9 research outputs found

    Mundos mesclados, espaços segregados: cultura material, mestiçagem e segmentação no sítio Aldeia em Santarém (PA)

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    This article discusses the processes of cultural exchange between Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazilian, Amerindians, and mestizos based on the analysis of the material culture from households of Santarém (PA), occupied during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,. Although these social groups manipulated material culture aiming to express different values, related to hierarchy, social segmentation, and affirmation of identities, ambiguity also characterizes these assemblages. This material ambiguity informs about the mixtures of both practices and cultural references that brought about the building of a mestizo society.Com base na análise da cultura material proveniente de unidades domésticas do núcleo urbano de Santarém (PA), ocupadas nos séculos XVIII e XIX, o presente artigo discute os processos de trocas culturais entre portugueses, luso-brasileiros, indígenas e mestiços. Embora esses grupos sociais tenham manipulado a cultura material visando expressar diferentes valores, relacionados à hierarquia, segmentação social e afirmação de identidades, a ambigüidade é uma característica das amostras analisadas, informando sobre as misturas de práticas e de referenciais culturais que levaram à construção de uma sociedade mestiça

    Gas Pobre: Factibilidad de su uso en los motores ZIL – 130;

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    En este trabajo se hace un estudio de los diferentes tipos de gasificadores existentes, as&iacute; como el estado actual de la tecnolog&iacute;a de gasificaci&oacute;n, realizando la selecci&oacute;n del gasificador Downdraft Imbert Modificado, desarrollado por investigaciones del grupo de Conversi&oacute;n T&eacute;rmica de la Biomasa de la Universidad de Camag&uuml;ey, por las ventajasque el mismo presenta para el accionamiento directo de un Motor de Combusti&oacute;n Interna, las cuales son, baja concentraci&oacute;n de alquitr&aacute;n en el gas pobre (&lt;10mg/Nm3) y baja temperatura del gas producto a la salida del gasificador, el motor seleccionado es el ZIL-130, por ser de amplio uso en nuestro pa&iacute;s y estar perfectamente adaptado al entorno cubano, se les realizaron diferentes c&aacute;lculos te&oacute;ricos con el objetivo de visualizar sucomportamiento al sustituirle su combustible original por gas pobre as&iacute; como una valoraci&oacute;n econ&oacute;mica de dicha sustituci&oacute;n, tambi&eacute;n se logro dimensionar el gasificador que alimentar&aacute; dichos motores.&nbsp;In this work a study of the different types of existent gasifiers is made, as well as the current state of the gasification technology, carrying out the selection of the gasifier Downdraft Modified Imbert, developed by investigations of the group of Thermal Conversion of the Biomass, for the advantages that the same one presents for the direct working ofa MCI, which are, low concentration of tar in the poor gas (&lt;10mg/Nm3) and low temperature of the gas product to, the selected motor is the ZIL-130, to be of wide use in our country and to be perfectly adapted to the Cuban environment, they were carried out different theoretical calculations with the objective of visualizing its behavior whensubstituting him its original fuel for poor gas as well as an economic valuation of this substitution, you also achieves dimensionar the gasifier that will feed this motors.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p

    Modelagem fluidodinâmica do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar: projeto de gaseificador de leito fluidizado borbulhante

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    Neste trabalho foi realizada a caracterização física, geométrica e fluidodinâmica do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar visando o projeto e dimensionamento de um gaseificador de leito fluidizado borbulhante para pequena e média capacidade térmica (até 25 MW térmicos). As principais propriedades físicas e químicas como massa específica real, aparente e a granel, assim como os teores de umidade, cinzas, material volátil e carbono fixo presentes neste material foram determinadas aplicando normas vigentes para este tipo de resíduo. Também foi realizada uma caracterização geométrica através de técnicas de análise de imagens, determinando-se a esfericidade e razão de aspecto para todas as faixas de diâmetro de partículas estudadas, obtendo-se um valor médio de 0,39 no caso da esfericidade para o bagaço em seu estado natural. Através do estudo fluidodinâmico verificou-se que partículas de bagaço de cana com diâmetros característicos entre 0,59 – 9,5 mm não são fluidizáveis, apresentando uma tendência a coesão e formação de canais preferenciais. Foi constatado que o emprego dos modelos existentes até agora para a previsão da velocidade mínima de fluidização (Vmf), tanto para partículas de bagaço, quanto para misturas delas com material inerte, não preveem de forma adequada este parâmetro. Indicando erros entre 85% e mais de 100% em cada um desses caso, pelo que foram deselvolvidos dois novos modelos específicos para partículas de bagaço de cana e para misturas delas com areia, os quais previram com melhor exatidão os valores da (Vmf), com um erro máximo de 6,3%, para partículas de bagaço, e de até 30% para 88% das 25 condições experimentais testadas no caso de misturas. Conclui-se também que, para garantir uma boa fluidização, a fração em massa máxima de bagaço na mistura deve ser entre 2 - 5%. Uma nova metodologia é proposta baseada nos novos modelos desenvolvidos para a determinação da (Vmf), tornando possível o projeto e dimensionamento de gaseificadores de leito fluidizado borbulhante, sendo determinado que reatores trabalhando com misturas de bagaço e areia são 30% maiores que reatores empregando somente partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar com uma eficiência a frio de 58,5%.In this work is carried out a physical, geometric and fluid-dynamics characterization of sugarcane bagasse, aiming to design and sizing a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier for small and medium power (up to 25 MW thermal). The main physical and chemical properties as real density, bulk density and apparent density, as well as, the content of moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon present in the bagasse, were determined by applying the standars norms suitable for this type of residue. It was also made a geometric characterization by image analysis techniques, being determined the sphericity and aspect ratio for all diameter ranger of studied particles, obtaining an average value of 0.39 in the case of sphericity for bagasse in it is natural form. Through the fluid dynamic study it was found that bagasse particles with typical diameters between 0,59 – 9,5 mm are not fluidizable, showing a tendency to cohesion and formation of preferential channels. It has been found that the use of the existing models to date for determination of the minimum fluidization velocity for bagasse particles and for mixtures of them with inert, do not predict the right way this parameter, introduced errors of up to 85% to over 100% in both cases, therefore were developed two new models specifically for sugarcane bagasse particles and mixtures of them with sand, with a maximum error of 6.3% in the first case, and 30% for the 88% of the 25 experimental conditions tested in the case of mixtures. Concluding that to ensure a good fluidization, the maximum mass fraction of bagasse in the mixture should be between 2 - 5%. A new methodology is proposed based on the new models developed, making possible the design and dimensioning of the bubbling fluidized bed gasifier, determining that reactors working with mixtures of sugarcane bagasse and sand are 30% higher than reactors employing solely sugarcane bagasse particles, with a cold gas efficiency of 58.5%.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Estudio termodinámico y dimensionamiento de un gasificador downdraft para um sistema de cogeneración compacto en comunidades aisladas

