346 research outputs found

    Relatório de estágio curricular supervisionado na área de clínica e cirurgia de equinos.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.A primeira parte do estágio supervisionado foi realizada no Hospital Veterinário Luís Leigue, onde foi realizado o acompanhamento da rotina hospitalar, com diagnósticos, tratamentos clínicos, cirúrgicos e todo processo de atendimento de um paciente, no mesmo local obteve-se a participação das atividades do centro de fisioterapia e reabilitação equina. Na Clínica Veterinária Horse Center foi realizada a segunda etapa do estágio supervisionado, com participação na rotina clínica e hospitalar envolvendo cavalos atletas, acompanhando atividades no diagnóstico por imagem como a ressonância magnética e cintilografia. No Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Pelotas ocorreu a última parte do estágio supervisionado, com participação nas atividades clínico-hospitalares e em projeto de pesquisa do grupo Clineq que estavam em desenvolvimento

    Injúrias do aparelho suspensório equino fratura basilar de osso sesamoide proximal associado a entesite da inserção distal do músculo interósseo III (ramo medial)- relato de caso

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.Fraturas em ossos sesamoides proximais e lesões no aparelho suspensório não são incomuns em cavalos de corrida, devido a biomecânica de ancoragem do sistema suspensor equino ser aplicada aos ossos sesamoides proximais. Os ossos sesamoides proximais recebem uma força de impacto e esforço excessivo aplicado sobre eles, caracterizada pela hiperextensão da articulação metacarpo falangeana predispondo desta forma o aparecimento de fraturas que na maioria dos casos impossibilitam o animal de continuar sua rotina esportiva. O presente trabalho relata um equino atleta, puro sangue de corrida, macho inteiro de três anos e dois meses de idade que, após uma competição passou a apresentar uma claudicação de grau IV, associado a edema na região do boleto e sensibilidade na face medial do membro. O mesmo foi encaminhado para a clínica Horse Center onde por meio de exames de imagem se constatou uma fratura basilar do osso sesamoide proximal medial do membro torácico esquerdo. A fratura foi reduzida com o animal em decúbito lateral esquerdo, utilizando-se sedação com xilazina (0,5 mg/kg), indução com cetamina e diazepam nas doses de 2,2 mg/kg e 0,05 mg/kg respectivamente e manutenção com isofluorano, através do uso da técnica de compressão interfragmentária utilizando-se parafusos metálicos corticais de 3,5 mm. Posteriormente o equino continuou a apresentar uma claudicação de grau I, e novos exames de imagem foram confeccionados, observando-se uma proliferação óssea do 2º metacarpiano acessório associado a uma entesite do ramo medial do musculo interósseo III ou ligamento suspensório. O tratamento foi a osteotomia do 2º metacarpiano juntamente com aplicação intra-lesional de plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) no ramo medial do ligamento suspensório e laser terapia, promovendo resultados satisfatórios culminando com a recuperação do animal e o seu retorno esportivo. Tratamentos para fraturas basilares em ossos sesamoides proximais são relatadas com sucesso, e a consequência das mesma caracterizam o desenvolvimento de alterações da inserção distal do ramo do ligamento suspensório correspondente, devido à íntima relação biomecânica que ocorre entre as duas estruturas. O presente caso relata com sucesso a associação de redução de fratura basilar através da técnica de compressão interfragmentária, a aplicação de PRP intra-lesional e laser terapia com retorno esportivo do paciente

    Relationship among epidemiological parameters of six childhood infections in a non-immunized Brazilian community

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    Epidemiological parameters, such as age-dependent force of infection and average age at infection () were estimated for rubella, varicella, rotavirus A, respiratory syncytial virus, hepatitis A and parvovirus B19 infections for a non-immunized Brazilian community, using the same sera samples. The for the aforementioned diseases were 8.45 years (yr) [95% CI: (7.23, 9.48) yr], 3.90 yr [95% CI: (3.51, 4.28) yr], 1.03 yr [95% CI: (0.96, 1.09) yr], 1.58 yr [95% CI: (1.39, 1.79) yr], 7.17 yr [95% CI: (6.48, 7.80) yr] and 7.43 yr [95% CI: (5.68, 9.59) yr], respectively. The differences between average ages could be explained by factors such as differences in the effectiveness of the protection conferred to newborns by maternally derived antibodies, competition between virus species and age-dependent host susceptibility. Our seroprevalence data may illustrate a case of the above-mentioned mechanisms working together within the same populatio

