298 research outputs found

    Theory of continuum percolation III. Low density expansion

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    We use a previously introduced mapping between the continuum percolation model and the Potts fluid (a system of interacting s-states spins which are free to move in the continuum) to derive the low density expansion of the pair connectedness and the mean cluster size. We prove that given an adequate identification of functions, the result is equivalent to the density expansion derived from a completely different point of view by Coniglio et al. [J. Phys A 10, 1123 (1977)] to describe physical clustering in a gas. We then apply our expansion to a system of hypercubes with a hard core interaction. The calculated critical density is within approximately 5% of the results of simulations, and is thus much more precise than previous theoretical results which were based on integral equations. We suggest that this is because integral equations smooth out overly the partition function (i.e., they describe predominantly its analytical part), while our method targets instead the part which describes the phase transition (i.e., the singular part).Comment: 42 pages, Revtex, includes 5 EncapsulatedPostscript figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Working conditions and Work-Family Conflict in German hospital physicians: psychosocial and organisational predictors and consequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Germany currently experiences a situation of major physician attrition. The incompatibility between work and family has been discussed as one of the major reasons for the increasing departure of German physicians for non-clinical occupations or abroad. This study investigates predictors for one particular direction of Work-Family Conflict – namely work interfering with family conflict (WIF) – which are located within the psychosocial work environment or work organisation of hospital physicians. Furthermore, effects of WIF on the individual physicians' physical and mental health were examined. Analyses were performed with an emphasis on gender differences. Comparisons with the general German population were made.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected by questionnaires as part of a study on <it>Psychosocial work hazards and strains of German hospital physicians </it>during April–July 2005. Two hundred and ninety-six hospital physicians (response rate 38.9%) participated in the survey. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), work interfering with family conflict scale (WIF), and hospital-specific single items on work organisation were used to assess WIF, its predictors, and consequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>German hospital physicians reported elevated levels of WIF (mean = 74) compared to the general German population (mean = 45, <it>p </it>< .01). No significant gender difference was found. Predictors for the WIF were lower age, high quantitative demands at work, elevated number of days at work despite own illness, and consequences of short-notice changes in the duty roster. Good sense of community at work was a protective factor. Compared to the general German population, we observed a significant higher level of quantitative work demands among hospital physicians (mean = 73 vs. mean = 57, <it>p </it>< .01). High values of WIF were significantly correlated to higher rates of personal burnout, behavioural and cognitive stress symptoms, and the intention to leave the job. In contrast, low levels of WIF predicted higher job satisfaction, better self-judged general health status, better work ability, and higher satisfaction with life in general. Compared to the German general population, physicians showed significantly higher levels of individual stress and quality of life as well as lower levels for well-being. This has to be judged as an alerting finding regarding the state of physicians' health.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our study, work interfering with family conflict (WIF) as part of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) was highly prevalent among German hospital physicians. Factors of work organisation as well as factors of interpersonal relations at work were identified as significant predictors for WIF. Some of these predictors are accessible to alteration by improving work organisation in hospitals.</p

    Adaptation and validation of the Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales in portuguese nurses: 10-item version

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    This study presents the adaptation and validation of a Portuguese version of the Work-Family Conflict & Family-Work Conflict scales for nurses. Participants were 310 female hospital-based nurses, from the northern region of Portugal. The assessment protocol included the Portuguese 10-item Work-Family Conflict & Family-Work Conflict scales to measure the mutual interference of the work and home domains. The Portuguese version resulted from a multi-step adaptation strategy, involving direct-translation, back-translation and a pre-test. Construct validity was assessed by exploratory principal components factor analysis and confirmatory analysis. The internal consistency reliability was calculated using Cronbach Alpha coefficients. The Cronbach Alpha coefficients for the Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict (.91 and .85 respectively) indicate good reliability. The factor analysis produced two factors, explaining 69.3% of the variance, replicating the model proposed by the original authors. The confirmatory factor analysis showed a good model fit (NFI, TLI and CFI). The RMSEA provided a good measure of the closeness of fit between the model and the data. The Portuguese version of the Work-Family Conflict & Family-Work Conflict scales shows good validity and reliability.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A statistical approach to quantitative data validation focused on the assessment of students' perceptions about biotechnology

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    Student awareness levels are frequently used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational policies to promote scientific literacy. Over the last years several studies have been developed to assess students' perceptions towards science and technology, which usually rely on quantitative methods to achieve broad characterizations, and obtain quantifiable and comparable data. Although the usefulness of this information depends on its validity and reliability, validation is frequently neglected by researchers with limited background in statistics. In this context, we propose a guideline to implement a statistical approach to questionnaire validation, combining exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. The work focuses on the psychometric analysis of data provided by a questionnaire assessing 1196 elementary and high school students' perceptions about biotechnology. Procedural guidelines to enhance the efficiency of quantitative inquiry surveys are given, by discussing essential methodological aspects and relevant criteria to integrate theory into practice.The authors are grateful to all the participant teachers and students that contributed to gather the data presented and to Catarina L. Santos for useful comments and suggestions on the manuscript. Maria Joao Fonseca was supported by the FCT fellowship SFRH/BD/37389/2007 and this work was sponsored by a research grant (PTDC/AGR-PRO/111857/2009) from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal)

    How Do Employees Perceive Corporate Responsibility? Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility Scale

