324 research outputs found

    A new methodology to predict damage tolerance based on compliance via global-local analysis

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    Over the years several design philosophies to fatigue developed in order to combine structural safety and economy to manufacturing and operating aircraft process. The safe-life approach, which consists of designing and manufacturing a safe aeronautical structure throughout its useful life, results in factors that oversize the structural elements, preventing the possibility of failure and evidently leading to high design costs. On the other hand, the approach based on the damage tolerance concept, in which it is assumed that the structure, even whether damaged, is able to withstand the actions for which it was designed until the detection of a crack due to fatigue or other defects during its operation. Here, we propose a new methodology to the damage tolerance problem in which two-dimensional global-local analysis at different levels of external requests will be made by means of compliance, aimed at finding a relationship between fatigue life and the Paris constant. Moreover, the BemCracker2D program for simulating two-dimensional crack growth is used. This methodology has been proved to be an efficient and applied alternative in the damage tolerance analysis


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    Railway traffic is a big source of vibrations. Over the years, with higher freight capacity and speeds getting higher, excessive stresses are experienced by the subgrade. Then, stress waves propagate through the ground until buildings on the surroundings. This leads to considerable negative impacts on the neighborhood. On this context, this work is immersed in a broader scope of proposing an approach to create a model to simulate railway systems, with the main objective of predicting the vibration and stresses at the subgrade, in different situations, such as to predict the contact forces between the wheels and the rails. In this model, the dynamic characteristics of the vehicles and the contact between their wheels and the track are considered. The numerical model was solved using the software Giraffe. To simulate the traffic of a vehicle, a two-car train composition was modeled. One of the cars is loaded by an imposed torsion moment, applied on the axle of the wheels. A time-varying torsional moment was considered, so the simulation could reproduce an accelerating vehicle, the same vehicle in constant speed, as well as braking. The model, as it was proposed, represented the global mechanical behavior of the cars and it was possible to obtain the contact forces between wheels and a surface that represents the rails

    Reference Structure Model for Degree Alert Classification During Seasonal Hydrological Events for Humanitarian Assistence in the Brazilian Amazon

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    AbstractRecent events in the rivers of the Amazon region show the distinct need for concern in this region and the vulnerability of the Amazonian people in regards to these events. Organizations for humanitarian aid developed procedures in the Amazon region. But to what extent are these actions effective if little is done prior to disasters? This work seeks to develop a frame of reference for classifying alertness in cities likely to suffer from flooding and ebbing of the hydrographic network in the Amazon Basin. The objective is to serve warning to the riverside communities in the state of Amazonas, establish future provisions of supplies and to form a solid database of information concerning the needs and impacts of these events, hence creating a historical record

    Prevalent Leadership Profile: A Research on Management of Innovation in the Military Organization

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    In this work we investigate prevailing leadership in a military organization. Our study has a multi-disciplinarily nature as it focuses on Organizational Innovation and the profile of a leader as well as a little investigation on history of the development of a military organization Our main objective is to identify the profile of a strategic prevalent leadership at the Firemen Corporation in Porto Velho, Rondonia – Northern Brazil. We propose to describe the process of nomination for someone to exercise the role of a leader used in the military structure. In this context, we make a survey of the prevalent elements considering the profile of leadership in the face of organizational innovation having in mind the expectation of the people involved in the process of research. At the end we conduct a critical analysis comparing the prevalent elements identified in our study with the expectation of innovation revealed by the military structure investigated. We apply the method of content analysis through convenient procedures. As a result, we present the elements which show prevalence for the definition of the leadership profile of the investigated military structure. We hope our research can contribute to the studies in the field of leadership, as we still have few references in the area of knowledge

    Application of Nanostructured Carbon-Based Electrochemical (Bio)Sensors for Screening of Emerging Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Waters and Aquatic Species: A Review

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    Pharmaceuticals, as a contaminant of emergent concern, are being released uncontrollably into the environment potentially causing hazardous effects to aquatic ecosystems and consequently to human health. In the absence of well-established monitoring programs, one can only imagine the full extent of this problem and so there is an urgent need for the development of extremely sensitive, portable, and low-cost devices to perform analysis. Carbon-based nanomaterials are the most used nanostructures in (bio)sensors construction attributed to their facile and well-characterized production methods, commercial availability, reduced cost, high chemical stability, and low toxicity. However, most importantly, their relatively good conductivity enabling appropriate electron transfer rates—as well as their high surface area yielding attachment and extraordinary loading capacity for biomolecules—have been relevant and desirable features, justifying the key role that they have been playing, and will continue to play, in electrochemical (bio)sensor development. The present review outlines the contribution of carbon nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, graphene, fullerene, carbon nanofibers, carbon black, carbon nanopowder, biochar nanoparticles, and graphite oxide), used alone or combined with other (nano)materials, to the field of environmental (bio)sensing, and more specifically, to pharmaceutical pollutants analysis in waters and aquatic species. The main trends of this field of research are also addressed.This work was financially supported by: projects UID/QUI/50006/2019 and PTDC/ASP-PES/29547/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029547) funded by FEDER funds through the POCI and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology. This proposal was also subsidized by the Brazilian agencies CNPq (Proc. 420261/2018-4) and CAPES (Proc. 88881.140821/2017-01; Finance code 001). F.W.P. Ribeiro acknowledges funding provided by FUNCAP-BPI (Proc. BP3-0139-00301.01.00/18). Acknowledgments T.M.B.F. Oliveira thanks the UFCA’s Pro-Rectory of Research and Innovation for initiating his investigations. F.W.P. Ribeiro thanks the CNPq (proc. 406135/2018-5) and all support provided by the UFCA‘s Pro-Rectory of Research and Innovation. A.N. Correia thanks the CNPq (proc. 305136/2018-6).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (Bio)Sensing Strategies Based on Ionic Liquid-Functionalized Carbon Nanocomposites for Pharmaceuticals: Towards Greener Electrochemical Tools

