121 research outputs found

    NIPO opinion polls 1972

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    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1972 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n7201: Image of democracy in The Netherlands / Reasonableness of wage increase. n7202: Strength of armed forces. n7203: Wage dispute in metallurgic industry / Satisfied with general practitioner / Member health assistance. n7204: Personal financial expectations / < expectations of/ unemployment in the family. n7205: Forming one big progressive political party / Government interference with wage negotiations. n7207: Knowledge of purpose of Club of Rome / Expectations regarding the year 2000. n7212: Awareness of and confidence in Dutch politicians / Proposals of Mansholt Committee. n7215: Open-air sleeping in Amsterdam / Necessity of change of society. n7218: Economic well-being in The Netherlands and in own family / Description of welfare / Welfare versus prosperity. n7219: Stopping of TV advertising. n7220: Knowledge of EC / Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Ireland joining the EC. n7222: Ideal family size / Countries wanting to dominate the world. n7224: Sympathy strikes in other factories because of dismissal one particular person . n7227: Spelling difficulties Dutch language and wish to change. n7229: University fees Hfl. 1000 / Wage increase next year. n7231: Resignation of ministers Drees jr and De Brauw / Early general elections confidence in politicians / Choice of new prime-minister / entrance visa for citizens from Surinam and Dutch Antilles. n7236: Vote intention in November elections / Air pollution and water- pollution / Act against pollution. n7241: Vote intention November election. n7242: Vote intention November election. n7243: Vote intention November election PvdA, D66 and PPR in one progressive party / Political party not in government. n7245: Vote intention November election / Who placed bombs and why / Spending holidays. n7246: Vote intention November elections / Conflict in general trade union / Expectation of election results / Heredity of traits. n7247: Vote intention November election. n7248: Vote intention November election. n7249: Winner and loser November elections / Preference for coalition / Sinterklaas gifts. n7250: Most admired person now living / Price expectations next year / Possibility of unemployment. n7251: Left-right rating of political parties / PvdA, KVP and D66 become more leftist or rightist

    NIPO opinion polls 1999

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    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1999 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / if stated not knowing what party to vote for at next elections: what party will have most chances that respondent will vote for? / level of education / union membership / professional status / left‐right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. No topical variables

    NIPO opinion polls 1988

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    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1988 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n8802: Feeling lonely, feeling bored / Fear for old age / Having friends and acquaintances / Satisfaction about income / Income expectations / Being an optimist or a pessimist / Feeling happy or unhappy. n8805: Having a driving license / Frequency of driving a car and average speed / If respondent will hold to the new maximum speed of 120 km per hour. n8808: Left-right scaling of Lubbers, Wiegel, Wim Kok, Van Mierlo, PvdA, CDA, D66 and VVD / If there's according to respondents' opinion a political party which is left nor right, a "middenpartij" / Support of government for Fokker. n8811: Abolition of the "WIR" / If respondent is aware of being registered in several computers / Tax number / Having a passport / Respondent's opinion about proposals concerning the obligation of always carrying around identity papers, for Dutchmen as well as for foreigners. n8813: Respondent's opinion about proposed retrenchments of the cabinet Lubbers / Consequences of retrenchments for respondent / Preferred prime-minister after possible resignation of Lubbers / Following the news about the Palestine question / Future political status of the by Israel occupied Palestinian areas. n8815: If respondent received an income tax form / If respondent filled in the income tax form himself or with somebody's help / Picking up money from the street, varying from Hfl. 0,10 to Hfl. 2,50 / Reliability of radio, , newspapers, concerning their news coverage on political and social subjects / Degree of influence on news covering of the government, political parties, unions, companies and advertisers. n8817: Creating better jobs for women / Giving priority to female applicants and applicants of ethnic minorities / If handicapped, heart patients, aids patients and drugs addicted should be treated pitifully. n8820: Ways to maintain peace in Europe / Important political leaders who intend to support peace in the world / Reduction of cruise missiles / Expected results of American-Russian negotiations about reduction of intercontinental missiles / Chance of war in West-Europe. n8827: Racial discrimination in the Netherlands / Development aid Surinam / Perfect family size. n8832: Releasing the two German war criminals from the prison of Breda . n8833: Disarmament in NATO and WARSAW-PACT-countries / NATO membership of the Netherlands / Desirability of military balance between NATO and WARSAW-PACT-countries. n8835: Voting intention at the Parliamentary elections of 1990 / Preferred prime-minister after the 1990 parliamentary elections / Preferred coalition after the 1990 parliamentary elections / Political party which is having the best program concerning economic policy, social policy. n8844: Respondent's left-right scaling of political preference 10 years ago / 1989 presidential elections in the USA / Representation of the Netherlands at the funeral of the Japanese emperor Hirohito. n8847: Right of policemen to strike, and to agitate / Desirability of more or less policemen in respondents' neighbourhood / Position of the mayor of Smallingerland / Self rating concerning psychological, economic and social characteristics. n8849: Economic situation in the Netherlands / Expectations and satisfaction about own income / Willingness to strike for more income. n8850: Respondent's opinion about the campaign "Drempels weg" / Frequency of watching the TV channel "Nederland Drie" / Appreciation of "Loekie de Leeuw" between TV commercials / Appreciation of TV commercials / Television license fees / Commercial broadcasting channel / Membership of broadcasting corporation

