93 research outputs found

    Modeling chronic pain experiences from online reports using the Reddit Reports of Chronic Pain dataset

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    Objective: Reveal and quantify qualities of reported experiences of chronic pain on social media, from multiple pathological backgrounds, by means of the novel Reddit Reports of Chronic Pain (RRCP) dataset, using Natural Language Processing techniques. Materials and Methods: Define and validate the RRCP dataset for a set of subreddits related to chronic pain. Identify the main concerns discussed in each subreddit. Model each subreddit according to their main concerns. Compare subreddit models. Results: The RRCP dataset comprises 86,537 Reddit submissions from 12 subreddits related to chronic pain (each related to one pathological background). Each RRCP subreddit has various main concerns. Some of these concerns are shared between multiple subreddits (e.g., the subreddit Sciatica semantically entails the subreddit backpain in their various concerns, but not the other way around), whilst some concerns are exclusive to specific subreddits (e.g., Interstitialcystitis and CrohnsDisease). Discussion: These results suggest that the reported experience of chronic pain, from multiple pathologies (i.e., subreddits), has concerns relevant to all, and concerns exclusive to certain pathologies. Our analysis details each of these concerns and their similarity relations. Conclusion: Although limited by intrinsic qualities of the Reddit platform, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first research work attempting to model the linguistic expression of various chronic pain-inducing pathologies and comparing these models to identify and quantify the similarities and differences between the corresponding emergent chronic pain experiences.Comment: 24 pages, 26 figures, 8 table

    Design, Fabrication and Characterization

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    Funding Information: This work was financed by national funds from FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the projects LA/P/0037/2020, UIDP/50025/2020, and UIDB/50025/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication, i3N, and also under project dPCR4FreeDNA of the same research unit, PTDC/BTM-SAL/31201/2017. Furthermore, the work received funding from FCT in the scope of projects UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences, UCIBIO, and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy, i4HB. B. J. Coelho acknowledges FCT for the attribution of grant SFRH/BD/132904/2017 and grant COVID/BD/152453/2022. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Microfluidic-based platforms have become a hallmark for chemical and biological assays, empowering micro- and nano-reaction vessels. The fusion of microfluidic technologies (digital microfluidics, continuous-flow microfluidics, and droplet microfluidics, just to name a few) presents great potential for overcoming the inherent limitations of each approach, while also elevating their respective strengths. This work exploits the combination of digital microfluidics (DMF) and droplet microfluidics (DrMF) on a single substrate, where DMF enables droplet mixing and further acts as a controlled liquid supplier for a high-throughput nano-liter droplet generator. Droplet generation is performed at a flow-focusing region, operating on dual pressure: negative pressure applied to the aqueous phase and positive pressure applied to the oil phase. We evaluate the droplets produced with our hybrid DMF–DrMF devices in terms of droplet volume, speed, and production frequency and further compare them with standalone DrMF devices. Both types of devices enable customizable droplet production (various volumes and circulation speeds), yet hybrid DMF–DrMF devices yield more controlled droplet production while achieving throughputs that are similar to standalone DrMF devices. These hybrid devices enable the production of up to four droplets per second, which reach a maximum circulation speed close to 1540 µm/s and volumes as low as 0.5 nL.publishersversionpublishe

