10 research outputs found


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    The present article highlights the results of social cohesion study fulfilled in the university community of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. It contains the consideration of social cohesion as an important factor of interpersonal communication, other social skills which are important for the community development. The purpose of the study was to identify the level of social cohesion for university community, to test the Bertelsmann Stiftung Model of Social Cohesion at the community level. Methods that were used in the study are synthesis, analysis, math, social questionnaire, etc. In the research the only data collection tool was the author’s questionnaire. There were 112 people interviewed, among them 47 employees and 65 students of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. According to the study results, the level of social cohesion in the university community is quite sufficient, which positively characterizes the attitude of employees and students to each other, reflects their readiness for mutual respect and support, acceptance of differences and tolerance etc. Also the research highlights weak points of social interactions that form the base for further investigations and actions on social cohesion development


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    The relevance of the research topic is that modern societies are diverse and face several challenges that appear to threaten sustainable community development. Many of them are related to diversity and intercultural communication issues. The purpose of the article is to determine the main aspects and practical applications of diversity and intercultural competence in the focus of community sustainable development. The objectives are to look through recent publications dedicated to the various aspects of intercultural competence and diversity competence; to analyze and summarize the models of intercultural communication and competence described in recent publications, as well as diversity competences; to formulate the basic principles of diversity management for sustainable development of educational and business communities. Study results. The article outlines the main features of different models of intercultural and diversity competence. The main approaches to intercultural and diversity competence in the educational and business spheres are investigated. A set of key values and key diversity competencies is presented. Part of the study of social cohesion was the change in the parameters of intercultural and diversity competence in a crisis society. Methodology of the research. The theoretical foundations of diversity management are based on a comparative analysis of recent publications on this issue and the results of modern social practice of organizations in the field of diversity management. The methodological and practical foundations of the above research are based on the previous intercultural and social cohesion studies at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (now Ukrainian State Dragomanov University). The Social Cohesion Radar Model has been adopted for practical research in the educational community. This made it possible to present some indicators of social cohesion – "acceptance of diversity" and "trust" as key factors for successful communication, social relations, and, consequently, community development. This model provides an understanding of "acceptance of diversity" and "trust" as key components of social cohesion and monitoring their status in different situations of social challenges, including the challenges of the war in Ukraine and the pandemic. A working analogy of the Diversity Radar model for monitoring and assessing diversity intelligence in a community is presented. Practical significance of the research. The study identified the level of acceptance of multicultural diversity in the community and outlined weaknesses for further strengthening with appropriate social and educational tools. The article collects and analyzes various diversity competencies and practical steps to develop diverse and sustainable communities, especially educational ones

    Social cohesion and intercultural studies in the educational community

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    The article shows the important role of social cohesion as a social phenomenon, its impact on the development of society and intercultural communication. The social role of trust, in particular, in the development of social cohesion, is also shown. Social cohesion acquires acute relevance and importance in the current time of social transformations, as cohesion allows communities overcome various fluctuations and changes. The social cohesion as complex social phenomenon has been analyzed in the focus of intercultural studies. The aim of the research was to investigate the important spheres of social cohesion related to intercultural communication in the educational community, in particular, in the university community of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. The research conducted several times, including the crisis states of society – pan-demic and war conflict in Ukraine. This research continues social cohesion studies, which are conducted in the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University since 2016, and demonstrates one of the current stages. The methodological tool is an adaptation of the "Social Cohesion Radar" model at the university community level. The study is based on primary data from the author's questionnaire. The important role of social cohesion, trust and values in intercultural communication is demonstrated