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    Recent research on the microfoundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has highlighted the need for improved measures to evaluate how stakeholders perceive and subsequently react to CSR initiatives. Drawing on stakeholder theory and data from five samples of employees (N = 3,772), the authors develop and validate a new measure of corporate stakeholder responsibility (CStR), which refers to an organization’s context-specific actions and policies designed to enhance the welfare of various stakeholder groups by accounting for the triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental performance; it is conceptualized as a superordinate, multidimensional construct. Results from exploratory factor analyses, first- and second-order confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modeling provide strong evidence of the convergent, discriminant, incremental, and criterion-related validities of the proposed CStR scale. Two-wave longitudinal studies further extend prior theory by demonstrating that the higher-order CStR construct relates positively and directly to organizational pride and perceived organizational support, as well as positively and indirectly to organizational identification, job satisfaction, and affective commitment, beyond the contribution of overall organizational justice, ethical climate, and prior measures of perceived CSR

    Sukob radnih i obiteljskih uloga i zadovoljstva u medicinskih sestara u Hrvatskoj s razliÄŤitim sustavima smjenskoga rada

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    The objective of this study was to examine the perception of conflict between work and family roles and job, family, and life satisfaction among nurses in Croatia. One hundred and twenty-nine nurses (married mothers) working in hospitals in Zadar, Šibenik, and Split were divided in four groups according to their worktime schedule. The participants completed a survey, which included a set of sociodemographic-type questions, questions about the level and allocation of family responsibilities between spouses, and scales measuring the perceived negative effects of worktime, psychological demands of the work, work-family conflict, and semantic differential scales for measuring the affective and cognitive-evaluative component of job, family, and life satisfaction. This was the first study in Croatia to deal with work-family conflict among nurses or workers with different shift systems. The results of this study indicate that nurses working morning shifts only experienced less conflict between work and family than other groups of nurses, who worked the morning, afternoon, and the night shift. The cognitive-evaluative component of job satisfaction was the highest among morning shift nurses and the lowest in nurses who worked 12-hour shifts, while the affective component of life satisfaction was the lowest in nurses working irregular and backward rotated shifts. These results confi rm that shiftwork makes the work-family role conflict even worse. They also support the view that the type of shift rotation matters.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati percepciju sukoba između radnih i obiteljskih uloga i radno, obiteljsko i životno zadovoljstvo kod medicinskih sestara s obzirom na različite vrste organizacije radnoga vremena. 129 udatih medicinskih sestara majki koje rade u bolnicama u Zadru, Šibeniku i Splitu podijeljeno je u 4 skupine s obzirom na vrstu organizacije radnoga vremena. Sudionice su ispunile upitnik koji je uključivao set pitanja sociodemografskoga tipa, pitanja o količini i raspodjeli obiteljskih odgovornosti među supružnicima i skale koje mjere percipirane negativne efekte radnoga vremena, psihološke zahtjeve posla, sukob između radne i obiteljske uloge te skale semantičkoga diferencijala za mjerenje afektivne i kognitivnoevaluativne komponente radnog i obiteljskog zadovoljstva i života općenito. Ovo je prvo istraživanje provedeno u Hrvatskoj u kojem je ispitivan sukob radne i obiteljske uloge kod medicinskih sestara ili općenito radnika s različitim sustavima smjenskoga rada. Rezultati pokazuju da sestre koje rade u stalnim jutarnjim smjenama doživljavaju manje sukoba zbog ometajućih utjecaja rada na obitelj od grupe medicinskih sestara koje su radile u tri smjene (u koje je uključena noćna smjena). Kognitivno-evaluativna komponenta zadovoljstva poslom bila je najviša kod medicinskih sestara s jutarnjim smjenama, a najniža kod onih koje su radile u 12-satnim smjenama. Afektivna komponenta zadovoljstva životom bila je najniža kod medicinskih sestara koje su radile u iregularnim i unatrag rotiranim smjenama. Ovi su rezultati dodatan pokazatelj različitih i više ili manje negativnih efekata smjenskoga rada na sukob između radnih i obiteljskih uloga te dodatno upozoravaju na važnost uzimanja u obzir vrste rotacije smjena

    Quality of the parent-child interaction in young children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In young children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) parents have full responsibility for the diabetes-management of their child (e.g. blood glucose monitoring, and administering insulin). Behavioral tasks in childhood, such as developing autonomy, and oppositional behavior (e.g. refusing food) may interfere with the diabetes-management to achieve an optimal blood glucose control. Furthermore, higher blood glucose levels are related to more behavioral problems. So parents might need to negotiate with their child on the diabetes-management to avoid this direct negative effect. This interference, the negotiations, and the parent's responsibility for diabetes may negatively affect the quality of parent-child interaction. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about the quality of interaction between parents and young children with T1DM, and the possible impact this may have on glycemic control and psychosocial functioning of the child. While widely used global parent-child interaction observational methods are available, there is a need for an observational tool specifically tailored to the interaction patterns of parents and children with T1DM. The main aim of this study is to construct a disease-specific observational method to assess diabetes-specific parent-child interaction. Additional aim is to explore whether the quality of parent-child interactions is associated with the glycemic control, and psychosocial functioning (resilience, behavioral problems, and quality of life).</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>First, we will examine which situations are most suitable for observing diabetes-specific interactions. Then, these situations will be video-taped in a pilot study (N = 15). Observed behaviors are described into rating scales, with each scale describing characteristics of parent-child interactional behaviors. Next, we apply the observational tool on a larger scale for further evaluation of the instrument (N = 120). The parents are asked twice (with two years in between) to fill out questionnaires about psychosocial functioning of their child with T1DM. Furthermore, glycemic control (HbA<sub>1c</sub>) will be obtained from their medical records.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>A disease-specific observational tool will enable the detailed assessment of the quality of diabetes-specific parent-child interactions. The availability of such a tool will facilitate future (intervention) studies that will yield more knowledge about impact of parent-child interactions on psychosocial functioning, and glycemic control of children with T1DM.</p
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