420 research outputs found

    Geochemical modelling of water-rock interaction

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    CO2 geological storage is one of the most promising technologies for reducing atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gas. In this work we present and discuss a new approach geochemical modelling for evaluating the effects of short-medium term CO2 disposal in deep geologic formations that has been tested in the Weyburn test site (Saskatchewan, Canada), where since September 2000 5000 t/day of supercritical CO2 are injected. The geochemical modeling has been performed by using the code PRHEEQC (V2.11) software package, via thermodynamic corrections to the code default database. First, we reconstructed the in-situ reservoir (62°C and 0.1 MPa) chemical composition, including pH, by the chemical equilibrium among the various phases, and we evaluated the boundary conditions (e.g. PCO2 , PH2S), which are necessary for the implementation of reaction path modeling. This is the starting point to assess the geochemical impact of CO2 into the oil reservoir and, as main target, to quantify water-gas-rock reactions. Furthermore, we identified possible compositions of the initially reservoir liquid phases by assuming the equilibrium conditions for the mineral assemblage with respect to a Na-Cl water (Cl/Na=1.2). Then we computed the kinetic evolution of the CO2-rich Weyburn brines interacting with the host-rock minerals, performed over 100 years after injection. Results of reaction path modeling suggest that, in this period, CO2 can be neutralized by solubility (as CO2 (aq)) and mineral trapping through Dawsonite precipitation. In order to validate our geochemical model we have simulated the geochemical impact of three years of CO2 injection (September 2000-2003) by kinetically controlled reactions and we have compared the computed and measured data. The calculated chemical composition after the CO2 injection is consistent with the analytical data of samples collected in 2003 with an error within 5 % for most analytical species, with the exception of the Ca and Mg contents (error > 90%), likely due to the complexation effect of carboxilic acid

    Simple nonlinear models suggest variable star universality

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    Dramatically improved data from observatories like the CoRoT and Kepler spacecraft have recently facilitated nonlinear time series analysis and phenomenological modeling of variable stars, including the search for strange (aka fractal) or chaotic dynamics. We recently argued [Lindner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 054101] that the Kepler data includes "golden" stars, whose luminosities vary quasiperiodically with two frequencies nearly in the golden ratio, and whose secondary frequencies exhibit power-law scaling with exponent near -1.5, suggesting strange nonchaotic dynamics and singular spectra. Here we use a series of phenomenological models to make plausible the connection between golden stars and fractal spectra. We thereby suggest that at least some features of variable star dynamics reflect universal nonlinear phenomena common to even simple systems.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    The SuperWASP catalogue of 4963 RR Lyr stars: identification of 983 Blazhko candidates

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    Aims. We set out to compile a catalogue of RRab pulsating variables in the SuperWASP archive and identify candidate Blazhko effect objects within this catalogue. We analysed their light curves and power spectra for correlations in their common characteristics to further our understanding of the phenomenon. Methods. Pulsation periods were found for each SWASP RRab object using PDM techniques. Low frequency periodic signals detected in the CLEAN power spectra of RRab stars were matched with modulation sidebands and combined with pairs of sidebands to produce a list of candidate Blazhko periods. A novel technique was used in an attempt to identify Blazhko effect stars by comparing scatter at different parts of the folded light curve. Pulsation amplitudes were calculated based on phase folded light curves.Results. The SuperWASP RRab catalogue consists of 4963 objects of which 3397 are previously unknown. We discovered 983 distinct candidates for Blazhko effect objects, 613 of these being previously unknown in the literature as RR Lyrae stars, and 894 are previously unknown to be Blazhko effect stars. Correlations were investigated between the scatter of points on the light curve, the periods and amplitudes of the objects’ pulsations, and those of the Blazhko effect.Conclusions. A statistical analysis has been performed on a large population of Blazhko effect stars from the wide-field SuperWASP survey. No correlations were found between the Blazhko period and other parameters including the Blazhko amplitude, although we confirmed a lower rate of occurrence of the Blazhko effect in long pulsation period objects

    Assessing the risk of residues of the toxin indospicine in bovine muscle and liver from north-west Australia

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    Indospicine is a natural toxin occurring only in Indigofera plant species, including the Australian native species I. linnaei. These perennial legumes are resistant to drought and palatable to grazing livestock including cattle. Indospicine accumulates in the tissues (including muscle) of animals grazing Indigofera and these residues persist for several months after exposure. Dogs are particularly sensitive to indospicine with reports in past decades of hepatotoxicosis and mortalities in dogs after dietary exposure to indospicine-contaminated horse and camel meat. The risk for human consumption is not known, and the current study was undertaken to assess indospicine levels in cattle going to slaughter from divergent regions of Western Australia, and to predict the likelihood of significant residues being present. Muscle and corresponding liver samples from 776 cattle originating from the Kimberley and Pilbara Regions in the tropical north of the state, where I. linnaei is prevalent, and 640 cattle from the South West and South Coast Regions in the temperate south west of the state, where the plant is not known to occur, were collected at abattoirs over four seasons in 2015-2017. Indospicine levels were measured by LC-MS/MS and ranged from below detection to 3.63 mg/kg. No indospicine residues were detected in any of the animals originating from the South West and South Coast Regions. Prevalence of indospicine residues in cattle from the Kimberley Region was as high as 33% in spring and 90% in autumn, with positive animals being present in most consignments and on most properties. The average prevalence of indospicine residues from the Kimberley and Pilbara Regions throughout the survey period was 62%. @Risk best fit probability distributions showed ninety-fifth percentile (P95) indospicine concentrations of 0.54 mg/kg for muscle and 0.77 mg/kg for liver in cattle originating from the Kimberley and Pilbara Regions during the survey period. When considered with average Australian meat consumption data, the estimated consumer exposure from this P95 muscle was 0.32 μg indospicine/kg bw/day, which compared favourably with our calculated provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI) of 1.3 μg indospicine/kg bw/day. However canine exposure is of potential concern, with active working dog exposure calculated to exceed this PTDI by a factor of 25, based on a P95 indospicine concentration of 0.54 mg/kg in muscle

