalling mechanisms that can lead to diabetes and its associated complications. The present study allows detection of molecular targets by unravelling their role in altered biological pathways during diabetes and its associated risk factors and complications. We have used an integrated functional networks concept by merging co-expression network and interaction network to detect the transcriptionally altered pathways and regulations involved in the disease. Our analysis reports four novel significant networks which could lead to the development of diabetes and other associated dysfunctions. (a) The first network illustrates the up regulation of TGFBRII facilitating oxidative stress and causing the expression of early transcription genes via MAPK pathway leading to cardiovascular and kidney related complications. (b) The second network demonstrates novel interactions between GAPDH and inflammatory and proliferation candidate genes i.e., SUMO4 and EGFR indicating a new link between obesity and diabetes. (c) The third network portrays unique interactions PTPN1 with EGFR and CAV1 which could lead to an impaired vascular function in diabetic nephropathy condition. (d) Lastly, from our fourth network we have inferred that the interaction of β-catenin with CDH5 and TGFBR1 through Smad molecules could contribute to endothelial dysfunction. A probability of emergence of kidney complication might be suggested in T2D condition. An experimental investigation on this aspect may further provide more decisive observation in drug target identification and better understanding of the pathophysiology of T2D and its complications

    Antibacterial Activity of Selected Silver Nanoparticles Coatings - Our Initial Experience

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    Nanoparticles exhibits chemical and physical properties significantly different to their macro-scale counterparts composed of the same substance (due higher surface/volume ratio, colour, solubility, diffusivity,material strength, toxicity, thermodynamic, magnetic, optical and other properties) and may have unique impacts on health and environment. Extremelly small size (1-100 nm) enables them to enter the human body through usual or unusual routes, pass through cell membranes, or cross the blood-brain barrier. Gravity loses impact and importance, surface tension and Van der Waals constants has more importance in system of nano particles. Nanotechnology is already used in various applications, with potential tobe applied at any stage in food industry: production, preservation, processing, packaging,transport, nanobarcodes for food authenticity and tracing, labelling, keeping the quality of food products, extend the products shelf-life, removal of undesirable tastes, flavours or allergens from food products, nano (bio)sensors for food safety, water filtration. Risks of nanotechnology are still unknown and unpredictable. Initial scientific studies showed negative effects on living organisms and a potential for serious threat to human health. Authorities of the most developed countries, have set up, guidance documents and procedures for nanoenabled products based on existing regulations, appropriate in vitro and in vivo ADME studies (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) and requirements for standardised and harmonised analytical test methods for proper risk assesments, clear identification and characterization of nano-hazards. Nanotechnology in medicine (Nanomedicine) apply for rapid and sensitive detection of pathogenic bacteria and low levels of viruses, in small sample volumes, at lower costs than current in-use technologies. This advance in early detection enables accurate and prompt treatment. Nano-robots to make repairs at the cellular level are under development. Rapid and sensitive detection methods, based on nano (bio) senzors, are developed for food-borne pathogens E. coli, especially E. coli O157:H7, S. aureus, S. typhimurium, C. jejuni, E. cloacae, B. subtilis, L. monocytogenes. Detection sensor to detect bacterial biofilm formation on surfaces are under development. New strategies to combat multydrug resistant microorganisms (MDR) are urgently needed and nanomaterials are very promising approach. Small size provides large surface of nanoparticles and at least 50% of molecules will react to the microorganisms. Metal nanomaterials (silver, gold, copper, titanium, zinc, magnesium,cadmium, and alumina) possess advantage of unique antimicrobial activities. Scientists offers also new complex antibacterial and antiviral nano systems on the basis of metal oxides or intermetallic oxide compounds (such as TiO2, ZrO2, SnO and SiO2). Inside the human body ionic silver quickly combines with chloride to form an insoluble compound called silver chloride which is far less reactive than metallic silver nanoparticles. Some studies established that silver ions has strongest bactericidal effect, cooper and gold weaker one. In our preliminary study on antibacterial activity of several different compositions of nanoparticle coatings (titanium, inox and silver), we found antimicrobial activity of silver, double composition of titanium and silver against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, but not for E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes and Candida albicans. More extensive studies will follow. Key words: Nanoscience, nanoparticles, silver, ions, biofilm, antimicrobial, antibiotic, resistance

    In vitro diagnostic testing including automated brokering of royalty payments for proprietary tests

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    A method comprises: recording an electronic record of diagnostic events including the performing of in- vitro diagnostic tests; during the recording, identifying the performing of a licensed in- vitro diagnostic test for which license information is stored in a licenses database; and computing license compensation due to a licensor for the performing of the licensed in- vitro diagnostic test based on royalty calculation information stored in the licenses database. The recording, identifying, and computing operations are performed by one or more computers. The method may further include remitting the computed license compensation to the licensor, the remitting also being performed by one or more computers. The licensed in- vitro diagnostic test may comprise a licensed biomarker test, for example one obtained by DNA or RNA sequencing, and the method may further comprise: performing the licensed biomarker test using a genome sequencer, wherein the performing of the licensed biomarker test and the computing of license compensation are both performed at a single medical facility