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    The gasification system has been used for manyyears ago. It has demonstrated a good way for to solveenergetic problems for isolated communities. In thispaper, is studied the gasification system associated tointernal combustion engine. Are considered technicaland economical aspects for the system design forapplications in rural localities where the electricityenergy is not possible since economical and socialviewpoint. In this manner social contribution andeconomical benefits can be determinated.Qc 2012020

    Teaching of German as a Foreign Language using Accurate Learning Strategies in the Context of Experimental Learning

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    Diplomdarba tēma ir ”Vācu valodas kā svešvalodas apguve atbilstoši mācīšanās uztveres tipam eksperimentālās mācību metodes ietvaros”. Diplomdarbā tiek apskatīti eksperimentālie mācīšanās tipi vācu valodas apguves procesā, izmantojot gramatikas un tulkošanas metodi. Darbā ietvertas anotācijas latviešu, vācu un angļu valodās, ievads, teorētiskā daļa ar 5 nodaļām un apakšnodaļām, praktiskā daļa ar 6 nodaļām un apakšnodaļām, secinājumi, tēzes un izmantotās literatūras saraksts. Pielikumā ir prakses laikā izmantotie materiāli un stundu apraksti. Darbā tika izpētīts, ka asimilējošais (domātāja) mācīšanās tips vācu valodas stundās, kurās izmanto gramatikas un tulkošanas metodi, sasniedz labākus panākumus nekā pārējie eksperimentālie mācīšanās tipi. Diplomdarba teorētiskajā daļā tiek analizēta pedagoģiskā un metodiskā literatūra par diplomdarba tēmu. Praktiskā daļa ir izstrādāta, pamatojoties uz prakses laikā skolā vācu valodas stundās veikto pētījumu, pielietojot gramatikas tulkošanas metodi,The theme of the graduation paper is “German as acquisition of the foreign language according to the perceptive type in the framework of the experimental teaching methods.” In the graduation paper experimental teaching methods, in the acquisition process of the German, are examined, using the method of the grammar and translation. The work comprises annotation in Latvian, English and German, introduction, theoretical part with 5 chapters and subchapters, practical part with 6 chapters and subchapters, conclusions, theses and references. Appendix contains materials and description of the lessons during the time of practice. In this paper author has studied assimilating (thinker) acquisition type in the lessons of the German, where the method of grammar and translation were used and which gained better achievement than other experimental acquisition types. In the theoretical part of the paper is analyzed pedagogical and methodological literature according to the theme of the graduati

    Tar reduction in downdraft biomass gasifier using a primary method

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    This work present a novel primary method, for tar reduction in downdraft gasification. The principle of this new technology is to change the fluid dynamic behaviour of the mixture, formed by pyrolysis product and gasification agent in combustion zone; allowing a homogeneous temperature distribution in radial direction in this reaction zone. To achieve the change in the fluid dynamic behaviour of the mixture; the entry of gasification agent to combustion zone is oriented by means of wall nozzles in order to form a swirl flow. This modification in combination with the extension of the reduction zone, will allow, to increases the efficiency of the tar thermal cracking inside the gasifier and the extension of the Boudouard reactions. Consequently, the quantity of tar passing through the combustion zone without cracking and the concentration of tar in the final gas, decrease significantly in relation with the common value obtained for this type of reactor, without affecting significantly the heating value of the producer gas. In this work is presented a new design for 15 kW downdraft gasification reactor, with this technology implemented, the tar content obtained in the experiments never overcome 10 mg/Nm3, with a lower heating value of 3.97 MJ/Nm3