    NIPO opinion polls 1982

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    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1982 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables 1982: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left‐right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n8201: Wage control expected income this year / Income less or higher than last year / Satisfaction with income / Making ends meet / Respondent's opinion on government's wage control / Confidence in Van Agt, Den Uyl, Terlouw, Wiegel / Respondents' opinion on present government. n8202: Profit rate, Poland, war profit rate at company where respondent is working / Profit rate of most of Dutch industry too high or too low / Respondent agrees with contention profit rate of most companies is too low / Should Polish trade- union Solidarity resist or obey Polish government / Military counterbalance needed in West-Europe against USSR and East-Europe / Should Holland stay in NATO or get out / In case of total war should Holland defend itself or rather surrender / Accept a Russian occupation or defend itself at all risks / Respondent's estimate of own chances of survival in case of war in Europe. n8203: Confidence in Labour Party / Changes in sick benefit / Sickness during last winter / How many days respondent could not work because he was ill / Sick days were paid / Holland and other European countries should take measures against USSR and Poland / Should Polish trade union solidarity continue its resistance or stop all action / Respondent heard or read about government plans to reduce sick pay to 80 percent of salary / Should these plans be carried out / Would respondent participate in actions like strikes against these cuts in sick benefit / Confidence in Van Agt, Terlouw, Wiegel, Labour Party. n8205: Labour Party / If member of Labour Party would respondent leave this party now / If new Labour Party would be founded would respondent vote for it. n8206: Confidence in labour politicians / Did anything happen which changed respondents' opinion on CDA, D66, VVD, PvdA / Changes in opinion on PvdA by the stand taken by PvdA administration / Cuts in sick benefit / Employment plan of Den Uyl / The stand of PvdA on nuclear energy / Confidence in Den Uyl, Van der Louw, Van Dam / Respondent expects plans on cuts in sick benefit will be carried out / Respondent expects social insurance payments will continue to be indexed to minimum wage / Importance of work in respondents' life. n8207: Awareness coming elections / next leader PvdA / Respondent knows when next elections will be / These will be national, provincial or local elections / Respondent will go and vote next provincial elections, March 24th / Respondent is sure which party he will vote for / Which parties should leave present coalition of CDA, PvdA and D66 / Should other party get in government Van Agt / Who will be next leader of PvdA / Clearness of present position of PvdA, D66, CDA, VVD / Confidence in president Reagan. n8208: Confidence in Van Agt, Terlouw, Den Uyl, Wiegel / Where will Spain end on the list at world championship soccer / Respondent likes soccer. n8209: Provincial elections / Profit rate / Constitution / Will respondent go and vote next provincial elections / Which party will he vote for / Profit rate at company where respondent works / Profit rate in most of Dutch industry too low or too high / Profit making is absolutely necessary or not allowed / What is a fair net profit in terms of percentage from selling prices / Should managers, designers etc. earn a lot / Respondent agrees or disagrees with article 7 of Dutch constitution referring to freedom of the press / Respondent agrees or disagrees with other articles of Dutch constitution. n8211: Provincial elections / Plan for creating jobs / Changes in sick pay / Will respondent go and vote next provincial elections / Which party will he vote for / Profit rate at company where respondent is working / How many jobs will be created according to plan Den Uyl / Respondent knows what this plan will cost / Respondent thinks it is right to raise taxes for financing plan Den Uyl / Will this plan succeed in reducing unemployment / Will respondent himself or someone in family benefit from this plan / Did respondent join strike for plans to change sick benefit / Changes in sick benefit will be detrimental for himself / Is there someone seriously disabled within family, relatives, friends / Would respondent be prepared to pay 1 percent more in transport costs in favour of seriously disabled persons. n8212: Provincial elections / Taxes / Which political parties will lose or win a lot next provincial elections / What makes respondent think so friends or forecasts / Should new government be formed after next provincial elections / Should there be parliamentary by-elections / Which political parties should form coalition / who for prime-minister / Respondent is obliged to return a declaration for Income tax / Respondent is paying property-tax / Respondent is able to write declaration himself or needs help / Problem with Income tax / Treatment by collector. n8213: Profit rate / Profit sharing / Sick benefit / Profit rate of company where respondent is working / Respondent shares in profit / Profit rate of most of Dutch industry too low or too high / Freeze of salaries during three years to promote profit rate / Respondent could make ends meet with same salary during three years / If workers would share in profit would respondent agree with freeze in salary / Will profit sharing promote better work / Respondent could achieve more in same working day / Does it happen that people say they are sick while actually they could work / Respondent agrees with no sick benefit during first day and complete pay afterwards. n8214: Provincial elections / Respondent watched provincial elections on TV / Respondent satisfied with results / Should new coalition be formed / Should PvdA leave government Van Agt. n8215: Provincial elections / Emigration / Respondent did vote last provincial elections / Respondent did vote former elections / Should compulsory voting be reestablished / Voting does matter for what happens in country / Does it matter which party one votes for / Respondent prefers to stay in Holland or wants to emigrate / Emigrate to what country. n8216: Opinion on present government / Expectations of political issues / Respondent's opinion on present government / Should this government stay or leave / Will this government last this year / Confidence in Van Agt, Den Uyl, Terlouw, Wiegel, Van der Louw, Van Dam / Welfare benefits will stay the same or be reduced / Will there be sufficient cuts in public expenditures / Existing nuclear plants stay open or be closed down / New nuclear arms will be placed in Holland too / Wage control or wages will be left to unions and employers / How much politicians can do for good of country. n8217: Government's note of this spring / Labour Party / Falklands / Respondent