    Razões da terceirização de serviços em empresas de médio e grande porte

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    This study identifies the reasons firms decide to outsource activities instead of performing them internally. The study is restricted to the logistics, information technology, gate-keeping and/or reception and cleaning services as well as part of the production activities. The research was carried out in two steps. The first one consisted of interviews with four executives of large companies and the second one consisted of a survey of executives of 80 industrial companies and more than 100 direct employees. From the quantitative date we prepared contingency tables, cross-referencing the frequencies of the main factors given as leading the firms to outsource services with the corresponding activities, using Pearson’s Chi-square test. The results show that the option for outsourcing is the result of a combination of factors, mainly involving the service to be contracted out and the firm’s economic segment. Specialization of services and reduction and control of operating costs were the reasons given most often for outsourcing. This study contributes to the debate over the reasons companies outsource their activities and can serve as a reference for firms involved in the outsourcing processes.Este estudo identifica as razões pelas quais as empresas optam pela terceirização das atividades ao invés de as realizarem de forma internalizada. O estudo restringiu-se as atividades de logística, tecnologia da informação, partes do processo de produção, portaria e/ou recepção e limpeza patrimonial. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas: a primeira etapa, exploratória, envolveu entrevistas com quatro executivos de grandes empresas. Na segunda etapa foi realizada uma pesquisa survey com 80 empresas industriais com mais de 100 empregados diretos. A partir dos dados quantitativos foram elaboradas as tabelas de contingência, cruzando as frequências relativas aos principais fatores que conduzem as empresas a terceirizarem seus serviços com as atividades correspondentes, sendo utilizado o teste de Qui-quadrado de Pearson. Os resultados mostram que a opção pela terceirização é resultado de uma combinação de fatores, principalmente entre o serviço a ser terceirizado e o segmento de atuação do contratante. A especialização dos serviços, a redução e controle dos custos operacionais foram as razões mais apontadas pelas empresas na opção pela terceirização. Esse estudo contribui para o debate sobre as razões pelas quais as empresas optam em terceirizar suas atividades e também é uma referência para as empresas envolvidas em processos de terceirização


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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of surface fuel during the dry season in areas with different periods without the occurrence of burn, in the grasslands phytophysiognomy of the Cerrado in the Jalapão region of Brazil. Fuel sampling was conducted in areas with different periods without burning over four months during the dry season (May, June, August, and September). A total of 128 samples, named as data samples, were established, from which eight subsamples designated as parcels of fuel sampling were collected. In each parcel of fuel sample, we evaluated variables related to non-destructive methods such as the height of grass vegetation (Htg), litter height (Htl), number of species (Nsp), and number of individuals (Nin), as well as variables related to the destructive method for obtaining the fuel load. The fuel was separated according to its physiological state and diameter (time-lag). The Htg variable was highest and was stabilized by the second year post-burning. Nsp showed a reduced number of areas after four years without burning and in the last month of the dry season. The behavior of the dead grass fuel (Dg) load in the samplings collected in the first two months of the dry season was the only variable that increased in the different years without burning. These results are important for management initiatives of Cerrado grassland fuels in the Jalapão region

    Soil dissolved organic carbon responses to sugarcane straw removal

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    Global demand for bioenergy increases interest in biomass-derived fuels, as ethanol from sugarcane straw. However, straw is the main carbon source to soil and its removal reduces C input, affecting active fractions (dissolved organic carbon, DOC) and C storage. To quantify the effects of straw removal on DOC and C stocks, we built lysimeter system using soil (Rhodic Kandiudox) from sugarcane field. We evaluated four soil depths (1, 20, 50 and 100 cm) and four straw removal rates: no removal NR, medium MR, high HR and total TR, leaving 12, 6, 3 and 0 Mg/ha on the soil surface, respectively. After rainfall, drainage water was collected and analysed for DOC content. Soil C stocks were determined after the 17-month. Total DOC released at 1-cm depth amounted to 606, 500, 441 and 157 kg/ha in NR, MR, HR and TR, respectively. Net-DOC suggests straw as the main source of DOC. Most of DOC in NR (50%) was retained within the 1-20 cm layer, resulting in higher C stock (10 Mg/ha) in the topsoil. In HR and MR, DOC retention was higher within 20-50 cm, suggesting differences in DOC composition. DOC in TR was 40% higher at 20 cm than at 1 cm, indicating C losses from topsoil. Low concentrations of DOC were found at 100-cm depth, but representing 30% in TR. Straw removal for bioenergy production is sustainable, but we should leave at least 3 Mg/ha of straw to ensure DOC production and soil C storage, taking account the DOC contribution to key soil functions

