3,728 research outputs found

    Swimming Efficiency of Bacterium Escherichia Coli

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    We use in vivo measurements of swimming bacteria in an optical trap to determine fundamental properties of bacterial propulsion. In particular, we determine the propulsion matrix, which relates the angular velocity of the flagellum to the torques and forces propelling the bacterium. From the propulsion matrix dynamical properties such as forces, torques, swimming speed and power can be obtained from measurements of the angular velocity of the motor. We find significant heterogeneities among different individuals even though all bacteria started from a single colony. The propulsive efficiency, defined as the ratio of the propulsive power output to the rotary power input provided by the motors, is found to be 0.2%.Comment: 6 page

    Magellan Project: Evolving enhanced operations efficiency to maximize science value

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    Magellan has been one of NASA's most successful spacecraft, returning more science data than all planetary spacecraft combined. The Magellan Spacecraft Team (SCT) has maximized the science return with innovative operational techniques to overcome anomalies and to perform activities for which the spacecraft was not designed. Commanding the spacecraft was originally time consuming because the standard development process was envisioned as manual tasks. The Program understood that reducing mission operations costs were essential for an extended mission. Management created an environment which encouraged automation of routine tasks, allowing staff reduction while maximizing the science data returned. Data analysis and trending, command preparation, and command reviews are some of the tasks that were automated. The SCT has accommodated personnel reductions by improving operations efficiency while returning the maximum science data possible

    Vibrational Study of 13C-enriched C60 Crystals

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    The infrared (IR) spectrum of solid C60 exhibits many weak vibrational modes. Symmetry breaking due to 13C isotopes provides a possible route for optically activating IR-silent vibrational modes. Experimental spectra and a semi-empirical theory on natural abundance and 13C-enriched single crystals of C60 are presented. By comparing the experimental results with the theoretical results, we exclude this isotopic activation mechanism from the explanation for weakly active fundamentals in the spectra.Comment: Accepted for Phys. Rev. B, typeset in REVTEX v3.0 in LaTeX. Postscript file including figures is available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~mmartin/papers/c13twocol2.ps File with figures will be e-mailed by reques

    A spin chain model with non-Hermitian interaction: the Ising quantum spin chain in an imaginary field

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    We investigate a lattice version of the Yang-Lee model which is characterized by a non-Hermitian quantum spin chain Hamiltonian. We propose a new way to implement PT-symmetry on the lattice, which serves to guarantee the reality of the spectrum in certain regions of values of the coupling constants. In that region of unbroken PT-symmetry we construct a Dyson map, a metric operator and find the Hermitian counterpart of the Hamiltonian for small values of the number of sites, both exactly and perturbatively. Besides the standard perturbation theory about the Hermitian part of the Hamiltonian, we also carry out an expansion in the second coupling constant of the model. Our constructions turns out to be unique with the sole assumption that the Dyson map is Hermitian. Finally we compute the magnetization of the chain in the z and x direction

    Surface and lightning sources of nitrogen oxides over the United States: Magnitudes, chemical evolution, and outflow

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    We use observations from two aircraft during the ICARTT campaign over the eastern United States and North Atlantic during summer 2004, interpreted with a global 3-D model of tropospheric chemistry (GEOS-Chem) to test current understanding of regional sources, chemical evolution, and export of NOx. The boundary layer NOx data provide top-down verification of a 50% decrease in power plant and industry NOx emissions over the eastern United States between 1999 and 2004. Observed NOx concentrations at 8–12 km altitude were 0.55 ± 0.36 ppbv, much larger than in previous U.S. aircraft campaigns (ELCHEM, SUCCESS, SONEX) though consistent with data from the NOXAR program aboard commercial aircraft. We show that regional lightning is the dominant source of this upper tropospheric NOx and increases upper tropospheric ozone by 10 ppbv. Simulating ICARTT upper tropospheric NOx observations with GEOS-Chem requires a factor of 4 increase in modeled NOx yield per flash (to 500 mol/ flash). Observed OH concentrations were a factor of 2 lower than can be explained from current photochemical models, for reasons that are unclear. A NOy-CO correlation analysis of the fraction f of North American NOx emissions vented to the free troposphere as NOy (sum of NOx and its oxidation products) shows observed f = 16 ± 10% and modeled f = 14 ± 9%, consistent with previous studies. Export to the lower free troposphere is mostly HNO3 but at higher altitudes is mostly PAN. The model successfully simulates NOy export efficiency and speciation, supporting previous model estimates of a large U.S. anthropogenic contribution to global tropospheric ozone through PAN export

    Education and older adults at the University of the Third Age

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    This article reports a critical analysis of older adult education in Malta. In educational gerontology, a critical perspective demands the exposure of how relations of power and inequality, in their myriad forms, combinations, and complexities, are manifest in late-life learning initiatives. Fieldwork conducted at the University of the Third Age (UTA) in Malta uncovered the political nature of elder-learning, especially with respect to three intersecting lines of inequality - namely, positive aging, elitism, and gender. A cautionary note is, therefore, warranted at the dominant positive interpretations of UTAs since late-life learning, as any other education activity, is not politically neutral.peer-reviewe

    The Latent Class Structure of ADHD is stable across informants

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    Previous studies have looked at the structure of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using latent class analysis (LCA) of Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) symptom structure. These studies have identified distinct classes of children with inattentive, hyperactive, or combined subtypes and have used these classes to refine genetic analyses. The objective of the current report is to determine if the latent class structure of ADHD subtypes is consistent across informant using the Conners' Rating Scales (CRS). LCA was applied to CRS forms from mother, father, and teacher reports of 1837, 1329 and 1048 latency aged Dutch twins, respectively. The optimal solution for boys was a 5-class solution for mothers, a 3-class solution for fathers, and a 4-class solution for teachers. For girls, a 4-class solution for mothers and a 3-class for fathers and teachers was optimal. Children placed into a class by one informant had markedly increased odds ratio of being placed into the same or similar class by the other informants. Results from LCA using Dutch twins with the CRS show stability across informants suggesting that more stable phenotypes may be accessible for genotyping using a multi-informant approach

    Biological measurement beyond the quantum limit

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    Quantum noise places a fundamental limit on the per photon sensitivity attainable in optical measurements. This limit is of particular importance in biological measurements, where the optical power must be constrained to avoid damage to the specimen. By using non-classically correlated light, we demonstrated that the quantum limit can be surpassed in biological measurements. Quantum enhanced microrheology was performed within yeast cells by tracking naturally occurring lipid granules with sensitivity 2.4 dB beyond the quantum noise limit. The viscoelastic properties of the cytoplasm could thereby be determined with a 64% improved measurement rate. This demonstration paves the way to apply quantum resources broadly in a biological context

    Femtosecond Laser-Produced Plasma X-Rays from Periodically Modulated Surface Targets

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    We have studied theoretically and experimentally the x-ray production above 1 keV from femtosecond laser plasmas generated on periodically modulated surface targets. Laser energy coupling to plasma surface waves has been modeled using a numerical differential method. Almost total absorption of incident laser radiation is predicted for optimized interaction conditions. Silicon gratings have been irradiated by a 120fs Ti:sapphire laser at irradiances in excess of 1016 W/cm2. X-ray intensities above 1.5 keV (K-shell lines) have been measured as a function of the incidence angle. Results show a distinct x-ray emission maximum for the first order diffraction angle and are in good qualitative agreement with our theoretical predictions
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