heard or read about government's note / Respondents' opinion on this note / Sufficient cuts in public expenditures / Raise of social premiums too high or too low / Den Uyl should he have resigned or stayed / Should other PvdA ministers have resigned or stayed / PvdA is following a clear policy at this moment / Should Argentina leave the Falklands / Should England dislodge Argentina even by force / Should Falkland Islands stay British or belong to Argentina. n8218: Visit queen to United States / Confidence in Dutch political parties / Falklands / Wiegel / Respondent followed news on queen's visit to USA / Visit useful / reception of queen in USA / USA is Holland's best friend, business relation or enemy / Confidence in Reagan / Confidence USA in Holland / Confidence in Dutch political parties / Respondent followed news on Falkland crisis / Should Argentina leave Falkland Islands / Should Argentina be dislodged from Falkland Islands by British attack / Respondent agrees with economic sanctions of Holland against Argentina / What should Holland do in case of foreign occupation of Curaçao, Aruba / Measures should be taken now to protect Curaçao, Aruba by Dutch navy / Respondent heard about Wiegel's appointment as a governor of Friesland / This appointment is favourable for VVD, for Holland / Respondent heard about Nijpels as new leader of VVD / Confidence in Nijpels. n8219: Awareness coming local elections, June 2nd. / Respondent knows when next elections will be / Kind of elections / Will respondent go and vote for local elections, June 2nd. / Choice influenced by local policy or by national policy of particular party / Interested in local, provincial or national, political issues. n8220: Ability to do sums. n8221: Making ends meet / Most urgent tasks new government / Respondent can make ends meet / Situation last year / Respondent considers his family as prosperous / Future will be better or worse financially / Respondents' income above or under real minimum wage level / How many persons in family have no income of their own / How many persons in family are wage earners / Most urgent tasks for new government to do / Respondent read or heard about trouble in PvdA / Den Uyl or Van den Berg is right / If PvdA should change policy in what direction. n8222: Crisis in government / Confidence in politicians / PvdA ministers were right to leave government / Should PvdA ministers be in new government again / Should Den Uyl become minister again / Should Van Agt become prime-minister again / Which political parties should form new government now / Confidence in Van Agt, Terlouw, Den Uyl, Wiegel, Nijpels, Van Dam, Van der Louw, Lubbers. n8224: National economic situation / Political leaders / Respondent expects growth, stagnation or recession of Dutch economy / Measures of new government could make economic growth possible / Government's measures, introduction of part-time jobs, general cut in income, lower costs for Dutch industry, trade union activities can reduce unemployment / Welfare facilities influenced reduction of unemployment / Should Van Agt be leader of CDA again next nation elections / Should Den Uyl be leader of PvdA again / Should Terlouw be leader of D66 again / Should Nijpels be leader of VVD. n8225: Voting / New government / Confidence in politicians / Respondent did vote last elections and former elections / Voting influence what happens in country / Which party one votes for does matter / Importance of next national elections / Respondent will vote next national elections, September 8th / Respondent is sure which party he will vote for / Should D66 stay in new government if VVD gets in and PvdA gets out / Should PvdA be in new government together with CDA again / Should VVD be in new government / Confidence in Nijpels, Den Uyl, Van Agt, Terlouw. n8226: National elections, September 8th / TV / Respondent knows date of next elections / Respondent knows what kind of elections / Respondent will vote next elections / Respondent sure which party he will vote for / Should CDA and VVD together get a majority / Respondents' preference for prominent political persons / TV set in respondents' living room / TV in bedroom / TV in other room / Respondent would cooperate in NIPO survey on TV. n8227: PvdA ministers / New government / Confidence in politics / PvdA ministers were right to leave government / Should PvdA ministers get in new government / Should Den Uyl be minister again, should Van Agt be prime-minister again / Which political parties should form new government now / Terlouw, Den Uyl, Wiegel, Nijpels, Van Dam, Van der Louw, Lubbers. n8228: Things go in right, wrong direction in Holland regarding in general / Reduction of inflation / Growth of unemployment / Cost of living / Labour management relations / Relations between labour and government / Fuel and energy supply / Quality of consumer goods / Social relations in plant / Ecology / Quality of education / Quality of public transport / Safety in the streets / Financial security when aged / Discipline and tidiness of our people / Welfare facilities in Holland / Housing / Respondent's income / Respondent's future / Respondent will go and vote next national elections / Respondent sure which party to vote for / clearness of policy of CDA, D66, VVD, PvdA. n8229: Next national elections, September 8th / Respondent will go and vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondents' educational level. n8230: National elections / Visiting Dutch beaches / Respondent will go and vote next national elections, September 8th / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondent visited the beach this year / By which means of transport / Which clothes at the beach / Respondent ever visited islands such as Texel, Terschelling / Respondent ever visited South-Limburg, Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Veluwe, Achterhoek, Twente, Friesland, Groningen. n8231: National elections / Confidence in political parties, politicians / New coalition / Domestic affairs / Fear of war / Educational level / Respondent will go and vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondents' confidence in Van Agt, Terlouw, Den Uyl, Nijpels / Respondent's opinion on what should be done with respect to pollution of environment / Strengthening the position of Dutch industry / Public expenditures / Lower incomes and welfare payments / Nuclear plants / Safety in the streets / Placing new nuclear arms / Shorter working hours and reduction of salary for employment ends / The cost of health care / Freezing all incomes / Probability of war in West-Europe within next five years / Attained educational level of respondent. n8232: National elections / Retrenchment policy by what party / Respondent will vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondent did vote on former occasions / Respondent always voted for same political party or frequently changed sides / Which parties will win or lose next elections / Which political party is best suited for