In vitro diagnostic testing including automated brokering of royalty payments for proprietary tests


A method comprises: recording an electronic record of diagnostic events including the performing of in- vitro diagnostic tests; during the recording, identifying the performing of a licensed in- vitro diagnostic test for which license information is stored in a licenses database; and computing license compensation due to a licensor for the performing of the licensed in- vitro diagnostic test based on royalty calculation information stored in the licenses database. The recording, identifying, and computing operations are performed by one or more computers. The method may further include remitting the computed license compensation to the licensor, the remitting also being performed by one or more computers. The licensed in- vitro diagnostic test may comprise a licensed biomarker test, for example one obtained by DNA or RNA sequencing, and the method may further comprise: performing the licensed biomarker test using a genome sequencer, wherein the performing of the licensed biomarker test and the computing of license compensation are both performed at a single medical facility

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