    BIOREF : Laboratório colaborativo para as biorrefinarias

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: A investigação multidisciplinar, o desenvolvimento e a inovação são pilares fundamentais para alterar o verdadeiro paradigma da economia baseada em recursos fósseis, de modo a conceber e implementar novas economias e mercados orientados para a utilização sustentável da biomassa. De modo a contribuir para uma economia de (muito) baixo carbono e gerar novas cadeias de valor através da utilização sustentável de diferentes tipos de biomassa e biorresíduos, criação de empregos e impulsionar a bioeconomia baseada em recursos sustentáveis como alternativa aos recursos fósseis, foi criado o Laboratório Colaborativo (CoLAB) BIOREF. O BIOREF é uma entidade orientada para o mercado, concentrando as suas atividades no desenvolvimento, exploração, transferência e/ou venda de direitos de Propriedade Intelectual de novas tecnologias, produtos e serviços. O impacto a curto e longo prazo na economia nacional e na criação de empregos será alcançado pela excelência científica que opera num ambiente inspirador e inovador de I&D&I. Isto é feito, através da criação de novas ligações com as partes interessadas nacionais e europeias para identificar os desafios e necessidades para a implantação de biorrefinarias sustentáveis (económicas, ambientais e sociais) rumo a uma economia com baixo teor de carbono.ABSTRACT: Multidisciplinary research, development and innovation are required to change the actual fossil-based economy paradigm, to design and implement new economies and markets, oriented for the sustainable use of biomass.In order to contribute to a (very) low carbon economy and generate new value chains through the sustainable use of different types of biomass and biowaste, create jobs and boost the sustainable resource-based bioeconomy as an alternative to fossil resources, the Collaborative Laboratory (CoLAB)- BIOREF was created. BIOREF is a market-oriented entity concentrating its activities on the development, exploitation, transfer, and/or selling rights of Intellectual Property of novel technologies, products and services. It will be done in a strong collaboration with BIOREF associates but oriented also on the national and international industrial biomass sector. Short- and long-term impact on national economy and jobs creation will be achieved by the scientific excellence operating in inspiring, innovative R&D&I environment. It will be done, by creating new and enforcing the existing links with national and European stakeholders to identify the challenges and needs for the deployment of sustainable (economic, environmental and social) biorefineries towards to a low-carbon economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Open-source tool for real-time and automated analysis of droplet-based microfluidic

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Droplet-based microfluidic technology is a powerful tool for generating large numbers of monodispersed nanoliter-sized droplets for ultra-high throughput screening of molecules or single cells. Yet further progress in the development of methods for the real-time detection and measurement of passing droplets is needed for achieving fully automated systems and ultimately scalability. Existing droplet monitoring technologies are either difficult to implement by non-experts or require complex experimentation setups. Moreover, commercially available monitoring equipment is expensive and therefore limited to a few laboratories worldwide. In this work, we validated for the first time an easy-to-use, open-source Bonsai visual programming language to accurately measure in real-time droplets generated in a microfluidic device. With this method, droplets are found and characterized from bright-field images with high processing speed. We used off-the-shelf components to achieve an optical system that allows sensitive image-based, label-free, and cost-effective monitoring. As a test of its use we present the results, in terms of droplet radius, circulation speed and production frequency, of our method and compared its performance with that of the widely-used ImageJ software. Moreover, we show that similar results are obtained regardless of the degree of expertise. Finally, our goal is to provide a robust, simple to integrate, and user-friendly tool for monitoring droplets, capable of helping researchers to get started in the laboratory immediately, even without programming experience, enabling analysis and reporting of droplet data in real-time and closed-loop experiments.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Microglia/Astrocytes–Glioblastoma Crosstalk: Crucial Molecular Mechanisms and Microenvironmental Factors

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    In recent years, the functions of glial cells, namely, astrocytes and microglia, have gained prominence in several diseases of the central nervous system, especially in glioblastoma (GB), the most malignant primary brain tumor that leads to poor clinical outcomes. Studies showed that microglial cells or astrocytes play a critical role in promoting GB growth. Based on the recent findings, the complex network of the interaction between microglial/astrocytes cells and GB may constitute a potential therapeutic target to overcome tumor malignancy. In the present review, we summarize the most important mechanisms and functions of the molecular factors involved in the microglia or astrocytes–GB interactions, which is particularly the alterations that occur in the cell’s extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton. We overview the cytokines, chemokines, neurotrophic, morphogenic, metabolic factors, and non-coding RNAs actions crucial to these interactions. We have also discussed the most recent studies regarding the mechanisms of transportation and communication between microglial/astrocytes – GB cells, namely through the ABC transporters or by extracellular vesicles. Lastly, we highlight the therapeutic challenges and improvements regarding the crosstalk between these glial cells and GB

