290 research outputs found

    Avoiding or restricting defectors in public goods games?

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    When creating a public good, strategies or mechanisms are required to handle defectors. We first show mathematically and numerically that prior agreements with posterior compensations provide a strategic solution that leads to substantial levels of cooperation in the context of public goods games, results that are corroborated by available experimental data. Notwithstanding this success, one cannot, as with other approaches, fully exclude the presence of defectors, raising the question of how they can be dealt with to avoid the demise of the common good. We show that both avoiding creation of the common good, whenever full agreement is not reached, and limiting the benefit that disagreeing defectors can acquire, using costly restriction mechanisms, are relevant choices. Nonetheless, restriction mechanisms are found the more favourable, especially in larger group interactions. Given decreasing restriction costs, introducing restraining measures to cope with public goods free-riding issues is the ultimate advantageous solution for all participants, rather than avoiding its creation.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    A teleofunctional account of evolutionary mismatch.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10539-016-9527-1When the environment in which an organism lives deviates in some essential way from that to which it is adapted, this is described as "evolutionary mismatch," or "evolutionary novelty." The notion of mismatch plays an important role, explicitly or implicitly, in evolution-informed cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, and medicine. The evolutionary novelty of our contemporary environment is thought to have significant implications for our health and well-being. However, scientists have generally been working without a clear definition of mismatch. This paper defines mismatch as deviations in the environment that render biological traits unable, or impaired in their ability, to produce their selected effects (i.e., to perform their proper functions in Neander's sense). The machinery developed by Millikan in connection with her account of proper function, and with her related teleosemantic account of representation, is used to identify four major types, and several subtypes, of evolutionary mismatch. While the taxonomy offered here does not in itself resolve any scientific debates, the hope is that it can be used to better formulate empirical hypotheses concerning the effects of mismatch. To illustrate, it is used to show that the controversial hypothesis that general intelligence evolved as an adaptation to handle evolutionary novelty can, contra some critics, be formulated in a conceptually coherent way

    Evolutionary explanations in medical and health profession courses: are you answering your students' "why" questions?

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    BACKGROUND: Medical and pre-professional health students ask questions about human health that can be answered in two ways, by giving proximate and evolutionary explanations. Proximate explanations, most common in textbooks and classes, describe the immediate scientifically known biological mechanisms of anatomical characteristics or physiological processes. These explanations are necessary but insufficient. They can be complemented with evolutionary explanations that describe the evolutionary processes and principles that have resulted in human biology we study today. The main goal of the science of Darwinian Medicine is to investigate human disease, disorders, and medical complications from an evolutionary perspective. DISCUSSION: This paper contrasts the differences between these two types of explanations by describing principles of natural selection that underlie medical questions. Thus, why is human birth complicated? Why does sickle cell anemia exist? Why do we show symptoms like fever, diarrhea, and coughing when we have infection? Why do we suffer from ubiquitous age-related diseases like arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's and others? Why are chronic diseases like type II diabetes and obesity so prevalent in modern society? Why hasn't natural selection eliminated the genes that cause common genetic diseases like hemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis, Tay sachs, PKU and others? SUMMARY: In giving students evolutionary explanations professors should underscore principles of natural selection, since these can be generalized for the analysis of many medical questions. From a research perspective, natural selection seems central to leading hypotheses of obesity and type II diabetes and might very well explain the occurrence of certain common genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, Tay sachs, Fragile X syndrome, G6PD and others because of their compensating advantages. Furthermore, armed with evolutionary explanations, health care professionals can bring practical benefits to patients by treating their symptoms of infection more specifically and judiciously. They might also help curtail the evolutionary arms race between pathogens and antibiotic defenses

    Anticipatory nausea in cyclical vomiting

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    BACKGROUND: Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is characterised by discrete, unexplained episodes of intense nausea and vomiting, and mainly affects children and adolescents. Comprehending Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome requires awareness of the severity of nausea experienced by patients. As a subjective symptom, nausea is easily overlooked, yet is the most distressing symptom for patients and causes many behavioural changes during attacks. CASE PRESENTATION: This first-hand account of one patient's experience of Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome shows how severe nausea contributed to the development of anticipatory nausea and vomiting (ANV), a conditioned response frequently observed in chemotherapy patients. This conditioning apparently worsened the course of the patient's disease. Anticipatory nausea and vomiting has not previously been recognised in Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, however predictors of its occurrence in oncology patients indicate that it could complicate many cases. CONCLUSION: We suggest a model whereby untreated severe and prolonged nausea provokes anxiety about further cyclical vomiting attacks. This anxiety facilitates conditioning, thus increasing the range of triggers in a self-perpetuating manner. Effective management of the nausea-anxiety feedback loop can reduce the likelihood of anticipatory nausea and vomiting developing in other patients

