380 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the efficacy of the triple therapy regimen for Helicobacter pylori in gastrectomized patients for gastric adenocarcinoma

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    Objetivo: Determinar a eficácia da erradicação do Helicobacter pylori em doentes gastrectomizados por adenocarcinoma gástrico em comparação com doentes não gastrectomizados, com o mesmo esquema tríplice. Métodos: Vinte doentes gastrectomizados por adenocarcinoma gástrico com reconstrução em Y de Roux, infectados por Helicobacter pylori foram comparados com um grupo controle de quarenta doentes não gastrectomizados também infectados. A presença do Helicobacter pylori foi determinada pelo teste ultra-rápido da urease e histologia em material colhido por endoscopia. Ambos os grupos receberam o mesmo tratamento tríplice. Resultados: A taxa de erradicação do Helicobacter pylori no grupo de estudo foi de 90% e no grupo controle foi de 85%. O sexo, a idade e o tempo de pós-operatório não influenciaram na taxa de erradicação. Conclusões: Não houve diferença estatística na eficácia da erradicação entre os dois grupos, portanto, o tratamento tríplice é eficaz na erradicação do Helicobacter pylori em doentes gastrectomizados à Y de Roux.Background. The cause of cancer in the gastric stump is multifactorial and the Helicobacter pylori (HP) is one of these factors. It’s eradication has been recommended, however there are few studies about the eradication of the HP in gastrectomized patients. Methods. Twenty gastrectomized patients for gastric adenocarcinoma and reconstruction in Roux-Y (study group), infected by HP were compared with forty patients (control group) not gastrectomized also infected by the HP. The presence of the HP was determined by the ultra-quick urease test and an histological sample obtained by endoscopy. Both the groups received the same triple therapy regimen. Results. The rate of eradication of the HP in the group of study was of 90% and in the control group was of 85%. Sex, age or post-operative time did not influence in the rate of eradication. Conclusions. There were no differences in the efficacy of the eradication between the two groups, therefore, the triple therapy regimen is efficient in the eradication of the HP in gastrectomized patients with Roux-en-Y diversion technic.BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Grain yield stability of wheat genotypes under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions

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    Analyses of genotype by environment interactions were carried out for wheat genotypes grown under irrigated and non-irrigated field conditions, in two sowing dates during three years. The linear regression method was used to analyze the stability of grain yield. Genotype by environment interactions was observed for grain yield in all groups of environments. Nesser was the most productive and stable genotype in all groups of environments, followed by IAPAR 17-Caeté. In the late sowing, better yield performances were observed for the cultivars OCEPAR 7-Batuíra, IAPAR 17-Caeté and Nesser, under irrigated condition, and Nesser and IAPAR 28-Igapó, under non-irrigated condition. The results indicated that Nesser gave high grain yield with superior adaptability and stability, and could thus be considered as the most suitable genotype for late sowing and water stress condition at the end of plant cycle

    Epidemiologia da sindrome da emunodeficiencia adquirida em prostitutas

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    Orientador: Acir RachidDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina InternaResumo: Este trabalho é o resultado do estudo da prevalência do vírus tipo 1 da imunodeficiência humana (HIV-1) com identificação dos prováveis fatores de risco e co-prevalência do HIV-1 com o antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B (HBsAg) realizado em prostitutas na cidade portuária de Paranaguá, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil, no ano de 1 992. A obtenção dos dados foi possível através de questionário, havendo coleta de sangue para análise da presença dos anticorpos contra o HIV-1 e também da presença do antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B. A freqüência da soropositividade para o HIV-1 foi de 4,5% e do HBsAg foi de 3,0%. A presença do HBsAg está estatisticamente relacionada com a postividade do HIV-1. O fato de não usar preservativo por não ver importância e o contato com parceiros bissexuais se mostraram como fatores de risco estatisticamente significativos para a infecção pelo HIV-1Abstract: This work is the result of a study about the prevalence of the type 1 virus of human immunodeficiency (HIV-1) along with the identification of the probable risk factors and co-prevalence of the HIV-1 with the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg), which took place in the city of Paranagua, which is a harbour, in the State of Parana, in Brazil, with prostitutes in the year of 1992. The collecting of the data was done through questionaires and blood samples to identify the presence of antibody of the HIV-1 and also the presence of the of hepatitis B surface antigen. The soropositivity frequency of the HIV-1 was 4,5% and the HBsAg was 3.0%. The presence of HBsAg is statistically related to the HIV-1 presence. The none use of condoms for not finding it necessary and also the sexual intercorse of bisexual partners are the major statistically proven risk factors for the HIV-1 infection