    Electrocardiographic evaluation of horses after polo exercise

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    A eletrocardiografia pode ser usada para quantificar o treinamento e o desempenho atlético. Pode ainda avaliar a função cardíaca sob efeito do exercício identificando a influência de anomalias cardíacas, assim como os efeitos deletérios do esforço frente à função cardíaca. Considerando a complexidade do esforço físico inerente a cavalos em competições de polo, juntamente com a carência de relatos na literatura sobre a demanda cardíaca resultante. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar e avaliar eletrocardiograficamente os efeitos cardíacos do exercício de polo em equinos de forma a subsidiar dados para a compreensão da demanda fisiológica cardíaca desta modalidade. Foram avaliados 27 equinos praticante de polo em repouso e entre cinco e dez minutos após o exercício. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as alterações observadas na duração e amplitude da onda P e duração do intervalo PR e QT foram consideradas fisiológicas em resposta ao aumento da frequência cardíaca. A onda P difásica encontrada em repouso representou hipertrofia atrial e quando bífida representou diferentes pontos de ativação do nó sinoatrial. Como esperado o complexo QRS não sofreu alterações consideráveis entre os dois momentos. O supradesnível do segmento ST e as variações da onda T observadas após o exercício poderiam representar efeito adverso ao miocárdio, entretanto estudos analisando múltiplos fatores são necessários para confirmar esta associação e definir sua real causa. O aumento do QTc sugeriu fadiga miocárdica leve representando alta demanda cardíaca para esta modalidade. O escore cardíaco demonstrou que estes animais estavam dentro do padrão de adaptação cardíaca para um cavalo atleta. A rápida recuperação cardíaca demonstrou bom condicionamento atlético. O marca-passo atrial mutável foi um achado normal encontrado nos equinos de polo. Foi observada baixa incidência de alterações no ritmo cardíaco.Electrocardiography can be used to quantify the training and athletic performance as well as evaluating the cardiac function under the effect of exercise identifying the influence of cardiac anomalies, and deleterious effects of stress ahead of heart function. Considering the complexity of the physical efforts inherent in polo ponies in competitions, together with the lack of reports in the literature, on the demand resulting for heart. The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the cardiac effects of electrocardiographic exercise in polo horses in order to support data for understanding the physiological cardiac demand of this sport. We evaluated 27 equine practitioner polo at rest and between five and ten minutes after exercise. The results showed that the observed changes in the duration and P wave amplitude and duration of PR and QT interval were considered in physiological response to increased heart rate. The diphasic P wave found at rest and when atrial hypertrophy represented bifida represented different points of activation of the sinoatrial node. As expected, the QRS complex has not undergone major changes. The ST-segment elevation and T wave changes observed after exercise could pose adverse effects to the myocardium, but studies examining multiple factors are needed to confirm this association and define your actual question. The increase in QTc suggested fatigue mild myocardial represented high heart demand for this type of exercise. The heart score showed that these animals were within the pattern of cardiac adaptation to a horse athlete. The rapid recovery of HR showed good conditioning of these animals. The pacemaker migration was observed in most animals proven to be a normal finding horse athlete. We observed a low incidence of changes in cardiac rhythm

