NIPO opinion polls 1989


Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1989 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections. Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor. Topical variables: n8902: Justice of dividing Palestine between Jews and Palestinians / If respondent is following the news about the conflicts in Israel and the occupied territories of Palestine / Respondent's understanding for the behaviour of Israeli soldiers and/or Arabian demonstrators / Degree of trust in Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. n8903: American-Libyan conflict about bringing down two Libyan fighter jets / Trust in news coverage either from the USA, or from Libya / Production of poisonous gas in Libya / Libyan help for terrorists / Respondent's interest in buying shares of the chemical company DSM / If respondent is having shares and/or debentures. n8905: Drinking alcohol and driving of a car / Importance of clean toilets in restaurants, cinemas, theatres and at work. n8908: Respondent's concern about environmental pollution / Pollution by electricity companies / Phosphates / Pollution by cars and lorries / Means of conveyance when respondent is going to work or going for shopping / Distance between home and work and accessibility by public transport. n8911: Membership of NATO / Expected success of Gorbachow in the modernization of Russia / Influence of the modernization of Russia on Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland / Withdrawal of Russian and American troops from respectively East-European countries and West-European countries / Reunification of East- and West-Germany / Disarmament proposals of Gorbachow / Cruise missiles. n8912: Respondent's opinion about the foundation of the "Vrouwen Partij" / Voting intention on the "Vrouwen Partij" at the first Parliamentary Elections to come. n8916: Elections European Parliament, voting intention, political party preference / Whether Salman Rushdie's novel "Satanic verses" should be on sale in Dutch bookshops / Demonstrations of Moslems against "Satanic Verses", in the Netherlands as well as abroad / Adaptation of foreigners at the Dutch society. n8919: Products, habits, customs, and various ways of spending leisure time which are on or out of fashion. n8921: Elections European Parliament, party preference / Voting intention coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second preference / Respondent's knowledge of electoral programs / Preferred prime-minister after coming elections / Coalition preference after coming elections / Having a car / Tax-deductible travelling expenses. n8922: Elections European Parliament, voting intention, political party preference / Party preference coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second preference / Preferred prime-minister after coming elections / Preferred coalition after coming elections / Having a car / Tax-deductible travelling expenses. n8923: Elections European Parliament / Voting intention and political party preference. n8924: Elections European Parliament / Voting intention and political party preference. n8925: Having voted at the recent Elections for the European Parliament / Voting intention coming Dutch parliamentary elections / Voting on the party leader of a political party or having preference for one of the other candidates / Virtues and vices of the party leaders of the major political parties, PvdA, CDA, VVD, D66 / Party preference at coming Parliamentary elections / Party preference parliamentary elections, first and second choice. n8926: Feelings about people from other nations / Knowledge about the second World War / Sources of knowledge about the second world war / Own interest in what happened during the second World War / Particular situations occurred to grandparents, parents or respondent himself or herself / Willingness to fight for the Netherlands / Chance of a conflict that might burst into a third world war / Justification of existence of NATO. n8927: Feelings about people from other nations / Knowledge about the second World War / Sources of knowledge about the second world war / Own interest in what happened during the second World War / Particular situations occurred to grandparents, parents or respondent himself or herself / Willingness to fight for the Netherlands / Chance of a conflict that might burst into a third world war / Justification of existence of NATO. n8928: Environmental pollution and respondent's involvement / Environmental pollution in the Netherlands / Most urgent tasks in the struggle for a less polluted environment / Taste of drinking water in area where respondent is living. n8929: Familiarity with two new TV stations, TV10 and RTL-Veronique / Expectations concerning particular programs of those TV channels / Legal measures to prevent broadcasting. n8930: Parliamentary elections September 1989, voting intention / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: two votes for same party or for different parties / Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Preferred ministers / Non-preferred politicians / Confidence in the politicians: Lubbers, Kok, Voorhoeve, v. Mierlo, Beckers, Nijpels, Winsemius. n8931: Expected change in policy after coming parliamentary elections / Respondent's interest in election turnout / Main tasks for the new government. n8932: Voting intention at coming elections / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: two votes for one party or for different parties / Respondent's political interest / Respondent being ever being interviewed at home or by telephone / Respondent ever refused being interviewed / Whether respondent likes it to be interviewed / Familiarity with research organizations like NIPO, Interview, Maurice de Hond. n8934: Left-right scaling political leaders / Voting intention next parliamentary elections / In case of possibility to vote on two political parties: both votes for one party or for different parties / Left-right scaling of political parties / Expected election results / Watching election turnout on TV / General interest in election turnout. n8939: Preferred coalition / Preferred prime-minister / Whether the VVD should participate in a coalition or not / Attitude of members of parliament towards the leader of the "Centrum Democraten", Janmaat / Understanding for people who voted Janmaat. n8945: Whether respondent is following the news concerning apartheid policy in South Africa / Whether respondent is knowing who is the present president of South Africa / Expected change in Apartheid policy under president de Klerk / Preferred Dutch attitude towards South Africa / Whether a Dutch and/or a European boycott can be a contribution to a anti-apartheid policy in South Africa. n8946: Familiarity with the conception of a donorcard donorcodicil / Whether respondent is having a donorcard donorcodicil / Willingness to sign a donorcard donorcodicil / Confidence in new government, prime-minister Lubbers, and vice prime-minister Kok / Comparison of ministers in the present government and in the former government / Satisfaction about the number of female ministers / Whether respondent expects any personal progress under the CDA-PvdA-coalition. n8947: Respondent's expectations for 1990 in general, and for the Labour Market situation strikes and conflicts in particular / Respondent's expectations concerning international peace / Respondent's rating on a scale concerning 'war threat' / Comparison of the economic situation with one year ago / Comparison of the financial situation of respondent's household with one year ago. n8948: Familiarity with present ministers and their portfolio / Whether the new government will introduce a new policy and whether results of a new policy will have positive or negative effects for respondent. n8950: Necessity of making profit by companies / Reasonable profit of companies Corporation tax excluded / Profit sharing of employees / Satisfaction with income / Necessity of a wage increase / Satisfaction of a two-and-a-half percent wage increase

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