carrying through an unpleasant retrenchment policy / Which politician is best suited for this task. n8233: National elections / New coalition / Who for prime minister / New nuclear arms / Confidence in politicians, politics / Cuts in wages / Making ends meet / Respondent will go and vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondent did vote on former occasions / Respondent always voted for same political party or frequently changed sides / If possible for whom respondent would vote as prime minister / Should new government take a clear stand on placement of new nuclear arms / Confidence in Van Agt, Terlouw, Den Uyl, Nijpels, politics in The Hague / Respondent could live on a 10 , 7 1/2 , 5 , 2 1/2 , 1 percent cut in increase. n8234: National elections / Domestic politics / Strengthening police force / Taxes / Respondent will vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondent did vote on former occasions / Respondent always voted for same party or frequently changed sides / If possible for whom respondent would vote as prime minister / Should new government be clear on placement of new nuclear arms / CDA, D66, VVD, PvdA, have a clear policy / Government should be more active on fight against pollution of environment / Road construction / Strengthening of police force / Hospitals / Respondent prepared to pay Hfl. 1 extra tax per for environment / Road construction / Strengthening of police force / Hospitals. n8235: National elections / Vote recommendation of IKV / Respondent will go and vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / Respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondent did vote on former occasions / Respondent always voted for same party or frequently changed sides / Respondent heard or read about recommendation of IKV to vote for parties opposed to placement of new nuclear arms / Respondent knows which parties one should not vote for according to IKV / Respondent cares about this recommendation / Respondent thinks it is right for religious organizations to do so / Respondent's opinion on in- dependent voting behaviour of members of parliament. n8236: National elections / Vote recommendation of IKV / Retrenchment policy of next government / Respondent will go and vote next national elections / Which party respondent will vote for / respondent sure about this choice / Respondents' second choice / Respondent did vote on former occasions / Respondent always voted for same party or frequently changed sided / Respondent heard or read about recommendation of IKV to vote for parties opposed to placement of new nuclear arms / Respondent cares about this recommendation / Respondent's opinion on plans to reduce income tax and to raise vat / To abolish automatic price compensation / To abolish minimum wages for youth / To abolish minimum wage for everyone / To reduce unemployment benefits from 80 to 70 percent of last wage. n8237: National elections / Parties to form next government / Respondent watched the poll results on TV last / Which party won according to respondent which parties should form new government now / Respondent did go and vote himself / Respondent only voted for himself or also for someone else / Did someone else vote for respondent / Which party respondent voted for last week. n8238: Parties to form new government / Who for prime minister / Within how many weeks should formation be ready / Which parties should form new government / Who should be prime minister / Respondent expects who will be prime minister / Which parties will form new government. n8239: Government budget plans 1983 / Parties to form new government / Who for prime minister / Government budget plans clear for respondent / Respondent personally will benefit or not from government plans / Plan right or wrong / reduction in public expenditures will be sufficient / New government should carry out or change plans / Which parties should form new government / Who should be prime minister / Who will be prime minister / Which parties will form new government. n8240: Formation of new government / Retrenchment policy / Opposition to retrenchment policy / Middle East / Dutch soldiers in Lebanon / Respondent interested in news about formation of new government / Importance of having new government soon / Necessity of retrenchment policy / Should one support this policy or oppose it / Strikes will be effective against retrenchment policy or plans will be carried out anyway / Respondent sympathizes with Israel / Respondent sympathizes with Palestinians / Dutch soldiers should stay in Lebanon or come back. n8241: New government / Opposition of PvdA / Political leaders / Plans for tax reforms / Respondent’s confidence in new government / PvdA should pursue vigorous opposition policy / Den Uyl should stay as leader of PvdA / Most suited successor of Den Uyl / Should Terlouw stay as leader of D66 / Most suited successor of Terlouw / Respondent would benefit from 5 percent less wage tax and income tax and a raise of vat / 1 percent raise of vat and 10 percent less wage and income tax / 1 percent raise of vat and 15 percent less wage tax and income tax / Opinion on strong reductions in wage tax and income tax / Respondents' opinion an strong reductions in wage tax and income tax and a raise of vat from 18 to 19 percent. n8243: Confidence in politicians / Police against rioting / At former elections respondent voted for same party or frequently changed sides / Respondent's confidence in new government / Lubbers / Den Uyl / Nijpels / Respondent's opinion on police actions against riots in Amsterdam / Should there more teargas be used on such occasions / If necessary, should police use firearms / respondent knows names of new commodities. n8245: Confidence in new government / Opposition to new government / Drugs / At former elections respondent voted for same party or frequently changed sides / Confidence in new government / Respondents' opinion on plans of new government for tax reform / Income policy / Respondents' opinion on strikes against government plans / Respondent will strike himself / Respondent ever tried soft drugs / Use of soft drugs will change to use of hard drugs / Soft drugs, cigarettes, hard drugs, alcohol should be legalized / When respondent goes on holiday he leaves the house empty or someone else moves in / When empty respondent turns off gas main, water and electricity. n8246: Confidence in new government, politicians / At former occasions respondent always voted for same party or frequently changed sides / Confidence in new government / Respondent's opinion on tax plans of new government / Respondent's opinion on plans for income policy of new government / Confidence in Engwirda, Nijpels, Lubbers, Den Uyl, Wiegel, Van Agt. n8247: Railway and teachers strikes / Confidence in new government / Crime / Sinterklaas 1982 / At former elections respondent always voted for same party or frequently changed sides / Respondent heard or read about railway and teachers strikes before / Is i