    Kepler photometry of RRc stars: peculiar double-mode pulsations and period doubling

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    We present the analysis of four first overtone RR Lyrae stars observed with the Kepler space telescope, based on data obtained over nearly 2.5 yr. All four stars are found to be multiperiodic. The strongest secondary mode with frequency f2 has an amplitude of a few mmag, 20–45 times lower than the main radial mode with frequency f1. The two oscillations have a period ratio of P2/P1 = 0.612–0.632 that cannot be reproduced by any two radial modes. Thus, the secondary mode is non-radial. Modes yielding similar period ratios have also recently been discovered in other variables of the RRc and RRd types. These objects form a homogenous group and constitute a new class of multimode RR Lyrae pulsators, analogous to a similar class of multimode classical Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds. Because a secondary mode with P2/P1 ∼ 0.61 is found in almost every RRc and RRd star observed from space, this form of multiperiodicity must be common. In all four Kepler RRc stars studied, we find subharmonics of f2 at ∼1/2f2 and at ∼3/2f2. This is a signature of period doubling of the secondary oscillation, and is the first detection of period doubling in RRc stars. The amplitudes and phases of f2 and its subharmonics are variable on a time-scale of 10–200 d. The dominant radial mode also shows variations on the same time-scale, but with much smaller amplitude. In three Kepler RRc stars we detect additional periodicities, with amplitudes below 1 mmag, that must correspond to non-radial g-modes. Such modes never before have been observed in RR Lyrae variables

    AlN overgrowth of nano-pillar-patterned sapphire with different offcut angle by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy

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    We present overgrowth of nano-patterned sapphire with different offcut angles by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Hexagonal arrays of nano-pillars were prepared via Displacement Talbot Lithography and dry-etching. 6.6 µm crack-free and fully coalesced AlN was grown on such substrates. Extended defect analysis comparing X-ray diffraction, electron channeling contrast imaging and selective defect etching revealed a threading dislocation density of about 109 cm−2. However, for c-plane sapphire offcut of 0.2° towards m direction the AlN surface shows step bunches with a height of 10 nm. The detrimental impact of these step bunches on subsequently grown AlGaN multi-quantum-wells is investigated by cathodoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy. By reducing the sapphire offcut to 0.1° the formation of step bunches is successfully suppressed. On top of such a sample an AlGaN-based UVC LED heterostructure is realized emitting at 265 nm and showing an emission power of 0.81 mW at 20 mA (corresponds to an external quantum efficiency of 0.86%)

    AlN overgrowth of nano-pillar-patterned sapphire with different offcut angle by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy

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    We present overgrowth of nano-patterned sapphire with different offcut angles by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Hexagonal arrays of nano-pillars were prepared via Displacement Talbot Lithography and dry-etching. 6.6 µm crack-free and fully coalesced AlN was grown on such substrates. Extended defect analysis comparing X-ray diffraction, electron channeling contrast imaging and selective defect etching revealed a threading dislocation density of about 109 cm-2. However, for c-plane sapphire offcut of 0.2° towards m direction the AlN surface shows step bunches with a height of 10 nm. The detrimental impact of these step bunches on subsequently grown AlGaN multi-quantum-wells is investigated by cathodoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy. By reducing the sapphire offcut to 0.1° the formation of step bunches is successfully suppressed. On top of such a sample an AlGaN-based UVC LED heterostructure is realized emitting at 265 nm and showing an emission power of 0.81 mW at 20 mA (corresponds to an external quantum efficiency of 0.86 %)

    Human DESC1 serine protease confers tumorigenic properties to MDCK cells and it is upregulated in tumours of different origin

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    Proteolysis of the extracellular matrix components plays a crucial role in the regulation of the cellular and physiological processes, and different pathologies have been associated with the loss or gain of function of proteolytic enzymes. DESC1 (differentially expressed in squamous cell carcinoma gene 1), a member of the TTSP (type II transmembrane serine protease) family of serine proteases, is an epithelial-specific enzyme that has been found downregulated in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck region. We describe new properties of DESC1 suggesting that this protease may be involved in the progression of some type of tumours. Thus, this enzyme hydrolyses some extracellular matrix components, such as fibronectin, gelatin or fibrinogen. Moreover, Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells expressing exogenous human DESC1 acquire properties associated with tumour growth such as enhanced motility and an increase of tubular forms in a 3D collagen lattice following HGF treatment. Finally, we generated polyclonal anti-DESC1 antibodies and immunohistochemical analysis in tissues different from head and neck region indicated that this protease was overexpressed in tumours of diverse origins. Taken together, our results suggest that DESC1 could be considered as a potential therapeutic target in some type of tumours
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