    Behavioral Models of Decisions-Making by Business and Industry Stakeholders

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    Метою наукової статті є обґрунтування методологічного інструментарію для ухвалення рішень зацікавленими сторонами бізнесу і промисловості, який заснований на розробленні динамічної багатосторонньої моделі стратегічного контракту з урахуванням альтернативних варіантів поведінки агентів. Для досягнення мети дослідження були використані такі методи: системний аналіз, логічне узагальнення, статистичний і порівняльний аналіз, принципи контрактної теорії фірми, концепція динамічних здібностей, методи теорії активних систем і т.д. У результаті дослідження актуалізовано доцільність трансформаційного розвитку трансдисциплінарності між поведінковими науками і кількісними методами управління в контексті розвитку контрактної теорії фірми, а саме щодо розробки методологічної основи для прийняття рішень стейкхолдерами бізнесу і промисловості. Обґрунтовано результативність використання динамічної багатосторонньої моделі стратегічного контракту, яка враховує моделі поведінки основних стейкхолдерів (інвестор-власник-працівники) на основі індивідуальних функцій корисності, що в результаті пов’язує між собою три завдання, які послідовно вирішуються протягом кожного періоду. Для цільового використання поведінкових ефектів, що виникають між учасниками договору в процесі його реалізації, запропонована модель агентських відносин базується на взаємозв'язку між собою і загальними результатами стратегії. Представлені варіанти планування ефективності контрактів взаємодії агентів бізнесу і промисловості на основі застосування організаційно-економічних інструментів управління, які визначаються ними самостійно або під цілеспрямованим впливом з метою створення додаткових поведінкових передумов. Запропонована динамічна багатостороння модель синтезує передумови й умови для ефективності пухвалення рішень зацікавленими сторонами бізнесу і промисловості в умовах ризику і невизначеності. Вона дозволяє враховувати кілька поведінкових ефектів, що виникають між сторонами контракту, виходячи з індивідуальної корисності вкладу в реалізацію бізнес-стратегії. Практична значимість отриманих результатів полягає в тому, що використання розроблених моделей ухвалення рішень стейкхолдерами бізнесу і промисловості з метою стратегічного планування ресурсів на основі оптимізації використання організаційно-економічних ресурсів сприятиме концентрації на релевантних поведінкових аспектах агентів і обмеженнях з урахуванням обміну між внутрішнім і зовнішнім середовищем.Целью научной статьи является обоснование методологического инструментария для принятия решений заинтересованными сторонами бизнеса и промышленности, основанного на разработке динамической многосторонней модели стратегического контракта с учетом альтернативных вариантов поведения агентов. Для достижения цели исследования были использованы следующие методы: системный анализ, логическое обобщение, статистический и сравнительный анализ, принципы контрактной теории фирмы, концепция динамических возможностей, способы теории активных систем и т.д. В результате исследования актуализирована целесообразность трансформационного развития трансдисциплинарности между поведенческими науками и количественными методами управления в контексте развития контрактной теории фирмы, а именно по разработке методологической основы для принятия решений стейкхолдерами бизнеса и промышленности. Обоснована результативность использования динамической многосторонней модели стратегического контракта, которая учитывает модели поведения основных стейкхолдеров (инвестор-владелец-работники) на основе индивидуальных функций полезности, что в результате связывает между собой три задачи, которые решаются последовательно в течение каждого периода. Для целевого использования поведенческих эффектов, возникающих между участниками договора в процессе его реализации, предложенная модель агентских отношений базируется на взаимосвязи между собой и общих результатах стратегии. Представлены варианты планирования эффективности контрактов взаимодействия агентов бизнеса и промышленности на основе применения организационно-экономических инструментов управления, определяемых ими самостоятельно или под целенаправленным воздействием с целью создания дополнительных поведенческих предпосылок. Предлагаемая динамическая многосторонняя модель синтезирует предпосылки и условия для эффективности принятия решений заинтересованными сторонами бизнеса и промышленности в условиях риска и неопределенности. Она позволяет учитывать несколько поведенческих эффектов, возникающих между сторонами контракта исходя из индивидуальной полезности вклада в реализацию бизнес-стратегии. Практическая значимость полученных результатов состоит в том, что использование разработанных моделей принятия решений стейкхолдерами бизнеса и промышленности в целях стратегического планирования ресурсов на основе оптимизации использования организационно-экономических ресурсов будет способствовать концентрации на релевантных поведенческих аспектах агентов и ограничениях с учетом обмена между внутренней и внешней средой.The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methodological toolkit for decision-making by business and industry stakeholders, which is based on the development of a dynamic multilateral model of a strategic contract, taking into account the alternatives of agent behavior. In order to achieve the purpose of the study were used following methods: system analysis, logical generalisation, statistical and comparative analysis, principles of contract theory of the firm, the concept of dynamic abilities, methods of the theory of active systems etc. According to findings it is actualized the expediency of the transformational development of transdisciplinarity between behavioral sciences and quantitative methods of management in the context of the development of the contract theory of a firm, namely, regarding the development of a methodological basis for decision-making by business and industry stakeholders. The effectiveness of the use of a dynamic multilateral model of a strategic contract is substantiated, which takes into account the behavioral models of the main stakeholders (investor-owneremployees) based on individual utility functions, which as a result connects three tasks that are consistently solved during each period. For the targeted use of the behavioral effects that arise between the parties to the contract in the process of its implementation, the proposed model of agency relations is based on the relationship between themselves and the overall results of the strategy. It is presented the options for planning the effectiveness of contracts for the interaction of agents based on the use of organizational and economic management tools, which are determined by them independently or under targeted influence in order to create additional behavioral prerequisites. The proposed dynamic multilateral model synthesizes the prerequisites, conditions for the effectiveness of decision-making by business and industry stakeholders in conditions of risk and uncertainty. It allows to consider several behavioral effects that arise between the parties to the contract, based on the individual usefulness of the contribution to the implementation of the business strategy. The practical significance of the obtained results manifests itself in the fact that the use of the developed decision-making models by business and industry stakeholders for the purpose of strategic resource planning based on the optimization of the use of organizational and economic resources will contribute to the concentration on the relevant behavioral aspects of agents and restrictions, taking into account the exchange between the internal and external environments