    NIPO opinion polls 1977

    No full text
    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1977 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n7704: National economic situation / Position of company where respondent or respondent's partner is working / Willingness to strike / Occupation: branch of economy / Price control decree / Party preference at next elections / Voting intention at forthcoming elections. n7705: Preferred prime-minister, Van Agt, Den Uyl or Wiegel / Willingness to strike / Familiarity with recent party conventions / Influence of radio and on public opinion. n7711: Voting intentions forthcoming elections / Party preference next elections / Foreign policy in general and towards specific countries / Preferred ministers in new administration. n7712: Voting intentions forthcoming elections / Knowledge of proposed land expropriation law and the decision of the Tweede Kamer / Party preference next elections / Enactment concerning land use policy. n7714: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Fall of administration Den Uyl and influence on voting intention / Party preference forthcoming elections / Reduction of working hours / Resignation of the Den Uyl administration. n7715: Voting intention forthcoming elections. n7716: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Individual freedom versus law and order. n7717: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Foundation of party preference / Preference for female politicians. n7718: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Expected result of forthcoming elections. n7719: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Acceptable period for the formation of a new cabinet / Urgency of main tasks of new administration / Preferred second term of prime-minister Den Uyl / Preference for a left, right or center cabinet. n7720: Voting intention forthcoming elections. n7721: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Importance of forthcoming elections / Political programs on radio and / Attending electoral meetings / Influence of media on party preference. n7722: Importance of last election / Preferred next coalition / Preference for Den Uyl as prime-minister. n7723: Taking of hostages by Moluccans and its influence on respondent's voting behaviour / Policy of the Dutch government towards Moluccans. n7724: Taking of hostages by Moluccans / Policy of Dutch government towards hostages. n7725: Daylight saving time and its effects on national economy. n7729: Satisfaction with income / Income policy and unemployment / index linking / Works Council Act / land use policy Act / Tax on house selling profits. n7730: Working conditions / Improvement of unfavourable working conditions versus a higher income / Use of paint remover. n7731: Working conditions / Improvement of unfavourable working conditions versus a higher income / Preferred coalition / Role of fight against unemployment and inflation in the formation of a new cabinet. n7733: Role of fight against unemployment and inflation in the formation of the new cabinet / works council act and the capital growth sharing act . n7734: Confidence in ministers, members of parliament, party leaders and the president of the Dutch National Bank and the president of the "Centraal Planbureau". n7736: Cabinet formation / Preferred coalition / Role of fight against unemployment and inflation in the formation of the new cabinet / Urgency of main tasks of the new government

