NIPO opinion polls 1965


Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1965 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 21 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n6502: Availability of family planning information. n6504: Main government tasks in 1965 concerning housing shortage, stabilization of prices, higher wages, recreation etc. / Respondent's housing problems, and housing problems in general. n6508: Knowledge of names of ministers in cabinet. n6509: Media debates in Parliament / Cabinet crisis about media / Participation of Socialist Party in new government / Vote at last elections and when there were elections now. n6510: Engagement Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven. n6512: Formation of the new cabinet / preferred coalition. n6513: Re-introduction of daylight saving time. n6514: Late night shopping possibilities. n6514A: Satisfaction with government system in the Netherlands / Estimate of and opinions about salaries of members of parliament / Functioning of parliament / Possible political influence of respondent / Preference for cooperation Liberals and Socialists VVD-PvdA/ / Possible political influence of coalition Socialists and Liberals / Acquaintance with members of parliament / Possible influence of election generally / Attitude towards parliament. n6515: Familiarity with and confidence in new cabinet. n6515A: Satisfaction with government system in The Netherlands estimate of salaries of members of parliament / Functioning of members of parliament possible political influence of respondent / Preference for cooperation between Liberals and Socialists / Possible influence < personal/ of coalition Socialists-Liberals / Acquaintance with members of parliament possible influence of elections generally / Attitude towards parliament. n6517: Influence of religion / Probability of alliance of Catholics and Protestants in one church. n6518: Familiarity with and impression of government statement / Alliance protestant parties . n6519: Main tasks of the present government / Alliance Protestant political parties . n6521: Intentions of Roman Catholic church. n6525: Engagement Princess Beatrix and Claus von Amsberg. n6526: Preference for a monarchy or a republic / Engagement Princess Beatrix / Attitude towards the Germans. n6527: Politics of President De Gaulle and its effects for The Nether- lands / Membership United Kingdom of the Common Market. n6529: Whether respondent ever spoke in public, travelled by airplane, drank champagne, visited: a museum, football matches, concerts/ consulted a psychiatrist, wished to be of opposite sex. n6529A: Reception of TV. channel 2 / Watching TV programs / Pattern of watching TV by family / Choice of TV channel. n6530: Which country best friend of The Netherlands / Knowledge of and agreement with contribution Hfl. 100.000 for victims South African Apartheid. n6531: Agreement with government policy / Expectations of situation in Vietnam one year from now. n6532: Ideal family size / Size of children's allowances. n6533: Cause of riots on Saturday night in Amsterdam / Should police act or not. n6533A: Watching TV programs like news, topic events, panel discussions, sports, musicals, shows, and English, American, French, German movies / Watching TV programs with sound turned off. n6535: Attitude Roman Catholic church now, and in future towards birth control / How much money is called wealth / Wealthiest person in The Netherlands. n6536: When and where spending holidays, in The Netherlands or abroad. n6539: Engagement Princess Beatrix / Law concerning permission for marriage of Princess Beatrix. n6540: Watching and enjoyment of boxing matches on TV. n6541: Familiarity with, listening to and judgment about Hilversum 3 . n6542: Marriage of Princess Beatrix / Housing shortage / Personal experience with housing shortage / Respondent's present housing. n6543: Present buying intentions / Intention to buy electric articles. n6544: Expectations for well-being of respondents' family for 1966 / expectations for 1966 concerning prices, employment, strikes, taxes, international conflicts, power of the USA and the USSR. n6548: Preference political party / Sinterklaas gifts. n6551: Christmas celebration 1965

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