    Educational Cognitive Technologies as Human Adaptation Strategies

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    Modernity is characterized by profound changes in all spheres of human life caused by the global transformations on macro and micro levels of social reality. These changes allow us to speak about the present as the era of civilizational transition in the mode of uncertainty. Therefore, this situation demands qualitative transformations of human adaptive strategies and educational technologies accordingly. The dominant role in the dynamics of pedagogics and andragogy’s landscape belongs to transformative learning. The transformative learning theory is considered as the relevant approach to education of the individual, which is able to become an autonomous communicative actor of the social complexity. The article considers the cognitive technologies of social cohesion development and perspectives of their implementation in the educational dimension. In addition to implementing the principles of inclusion, equity in education, an important factor for improving social cohesion, stability and unity of society is the development of cognitive educational technologies. The key factors and foundations for the cognitive educational technologies are transversal competencies. They create the conditions for civil, public dialogue, non-violent type of communication. These “21st century skills” are extremely important for better human adaptation. One of the aspects and roots of social adaptation is social cohesion. Mutual determinations and connections between social cohesion development and transversal competences have been shown. The perspective direction of further researches is to find a methodological base for the further development of cognitive education technologies and platform for realization of innovative services for educational programs. New educational paradigm offers the concept of human adaptation as cognitive effectiveness and how to reach it through educational technologies. The article includes topics of creative thinking, teambuilding abilities, effective decision-making, engagement in the learning and teaching processes, cognitive skills improvement, social cohesion abilities, et

    Intercultural education and social innovation approaches as answers to societal challenges of migration

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    Social reality is always in the process of changing. Globalisation has made these changes more abrupt with a more powerful impact. Migrations break one equilibrium and then create another. As a result, social reality is constantly facing new challenges. With ever-increasing immigration, social reality does not have time to settle an equilibrium that has to cope with significant changes. These situations can lead to social unrest. Both social innovations and intercultural education are constructive responses to these challenges. The manuscript aims to analyse how intercultural education and social innovation can be an opportunity to contribute to making societies more sustainable and cohesiv

    Social cohesion in education: Cognitive research in the university community

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    The present article highlights the results of social cohesion study fulfilled in the university community of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. It contains the consideration of social cohesion as an important factor of interpersonal communication, other social skills which are important for the community development. The purpose of the study was to identify the level of social cohesion for university community, to test the Bertelsmann Stiftung Model of Social Cohesion at the community level. Methods that were used in the study are synthesis, analysis, math, social questionnaire, etc. In the research the only data collection tool was the author’s questionnaire. There were 112 people interviewed, among them 47 employees and 65 students of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. According to the study results, the level of social cohesion in the university community is quite sufficient, which positively characterizes the attitude of employees and students to each other, reflects their readiness for mutual respect and support, acceptance of differences and tolerance etc. Also the research highlights weak points of social interactions that form the base for further investigations and actions on social cohesion development

    Implementation of EU Practice on the University’s Third Mission a participate project: the case of University of Genoa and Dragomanov State University

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    The University is a key player in regional development. The third mission of universities is defined as the activities of universities aimed at solving social and economic problems, including those related to realising sustainable development goals. The manuscript aim is to describe the impact of the Erasmus+ project activities on the University aims reset, especially in the crisis period The third mission of the Dragomanov Ukrainian State University could be considered as the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education is gearing up to launch a social-oriented initiatives aimed at enlightening the general public about the intricacies of social interaction with individuals experiencing persistent or functional disorders of psychophysical development. These vulnerable groups include individuals with special educational needs, encompassing those with disabilities, internally displaced persons, participants in military operations, and their families, all of whom will benefit from comprehensive psychological assistance and ongoing support

    Trust as a cognitive base of social cohesion in the university communities

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    The present article continues the cycle of the cognitive researches of the phenomenon of social cohesion in education, in particular, in the university communities. It contains the cognitive research of trust and its foundation as the central focus of social cohesion. The purpose of the study is to identify the level of trust which is connected with the social cohesion in university communities, to test the author’s questionnaire and to determinate the further steps for the trust enhancement in the educational community. Methods that were used in the study are the author’s questionnaire, math analytics etc. There were 196 people interviewed in both universities, among them 31 employees and 85 students of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and 33 employees and 47 students of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. According to the research results, the level of trust in each university community (as well as in common) was average, excluding some indicators. Although there were some differences between levels of trust of employees of these universities. We can assume that the quite sufficient average level or trust positively characterizes the attitude of employees and students to each other, reflects their readiness for mutual respect and support, acceptance of differences and tolerance etc. Also, the research highlights weak points of social interactions that form the base for further investigations and actions on the social cohesion development


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    The present article continues the cycle of the cognitive researches of the phenomenon of social cohesion in education, in particular, in the university communities. It contains the cognitive research of trust and its foundation as the central focus of social cohesion. The purpose of the study is to identify the level of trust which is connected with the social cohesion in university communities, to test the author’s questionnaire and to determinate the further steps for the trust enhancement in the educational community. Methods that were used in the study are the author’s questionnaire, math analytics etc. There were 196 people interviewed in both universities, among them 31 employees and 85 students of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and 33 employees and 47 students of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. According to the research results, the level of trust in each university community (as well as in common) was average, excluding some indicators. Although there were some differences between levels of trust of employees of these universities. We can assume that the quite sufficient average level or trust positively characterizes the attitude of employees and students to each other, reflects their readiness for mutual respect and support, acceptance of differences and tolerance etc. Also, the research highlights weak points of social interactions that form the base for further investigations and actions on the social cohesion development