    NIPO opinion polls 1989

    No full text
    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1989 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n8902: Justice of dividing Palestine between Jews and Palestinians / If respondent is following the news about the conflicts in Israel and the occupied territories of Palestine / Respondent's understanding for the behaviour of Israeli soldiers and/or Arabian demonstrators / Degree of trust in Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. n8903: American-Libyan conflict about bringing down two Libyan fighter jets / Trust in news coverage either from the USA, or from Libya / Production of poisonous gas in Libya / Libyan help for terrorists / Respondent's interest in buying shares of the chemical company DSM / If respondent is having shares and/or debentures. n8905: Drinking alcohol and driving of a car / Importance of clean toilets in restaurants, cinemas, theatres and at work. n8908: Respondent's concern about environmental pollution / Pollution by electricity companies / Phosphates / Pollution by cars and lorries / Means of conveyance when respondent is going to work or going for shopping / Distance between home and work and accessibility by public transport. n8911: Membership of NATO / Expected success of Gorbachow in the modernization of Russia / Influence of the modernization of Russia on Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland / Withdrawal of Russian and American troops from respectively East-European countries and West-European countries / Reunification of East- and West-Germany / Disarmament proposals of Gorbachow / Cruise missiles. n8912: Respondent's opinion about the foundation of the "Vrouwen Partij" / Voting intention on the "Vrouwen Partij" at the first Parliamentary Elections to come. n8916: Elections European Parliament, voting intention, political party preference / Whether Salman Rushdie's novel "Satanic verses" should be on sale in Dutch bookshops / Demonstrations of Moslems against "Satanic Verses", in the Netherlands as well as abroad / Adaptation of foreigners at the Dutch society. n8919: Products, habits, customs, and various ways of spending leisure time which are on or out of fashion. n8921: Elections European Parliament, party preference / Voting intention coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second preference / Respondent's knowledge of electoral programs / Preferred prime-minister after coming elections / Coalition preference after coming elections / Having a car / Tax-deductible travelling expenses. n8922: Elections European Parliament, voting intention, political party preference / Party preference coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second preference / Preferred prime-minister after coming elections / Preferred coalition after coming elections / Having a car / Tax-deductible travelling expenses. n8923: Elections European Parliament / Voting intention and political party preference. n8924: Elections European Parliament / Voting intention and political party preference. n8925: Having voted at the recent Elections for the European Parliament / Voting intention coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Voting on the party leader of a political party or having preference for one of the other candidates / Virtues and vices of the party leaders of the major political parties, PvdA, CDA, VVD, D66 / Party preference at coming Parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second choice. n8926: Feelings about people from other nations / Knowledge about the second World War / Sources of knowledge about the second world war / Own interest in what happened during the second World War / Particular situations occurred to grandparents, parents or respondent himself or herself / Willingness to fight for the Netherlands / Chance of a conflict that might burst into a third world war / Justification of existence of NATO. n8927: Feelings about people from other nations / Knowledge about the second World War / Sources of knowledge about the second world war / Own interest in what happened during the second World War / Particular situations occurred to grandparents, parents or respondent himself or herself / Willingness to fight for the Netherlands / Chance of a conflict that might burst into a third world war / Justification of existence of NATO. n8928: Environmental pollution and respondent's involvement / Environmental pollution in the Netherlands / Most urgent tasks in the struggle for a less polluted environment / Taste of drinking water in area where respondent is living. n8929: Familiarity with two new TV stations, TV10 and RTL-Veronique / Expectations concerning particular programs of those TV channels / Legal measures to prevent broadcasting. n8930: Parliamentary elections September 1989, voting intention / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: two votes for same party or for different parties / Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Preferred ministers / Non-preferred politicians / Confidence in the politicians: Lubbers, Kok, Voorhoeve, v. Mierlo, Beckers, Nijpels, Winsemius. n8931: Expected change in policy after coming parliamentary elections / Respondent's interest in election turnout / Main tasks for the new government. n8932: Voting intention at coming elections / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: two votes for one party or for different parties / Respondent's political interest / Respondent being ever being interviewed at home or by telephone / Respondent ever refused being interviewed / Whether respondent likes it to be interviewed / Familiarity with research organizations like NIPO, Interview, Maurice de Hond. n8934: Left-right scaling political leaders / Voting intention next parliamentary elections / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: both votes for one party or for different parties / Left-right scaling of political parties / Expected election results / Watching election turnout on TV / General interest in election turnout. n8939: Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Whether the VVD should participate in a coalition or not / Attitude of members of parliament towards the leader of the "Centrum Democraten", Janmaat / Understanding for people who voted Janmaat. n8945: Whether respondent is following the news concerning apartheid policy in South Africa / Whether respondent is knowing who is the present president of South Africa / Expected change in Apartheid policy under president de Klerk / Preferred Dutch attitude towards South Africa / Whether a Dutch and/or a European boycott can be a contribution to a anti-apartheid policy in South Africa. n8946: Familiarity with the conception of a donorcard donorcodicil / Whether respondent is having a donorcard donorcodicil / Willingness to sign a donorcard donorcodicil / Confidence in new government, prime-minister Lubbers, and vice prime-minister Kok / Comparison of ministers in the present government and in the former government / Satisfaction about the number of female ministers / Whether respondent expects any personal progress under the CDA-PvdA-coalition. n8947: Respondent's expectations for 1990 in general, and for the Labour Market situation strikes and conflicts in particular / Respondent's expectations concerning international peace / Respondent's rating on a scale concerning 'war threat' / Comparison of the economic situation with one year ago / Comparison of the financial situation of respondent's household with one year ago. n8948: Familiarity with present ministers and their portfolio / Whether the new government will introduce a new policy and whether results of a new policy will have positive or negative effects for respondent. n8950: Necessity of making profit by companies / Reasonable profit of companies Corporation tax excluded / Profit sharing of employees / Satisfaction with income / Necessity of a wage increase / Satisfaction of a two-and-a-half percent wage increase

