NIPO opinion polls 1977


Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1977 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n7704: National economic situation / Position of company where respondent or respondent's partner is working / Willingness to strike / Occupation: branch of economy / Price control decree / Party preference at next elections / Voting intention at forthcoming elections. n7705: Preferred prime-minister, Van Agt, Den Uyl or Wiegel / Willingness to strike / Familiarity with recent party conventions / Influence of radio and on public opinion. n7711: Voting intentions forthcoming elections / Party preference next elections / Foreign policy in general and towards specific countries / Preferred ministers in new administration. n7712: Voting intentions forthcoming elections / Knowledge of proposed land expropriation law and the decision of the Tweede Kamer / Party preference next elections / Enactment concerning land use policy. n7714: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Fall of administration Den Uyl and influence on voting intention / Party preference forthcoming elections / Reduction of working hours / Resignation of the Den Uyl administration. n7715: Voting intention forthcoming elections. n7716: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Individual freedom versus law and order. n7717: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Foundation of party preference / Preference for female politicians. n7718: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Expected result of forthcoming elections. n7719: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Acceptable period for the formation of a new cabinet / Urgency of main tasks of new administration / Preferred second term of prime-minister Den Uyl / Preference for a left, right or center cabinet. n7720: Voting intention forthcoming elections. n7721: Voting intention forthcoming elections / Party preference forthcoming elections / Importance of forthcoming elections / Political programs on radio and / Attending electoral meetings / Influence of media on party preference. n7722: Importance of last election / Preferred next coalition / Preference for Den Uyl as prime-minister. n7723: Taking of hostages by Moluccans and its influence on respondent's voting behaviour / Policy of the Dutch government towards Moluccans. n7724: Taking of hostages by Moluccans / Policy of Dutch government towards hostages. n7725: Daylight saving time and its effects on national economy. n7729: Satisfaction with income / Income policy and unemployment / index linking / Works Council Act / land use policy Act / Tax on house selling profits. n7730: Working conditions / Improvement of unfavourable working conditions versus a higher income / Use of paint remover. n7731: Working conditions / Improvement of unfavourable working conditions versus a higher income / Preferred coalition / Role of fight against unemployment and inflation in the formation of a new cabinet. n7733: Role of fight against unemployment and inflation in the formation of the new cabinet / works council act and the capital growth sharing act . n7734: Confidence in ministers, members of parliament, party leaders and the president of the Dutch National Bank and the president of the "Centraal Planbureau". n7736: Cabinet formation / Preferred coalition / Role of fight against unemployment and inflation in the formation of the new cabinet / Urgency of main tasks of the new government

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