    Use of Vincristine Sulfate in the Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Horse's Lacrimal Gland

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common cutaneous neoplasms found in equine breeding. The main cause is still unknown, based on predisposing factors such as excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, advanced age, depigmented skin and viral or parasitic agents. There is currently a range of possibilities for the treatment of SCC. The choice of the ideal treatment changes according to the location, evolution and size of the tumor, economic costs and availability of material. The present case report aims to report the case of a Campeiro breed, diagnosed with SCC in the left lacrimal gland region and to evaluate the action of vincristine sulfate as intralesional chemotherapy. Case: A 30-year-old stallion of the Campeiro perlino coat it was attended in the sector of Clinic and Surgery of Large Animals, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Curitibanos campus. Physical examination revealed an alert and docile temperament, with no considerable physiological changes. In the evaluation of the left eye, it was observed a mass of 2x2 cm rosacea, with granular and ulcerated appearance, it was detected in the portion of the medial corner of the eye, and the lacrimal gland cannot be macroscopically delimited. Also it was detected a moderate mucopurulent secretion. The mass was collected through fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and puncture without aspiration of contents found in the third eyelid region for cytological analysis, and a malignant epithelial cell neoplasia associated with septic suppurative inflammation was observed, suggestive of SCC. After the laboratory results analyzed, 0.25 mL of intralesional vincristine sulfate (Vincizina®) with 20x06 needle was applied in the base of the tumor mass as treatment. After 24 days of the first and only application of the antineoplastic, treatment success was remarkable, with a macroscopic involution of the tumor area up to 80%. Discussion: The anatomical location of SCC covering the lacrimal gland, which is an important mechanism for ocular lubrication and cleaning, has prevented surgical excision from being instituted as an alternative treatment, due to subsequent complications such as corneal dryness and possible ulcer development. Therefore, intralesional chemotherapy became a safe and effective alternative to control and delay tumor mass, preserving the functions of the lacrimal gland. Vincristine is commonly used in veterinary medicine as an antineoplastic treatment of transmissible venereal tumors with inhibitory action on tumor cell division. Previous reports demonstrated success in the use of intravenous vincristine sulfate in the treatment of animals with benign and malignant sarcoids. In the present report satisfactory results were obtained, with only one application of intralesional vincristine sulfate, probably the continuity in the administration of the drug could have propitiated results with more effectiveness. By reason of the surgical excision, treatment of choice, not be feasible in this case, the use of a new form of treatment, less invasive and effective, aims to maintain the function of the affected organ and consequently in the welfare of animal. Every successfully treated animal should be monitored so that, in case of recurrence, it is re-treated as soon as possible

    Orbitofrontal sulcal and gyrus pattern in human: an anatomical study

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    The anatomical characterization of the orbitofrontal cortex in human is limited in literature instead of many functional and clinical studies involving it. Objective: Anatomically define the orbitofrontal region aiming to possible neurosurgical treatments and unify the scientific nomenclature as well. Method: We analyze eighty four human hemispheres using a surgical microscope. Then we chose four hemispheres and dissect them according to Klinger' technique. Results: We found five main sulcus: olfatory sulcus, orbital medial sulcus, orbital lateral sulcus, orbital transverse sulcus and orbital intermediate sulcus. These sulcus, excluding the intermediate sulcus, delimit five gyrus: rectus gurys, orbital medial gyrus, orbital anterior gyrus, orbital lateral gyrus and orbital posterior gyrus. the main sulcal configuration can be divided on four more frequently patterns. Conclusion: Orbitofrontal cortex is associated with many psychiatric disorders. Better anatomical and functional characterization of the orbitofrontal cortex and its connections will improve our knowledge about these diseases.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Neurocirurgia, São Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Albert Einstein, Disciplina Radiol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Neurocirurgia, São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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