    Evolutionism and genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder

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    The authors discuss, from the evolutionary concept, how flight and fight responses and tonic immobility can lead to a new understanding of posttraumatic stress disorder. Through the analysis of symptom clusters (revivals, avoidance and hyperexcitation), neurobiological and evolutionary findings are correlated. The current discoveries on posttraumatic stress disorder genetics are summarized and analyzed in this evolutionary perspective, using concepts to understand the gene-environment interaction, such as epigenetic. The proposal is that the research of susceptibility factors in posttraumatic stress disorder must be investigated from the factorial point of view, where their interactions increase the risk of developing the disorder, preventing a unique search of the cause of this disorder. The research of candidate genes in posttraumatic stress disorder must take into consideration all the systems associated with processes of stress response, such as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic axes, mechanisms of learning, formation and extinguishing of declarative memories, neurogenesis and apoptosis, which involve many systems of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and neurohormones.Os autores discutem, a partir do conceito evolutivo, como a resposta de estresse, nas suas possibilidades de fuga e luta e de imobilidade tônica, pode levar a uma nova compreensão etiológica do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Através da análise dos agrupamentos de sintomas desse diagnóstico - revivência, evitação e hiperexcitação -, procuram correlacionar os achados neurobiológicos e evolutivos. As descobertas atuais sobre a genética do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático são resumidas e colocadas nessa perspectiva evolutiva, dentro de conceitos que possibilitam o entendimento da interação gene/ambiente, como a epigenética. Propõem que a pesquisa dos fatores de risco do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático deva ser investigada do ponto de vista fatorial, onde a somatória destes aumenta o risco de desenvolvimento do quadro, não sendo possível a procura da causa do transtorno de forma única. A pesquisa de genes candidatos no transtorno de estresse pós-traumático deve levar em consideração todos os sistemas associados aos processos de respostas ao estresse, sistemas dos eixos hipotálamo-hipofisário-adrenal e simpático, mecanismos de aprendizado, formação de memórias declarativas, de extinção e esquecimento, da neurogênese e da apoptose, que envolvem vários sistemas de neurotransmissores, neuropeptídeos e neuro-hormônios.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)(UNIFESP)UNIFESP Departamento de PsiquiatriaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicin Hospital de ClínicasUNIFESP, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    The association of Social Anxiety Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder and reproduction: Results from four nationally representative samples of adults in the USA.

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    Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) are highly prevalent and frequently co-occur. The results of population studies suggest that SAD tends to precede AUD, and the results of laboratory studies suggest that alcohol use facilitates social behaviors in socially anxious individuals. Therefore, we posited that, in a modern context, a tendency to consume alcohol may be positively selected for among socially anxious individuals by its effect on the likelihood of finding a partner and reproducing. We tested the hypothesis that a higher proportion of individuals with a lifetime diagnosis of SAD and AUD reproduce (i.e., have at least one child) relative to individuals with SAD absent AUD in an individual participant meta-analysis based on over 65,000 adults derived from four nationally representative cross-sectional samples. We then cross-validated these findings against the results of a 10-year follow up of one of these surveys. Lifetime history of SAD was not associated with reproduction whereas lifetime history of AUD was positively associated with reproduction. There was no statistically detectable difference in the proportion of individuals with a lifetime history of SAD with or without AUD who reproduced. There was considerable heterogeneity in all of the analyses involving SAD, suggesting that there are likely to be other pertinent variables relating to SAD and reproduction that should be delineated

    Beneficial Betrayal Aversion

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    Many studies demonstrate the social benefits of cooperation. Likewise, recent studies convincingly demonstrate that betrayal aversion hinders trust and discourages cooperation. In this respect, betrayal aversion is unlike socially “beneficial” preferences including altruism, fairness and inequity aversion, all of which encourage cooperation and exchange. To our knowledge, other than the suggestion that it acts as a barrier to rash trust decisions, the benefits of betrayal aversion remain largely unexplored. Here we use laboratory experiments with human participants to show that groups including betrayal-averse agents achieve higher levels of reciprocity and more profitable social exchange than groups lacking betrayal aversion. These results are the first rigorous evidence on the benefits of betrayal aversion, and may help future research investigating cultural differences in betrayal aversion as well as future research on the evolutionary roots of betrayal aversion. Further, our results extend the understanding of how intentions affect social interactions and exchange and provide an effective platform for further research on betrayal aversion and its effects on human behavior