    Influência da suplementaçao nutricional com glutamina na translocação bacteriana, endotoxemia, liberação de fator de necrose tumoral alfa, em ratos Wistar submetidos r induçao inflamatória sistêmica pelo Zymosan

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    Orientador: Joao Carlos Domingues RepkaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias da Saúde, Programa de Pós-graduação em Medicina InternaInclui bibliografiaResumo: Este trabalho é o resultado do estudo da prevalência do vírus tipo 1 da imunodeficiência humana (HIV-1) com identificação dos prováveis fatores de risco e co-prevalência do HIV-1 com o antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B (HBsAg) realizado em prostitutas na cidade portuária de Paranaguá, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil, no ano de 1 992. A obtenção dos dados foi possível através de questionário, havendo coleta de sangue para análise da presença dos anticorpos contra o HIV-1 e também da presença do antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B. A freqüência da soropositividade para o HIV-1 foi de 4,5% e do HBsAg foi de 3,0%. A presença do HBsAg está estatisticamente relacionada com a postividade do HIV-1. O fato de não usar preservativo por não ver importância e o contato com parceiros bissexuais se mostraram como fatores de risco estatisticamente significativos para a infecção pelo HIV-1Abstract: This work is the result of a study about the prevalence of the type 1 virus of human immunodeficiency (HIV-1) along with the identification of the probable risk factors and co-prevalence of the HIV-1 with the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg), which took place in the city of Paranagua, which is a harbour, in the State of Parana, in Brazil, with prostitutes in the year of 1992. The collecting of the data was done through questionaires and blood samples to identify the presence of antibody of the HIV-1 and also the presence of the of hepatitis B surface antigen. The soropositivity frequency of the HIV-1 was 4,5% and the HBsAg was 3.0%. The presence of HBsAg is statistically related to the HIV-1 presence. The none use of condoms for not finding it necessary and also the sexual intercorse of bisexual partners are the major statistically proven risk factors for the HIV-1 infection. xi

    Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis rat model attenuated by a remote ischemic preconditioning in the pregnant

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of remote ischemic preconditioning (r-IPC) administered to pregnant rats, in the ileum of newborn rats subjected to hypoxia and reoxygenation. Methods: We used three pregnant rats and their newborn rats distributed in three groups: 1) Control (C) - Newborn rats born from a pregnant rat which did not undergo any intervention2) Hypoxia-Reoxygenation (H/R) - Newborn rats born from a pregnant rat which did not undergo any intervention, and were subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation3) Remote Ischemic Preconditioning (r-IPC) - newborn rats born from a pregnant rat which was subjected to remote ischemic preconditioning twenty-four hours before giving birth and the newborn rats were subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation. Segments of ileum were prepared for histological analysis by HE and immunohistochemistry by the Ki67 to evaluate cell proliferation, crypt depth and villus height and evaluation of apoptosis by cleaved caspase-3. Results: The intensity of the lesions was lower in the r-IPC than in the H/R group, showing significant difference (p H/R - p H/R - (p < 0.01). The occurrence of apoptosis in the H/R group was lower in comparison to groups C and r-IPC, with significant difference (H/R < r-IPCp<0.05). Conclusion: The remote ischemic preconditioning applied to the pregnant rat protected the ileum of newborn rats subjected to hypoxia and reoxygenation, with decreased intensity of the lesions in the ileum mucosa and preservation of proliferative activity, keeping the villus height and crypt depth similar to group C.Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Postgrad Program Interdisciplinary Surg Sci, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Sch Med, Dept Surg, Lab Surg Physiopathol LIM 62, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Surg, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pediat Surg, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Pediat Surg Res Lab, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Postgrad Program Interdisciplinary Surg Sci, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Surg, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Pediat Surg, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Pediat Surg Res Lab, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    The cerebellum in Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism in cerebellar disorders