    The multiple meanings of "wheezing": a questionnaire survey in Portuguese for parents and health professionals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most epidemiological studies on pediatric asthma rely on the report of "wheezing" in questionnaires. Our aim was to investigate the understanding of this term by parents and health professionals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey was carried out in hospital and community settings within the south of Portugal. Parents or caregivers self-completed a written questionnaire with information on social characteristics and respiratory history. Multiple choice questions assessed their understanding of "wheezing". Health professionals (physicians, nurses and physiotherapists) were given an adapted version. We used bivariate analysis and multivariate models to study associations between definitions of "wheezing" and participants' characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Questionnaires from 425 parents and 299 health professionals were included. The term "wheezing" was not recognized by 34% of parents, more frequently those who were younger (OR 0.4 per 10-year increment, 95% CI 0.3-0.7), had lower education (OR 3.3, 95% CI 1.5-7.4), and whose children had no history of respiratory disease (OR 4.6, 95% CI 2.5-8.7) (all ORs adjusted). 31% of parents familiar with "wheezing" either did not identify it as a sound, or did not locate it to the chest, while tactile (40%) and visual (34%) cues to identify "wheezing" were frequently used. Nurses reported using visual stimuli and overall assessments more often than physicians (p < 0.01). The geographical location was independently associated with how parents recognized and described "wheezing".</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Different meanings for "wheezing" are recognized in Portuguese language and may be influenced by education, respiratory history and regional terminology. These findings are likely applicable to other non-English languages, and suggest the need for more accurate questionnaires and additional objective measurement instruments to study the epidemiology of wheezing disorders.</p

    Effect of invader removal: pollinators stay but some native plants miss their new friend

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    Removal of invasive species often benefits biological diversity allowing ecosystems’ recovery. However, it is important to assess the functional roles that invaders may have established in their new areas to avoid unexpected results from species elimination. Invasive animal-pollinated plants may affect the plant–pollination interactions by changing pollinator availability and/or behaviour in the community. Thus, removal of an invasive plant may have important effects on pollinator community that may then be reflected positive or negatively on the reproductive success of native plants. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of removing Oxalis pescaprae, an invasive weed widely spread in the Mediterranean basin, on plant–pollinator interactions and on the reproductive success of co-flowering native plants. For this, a disturbed area in central Portugal, where this species is highly abundant, was selected. Visitation rates, natural pollen loads, pollen tube growth and natural fruit set of native plants were compared in the presence of O. pes-caprae and after manual removal of their flowers. Our results showed a highly resilient pollination network but also revealed some facilitative effects of O. pes-caprae on the reproductive success of co-flowering native plants. Reproductive success of the native plants seems to depend not only on the number and diversity of floral visitors, but also on their efficiency as pollinators. The information provided on the effects of invasive species on the sexual reproductive success of natives is essential for adequate management of invaded areas.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the COMPETE Program and by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) funds in the ambit of the project PTDC/ BIA-BIC/110824/2009, by CRUP Acc¸o˜es Integradas Luso- Espanholas 2010 with the project E10/10, by MCI-Programa de Internacionalizacio´n de la I ? D (PT2009-0068) and by the Spanish DGICYT (CGL2009-10466), FEDER funds from the European Union, and the Xunta de Galicia (INCITE09- 3103009PR). FCT also supported the work of S. Castro (FCT/ BPD/41200/2007) and J. Costa (CB/C05/2009/209; PTDC/ BIA-BIC/110824/2009). The work of V. Ferrero was supported by the Fundacio´n Ramo´n Areces

    Imigração e saúde: a (in)acessibilidade das mulheres imigrantes aos cuidados de saúde

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    A utilização dos serviços de saúde pelas populações imigrantes tem vindo a ser considerado um dos mais importantes indicadores da sua integração nas so- ciedades receptoras (Dias e col., 2009). No entanto, o conhecimento em torno da qualidade e da eficácia do acesso dos/as imigrantes aos cuidados de saúde, especialmente no que respeita às mulheres imigran- tes, é ainda escasso em Portugal (Fonseca e col., 2005). Embora os estudos nacionais tenham vindo, nas últimas décadas, a procurar traçar os diferentes perfis sociais das mulheres imigrantes em Portugal, sobretudo no que concerne às suas relações fami- liares ou laborais (Wall e col., 2005), a investigação no domínio da saúde é ainda parca e exclusora de uma análise centrada no género ou interseccional. Neste texto apresenta-se uma reflexão sobre os de- terminantes que condicionam a (in)acessibilidade das mulheres imigrantes aos cuidados de saúde, enfatizando-se os fatores que poderão estar a agir no sentido contrário à sua integração neste setor