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    The interaction of carbon-based nanomaterials and ionic liquids (ILs) has been thoroughly exploited for diverse electroanalytical solutions since the first report in 2003. This combination, either through covalent or non-covalent functionalization, takes advantage of the unique characteristics inherent to each material, resulting in synergistic effects that are conferred to the electrochemical (bio)sensing system. From one side, carbon nanomaterials offer miniaturization capacity with enhanced electron transfer rates at a reduced cost, whereas from the other side, ILs contribute as ecological dispersing media for the nanostructures, improving conductivity and biocompatibility. The present review focuses on the use of this interesting type of nanocomposites for the development of (bio)sensors specifically for pharmaceutical detection, with emphasis on the analytical (bio)sensing features. The literature search displayed the conjugation of more than 20 different ILs and several carbon nanomaterials (MWCNT, SWCNT, graphene, carbon nanofibers, fullerene, and carbon quantum dots, among others) that were applied for a large set (about 60) of pharmaceutical compounds. This great variability causes a straightforward comparison between sensors to be a challenging task. Undoubtedly, electrochemical sensors based on the conjugation of carbon nanomaterials with ILs can potentially be established as sustainable analytical tools and viable alternatives to more traditional methods, especially concerning in situ environmental analysisThis work was financed by FEDER—Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020—Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), and by Portuguese funds through FCT—Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia in the framework of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029547—PTDC/ASP-PES/29547/2017. This work received support by UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/ 2020 and LA/P/0008/2020 by the Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT), MinistĂ©rio da CiĂȘncia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through national funds. T.M.B.F. Oliveira thanks the Brazilian agencies CNPq (Proc. 420261/2018-4 and 308108/2020-5) and FUNCAP (Proc. BP4-0172-00111.01.00/20) for their financial support, and he is grateful to UFCA and CAPES (Finance code 001) for supporting his investigations. F.W.P. Ribeiro thanks all support provided by the UFCA’s Pro-Rectory of Research and Innovation and the funding provided by FUNCAP-BPI (Proc. BP4-0172-00150.01.00/20) and CNPq (Proc. 406135/2018-5). P. de Lima-Neto thanks the financial support received from CNPq projects 408626/2018-6 and 304152/2018-8 and FUNCAP project FCT-00141-00011.01.00/18. A. N. Correia thanks the financial support received from CNPq projects: 305136/2018-6 and 405596/2018-9info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensitive bi-enzymatic biosensor based on polyphenoloxidases–gold nanoparticles–chitosan hybrid film–graphene doped carbon paste electrode for carbamates detection

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    A bi-enzymatic biosensor (LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE) for carbamates was prepared in a single step by electrodeposition of a hybrid film onto a graphene doped carbon paste electrode (GPE). Graphene and the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were morphologically characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler velocimetry. The electrodeposited hybrid film was composed of laccase (LACC), tyrosinase (TYR) and AuNPs entrapped in a chitosan (CS) polymeric matrix. Experimental parameters, namely graphene redox state, AuNPs:CS ratio, enzymes concentration, pH and inhibition time were evaluated. LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE exhibited an improved Michaelis–Menten kinetic constant (26.9 ± 0.5 M) when compared with LACC–AuNPs–CS/GPE (37.8 ± 0.2 M) and TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE (52.3 ± 0.4 M). Using 4-aminophenol as substrate at pH 5.5, the device presented wide linear ranges, low detection limits (1.68×10− 9 ± 1.18×10− 10 – 2.15×10− 7 ± 3.41×10− 9 M), high accuracy, sensitivity (1.13×106 ± 8.11×104 – 2.19×108 ± 2.51×107 %inhibition M− 1), repeatability (1.2–5.8% RSD), reproducibility (3.2–6.5% RSD) and stability (ca. twenty days) to determine carbaryl, formetanate hydrochloride, propoxur and ziram in citrus fruits based on their inhibitory capacity on the polyphenoloxidases activity. Recoveries at two fortified levels ranged from 93.8 ± 0.3% (lemon) to 97.8 ± 0.3% (orange). Glucose, citric acid and ascorbic acid do not interfere significantly in the electroanalysis. The proposed electroanalytical procedure can be a promising tool for food safety control

    Estudos sobre a paz e cultura da paz

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    Segundo o autor, a cultura da paz implica uma mudança quer na forma como a “alta cultura” lida com a realidade quer no tipo de abordagem que o senso comum faz Ă s relaçÔes sociais, sendo que a ruptura com a ideologia conservadora, ou seja, com o senso comum realista sĂł Ă© possĂ­vel graças a estas alteraçÔes. O autor realça tanto a importĂąncia que os estudos sobre a paz tĂȘm para o surgimento de um conceito amplo de paz, desenvolvido por Johan Galtung, como o facto destes estarem estrategicamente orientados para a transformação do sistema internacional. Sequentemente, conclui que a paz Ă© uma categoria moral e cultural que sĂł pode ser alcançada atravĂ©s do comportamento quotidian