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Ataxia Unit, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ataxia Unit, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Parathyroidectomy after kidney transplantation: short- and long-term impact on renal function

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    INTRODUCTION: Kidney transplantation corrects endocrine imbalances. Nevertheless, these early favorable events are not always followed by rapid normalization of parathyroid hormone secretion. A possible deleterious effect of parathyroidectomy on kidney transplant function has been reported. This study aimed to compare acute and longterm renal changes after total parathyroidectomy with those occurring after general surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective case-controlled study. Nineteen patients with persistent hyperparathyroidism underwent parathyroidectomy due to hypercalcemia. The control group included 19 patients undergoing various general and urological operations. RESULTS: In the parathyroidectomy group, a significant increase in serum creatinine from 1.58 to 2.29 mg/dl (P < 0.05) was noted within the first 5 days after parathyroidectomy. In the control group, a statistically insignificant increase in serum creatinine from 1.49 to 1.65 mg/dl occurred over the same time period. The long-term mean serum creatinine level was not statistically different from baseline either in the parathyroidectomy group (final follow-up creatinine = 1.91 mg/dL) or in the non-parathyroidectomy group (final follow-up creatinine = 1.72 mg/dL). CONCLUSION: Although renal function deteriorates in the acute period following parathyroidectomy, long-term stabilization occurs, with renal function similar to both preoperative function and to a control group of kidney-transplanted patients who underwent other general surgical operations by the final follow up

    Viabilidade do emprego de ácido fluorídrico 10% para a remoção de íons paramagnéticos em amostras de solos e suas respectivas frações físicas

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    A utilização de efluentes de esgoto tratado na irrigação, ao invés de realizar a disposição deste subproduto nos cursos d'água tem sido uma alternativa antiga, popular e atrativa, com triplo propósito: tratamento complementar do efluente, fonte de água e de nutrientes ao sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, no Brasil, há falta de tradição na reciclagem de águas residuárias, particularmente, do efluente de esgoto tratado e, conseqüentemente, poucos têm sido as pesquisas relacionadas a este tema. Com a finalidade de fornecer mais informações para subsidiar as pesquisas nesta área, este trabalho visa avaliar, por meio de técnicas químicas e espectroscopias, o processo de humificação na matéria orgânica dos solos irrigados com efluente de esgoto tratado em experimentos de campo. Os cinco tratamentos estudados foram: TSI (controle) - irrigado com água potável e adição de nitrogênio via fertilizante mineral, T100, T125, T150 e T200 irrigado com efluente de esgoto tratado e adição de nitrogênio via fertilizante mineral. Os resultados obtidos mostram variações no teor de carbono e no grau de humificação, para os solos irrigados com efluente de esgoto tratado, decorrentes do aumento da atividade de decomposição da matéria orgânica, estimulada pelo aumento de água no solo.Treated sewage effluent utilization for irrigation represents an antique, popular and attractive alternative to the common disposal of effluent to watercourses and includes three main purposes: effluent complementary treatment, water and nutrient source to the soil-plant system. However, because in Brazil no experiences in wastewater recycling exists consequently few scientific studies were carried out despite the importance of the subject. The present study aimed to evaluate by chemical and spectroscopy techniques the soil organic matter from soils irrigated with treated sewage effluent. Five treatments were evaluated: TSI (control) irrigation with potable water and addition of the nitrogen as mineral fertilizer; T100, T125, T150 and T200 - irrigation with treated sewage sludge effluent and addition of the nitrogen as mineral fertilizer. The results obtained shown changes in the carbon contend and humification degree for the soils irrigated with treated sewage sludge effluent due to the increase activity of the decomposition of organic matter, stimulated by the increase of water in the soil.FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Espectro clinico da ataxia cerebelar de inicio precoce com reflexos mantidos: uma ataxia autossomica recessiva para nao ser esquecida