    NIPO opinion polls 1965

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    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1965 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 21 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n6502: Availability of family planning information. n6504: Main government tasks in 1965 concerning housing shortage, stabilization of prices, higher wages, recreation etc. / Respondent's housing problems, and housing problems in general. n6508: Knowledge of names of ministers in cabinet. n6509: Media debates in Parliament / Cabinet crisis about media / Participation of Socialist Party in new government / Vote at last elections and when there were elections now. n6510: Engagement Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven. n6512: Formation of the new cabinet / preferred coalition. n6513: Re-introduction of daylight saving time. n6514: Late night shopping possibilities. n6514A: Satisfaction with government system in the Netherlands / Estimate of and opinions about salaries of members of parliament / Functioning of parliament / Possible political influence of respondent / Preference for cooperation Liberals and Socialists VVD-PvdA/ / Possible political influence of coalition Socialists and Liberals / Acquaintance with members of parliament / Possible influence of election generally / Attitude towards parliament. n6515: Familiarity with and confidence in new cabinet. n6515A: Satisfaction with government system in The Netherlands estimate of salaries of members of parliament / Functioning of members of parliament possible political influence of respondent / Preference for cooperation between Liberals and Socialists / Possible influence < personal/ of coalition Socialists-Liberals / Acquaintance with members of parliament possible influence of elections generally / Attitude towards parliament. n6517: Influence of religion / Probability of alliance of Catholics and Protestants in one church. n6518: Familiarity with and impression of government statement / Alliance protestant parties . n6519: Main tasks of the present government / Alliance Protestant political parties . n6521: Intentions of Roman Catholic church. n6525: Engagement Princess Beatrix and Claus von Amsberg. n6526: Preference for a monarchy or a republic / Engagement Princess Beatrix / Attitude towards the Germans. n6527: Politics of President De Gaulle and its effects for The Nether- lands / Membership United Kingdom of the Common Market. n6529: Whether respondent ever spoke in public, travelled by airplane, drank champagne, visited: a museum, football matches, concerts/ consulted a psychiatrist, wished to be of opposite sex. n6529A: Reception of TV. channel 2 / Watching TV programs / Pattern of watching TV by family / Choice of TV channel. n6530: Which country best friend of The Netherlands / Knowledge of and agreement with contribution Hfl. 100.000 for victims South African Apartheid. n6531: Agreement with government policy / Expectations of situation in Vietnam one year from now. n6532: Ideal family size / Size of children's allowances. n6533: Cause of riots on Saturday night in Amsterdam / Should police act or not. n6533A: Watching TV programs like news, topic events, panel discussions, sports, musicals, shows, and English, American, French, German movies / Watching TV programs with sound turned off. n6535: Attitude Roman Catholic church now, and in future towards birth control / How much money is called wealth / Wealthiest person in The Netherlands. n6536: When and where spending holidays, in The Netherlands or abroad. n6539: Engagement Princess Beatrix / Law concerning permission for marriage of Princess Beatrix. n6540: Watching and enjoyment of boxing matches on TV. n6541: Familiarity with, listening to and judgment about Hilversum 3 . n6542: Marriage of Princess Beatrix / Housing shortage / Personal experience with housing shortage / Respondent's present housing. n6543: Present buying intentions / Intention to buy electric articles. n6544: Expectations for well-being of respondents' family for 1966 / expectations for 1966 concerning prices, employment, strikes, taxes, international conflicts, power of the USA and the USSR. n6548: Preference political party / Sinterklaas gifts. n6551: Christmas celebration 1965

    NIPO opinion polls 1989

    No full text
    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1989 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n8902: Justice of dividing Palestine between Jews and Palestinians / If respondent is following the news about the conflicts in Israel and the occupied territories of Palestine / Respondent's understanding for the behaviour of Israeli soldiers and/or Arabian demonstrators / Degree of trust in Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. n8903: American-Libyan conflict about bringing down two Libyan fighter jets / Trust in news coverage either from the USA, or from Libya / Production of poisonous gas in Libya / Libyan help for terrorists / Respondent's interest in buying shares of the chemical company DSM / If respondent is having shares and/or debentures. n8905: Drinking alcohol and driving of a car / Importance of clean toilets in restaurants, cinemas, theatres and at work. n8908: Respondent's concern about environmental pollution / Pollution by electricity companies / Phosphates / Pollution by cars and lorries / Means of conveyance when respondent is going to work or going for shopping / Distance between home and work and accessibility by public transport. n8911: Membership of NATO / Expected success of Gorbachow in the modernization of Russia / Influence of the modernization of Russia on Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland / Withdrawal of Russian and American troops from respectively East-European countries and West-European countries / Reunification of East- and West-Germany / Disarmament proposals of Gorbachow / Cruise missiles. n8912: Respondent's opinion about the foundation of the "Vrouwen Partij" / Voting intention on the "Vrouwen Partij" at the first Parliamentary Elections to come. n8916: Elections European Parliament, voting intention, political party preference / Whether Salman Rushdie's novel "Satanic verses" should be on sale in Dutch bookshops / Demonstrations of Moslems against "Satanic Verses", in the Netherlands as well as abroad / Adaptation of foreigners at the Dutch society. n8919: Products, habits, customs, and various ways of spending leisure time which are on or out of fashion. n8921: Elections European Parliament, party preference / Voting intention coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second preference / Respondent's knowledge of electoral programs / Preferred prime-minister after coming elections / Coalition preference after coming elections / Having a car / Tax-deductible travelling expenses. n8922: Elections European Parliament, voting intention, political party preference / Party preference coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second preference / Preferred prime-minister after coming elections / Preferred coalition after coming elections / Having a car / Tax-deductible travelling expenses. n8923: Elections European Parliament / Voting intention and political party preference. n8924: Elections European Parliament / Voting intention and political party preference. n8925: Having voted at the recent Elections for the European Parliament / Voting intention coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Voting on the party leader of a political party or having preference for one of the other candidates / Virtues and vices of the party leaders of the major political parties, PvdA, CDA, VVD, D66 / Party preference at coming Parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second choice. n8926: Feelings about people from other nations / Knowledge about the second World War / Sources of knowledge about the second world war / Own interest in what happened during the second World War / Particular situations occurred to grandparents, parents or respondent himself or herself / Willingness to fight for the Netherlands / Chance of a conflict that might burst into a third world war / Justification of existence of NATO. n8927: Feelings about people from other nations / Knowledge about the second World War / Sources of knowledge about the second world war / Own interest in what happened during the second World War / Particular situations occurred to grandparents, parents or respondent himself or herself / Willingness to fight for the Netherlands / Chance of a conflict that might burst into a third world war / Justification of existence of NATO. n8928: Environmental pollution and respondent's involvement / Environmental pollution in the Netherlands / Most urgent tasks in the struggle for a less polluted environment / Taste of drinking water in area where respondent is living. n8929: Familiarity with two new TV stations, TV10 and RTL-Veronique / Expectations concerning particular programs of those TV channels / Legal measures to prevent broadcasting. n8930: Parliamentary elections September 1989, voting intention / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: two votes for same party or for different parties / Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Preferred ministers / Non-preferred politicians / Confidence in the politicians: Lubbers, Kok, Voorhoeve, v. Mierlo, Beckers, Nijpels, Winsemius. n8931: Expected change in policy after coming parliamentary elections / Respondent's interest in election turnout / Main tasks for the new government. n8932: Voting intention at coming elections / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: two votes for one party or for different parties / Respondent's political interest / Respondent being ever being interviewed at home or by telephone / Respondent ever refused being interviewed / Whether respondent likes it to be interviewed / Familiarity with research organizations like NIPO, Interview, Maurice de Hond. n8934: Left-right scaling political leaders / Voting intention next parliamentary elections / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: both votes for one party or for different parties / Left-right scaling of political parties / Expected election results / Watching election turnout on TV / General interest in election turnout. n8939: Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Whether the VVD should participate in a coalition or not / Attitude of members of parliament towards the leader of the "Centrum Democraten", Janmaat / Understanding for people who voted Janmaat. n8945: Whether respondent is following the news concerning apartheid policy in South Africa / Whether respondent is knowing who is the present president of South Africa / Expected change in Apartheid policy under president de Klerk / Preferred Dutch attitude towards South Africa / Whether a Dutch and/or a European boycott can be a contribution to a anti-apartheid policy in South Africa. n8946: Familiarity with the conception of a donorcard donorcodicil / Whether respondent is having a donorcard donorcodicil / Willingness to sign a donorcard donorcodicil / Confidence in new government, prime-minister Lubbers, and vice prime-minister Kok / Comparison of ministers in the present government and in the former government / Satisfaction about the number of female ministers / Whether respondent expects any personal progress under the CDA-PvdA-coalition. n8947: Respondent's expectations for 1990 in general, and for the Labour Market situation strikes and conflicts in particular / Respondent's expectations concerning international peace / Respondent's rating on a scale concerning 'war threat' / Comparison of the economic situation with one year ago / Comparison of the financial situation of respondent's household with one year ago. n8948: Familiarity with present ministers and their portfolio / Whether the new government will introduce a new policy and whether results of a new policy will have positive or negative effects for respondent. n8950: Necessity of making profit by companies / Reasonable profit of companies Corporation tax excluded / Profit sharing of employees / Satisfaction with income / Necessity of a wage increase / Satisfaction of a two-and-a-half percent wage increase