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    Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias are a heterogeneous group of neurological disorders. In 1981, a neurological entity comprised by early onset progressive cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria, pyramidal weakness of the limbs and retained or increased upper limb reflexes and knee jerks was described. This disorder is known as early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes. In this article, we aimed to call attention for the diagnosis of early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes as the second most common cause of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias, after Friedreich ataxia, and also to perform a clinical spectrum study of this syndrome. In this data, 12 patients from different families met all clinical features for early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes. Dysarthria and cerebellar atrophy were the most common features in our sample. It is uncertain, however, whether early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes is a homogeneous disease or a group of phenotypically similar syndromes represented by different genetic entities. Further molecular studies are required to provide definitive answers to the questions that remain regarding early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes.As ataxias cerebelares autossômicas recessivas são um grupo heterogêneo de doenças neurológicas. Em 1981, foi descrita uma entidade neurológica incluindo ataxia cerebelar progressiva de início precoce, disartria, liberação piramidal e manutenção ou aumento dos reflexos tendíneos nos membros superiores e inferiores. Essa síndrome é conhecida como ataxia cerebelar de início precoce com reflexos mantidos. Neste artigo, o objetivo foi chamar a atenção para o diagnóstico de ataxia cerebelar de início precoce com reflexos mantidos como a segunda causa mais comum de ataxia cerebelar autossômica recessiva, após a ataxia de Friedreich, e também realizar um estudo do espectro clínico da síndrome. Doze pacientes de diferentes famílias preencheram os critérios clínicos para ataxia cerebelar de início precoce com reflexos mantidos. Disartria e atrofia cerebelar foram as características mais frequentes. No entanto, não há consenso se a ataxia cerebelar de início precoce com reflexos mantidos é uma doença homogênea ou um grupo de síndromes com fenótipos semelhantes representadas por diferentes entidades genéticas. Estudos moleculares futuros são necessários para fornecer respostas definitivas para as questões pendentes em relação à ataxia cerebelar de início precoce com reflexos mantidos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Neurology, Ataxia UnitUNIFESP, Department of Neurology, Ataxia UnitSciEL

    Ataxia espástica autossômica recessiva de Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS): aspectos clínicos e de neuroimagem típicos em uma família brasileira

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    Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by late-infantile onset spastic ataxia and other neurological features. ARSACS has a high prevalence in northeastern Quebec, Canada. Several ARSACS cases have been reported outside Canada in recent decades. This is the first report of typical clinical and neuroimaging features in a Brazilian family with probable diagnosis of ARSACS.A ataxia espástica autossômica recessiva de Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) é doença degenerativa do sistema nervoso, caracterizada por ataxia associada a espasticidade, entre outras manifestações neurológicas, de início na infância. A doença tem alta prevalência na região de Quebec, no Canadá. Muitos relatos de ARSACS têm sido descritos fora do Canadá nas últimas décadas. Nesse artigo, relatamos a primeira descrição dos aspectos clínicos e de neuroimagem típicos em uma família brasileira com provável diagnóstico de ARSACS.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Division of General Neurology and Ataxias Department of Neurology and NeurosurgeryUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departament of Diagnostic ImagingUNIFESP, Division of General Neurology and Ataxias Department of Neurology and NeurosurgeryUNIFESP, Departament of Diagnostic ImagingSciEL