    NIPO opinion polls 1973

    No full text
    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1973 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n7301: Ideal size of family / Most admired person / Celebration of Christmas and New Years Eve. n7303: Acquaintance with the news / Minimum and maximum wage / Future coalition government / Way of acquaintance with the news. n7304: Sympathy with Israel or Arab States / Vietnam or USA / Dutch position old or new government. n7305: Wage increase in percentages or amount of money / Confidence in new government. n7306: Abuse of social services / Confidence in new government. n7307: Police promises to criminals keeping hostages / Possible government coalitions / Confidence in new government. n7308: Wage increase in percentages or amount of money / Trade union policy towards non-members and towards actions / Independence of Surinam / Confidence in new government. n7309: Paid work in leisure time / Confidence in new government and Tweede Kamer versus government / Consult of lawyer, tax expert, psychiatrist etc. n7310: University fees Hfl. 1000 / Strike in steel industry / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7311: Participation and expenses at carnival / Government formation by Mr. Burger / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7312: Taxes and tax evasion / Abuse of social welfare laws / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7313: Experience as victim of crime / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7314: Satisfaction with job / Necessity of change of society / Confidence politicians / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7315: Satisfaction with job / Necessity of change of society / Time of radio broadcasting / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7317: Central coordination of strikes by trade union / Central coordination of employers / New government now after 5 month of formation / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7318: Continuation of strikes / Demands trade unions / Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7319: Confidence in government and Tweede Kamer versus government. n7320: Confidence in new administration Den Uyl / Remain in office for its full term 4 years / Clearness of program of new administration / Left-right rating of administration Den Uyl. n7321: Confidence in new administration Den Uyl / Remain in office for its full term 4 years / Clearness of program of new administration / Left-right rating of new administration Den Uyl. n7322: Confidence of new administration Den Uyl / Remain in office for its full term 4 years / Clearness of program of new administration / Left-right rating of new administration Den Uyl. n7323: Knowledge of and confidence in politicians. n7326: Housing need / Plans to buy a house / Willingness to pay a higher rent in case of a better house. n7332: Spending holidays / Where, when and how. n7333: Confidence in political leaders. n7334: Political future Biesheuvel / Queen Juliana's silver jubilee / Military parades. n7335: Appreciation of leisure activities and possibility to realize them in neighborhood / Knowledge of income tax. n7337: Definition, desirability and possibility of 'democratization'. n7338: Campaign against coffee from Angola and South-African Outspan oranges / Countries that should be economically boycotted / Import limitations Japanese products
